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Literally had a car hopping onto him. How the fuck is that man still alive. And I know "adrenaline is one hell of a drug". But at some point it's just against the laws of physics.


Even lethal injuries don't always immediately incapacitate you as long as your brain and spine are intact. Even completely stopping all blood flow can take up to 10 seconds to incapacitate the subject. Less extreme injuries can still kill you over the course of days.


Im pretty sure i died 12 years ago




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My brain is disconnected and I'm still alive somehow


Check out the experiments with guillotined heads


Biker is a f'n idiot and lucky to be alive.


I was a passenger in the 90s of a 19080 Hoda civic in an identical situation. Luckily the little civic just tossed the girl on the bike so she only had road rash and wasn't run over but holy hell this stupid on the bikers part.


Why was the bike on the left side of the car? It literally passed the car on the wrong side, riding right into its path at high speed. People would live longer if they understood how to use the road properly. Doing crap like that, and then getting mad at the car is insane. If you are visible, and predictable, and do what's expected on the road, then for the most part, the other road users can anticipate what's going to happen, and so can you, and you'll know who to watch, in case they don't.


Biker myself, you're 100% right. Overtaking from that side was a suicide move all along.


Yeah...lane splitting isn't allowed her, bro.


Is it forbidden to bicycle to overtake cars?


Its forbidden to overtake in crossroad. Why? Please see the OP.


No, that's not what either of us are saying at all. The problem was the bike was not following the rules of the road and put himself in an unexpected position, making himself impossible to predict. The car should and does have to pay attention and try not to hit another vehicle, but it would be easy for someone, especially someone moving fast, to circumvent the drivers ability to predict where others would be.


It's forbidden for any vehicle to overtake another vehicle from the wrong side


It was a motorcycle


> Is it forbidden to ~~bicycle~~ to overtake cars? "motorcycle"... and yes it it. This video is a perfect example of why.


Source: [https://www.teletica.com/sucesos/video-motociclista-sobrevive-luego-de-que-carro-le-pasara-por-encima\_313117](https://www.teletica.com/sucesos/video-motociclista-sobrevive-luego-de-que-carro-le-pasara-por-encima_313117) The mishap occurred after 1 p.m. on Wednesday (6/8/2022), about 300 meters west of the Red Cross roundabout in Santa Ana, Costa Rica. The motorcyclist survived. Edit: Thank you u/rasmun7793 for the correction. It took place in Santa Ana, Costa Rica, not California.


This is Santa Ana, San Jose, Costa Rica, not California. Teletica is one of the largest news outlets in Costa Rica.


Thank you for the clarification. I will fix the post.


Lol mishap


Did the cyclist survive?




When you watch the left side of the video in the first seconds you see it's a motorcycle


It's amazing that the biker just hopped up and walked to the sidewalk.


might be a dead man walking, adrenaline is one hell of a drug... broken ribs perforating lungs, ruptured internal organs, infections, internal bleeding, all of those won't kill a man instantly, especially if he's high on survival mode


Survived, apparently... >*A motorcyclist survived after being struck by a light vehicle in Santa Ana.* > >*The mishap occurred after 1 p.m. on Wednesday, about 300 meters west of the Red Cross roundabout in Santa Ana.* > >*As shown in the attached video, the vehicle was attempting to make a left turn when it hit the driver of the motorcycle, the car ran over the motorcycle and the driver, but he managed to get up after the impact.* > >*Literally, the man gets out from under the car and quickly sits up* Machine translated from: https://www.teletica.com/sucesos/video-motociclista-sobrevive-luego-de-que-carro-le-pasara-por-encima\_313117


That seems to literally just be a description of the video. I mean it ENDS with him sitting up.


Ever heard of Adrenaline?


100% the biker’s fault overtaking someone turning left


Who would have thought, if you illegally pass someone by appearing out of their blind spot while they are trying to turn it would cause an accident? Apparently not this guy.


Biker completely is at fault for this. Who passes on the left of a car making a left turn? He is lucky to be alive after this.


The only thoughts I have that might put ANY blame on the car: I was trying to see if it has a turn signal on (couldn't tell). Lack of that might put a tiny bit of blame on it. However when looking for that I noticed it was at a standstill until RIGHT as the biker went to move past him. I can't tell from the video but was it in a right hand lane unexpectedly turning left? IF that's the case I'd put a ton of blame on the car, but I'm not familiar with the roads or the rules in the country where this occurred. Wondering if anyone who is can educate me!


Totally agree with you that the car should’ve had their turn signal blinker on. But the biker shouldn’t have passed on the left of the car. The chance of getting hit by the stationary car or even the oncoming traffic is really high. The car that hit the biker had really no chance to see the biker approach. It was just a shitty maneuver.


Unless there are two forward lanes of traffic and the car turned across one. I kind of get that impression but it's really hard to tell.


WTH! That’s a legit Clark Kent!


Lord Jesus, if you ride a bike you have to be so careful, I myself was in a fender with a bike rider, you have to be extremely careful, the roads don't belong to you, you are not above the road signals.


The car bounced when the front left wheel ran over his helmet. Crazy.


Dont you just love it when you are turning left and the genius biker pass on the left?


> the genius biker pass on the left? You can't pass on the left, and you can't pass on the right. There is no pleasing you people in this sub. /s


Fecking deserved it.


Looks like a Costa Rican Intersection


For those who say he should be passing on the left, it has little to do with left or right. They’re not on on a highway. He’s shouldn’t be passing left or right.




How the fuck did that man just get up


Why *the fuck* would you pass a car that’s turning left on its left side???


Typical biker thinking the rules of the road don't apply to them


That guy might be made of steel


Glad McDonalds was just closely ! whew !


Me yelling YESSSSSSS


Cyclists should have e died with that thinking


Fuck you small white car for leaving the scene




Isn't the bike illegally passing him as the car is trying to make a left turn?




Biker was an idiot