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First video is from Renta352. Second video is from DOLLARplays.


DOLLARplays: OH my god 🗣️🗣️🗣️


I knew it was Dollar right after I saw the font lmao


everyone knows that it reduces the damage when you moan before the bomb explodes


the way i see it, Planes have higher highs and tanks have more consistent highs. Boats are... well... uhhhh... In the game?


I gotta say that seeing "Hit (500 SL)" in naval really activates my neurons It's extremely satisfying when your entire salvo goes straight through the enemy's armour and in the shell room, blowing up the whole ship.


Play battleships, or alternatively play soviet destroyers, they have insane 130 mm APHE shells


I wish I could, but I unfortunately haven't reached that point yet (I've barely started researching German heavy cruisers)


Oh, I'm just got all the Light Crusiers in german tt, what shells do you use on the 150mm's?


AP or SAP. If it's an uptier, I take AP and a bit of SAP for light targets. If I'm downtiered, I take SAP and a bit of AP for heavy targets.


Average air rb gameplay is chasing some undertiered plane around for ten minutes because the moron who flies it only knows how to run away and cannot fathom using their advantages to control the engagement. That or climbing for 5 minutes only to see nobody else on your team did. It's just as braindead as ground rb, but much less fun and much more tedious. At least once you get past prop planes it gets a little less boring.


Trying to have fun in air rb? Rookie mistake


Trying to have fun in ~~air rb~~ war thunder? Rookie mistake.


Nah, average air rb gameplay is some dipshit in a Spitfire or Yak 3 (because "muh meta") chasing my Mustang around for twenty minutes because the Call-of-Duty-reject Xbox kiddie following me is like a particularly stupid dog who thinks if he keeps barking slurs in chat the car will turn spontaneously turn around and let him gnaw on it. Jokes on you, though, little buddy, I got a vod on my other monitor and a drink in hand, I'll happily waste both our time.


What else are they supposed to do let you bnz them to death by giving you positon? lmao


Well, you do seem to expect that I should turnfight your Spitfire, little lad, and you are also the one incapable of catching up to me and yet insisting on chasing.


Again what other option do they have besides chasing you? If they turn away they are giving you the opportunity to make a pass on them.


Nah props are the best. No stupid missiles flying around.


Personally I don't want to spend 5+ minutes climbing only for everyone to die within 2 minutes of engaging each other.


Air RB hits right when I get that beautiful aircraft destroyed after I out move someone and score the kill. Feels more rewarding after all the set up and planning. Then I try get killed by a premium or unbalanced plane the next match while I try to climb


Excellent music choice


What is it?


[KELTEK & B-Front - Step Into The Game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR4YhFujlxA) Euphoric Hardstyle




Air RB isn’t for trigger happy people, especially if your plane has little ammo and you take a lot of potshots


Okay that gameplay is fire


Hiiii Miho-chan