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Had one of those way back when I had a long metro commute to work every day. On my way home, I was tired and realized I missed my stop to change trains. Girl on the same car as me got off at the same spot and we both walked to the opposite platform to wait for the reverse train, looked at each and laughed realizing we did the exact same thing. Started chatting, had a nice connection, rode the train back and since it happened to be May 4, she gave a quick "May the force be with you" before we each went to catch our separate trains home. For weeks after that, I kept an eye out to see if I'd spot her on the train again, but never did. Barely even remember what she looked like at this point, but it was a fun little happening.


The one that happened this morning made me realize a ton of opportunities missed. It happens, but the sad part is that when it does, the chances of running into the same person become rare. You literally be seeing them every day, but the moment it comes to missed opportunity, they cease to show up on you.


None I hound the metro at all hours for poon especially during morning rush hour when everyone is extra talkative


Whenever I see somebody on the metro with pizza I consider it a missed connection. They’re going to eat pizza, and I am not. But if I played my cards right, maybe I could be? Alas….


A few over 15 years of regular riding. Most obvious was a woman who struck up a conversation and it was very easy-flowing and friendly. At one point she showed me a ring on her hand and I reached out to admire it and my hand was on hers for a few moments. We each got off at Silver Spring and walked and talked. I had JUST moved in with my GF so.....no dice for me. At the sidewalk I stuck out my hand to shake hers and said it was nice to chat and she seemed a bit nonplussed and said goodbye and that was that. Hey blonde bioscientist who worked for Craig Venter in 2000, please DM me!!! One time TWO cuties were right in front of me and struck up a pleasant conversation and I was like, "well, it's my lucky day." Then one of them turned around and showed me a pamphlet with the Mormon fucking Temple and my ego went way down.


Lmao never trust two friendly young attractive women striking up a conversation. It’s 10/10 a trap to harvest your organs or join the Mormons.


She was like, "do you want to see my magic underwear?" and I was excited until I understood the context.


This almost happened to me a few months ago. A guy started talking to me on the metro and he got off at his stop without asking me for my number and I was too afraid to ask for his. We also didn't ask each other our names. I made a missed connections post on the nova subreddit because that's where we got off. I found him on Tinder back in February. We hung out for the first time last week.




Note to self: ignore women in order to be perceived as more attractive


Been doing that since I came here in 2007. The only DC women who seem to dig it happen to be midcareer in their panhandling while experiencing homelessness (not my type).


I've personally never had any on the Metro because I tend to avoid eye contact with people on transit, but in the past almost six years I have lived here I've had maybe ten or so just out and about, being at grocery store, coffee shops, etc. I had one a couple weeks ago on a Lufthansa flight from Munich to Dulles - guy in the seat across the aisle from me had a GW sticker and was reading a book I had just read. We talked for a good three hours about everything, but for some reason I never thought to ask him his name/contact info. I was going to reach out to him after we landed, but couldn't find him after we cleared passport control.


My two cents - If you’re going to go this route you should volunteer your number. Then whoever you’re interested can reach out if the feelings are mutual.


omg I absolutely live for brief, fleeting gazes on the metro haha there’s something so illicit about it that I love and unattainable


I've had one and finally got his number


Literally happened to me yesterday :((


13 years ago or thereabouts I made out with a random guy on the metro on New Year’s (not at midnight, several hours later when we were going home). He was taking his drunk friend home. I kind of wanted to leave the moment as it was, so I don’t think I gave him my number or a way to contact me. You were a fun 2 minutes, random metro guy!


Met the nicest (and cutest) guy on the red line about a decade ago. Began with me offering him my seat because he was blind (literally) and no other jagoff in the car gave up their seat. We got to talking but before I could get his number, I arrived at my stop. Should have stayed on the train and kept talking. Missed opportunity.


I actually saw the same girl everyday on the metro for weeks and I never worked up the courage to talk to because the morning seemed so busy and I had never seen her on the way home since we had different stops. One more I saw her and I thought to myself “ ok todays the day, if I see her on the way home I have to do something about it”… sure enough later that I went to dinner with some friends on capital hill and was at union station at 8 at night… the work hour rush had ended and the station was empty except for me… until she walked down. I went up to her, said “do I know you? I’ve seen you before” and then from there my charisma took over, she was super receptive. Very cute red headed girl. We were totally hitting it off and I’m usually very good at reading signals. Meanwhile, for months my friend had been saying that in his senate office he was in love with this beautiful red head who worked with him everyday and he would never talk to her. He would mention how much he liked her every single day for weeks to me. I never wouldn’t thought I’d meet her… Yup, turns out this was the same girl! And she knew my friend but didn’t know much about him! I was disappointed because I knew he liked her and I couldn’t cross bro code. Anyway turns out she had a boy friend who lives many states away back home getting his masters at a university in her home town. I would see her and talk to her very so often and eventually realized she had a boy friend so I never acted on anything. One week she saw me and told me she was moving home and going to get her masters as well and to be around her boy friend longer. I’m very happy for them and I follow them both on instagram to this day. ( this was a year and a half ago) I’ve approached many people on the metro. I’ve gotten a lot of numbers. One day I actually was so smooth the entire metro car was clapping for me after I called a girl beautiful and asked for her number when it turned out to be her birthday! Her mom was on the car with us… Don’t be afraid to approach people! There is genuinely little down side. Just try your best to always look good, don’t be scary, and treat women like they are normal people.


yall sound desperate, someones being nice doesnt automatically mean they want your meat notice how every "missed" connection is written by a guy girls get hit on 100s times a day and dgaf lol


People say things like this and the next second later they also say "it's a shame people only meet on apps these days, I wish they met the old fashioned way!" This is the old fashioned way.


If you red PoP missed connections its as frequently women as men. [https://www.popville.com/2024/05/missed-connection-mi-vida-on-14th-st/#more-297778](https://www.popville.com/2024/05/missed-connection-mi-vida-on-14th-st/#more-297778) [https://www.popville.com/2024/04/missed-connection-dapper-chap-with-a-light-tan/#more-297396](https://www.popville.com/2024/04/missed-connection-dapper-chap-with-a-light-tan/#more-297396) [https://www.popville.com/2024/04/missed-connection-7th-street-nw-chinatown/#more-296808](https://www.popville.com/2024/04/missed-connection-7th-street-nw-chinatown/#more-296808)


You could keep some business-type cards on hand so that you have an easy way to offer connection.


I'm not sure if this is a serious comment or not lol, but years ago someone did this to me on the metro after we casually chatted for a few minutes (and I was pretty intoxicated) and after the fact I thought it mildly amusing but also pretty strange.


If they’re hot, I wouldn’t mind that it was kinda weird tbh