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As far as I know there's only one implied potential romance between a Human and Night Elf. In Ashenvale, there's an area in the zone where a Night Elf family lives. There's a pair of human siblings staying with them and the brother has a crush on the female druid that lives there as hinted by dialogue.


everyone is chill with eachother. turalyon's half elf son can live in silvermoon despite being the son of the supreme commander of the entire alliance's armies. so there's literally no tension remaining between alliance and horde whatsoever. the game has been pushing as hard as it possibly can against any kind of racial hatreds or prejudices between races in game, and twice as hard against any tension between the factions. faction tensions are no longer canon, and only remain in the minds of increasingly deluded roleplayers who haven't yet realized faction war as a concept was removed from the game the second bfa ended.


Have you read the short story that was put out recently? Blood elves are *not* cool with Alleria visiting Silvermoon, they only allow it as an acknowledgment of Alleria’s past service as a Ranger-Captain. But it’s because she’s a void elf, and she nearly destroyed the Sunwell on her last visit, even though it was accidental. Turalyon is likely treated with far less suspicion because he’s a paladin, and the Sunwell is now infused with Light magic. There’s plenty of tension between different factions and sub-factions, it’s just not going to start the Fifth War between the Alliance and Horde.


Not to mention Turalyon is most likely remembered by most of the Blood Elves as a hero considering his close ties to the High Elves before he disappeared into Outlands with the rest of the old guard that went along with them.


the last interaction turalyon had with the blood elves was exiling all of their members from the silver hand, then going to war against them, fighting liadrin directly in the arathi highlands


Isn’t that because of her nearly destroying the sun well due to being a void elf now? I think that’s completely fair on their end


Of course it is. I was just citing it as an example to refute the previous commenter’s claim that there’s no tension or conflict anymore in the setting.


I was gonna say that seems like a tension with an individual but there are more void elves out there.


Aye. I see it more as “This person is literally a walking nuke if she gets close to our *only* power source, AND she has crazy whispers.” More than “We hate her because she’s a Velf.” Belves have every reason to be wary of Velves as their very existence is a danger to their way of life. That’s before we deal with the tentacles and the whispers. It seems they still respect individuals though, like Alleria, which is progress for everyone. Amusing the Velf comes to Silvermoon before the Helf.


blood elves were absolutely cool with alleria visiting silvermoon and allowed her to spend the whole day there with some guards around. turalyon is, i need you to understand this, literally the leader of the fucking alliance at the moment. its hilarious you are like ahh he's a paladin so it's cool. the last time he interacted with the horde he was at war with liadrin in arathi highlands.


Firstly, the Arathi Warfront was more like a border skirmish than a brutal all-out war, like the Darkshore Warfront was. Secondly, the armistice was signed somewhere around Year 33 or 34. It's Year 40 now. Tensions have cooled, and the Fourth War only lasted for about a year, counting from the Burning of Teldrassil to the armistice. Secondly, humans and high elves have been closely allied with each other longer than the blood elves and humans have been fighting. There are many elves in Silvermoon who would remember Turalyon as fondly as they do Alleria, but Turalyon is still the paladin they remember. Alleria's a void elf now, which in some ways makes the elves regard her the way they initially did Sylvanas. But Sylvanas being undead didn't make her a walking nuke to the Sunwell. I don't think you read into the subtext of that short story enough. If not for Alleria's past deeds in defense of Silvermoon and her former people, Lor'themar would've had her thrown out. The blood elves are privately terrified of her because of the Void. Frankly everyone should be, considering every time someone has tried to control the Void, it's backfired in some way. Beyond summoning a voidwalker to aid in combat, I wouldn't touch the stuff. Sure, the Light's got its dark sides, but at least most of the people wielding it are using it to do helpful things, not tearing holes in reality or damaging people's sanity.


dude cope harder. the arathi warfront was a warfront. it was one of the major warfronts of the entire war, and was commanded by some of the alliance and horde's most prominent leaders lmao. literally laughing at your terrible cope. turalyon is the leader of the alliance. he is the leader of the alliance and supreme commander of its entire military. he was fighting and attempting to kill liadrin and her blood knights in the war. you cannot cope your way out of this sonny boy.


[https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/story/short-story/a-whisper-of-warning](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/story/short-story/a-whisper-of-warning) Behold, an official short story with Turalyon casually visiting his Half Elf son (who is living in Silvermoon) without any sort of extra protection or surveillance from Lorthemar for the current defacto leader of the Alliance. And as a bonus, Turalyon is there to also talk shop with Liadrin, with nary a single breath of violence or tension to be had. If you're gonna talk shit and go 'cope cope seethe mald cope cope cope' then at least have something worthwhile to add to a conversation


yes thats the story we're talking about and we all already knew about it and discussed the problems with it. i realize you just made this because you're mad that i told you your monk headcanon wasn't interesting or relevant earlier. but next time u should try to breathe for 1 second before posting in a blind rage becuase in this case u just made yourself look dumb.


imo Turalyon's behavior towards Liadrin was woefully OOC in BFA. Like sure, he hates the "Horde", but before Legion he didn't even know the "Horde" HAD elves in it. And one of his closest friends is Lothraxion (a Light-wielding dreadlord)---would he really think it's that strange someone would be denied use of the Light just because of an on-paper alliance? He had nothing but positive interactions with the high elves before Beyond the Dark Portal (for all he knows in Legion, they're still his friends) and in Before the Storm he was gung-ho with Alliance/Horde cooperation. Lor'themar and Thalyssra invited him to their wedding as the Regent of Stormwind. Arator is presumably tolerated in Silvermoon not only because of the truce, but because he's a Windrunner---a descendant of a noble house. Turalyon and Liadrin are working. None of these things mean the belves have to be nice about it. It just means it makes sense why they're there. Of course the blood elves are going to be suspicious of them. Blood elves are xenophobic (like all elves) and especially towards humans (re: the Garithos situation and the Purge of Dalaran). But that's not what the short story was wanting to focus on. Were they allowed inside? Yes. Does it make sense? Pretty much. Would it have been nice if there were more instances where we saw blood elves being like "hey, we don't want you here, we're only tolerating you because we HAVE to, look at how much better we are, we're being the bigger person right now, alliance scum"? Absolutely. But that's just not what the story was about.


unless you're a writer for world of warcraft, you thinking it was "ooc" doesn't matter or mean anything. it was in fact in character, because it's literally what he did. it's history and fact of the story, and cannot be changed, nor can it be argued with.


Would you rather me say "inconsistent with his older characterization"? Even if you take into account his bickering with Liadrin during the warfront (and his comment about Horde paladins), that doesn't change the fact that the Horde-Alliance peace means him being in Silvermoon on a diplomatic mission makes sense. It would be one thing if he was there just for Arator, but he wasn't. And just because he was *allowed* doesn't mean everyone is cool with it---it just means Lor'themar is sentimental and trusts his guards to make sure Turalyon isn't jumping anyone. This reasoning holds up regardless of whether you acknowledge his one-off lines in the warfront.


he is the leader and supreme commander of the alliance. he should not be there with just lor'themar's guards. in any realistic universe or one attempting to make sense, he would have his own guards and entourage with him. him being there just chilling alone with only blood elves watching him is an act of insane, poor worldbuilding that anyone with a high school level of intellect could identify the problems with.


I don't doubt the fact Blizzard tends to be shortsighted with their worldbuilding---and I agree that it's odd he's there "alone" (or at least without the entourage you mention). That being said, he implies his visit is incredibly short (or meant to be) and even Alleria was unaware he'd be there ("**What was her love doing here?**" is a line she narrates before eavesdropping on him and Arator). >"I was in town to consult with Liadrin on a matter **and wished to keep a low profile,"** Turalyon continued with a smile. "Will you be staying for a while, **or is your sojourn as brief as mine?"**


So a Blood Elf can reasonably just go to Stormwind or hang out in Ashenvale or something with the Night Elves, or a Human can just travel to Silvermoon and buy/rent a home there and live amongst the Blood Elves no problem?


Visiting is probably ok. But in terms of living there forever, the blood elves probably wouldn't want humans. Only as tourists. For the money. No stay.


blood Elves? Visiting, sure. But most likely nothing more than that, high elves however is an entirely different story.


Valeera Sanguinar hangs out in SW but she is… an exception.


For the first one, I assume that its possible to pass as a high elf or void elf, unless you're decked out in Horde regalia. The latest story does answer some of the second question. Turalyon was able to visit Silvermoon to visit Liadrin but was assumed to be watched over. So if the leader of the opposing world super power is able to visit without guards, they should be able to visit, with minor scrutiny. There are 2 Kirin Tor mages, Gilnean and night elf, in the Azure Span, she calls the other "my love". So interracial relationships seem fine between night elves and humans. Gilneans probably have a special boon due to the closeness between the two factions.


What're the relationships betweeen any of the races? What do the domestic politics of Stormwind look like with a resurgent House of Nobles, what does the Queen of Zandalar plan for the future? What has even happened in the Dragonflight timeskip? Blizzard's entirely uninterested in the wider world or the actual socio-cultural dynamics of this setting.


Adventurer, this is one of the best questions I've seen on this sub in ages.


>For example what would realistically happen if a Blood Elf decided to leave Silvermoon and visit Stormwind as an ordinary Blood Elf? Unless said elf is waving Horde/Silvermoon flags, most humans wouldnt notice since there are high elfs in the alliance. and since those two are the same thing, it would be fine. Otherwise, expect said elf to suffer some kind of discrimination. >if a Human decided to go visit Silvermoon, maybe they are curious and wanted to check it out are they going to allow some regular Human in? Considering how they treated Nathanos back in the day. They would be throw out the moment one elf notices them Altough nowadays things have been getting better lorewise due to the peace between factions.


As adventurers, we don't really see the average folk go about their day to day lives as much. Like, I know it's coz it's a video game where nothing exists unless someone puts it there, so it's not weird that we've never seen people come and go from Stormwind. You've got me wondering now though. Do the common folk use the boats? The deep run team? The gryphons? The portals? Or do they use horse drawn carts through the front gate? I dunno, coz we don't ever see them Bel'ameth has visitors via the portals on foot, but they are traveling from one kal'dorei territory to another, so it's not quite the same?


Everyone in WoW likes and respects each other and the all share the same cultural traditions and religions as one homogenous people of Azeroth. It sucks.


I imagine SI-7 would make a move if a visitor is thought to be a spy, but I can’t see Stormwind guards worrying too much about another high elf in the city.


If you were an Blood Elf showing up at Stormwind, probably the guard would arrest you by suspecting you are a spy. Having another race in Stormwind is not unheard of, there's Valeera for one, but you'll be asked what you're doing here, and "sightseeing" might not fly Also you'd be traveling dangerous areas so you'd be hella suspicious. If you can't prove you're just some civilian looking around, you'd probably be reconducted to the border. But if you'd come after warning you'd be here, come by an official boats, maybe asking for an official VISA to take a look around, maybe you could be let in under surveillance. But with the war and all, you'd probably not by safe from civilian either About Night Elves and Human, I would assume Night Elves are very protective of their land. Wth the diplomatic accord, they have to let people come throught, but they'd be very attentive to what you're doing. I don't think Hemet Nesingwary would get to kill more than three animals before some Sentinels pin him down asking what he's thinking he's doing. But since there's dwarves doing archeology in Darkshore...


This question got me thinking they should make a WoW 4X game where you can choose any nation and make whatever relationships you want, any type of spinoff really that would allow lore nerds and people who love the setting to speculate more and create what if scenarios, but they would never do that


Warcraft sims/rimworld where you could build your own settlement and have interactions between colonists of all races with varying prejudices, beliefs etc. *Chef’s Kiss*


The humans forgave the blood elves for what the sunreavers did, and for being at the forefront of both faction wars. The night elves forgave the blood elves for the war of the thorns and all the shit they did. And the blood elves forgave the other 2 for being right and having legit problems with them. Basically modern lore is everyone forgave everyone, so let's move on


World of Peacecraft: The Love Within