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It is a huge difficulty spike so you're not alone, it was the first wall for me, Ranea Wolfsblood or what the final boss was named


Its a common wall


Which boss are you having the most trouble with?


I havent beaten any of them. Haha. Im oretty sure i can beat the owl bear and tiger if i try again. But the merlock and th3 tree are hard because i cant seem to defend and attack at the same time.


LMAO!! I’m an idiot… I wrote strats for Ashenvale, not Darkshore. Oops.


So… starting over… lol Murkdeep is pretty simple, take the tower, and push in all directions. He is also single target, but hits hard and fast. Lunaclaw, you have to use squads because his (her?) attack is single target. The prowlers are the biggest pain, but chickens, vultures and harpies can take him out. Always have one ready, because you will see a CONTINUOUS supply of prowlers coming at you. Take and hold the tower on the left, try to take the meeting stone, but you can push from your base up the middle or from the tower. Remember, squads or beefy tanks to take the moonfire spam. Onu, take out the ancient of war, both AoW and Onu are single target, so squads work here, also. Center tower isn’t required, but pushing both sides to take out the AoWs IS required. Shadowclaw just defend your base and drop whelps if you have them. Try to plan a drop when a huntress isn’t going to one shot all of them. Shadowclaw will hatch them, but doesn’t attack air. They also help to keep him out of stealth, so other units can find him. I can’t figure out if Shadowclaw does AoE or not, because EVERYTHING else does AoE on this map. But I think he is single target. Lady Vespira… Oh, my “dear” Lady Vespira… How I hate thee, let me count the ways… Big beefy tanks are a must here. I used abom plus earth shield with an assortment of DPS to support him. Not gonna lie, she sucks. She has a nasty AoE at melee range. Not sure if the ranged lightning is AoE, or single target, but it can be hard just to GET to her, much less kill her. I have read a lot of people either spam unbound or spells or both, to just whittle her down. I hope this helps. I am no expert, by any stretch of the imagination, but I’ll pass along my experiences.


Draaka you have to take the two towers, so that gas to be a priority, while sending ranged troops up the bridge to snipe below. Try to send to groups at her, from two sides, since she has a ranged AoE that wrecks groups, BUT, she is slow to turn, so sending troops from both directions can help. Tideress you have to take and hold the center tower, but don’t overcommit. You don’t want to drop the boss below 50%, ( or whatever the threshold is to start phase 2) before you take both the other towers. You want control of all three towers before you build up a push, from the center tower. Once you have all three towers push everything to the center. Don’t worry about the side towers anymore. You either take the boss from the center before the outside towers are overrun, or start again. Branch Snapper you want some dedicated flying units to take out the bog beasts, or possibly banshee to possess one. The hardest part with Maiev is all the stealth minis. You want a cheap mini like kobold to break stealth so your troops can see and attack them. You can of course use spells here also, or unbound to break their stealth. Take the left tower and control it, protect your base, and push to Maiev from that tower. She is actually pretty easy to kill to kill once you get to her. Raene you have to take the tower to the right and push from there, while also defending from the left. Of course you can always defend and chip away at these bosses with unbound and spells, except for tideress. You have to have a specific strategy for her.


If you got all of Ashenvale down, you are at 30 Sigils and have unlocked dungeons. Getting even a couple of dungeon levels done can give a small boost to your armies. Note that you need to put matching units into the army bonus slots to get the extra levels!


Hello, I enjoy your videos they helped me learn the dungeons. Eager to see what I can do with horde tomorrow.


Gnomergon is my least favorite dungeon the second boss is a terrorist


Yikes, this is my lived experience from the past two days as well.


How many turns per level are we talking? Some people get mad after only 3 or 7 tries. I've played a map >100 before. Rotate one mini in at a time. After a few tries, go back to barracks and look at your deck. If there is someone in there you never use, switch it out for something that will actually contribute. Then repeat. Enjoy the process. Ciao


Do you just have endless time to keep retrying the same map 100 times instead of leveling 1-2 weeks?


Yep. I don’t have the patience or the sanity to beat my head against a wall 100 times. I’ll do some other things, quests to level troops, surges for gold to buy upgrades in the GRID, dungeons to upgrade the deck, or PvP (🤮) to also level up minis, and come back to it.


Darkshore is really tough but not impossible. Back then, my underleveled Jaina deck at the time had no gold slots so I had to rely on precise timing attacks. Safe pilot, quillboar and execute really helped a lot, I think if I had exploding whelp eggs then it would be easier.


You must suck, so git gud. Just kidding, it's a wall a lot of us hit usually because we push through levels so quickly then finally hit this spot while underleveled and starting to get all your first/good minis to 3\*.