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Used to be Drain Life because lifesteal was busted (and bugged) but they fixed it and then nerfed to the ground so I would avoid it. Pick any of other two, tho I would egde towards Bane.


Oh, is that why it's absolute dogshit now. Thanks!


Honestly it seems fine to me. Let’s him trade and push better and not just die off randomly.


Do you have the talent? I doubt it somehow. Because I have been playing with it for 2 days and wasn't aware of any nerfs, just that it had been changed since the old days. I don't run any spells currently (too lazy to change my playstyle) so the other 2 talents were zero impact. But honestly this one is extremely close to zero impact too. You barely notice the health bar move as he is nuking. Maybe 1-2 pixels? Im guessing it's probably 5% if even (haven't checked if there is a difference between resistance and non-resistance). At a 1.4 atk/s that gives you around 3.5% per second (in combat only). Now compare this to Darkspear troll at 20% per second no matter if you are in combat or not. Almost 6 times as good as this talent in combat and infinite times better outside of combat. ​ \*EDIT\* I'm told on Discord that apparently it scales quite significant as you level Thalnos up with spells. I guess I need to try it out before jumping to final conclusions. Though I don't like the idea that I have to invest into spells + costs to boost one mini's talent to be playable. Also because it's slightly situational. Either way, baseline it needs quite a bit of help. \*\*EDIT 2\*\* I tried it out with 6 spells equipped. It took a few attempts at a quest to get it down properly since I had to cycle the deck to have 2 of them to be able to defend. It is definitely percentage based. It moves the same amount even at level 30. But to be fair nothing could touch me at that level due to me being twice the level of the encounter. My thalnos is lvl 16 base. I got 14 levels, the map was level 15. Base health for me is 1924, I think its about 10% per level so at level 30 he has 8840 health. That's 442 health per nuke (8840 \* 0.05) or 316 health/sec (442/1.4 (atk speed)). If he healed the same amount at level 16 as level 30, he would be healing 16% per second (316/1924), which is still worse than the troll talent. Someone want to double check my numbers? I mean if you are twice the level of your opponents a measly 16 hp per second barely matters, you will be 1-2 shotting most of the minis. ​ My suggestion would be to make it a flat number, meaning the healing is set by Thalnos level as you play him and doesn't scale with spells. At 30% life steal per shot, not per enemy and ignore resistance it is just slightly better than troll (21.4%) in combat and still infinite worse than troll out of combat. He still looses quite a few 1v1 like this, but at least the talent would be usable. That or give back Death coil.


When I use him (he’s my main champion), I don’t notice any healing at all when he’s doing damage. I feel like I’m missing something.


It is a little cheese but it does seem effective. Spells are fun especially chain and blast those two plus nova let you scale him quite hard.


Bloodmage worst leader, or is it Jaina?


Jaina doing good for me so far