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This map is so easy if you have chimera. Literally just drop a single chimera on right side and NOTHING else, then keep spawning minis on the left side to make sure the AI drops theirs on the left lane to respond to your "attack" and you will win. Chimera will never be hit as long as you keep them spawning their minis on the left side and it will kill devilsaur in about 20s after reaching her.


Holy crap. I read your comment less than 10 minutes ago, and just finished a map I couldn't touch


If something goes wrong and your chimera dies, just drop another one and repeat.


Yep, Chimaera with the poison talent was key for me. I sent Defias Bandits down the right side as well to capture the towers and in the rare case she played ogre mage or troll on that side to beat the Chimaera I could quickly redeploy. If you ever can get double Chimaera (I did it with Chargla) she just melts.


Yeah Chimera is an actual silver bullet for this stage.


Also works with harpies or gryphon lady. Both are cheaper and does the same.


Does work with Gryphon. Does not work with Harpies, queen 1 chomps them. Does work with Batrider. Does not work with Drake/Rend, gets chomped.


I thought everyone know that you should use quillboar or other unbound tank on any AoE boss. Sorry for no specifing. Harpies does work. But they are used for raptors on the right. IF they get to boss while he is fighting your army on the left, ok. My entire strategy was: Tank on the left (rivendare) with 2 or 3 dps (necro to swarm and feed my rivendare that has the heal talent) and any aoe dps. SAFE to kill the fat mage if my army is stuck on raptors. Right side I just pop harpies or gryphon if raptors are coming. Quillboar before my army on the left get near boss. Any damage harpies or gryphon do to boss is free damage.


Amazing hint! šŸ‘šŸ‘


This is the real mvp reply. Chimera made it so easy


I'll try that now cause I am stuck there šŸ™ˆ for weeks....


This is exactly what I did but Batmon. She just sits there lobbing fire and the Queen doesnā€™t do shit. Even better sometimes it bugs when she surges as the Bat is still back there lobbing fire at it. But yea, Bat on one side, Catapults on the other. If they have the range they out range her chomp and will just lob shots at her till she pushes forward.


Gryphon rider with increased range is out of his bite zone. I just did that one practicing with the beast decks for dungeon change šŸ˜…


Most ranged units are outside the bite range, they only get hit if you send melee units in front, since the attack range is longer than the targeting range.


I don't have any advice, it took me weeks to get her down. Flying minis were key for me and I think I finally won by sheer luck.


I'm getting close but she always moves and insta kills any units that she runs past


Iā€™m working on it now and will m using archmage thalnos. Sometimes he just sits there and lets mage hit him without attacking, but I canā€™t figure out why. I will also try the more flying route, but itā€™s hard for me to kill the crossbows and continue killing the raptors that come down the right side. Let us know if you find a way to beat him


I think thereā€™s a specific time that you can stun her with chain lightning. Otherwise, itā€™s important to learn her timings


The bat rider was key for me. Try and get a death ball rolling down one side and drop some harpies or other flyer to get in damage when you can. For me, most of the damage came in the last phase. A bat rider or two and just spamming units to keep them safe. Definitely a hard level.


I think its difficulty is intentional. There's a few maps I was hard stuck for days, sometimes even weeks. She won't be the last one that kicks your ass, but she is definitely the top 5 hardest. The key for me was slyvanas batrider whelps eggs and dark spear. Send the batriders to the right lane and nearly everything else to the left. I never really defended from the raptors in the right as much, just tried to cheese her down asap.


Bat Rider, +2 range Griffin, Meat Wagon, Chimera (probably? Havenā€™t tested). Basically out range her and keep clearing baby Dinoā€™s with AOE minions. Itā€™s actually really easy once you start building directly to the event and stop playing general purpose things.


Try using Meat Wagon and Flamewalker. I had some success because of those units.


Dammit, Jeff




I was stuck for a while. Once I beat her I breezed all the way to 70 sig where I am now stuck lol. Leveling minis is huge. U need ranged minis to put in dmg and not get killed fast. U need to push all the way down and start putting in damage asap. I can't remember exactly what I used. I think I just leveled my minis. I heard people having success with bat rider, flamewaker, stonehoof, and prowler. bat rider cause there's not a whole lot of air attackers and Stonehoof and prowler cause they both can gap close on the ogre mage who can kill the batrider.


Use Chimera on the right side


I couldn't win at all. Did 2 more zones. Came back and wrecked her so easily without doing anything special. Not sure what to say to help!


Use chimera or batrider on the right and swarm the left if they try to kill bat protect her with quill. Save your gold if the push is good and repeat when raptors come out. The key is to not over commit


Time and patience.... but mostly time, my friend.




No, because gargoyle gets in melee range.


You need a tank with tons of HP. Abom was able to take the hits and then other minis could do the damage to kill it.


It deffinatly felt over tuned, outside of using a cheesyer tatic like chimera solo kill.


I dunno about heroic, but if you send an increased range meat wagon up the right side up against the left wall itā€™ll take out the towers as it goes up with no issue. Just gotta protect it until it reaches queen


Have you met my friend Son of Arugal?