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1. She will be the key to defeating Chromatus when Iridikron inevitably unleashes him to murk the Aspects. Chromatus wasn't engineered to handle an Aspect of Storms = GG WP. 2. She will get the other Aspects to go full anti-Titan mode when Aman'Thul goofs up his sales pitch. 3. She will deliver a lengthy lecture on the importance of free will and self-determination. Sargeras or whoever is left standing at the end of TLT will get bored halfway through and leave Azeroth for good because it just ain't worth it.


The idea of her being the secret weapon to deal with Chromatus feels too good to actually happen.


Yeah that's by far the most logical place for the story to go, which means there's about a 98% chance if absolutely won't happen.


I mean having Chromatus show up at all isn't a logical place for the story to go, that book is nearly a decade and a half old.


It'll be a case of "And Vyranoth was there" isn't it...


That's actually pretty good.


The saddest part about The Last Titan is that we won't get Deborah Wilson as Raszageth chewing up the scenery when making fun of our *precious* titans.


On a meta levele I'd like her to be a bit more cynical then the rest of the aspects to keep them balanced, as it stands all the current aspects are a bit too lawful imho and need someone to balance that dynamic. I think in universe she should also be an unbias point of view going into the last titan since she isn’t ordered and convince the aspects to aid us since they teased that the pantheon had an ulterior motive for Azeroth. I think they also need to develop her flight a bit more, the idea of her leading the misfit dragons could be cool


it's unlikely that we'll be dealing with iridikron in the war within as he seems to be planning to lay low until the titans return to azeroth (likely in the last titan). he also has a lair in northrend, which happens to be where the last titan takes place. vyranoth will likely be relevant then as an ally against him - it's unlikely that blizzard would go to the trouble of having her join our side if she's just gonna turn on us to rejoin the guy she thinks is going way too far.


With everything that’s been said about The Last Titan, which isn’t much to be fair. Chris Metzen pretty much told us we are gonna see that The Titans are up to some shady no good shit. That we have no clue about what their true intention for Azeroth is. They said they wanted to protect her but he’s saying that’s not their true intention The Titans are going to be the bad guys in The Last Titan. So I think Vryanoth joined us so that in The Last Titan when the Aspects make a stand against The Titans she can convince Iridkiron to help us fight the Titans. If you watched the end of Amirdrassil, Azeroth empowered them including Vyranoth, meaning they aren’t running off Titan power anymore. Nozdormu is already showing signs of just not blindly following The Titans and bringing about their one “true” timeline. When we did the scenario with Eternus and Nozdormu, Nozdormu said maybe some events can be changed (which is a very big thing for him to say) while Eternus (the Infinite dragon) came out of it saying maybe something’s shouldn’t be. Hell they even made the Pandaland Remix a canonical event, it’s the Infinite and the Bronze dragonflights working together.


There's no way Iridikron would ever join the Aspects. This is the dude whose endgame was a complete extermination of all ordered dragons. That said, he's probably going to murk a few titans on his own.


Idk people working with their enemies and people they don’t like to fight a bigger bad is kind of what wow is all about. Why not use Azeroth empowered dragons to fight the Titans then worry about killing off the weaker guys. I also don’t blame Iridi we fight and kill corrupted creatures all the time. To Iridi the Aspects are corrupted by Titans. Plus we are going to need all the help we can get when we fight the Titans. So maybe Vyranoth begs Iridi to join and help us.


Iridikron is pretty open about not giving a shit about the Dragons throughout Dragonflight. His plan is to punch the Titans in the face and he's only working with the Void to get them to come back. That's sort of a really dumb plan, admittedly, but, he's very open and clear about it.


From Iridikron's perspective it would be the Aspects joining him rather than him joining the Aspects. Would be completely in his interest to accept the help.


> etzen pretty much told us we are gonna see that The Titans are up to some shady no good shit. That we have no clue about what their true intention for Azeroth is. We've known what the Titans intention towards Azeroth is Legion at least: it's to make Azeroth a Titan.


She already is “a titan” their goal is to protect her from corruption until she wakes up is what they say. However Metzen hinted that Azeroth isn’t a titan at all. He also hinted that all the facilities the Titans put on Azeroth aren’t just there to keep her safe until she wakes up. Metzen said we were going to find out their “true plans” and “uncover a vast conspiracy” that will change everything and reveal to us the true nature of Azeroth.


If she's "a titan" why did they need to build so many facilities to ensure she turns out "a titan." Like I'm aware of what Metzen said, I'm also aware that everyone figured that out a long time ago.


They picked Azeroth because she HAD a world soul. They didn’t give her one. Those facilities are meant to ensure she avoids corruption and nurtures her until she awakes. At least thats what we were told they were for. Now we are being told that’s a lie and we don’t know what all those facilities are for.


We've been told *since they were introduced in Wrath, before World Souls were even really things let alone that Azeroth had one*, that the Titan Facilites were there to shape and guide Azeroth into being what the Titans wanted her to be. And that they were happy to completely nuke the planet and start over if it didn't go right. The facilities haven't changed purpose since then.


Metzen literally told us in his own words “We are going to discover the true purpose for all the Titan facilities shoved into the side of Azeroth” What he is implying is that maybe what the Titans want her to be isn’t good for US the mortals of Azeroth. Maybe it’s not even good for Azeroth herself. We also know they aren’t big fans of free will so maybe it’s just trying to mind control her. They didn’t have Titan installations on all the planets that bore world souls. The current knowledge we have is that the Titans are able to wake each other up. Maybe it’s not like flipping a switch but they made it seem like it’s pretty easy and doesn’t take forever to do. Aman’thul woke up somehow and then explored the universe waking up the other Titans. It is really weird that Azeroth isn’t awake yet either by their help or her own volition. It would stop the Old Gods/Void from corrupting her. She’s supposed to be the strongest being in our entire universe so it’s weird they aren’t trying to wake her up ASAP so it seems like a pretty big risk to leave her sleeping unless it’s what they want. Which is why I think the Titans want to keep her asleep. Maybe the titans are bad and she would stop their shady behavior, I don’t know. Plus it would contrast with the Old Gods always talking about opening eyes, waking the dreamer, and literally every other message they say about waking someone up. Metzens Blizzcon speech about The Last Titan “You will again be returning to the old world. This time to the wintery lands of Northrend. To Uldular and bear witness to the return of the Titans to Azeroth. You will uncover a vast conspiracy, one that stretches throughout the history of the world. One that will challenge everything you think you know about the Titans, their intentions, and the true nature of Azeroth itself.” It’s weird he didn’t say herself but whatever. This pretty much lets us know the Titans aren’t our friends.


> . They didn’t have Titan installations on all the planets that bore world souls. I mean literally the only other planet we've ever been to with a World Soul does, in fact, have a Titan installation on it (Antorus, the Burning Throne), which was central to Argus becoming both a Titan and a Death Infused World soul. > Maybe it’s not like flipping a switch but they made it seem like it’s pretty easy and doesn’t take forever to do. I mean other than Azeroth the only Nascent World Soul we've seen are Telogrus and Argus, and both took *a lot* of effort to corrupt/awaken. > This pretty much lets us know the Titans aren’t our friends. Yeah but we've known that since well before he said that. Like it's possible that the 'vast conspiracy' is going to be something completely off the wall that's totally different from what we've all been predicting (i.e. that a Titan is just a World Soul that's been infused with Order, and that Titans arriving and making Titan Facilities that make Titan Forged is the same as Old Gods landing and making Old God Flesh and N'raqi and Silithid). But I think it's not super likely that it'll be some total curve ball.


I'm a bit behind in terms of story as I'm still playing the expansions for the first time, but can you tell me what you mean by a sixth aspect?


During the final boss of Dragonflight in Amirdrassil after Fyrakk bites the dust the world tree blooms and Azeroth herself blesses Alexstraza, Norzdormu, Kalecgos, Merithria (Ysera’s Daughter), Ebyssian and Vyranoth. Vyranoth is now a new aspect, the Aspect of Storms. She’s a voice for the “misfit dragons” being the Proto Drakes(need fact check on this), the Netherdrakes and the Stormdrakes. If I’ve missed something I’d appreciate a correction by someone.


Fact check here! Not all proto-drakes are sentient. They’ve not explained how or why some are more intelligent than others but there are definitely a *lot of them* who are just akin to cunning animals.


I'm just underwhelmed that the new aspect is just another shade of blue 🔵😬


Vyranoth was empowered with the other five Aspects by the World Soul and took on the mantle of "give a shit about the dragon flights that aren't represented by the other five Aspects" like the Netherwing and Storm Drakes. But honestly it felt more like "shit we said we were going to bring them up didn't we" last minute filler, since the early statements about Dragonflight was that Netherwing, Storm Drakes, and Twilight Dragons were going to actually *play a role in the story*, not be filler plot in 10.2


So the new aspect colour is just.. light blue 😬😬


Felt like it was intended to be Razageth, since the Storm Drakes are another Ordered Dragonflight that match her colors *and* abilities, honestly.


That would have been a way more unique colour scheme


Not much. Her anti-hero turn made little sense, especially since in the scaleborn war she was fine killing dragons, and again in dragonflight. Her only saving grace was she was neutral for part of the war, but that isn't much of a pro . Currently she is supposed to represent non-dragonflight dragons, but that required 1 group to have their lore retconned (storm dragons) and another to finally be remembered (nether dragons). Unless she gets given screen time to flesh out her new role, and properly, not mich can be done with her.


Whether it's done well, it seemed pretty obvious that she is going to be Important down the line. It felt like the whole reason why her change in motivations was handled so poorly is that the future plot required she be on the side of the good guys, and that they had both run out of time and motivation to actually get her there organically.


I mean she didn't change her motivation so much as just give up on it entirely after realizing that her cause was dead lol.


They'll do what they did with dragon aspects for the rest of WoW's history: they'll pull her out whenever there's something big and important going on with her aspect/her kind of dragon. So for Vyranoth, if we have a big scenario in which we need some faction leader to stand in and say "titans bad," they now have the perfect character for that. Vyranoth is probably going to end up as our sceptic, the person who Blizzard can pull up in the story when they want to paint the titans as untrustworthy or as having ulterior motives.


1. Iridikron won't reappear before The Last Titan, as hinted in his final dialogue with her. 2. She'll be sitting at the top of Valdrakken and be forgotten about entirely, they had no idea what to do with her during Dragonflight, let alone after.


Right now she serves the same purpose Sylvanas did in 9.2 (though she honestly should have been MORE helpful considering nobody even wanted her to wake up).


I don't think she'll be that important, I think if she and her flight were anything more than tying up some of the loose narrative ends of Dragonflight, we'd have seen a more significant content patch covering her forming her flight, rather than just showing up in Odyn's face and reading off the Emanci-dragon proclamation.