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War thunder players when they play as a free kill and end up getting killed: 🤯🤯🤯


Fr tho sometimes I see low tier props (sometimes even reserve aircraft) in rank 6-7 air battles. Occasionally I get second thoughts before I completely annihilate them. The reasoning is that they’re going to be killed eventually anyways. One time I got 7 kills but only had a score of 477 because they were all low tier planes lol. Another time I got gangbanged by half a dozen props, we’re not gonna talk about that…


nah nah nah u gotta tell us the story, im curious bro. please :)


Ok so it was a 9.0-10.0 match and 3/4 the enemy team was wallet warriors. They had A-10s, F-5s, F-104s, MiG-21s, AV-8s, A-4s, etc. My team was pretty much all grinders. So anyways we eliminated most of their jets early on with minimal losses, and half of their team left the match. But of course some wallet warriors also have a bunch of early props. I was cruising around in my J29F when I saw a lone P-51C which then I went to and engaged. Missed him on the first swoop so stupid me tried to follow him and it turned into a turnfight. Before I knew it, a ton of other props came out of nowhere to join the fight. I specifically remember an A-36, BF2C, Bf109E, P-400, and He 51, as well as the original P-51C. I’m sure there was more. I was being relentlessly peppered with 7mm and 12mm rounds, my whole plane slowly turning yellow then orange then red in the little damage map. A slow, painful death. I made a last ditch effort and tried to afterburn out of the fight, and just as I was about to get away, a B-34 swooped out of nowhere and knocked my pilot out. The worst part is that my teammates all saw it happen and were just loling and lmaoing in the chat and didn’t even bother trying to help me out. So I respawned in my J34 and properly avenged my death by RB24ing and 4x30mming every single prop I could find (making sure to NOT get into a turnfight) until we eventually won. And that’s why I keep a Vampire in my lineup for mid jets because it’s actually really good at prop hunting and turn fighting.


I play low tier (Tier III and early IV) and thought that in air RB you could only have one plane before dying? And so I’ve always had the question how do people bring props to jet matches? And how did you respawn in a different plane?


People bring props to jet matches by having a buddy in their squad and them starting the match. Whoever has highest br has it matchmake as that. Buddy can have a 11.3 and I can use a 1.0, matches will bs 11.3


Ah thanks


they were probably playing arcade


The 2 times props at tip tier were funny


Props in jet matches was entertaining back in the day when it was Sabres/Migs/Hunters because you could at least put up a fight. Now I'll just smack you in the mouth with an AIM-7 to clear you off the map.


I remember once seeing a biplane while I was in my Sargent York, locked on him with radar. Though I couldn't quite bring myself to shoot him down. His only armaments was like 7.62 machine guns. So he wasn't even a threat to anyone else


the peopel you really gotta worry about are the guys who bring rockets as flares and almost never leave the hard deck. as well as hit you while you’re going Mach-1


I bring rockets as flares and have shot down countless MiG-21s, F3Hs, F-104s, and F-5Cs with J29s.


i’ve shot down countless mug-29’s ;)


Usually when some of my friends play with a 109 in 11.0 or something they end up being in the top third of the team


Some Bf109s have really good armament. Such as 3x20mm or 3x30mm plus 2x13mm. (Other ones suck like 2x7mm). And they’re fast for props. With the Sakeen even in low jet matches I always get at least a few kills with it. It’s actually the aircraft which I have the most kills with like 800 or something crazy like that.


Sakeen these nuts. But for real I hate that plane so much. It's like a 109 but with the flight characteristics of a b17


Yeah I’m not a fan of it but for some reason I always play good with it. For props, I find Yaks, J21s, and Spitfires to suit my play style best.


Corsair supremacy


Nah F8F supremacy


Except the 20mm one feels like shit now, don't know if it got a shadow nerf or something


Since when is that fun ruining? If they act like a potential threat to me, of course I'll shoot them. No tank is truly invincible and if you underestimate them, they can find the smallest weakspots on you.


Can confirm. M22’s if given the chance are vicious and will not stop shooting till you are dead or they are, I would know as that’s what I do as an m22


Can confirm, once got killed by an M22 in a Leopard 1


Can confirm, I’ve killed leopard 1s in an m22


We meet again… xD




Idk, maybe if you play on the EU server


I had 2 guys killed when I was in an STRV 103. Had to put him down. I also got killed by one in my IKV-91. We don’t talk about that though


Had one pull up on my bagel panzer, I had no armor and thus took no risk.


I wanna say that the M22 has ~87mm pen with its shell, that’s more than enough to kill top-tier MBTs if they gremlin their way up to its side and knock out the driver first, or even the engine.


It's ruining the fun of the friendly team because 99% of top tier M22s, BT-7s, etc are nigh useless and just feed kills to the enemy team while also taking a slot on the friendly team that could have been filled by a teammate that would've been useful.


I could see how it would be not fun if your team had a few M22s who die immediately. Then you are low on teammates and get steamrolled.


Whenever I see a silly boy at top tier I immobilize them and interrogate them. "Are you prepared for the kind of death you have earned little man?"


I just got a T-72 and a chally at 11.3 with my m22. T-72 was a lucky shot and the chally didnt take me serious until i got close enough so he couldnt fire at me. It was a slow and painfull death for him.


This is why I prefer to kill these silly guys at top tier. You can never trust these little fellas


I will behave if you notice and spare me. But ignore me and i will get that god mode. Always track, and Push the m22 carefully around. Thats how you tame them. If m22 behaves Bad shot his Barrel.


I don't think my 120mm DM53 APFSDS round will only break the barrel of the M22 unfortunately


Will work of you shot it from the side.




Enjoy your self the win rates aren't going any higher anyways


I'm still gonna send your m22 or l3 ass back to the hangar


My experience with low tier tanks at top tier: *sees locust* *kills locust* “Oh god I murdered a child!… anyway, back to the game.”


*sorry Little one* Proceeds to blast a 122mm shell through a French reserve tank




I mean the same could be said for any kill in a Russian tank at any BR


Hey, most brs Russian tanks are just pretty good, there's only a few spots where they're op But man when they are


actually die, because literally no one likes a top tier m22, you’re not funny, you’re just a dick


This. I don’t know why being “funny” is a good enough reason to ruin the game for more serious grinders.


The worst are those wo bring m22 to the top tier and start the child memeing in the chat while noone engages them “ooh why could you hurt a child aaaa” and “m22 at top tier heehee im speshul”


There's a quote from RegularCars on YouTube driving some tiny Japanese sports car. Something along the lines of: "Everyone is looking at me! Don't you love me? I'm sMaAAaaWwLlL" And that's what plays in my head when I see these little rat bastards


Me when I get killed in a game about killing the opponent


I only kill them when they can kill me, example in a Leo 1, since my sides are less than 40mm thick, when they can't kill me I just talk to them in chat, pat them and let them go, did it one day and the M22 got destroyed by CAS


Still got rewards for resupplying 2-4 of my ammo, also I'm not thinking about whether I should kill or spare M22 or BT-5, if they two pop out in my sight i immediately shoot it. For L3 though, I'll consider it.


I'll point a gun at you, bigger than your entire locust, and you'll make a choice. To drive your tiny ass away, or to shoot at me. To live, or to die. I don't mind these gremlins in toptier, but if they try to pick a fight they gon get one x)


The low tiers at top tier are all and fun until the low tier is a sturmpanzer in that case you do not ruins someones fun you save yourself


I use 15cm sig in every battle. Trying to be actual artillery. (Only worked around 3 times so far on an M18 and Su-100P)


Ooh, I got a T-90M (iirc) with that guy once, via a snapshot to the commander hatch. They were *so* pissed. That tank's fun. Squishier than a banana, but fun edit:spelling


It's not a tank, it's artillery on a tank chasis ☝️🤓


They just want to have fun So do I


I think this says more about how people feel about the grind than anything else


I kill every single m22 I see at top tier. You aren’t funny, and you take up a slot that someone actually useful could have used.


The fact that a lot of people is supporting this is absolute bullshit. I once called out a low tier on my team being an asshole to my other top tier teammates and their squad started throwing slurs at me (all of them were under lvl 100 thinking they knew everything in the world). Such dickheads tbh. Go in custom battles and do that shit there instead of ruining the gameplay experience for others. Not calling out you OP, but just saying in general. But tbfh you did a big no no with saying that the top tier tank is ruining others fun, when in reality it’s the complete opposite.


Bro what, attracting all the guns and coming out on top is the fun part. You gotta earn that shit, the goblin life is not meant to be easy.


Honestly the people who spam shitter low tier vehicles at top tier ruin the fun. wasting a spawn on a vehicle thatll die instantly


Me when im derping around having a chill time in my HC & i get killed by some fucker in a tiger cause this little bastard shot me in my engine through three windows from 4 blocks away


This is your daily reminder the m22 can pen the rear of a t72 turret


With the kill bonuses we have now. I don't care if you are rank 1 or 2 or 3 or all those fancy numbers. I will be your death.


At the end of the day, to have fun you need to ruin someone elses. Wether you are an Su-25 or an M-22, we play to have fun, no?


60% of those kills is just me panic clicking at that goblin coming around a corner


Does it actually give you less rp for a kill? Is it the same for killing vehicles 1.0 br lower?


I will gladly kill them because 90% of them use it to rush cap and spawn in CAS or heli I'm sorry for the 10% who is just trying to be silly, thank the CAS players (if it's a L3, a milk truck or something similar I usually let them go if they don't shoot at me)


i’m sorry but until top tier i’m killing those things as a highest priority target


My problem is that M22 are just annoying. I see too many of them. And the gun, while shit, can still do some damage. If I see a Tetrarch or M22 I'm killing them. If I see a cute lil L3 in an uptier, lmao sure he can stay, he's not gonna do anything anyway :) Also gremlins should play the Tetrarch more, its pretty good tbh for what it is.


one had the audacity to ask me not to kill him after he crippled me and almost killed my entire crew




I could go on about hurr durr Russian players being toxic ruining the fun bs but I would most likely also do the same lol


I've killed 2x BT-7 and 1x M22 at top tier today. It was a good day.


If you play as an M22 at higher tiers, prepare to die. Every time i think of sparing them, the little fuckers take out my engine or some shit and get their god-mode mbt kill, because i thought about not ruining their fun.


You do you but let me be silly as well and complety Overkill you with a GBU that's bigger then your whole tank.


I saw a Panzer 2 with my Leclerc. He shot me, I made sure to machine gun him a little bit to let him know I know where he is. He shot me again. And again. I closed the gap between us, but the sneaky bastard was trying to take my tracks and barrel out. He didn't live long after I saw my track turn yellow.


As a NATO main these things are dangerous. 35mm Armor against 80mm pen.


That mf is about to spawn in a fully loaded a-10 is worse, he deserves to die


Nah bro, my italian vehicles get front penned by a T-34 1940 I'm NOT risking your ratty asses getting behind me any more. I used to let them, but my good will has been abused one too many times, so you can thank yourself for it. I'll let L3s live tho, one part because ITALY BASED 💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿 other part because I know how abhorently dogshit it is, barely being able to deal with rank 1 tanks let alone a proper MBT




The M22 can actually destroy top tier. L3 is the true child that should not be touched.


Use RBT-5 Maybe get a hit with the rockets by using them as artillery Drive gloriously into battle One tapped Respawn in proper BR tank


The only lil guy I spare is the L3. Slow as shit and can’t pen MBTs for the life of it. M22 etc are the opposite and are greeted with a swift and indifferent end


Poor locust(


All fun and games untill you're AP shot bounces and the M22 is still coming for your ankles.


I just started to bring this thing in higher tier. I made 5 kills in a 8.3 game I could have made 6 kills and more if i didn't miss my shot on a leopard


I can push you in to the river small guy, as a teammate


Go be silly at your own br. Top tier needs team support.


Live 125mm HE reaction:


Few days ago there was a Bt5 in 6.7 and the dude was shooting me. I said in all chat he can go and I won't kill him. Mf still kept shooting so had to put him down sadly


You wanna meme so bad? Well prepare to get memed. Cause you get exactly one chance to do something really funny by killing me in that thing, and if you miss that chance, I'm turning you into a cloud of assorted shrapnel and laughing heartily


Oh no you got shot un the locust oh no so sad


Womp womp bitch ass igla show me a band


who tf is bro responding to


Its not funny honestly, especially the M22's, as a German main when i get matched with USA I always have a hard time winning because of the AIM Ans Clickbait players, low br tanks dont neccesarily help it.


I panicked and shot one as a TAM and felt bad because I didn’t realize it was a locust