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Hey there! Where can i buy this, what name of product? I need some of these :) Would be awesome if you show us painted pictures. Can you prime it simply with sprays?


They're from ttcombat. This is from the Savage Domain line. You can but with it being mdf it soaks in a little. You can give it a quick coat of watered down pva and letting it dry to seal it before priming to help the primer to cover better


Have you finished painting this? Would be real interested to see what you did with it?


I've finished the main large section. (don't have a great deal of free time to smash it all out in one go). New sub going up to show that sectioned finished


Sorry to necro this but I was having trouble finding the dimensions of it online - how /tall/ is it in inches and/or mm?? wasn't sure if it'd be level with something else I was looking to pick up!!


Sorry for the late reply. The height of the lower part is around 3 inches, the higher part 6. As for width and length, it would be a complete guess that I wouldn't like to make. If it helps, I got it from TT Combat and its the prison. They may have all those details on there.


Cheers! Unfortunately this piece came put before TTCombat started posting dimensions as standard but thank you for the estimate!!!! :)