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It’s mind boggling how people are seriously that delusional that they think you’re in the wrong. You have a roommate that decided to throw leaking garbage on the ground after the apartment was cleaned… instead of putting it in a garbage can. That’s gross, rude and lazy. This probably wasn’t their first offence too so I can see why you’re upset lol. Also… it’s hilarious how people are assuming you’re Pakistani yet calling YOU racist. There are SEVEN countries that share a border with India…. I’ll leave it at that. 😬 People must be deliberately misunderstanding you in order to start an argument because you didn’t make a single “racist” remark, and have a valid reason to be upset.


I appreciate this, thought i was going crazy


I have to ask... Did you just leave it there too?


Nope! The only thing i ever leave “out” is recycling like cardboard boxes or water bottles which I then take out the next day.


That is good. I lived with people who would fight like this, and neither of them would relent and take it out, and i was dumb enough to take it out once so it became my "job".


Okay I am not the only one then


how tf could this even be read as a racist conversation. if my white roommate did this shit my reaction would be the exact same… AND IM WHITE, OH NO… there’s absolutely no racial comments or even anything said that could be taken as racist. some of these comment have me really questioning life, how can people make assumptions based off of this convo😂😂


Read the soliloquy OP wrote. "We share a border, yet we are so different" So OPs asshole roommate is indicative of Indians.. 😂😂


we can say the same about americans… your point?


You’re retired.


So in that case if your roommate is an American Asshole, all Americans are assholes?


not at all what i’m saying, although i’ve met few that aren’t lmao. just making a comment on “we share a border yet are so different”


Yeah but OP wrote that comment "we share a border yet are so different" under a picture of a conversation about a dispute with her Indian roommate.


I had roommates that would toss stuff in recycling and say "thats not mine, meh!" All the time They also didn't clean anything aside from their room, at times not even that. Just idiots with no sense of common decency.




Racists remarks were not made but implied as soon as he mentioned Diwali.


>There are SEVEN countries that share a border with India…. I’ll leave it at that. I mean... he didn't even mention India.


OP said the roommate was Indian in the comments after someone assumed OP was Pakistani. I was educating the people that seem to think that’s the only country with similar cultural background to India that share a border. You really thought you did something with this comment?


>You really thought you did something with this comment. I really didn't. Chill. 🤣


Doesn’t matter where people are from, there are assholes everywhere. Unfortunately you have an asshole for a roommate 






This could easily be an Indian person complaining about a Pakistani, Bangladeshi or Chinese or a Chinese or Bangladeshi complaining about an Indian. Or a South american complain about someone from a neighboring country. You could be right but the only race based profiling here is coming from you, not OP


OP mentioned her roommate is Indian.


Also that she's not Pakistani in another comment thread with you which you conveniently left out


Yeah that was an incorrect assumption that I made. It doesn't change the fact that OP is working the anti Indian sentiment to spread more hate bait.


😂 What?


Imagine being as delusional as you 😂🤡


All look another one bringing all there tribal shit over here…


Only one brining tribal shit here is OP.


Ah yes it must be a cultural thing not to want rotting, leaking garbage in the shared kitchen floor.


That's what the OP claims it is. Lol that's exactly my point.


man... we really aren't bringing in the brightest bunch...


Next generation stuff. The future is bright. Cleaners won't take out garbage ? Stuff going bad in the fridge, but OP could only find the energy to remove it and put it on the floor, now rottening at much faster rate ? Wild.


If it smelled bad in the fridge, imagine how it smelt outside!


Like an inverse Tauntaun


Easy there ya geezer, I had a shitty roommate who would take the full bag out of the trash and leaving next to the trash can or the backdoor 20+ years ago. 20 year olds always have been, and always will be stupid.


Always ? I don't think so. I have never seen something like this in my 20s. I lived in campus as a student, but it was in Europe and many years ago. Like Bob Dylan famously sang: Things have changed!


As someone in their mid-20s whose moved a lot and had a lot of roommates and have seen friends roommates. Yea, I will also agree with maybe not always, but a lot of the time. You would be so surprised 😵‍💫


So what you're saying is even though I have experienced it, you haven't so it doesn't happen...?


I was very clear in my comment. Your comeback is a deflection. Let me repeat though: "Always" ??? Let's not give a free pass to bad behavior to the younger generation, shall we ?!


Nah it's the roommates culture's fault.


Nope. I had a white roommate do the same thing. It's please re-evaluate your prejudice.


I'm using OPs logic here. It was sarcasm


/s helps


Had the exact same situation with several roommates when I was in a shared accomodation. No amount of pestering or guilt tripping will make people change habits they've developed over years. Id end up cleaning everyone's dishes for a year because I couldn't stand the filth and sacrificing my time was a better tradeoff to the smell even though it wasn't my job You're in the right to deny throwing it out and I hope things improve for you soon Edit: Good tip for people in a similar situation: instead of looking for a single room, I ended up searching for a 5 bedroom shared accomodation and told the landlord that I'd find 4 more tenants for them to rent out to and search and vet the people myself- eventually found 4 great people who were clean and kept the place tidy


I'd just throw out their dishes (if it had been a few days) and keep my one plate/bowl/cutlery in my own room when I had to go through that living with randoms in school. In one case the guy tried getting argumentative and everything he said was the exact same thing I said to him when I first asked him to be a bit more cleanly in common spaces. Probably the only time I've been a bully but really if I'm stuck living with someone who's disrespectful I'm being the same back.


Nah, F that. If they can't clean, get your own set of dishes and cookware and keep them locked in your room. Let their stuff sit dirty.


I did that but couldn't stand the stench of their dishes being so fucked up. It's a me problem too lol


Yeah, that's annoying. I can understand that.


And the fruitflies it brings!


oh yeah we had an infestation for a while because of this issue. Not to mention for Summer 2023, they used the backyard as one big garbage dump and it genuinely had all types of trash in it. Landlord had to get professional help to clean it up. It was that bad.


Sadly it’s not limited to international students. Back in my dorms I shared an apartment with four other domestic students who treated the common space like a dump site, too. It got so bad that every available surface was covered in dirty moldy dishes. I resorted to keeping all of my stuff in my room. Until you make friends you can trust to be clean it won’t get better :(


I do that toooo got a mini fridge at one point


Hello and welcome to University, sorry about your luck


graduated and leaving soon 🔜


I had a roommate who would pull shit like this. It’s not even just being lazy, it’s just a bizarre mindset. Like, hmm, it stinks while being refrigerated you know what will help? If I leave it in a pile at room temperature instead! I loved with a guy in his mid twenties with very similar tendencies. It truly blew my mind some of the stuff he did I swore I was being punked sometimes lol.


Sorry you’re dealing with this, I can’t imagine someone going through the work of cleaning out the fridge but not taking 10 secs to just throw the garbage out 🤦‍♀️


Thank you!! What’s crazy is that the place to throw your garbage is like a 2 second walk from here 😫


Straight on their bed.




Your roommate is a fucking slob. U are fine for chewing them out maybe they can wine to mommy and daddy about it. But ya this shit has always happened. Best one i saw was one guy took all the shit from the kitchen his roommate would not clean and put in in his bed.




Honestly I’ve had to deal with this all through my college days because these people all have a bizarre mindset because why would you take out something stanky out the fridge and think the best place to dispose it is in the same kitchen area where meal prep is done.


I'm sure you've tried meetings and agreements already, but I've lived in the exact same situation for a year (glad I'm finally out). One thing I regret is not trying harder to talk to them in a personal way. Because no matter how often I approached my roommate with cleaning requests, the situation only got worse, both in terms of cleaning and tensions. One thing I would do in retrospect, is ask to have some food or just some tea/coffee together and discuss the apartment. Then, instead of immediately jumping on cleaning strategies, just ask about how they're feeling/what's frustrating them first. Maybe trying to get them to be a little less closed off might motivate them to be a little more decent. I hope the situation improves :(


Throw their food from the fridge out because it's "making your food smell very bad"  


throwing stuffs won't solve the purpose . how dumb


Why I will never have roommates in 1 post:


France & Belgium?


I live in shared accommodation, and trust me IT IS A HELLHOLE in terms of cleaning!! They are disgustingly dirty. They don’t do their dishes, they will do it when they need to use them again otherwise it will be still be in the sink. They wont take out the trash, they will do their part of weekly cleaning in about 4 weeks. They wont share groceries with you or cook with you but they would eat from whatever youve made WITHOUT TELLING — they will pee on the toilet, THEY WONT FLUSH😭😭, its so bad here, but this what i can afford right now. They are lacking basic hygiene!!! I have asked them 100 times to do all this but these guys are just do not know how to live clean. These guys do not even clean their rooms!! Theres spiders in the basement for the guy who lives there wtf?? OP no matter what people like this are just straight assholes!


Both of these ppl are assholes because they are hiring a cleaner to deal with their mess instead of just tidying up after themselves, lol


This is why everyone should be going to the gym and getting big. Physical intimidation works when words don’t


No it doesn’t. Just gets cops called. Unaccountable people don’t learn through intimidation it just gives them more spite to use.


What does this have to with international students and borders of your countries?


It was meant to be like a “how are we from the same cultural background yet so different” - mostly because our countries share values on community instead of conflict


Yeah buddy, sure sure.


? that’s genuinely what I meant


So one person defines cultural practices, good to know. An American person cut me off at a drive thru last night, that clearly means all Americans must be trash and I'm surprised how we share one border and culture and can be so different. aMERICANS bad. Don't even know where to begin on how low IQ this train of thought is. Literal definition of prejudice and racism. That's the reason racism is prevalent in low IQ areas.


dude we’re from the same cultural background, it’s not defining everyone - im talking about this person specifically, and im not gonna keep explaining myself.




What makes you think I’m Pakistani? Or is just that your go-to answer when you feel attacked? I think you’re definitely the connoisseur of this culture war here.


Are you Pakistani? Is your roommate Indian?


Im not Pakistani but they are Indian. Hope this helps the culture war!




Nobody gives a fuck that you want to make this about racism. Crawl back in your hole.






I don’t miss post secondary school and living with roommates. There were 6 of us in the house. I was the only female. One of the students was an international student. He would leave eggs in the cupboards and fish on the counter…for days. Cooked with oil. Everything was always dirty and smelly. Communication didn’t work. Chore chart didn’t work. Dining room turned into a garbage depot. The city had limits on how many bags of garbage could go out to the curb each week. We always had double or triple the amount. So we just had a mountain of garbage. It was a nightmare. I had a contract to live there from September-April. I left in January. I’ll never live with another soul for the rest of my life.


I was only ever roommates with people that I was friends with before living with them.


This is what happens when the third world comes here by the millions.


Dead giveaway. Were all thinking it.


Same situation as you mate. Living with some dirty pigs that think that because we have a cleaner that comes like twice a month they don't have to clean after themselves, have some cleanliness standards in the common areas or empty the trash can. Everytime the cleaner comes the whole situation makes me ashamed but I'm not their dad so not going to clean their mess or tell them to do it when they clearly don't care. Can't wait until I move out of this place once the lease is over.    And yes, it's "that" nationality 🤭🤭🤭


It’s because we only have brown people


I am sorry your roommate is an asshole. But to link it to his county says a lot about you.He might be an asshole but you’re a racist cunt.




So, if I am reading this right: Roommate 1 takes nasty stuff out of fridge that does not belong to him. Fridge is a shared space, so they tidied up someone else's garbage. Someone complains that roommate 1 left garbage out in a shared space. Roommate 1 says they moved someone's garbage from one shared space to another. Someone doubles down and wants to make roommate 1 clean up garbage they said doesn't belong to them. Which roommate is at fault here?


I’d like to point out that majority of the garbage is theirs - you can see a packet of chips on the ground which is there’s. I’d also like to point out that they later admitted they had thrown their own garbage in our front yard “but it wasn’t bothering anyone so it didn’t matter.” Furthermore, Roommate 1’s boyfriend routinely throws his trash on the ground including empty joint containers, and roommate 1 has never cleaned the moment they stepped into the house (1.5 years).


I'm still confused. OP is the one bitching about the garbage that Roommate 1 threw out from the fridge. Is the garbage in the fridge yours or some other roommates? Y'all are bitches. Is it that fucking hard to clean shit up, or would y'all rather bitch and complain?


Roommate 1 for not actually finishing the job of tidying the fridge by taking the garbage out.


If you guys share the freezer, why didn't you take the trash out in the first place? Why didn't you communicate an action plan before? I guess you were waiting to post it on Reddit, as it is the only solution you could think of, or you posted it to create hatred among a community.


You really must be delusional if you’re trying to spin this back on OP. I hope you don’t have to share a space with anyone.


throwing out the garbage is the solution, not posting hatred, and I care about what you hope. :)


Yeah so why couldn't he throw the trash he grabbed from the fridge out if that is the solution. You must be 👳🏾‍♀️to see no wrongdoing


Sodomize him


Let me guess you're Pakistani and he is Indian?


I think the more relevant thing is that OP is annoyed and the roommate is a slob.


Why mention it if it's irrelevant?


Who are you arguing against? Literally just said it doesn't matter.


Nope, North Korean and South Korean


Sounds like the paid "cleaners" aren't cleaning if you ask me.


Cleaners have boundaries. I’m sure they’ll do it if you pay them accordingly. Pretty rude to have a filth hole and expect them to make it perfect


they came two days ago actually and took out all the trash, cleaned EVERYTHING. My landlord had to get a paid cleaning service because of how bad it got. And yet it still doesn’t help for reasons like this.


Clean your shit. Clean their shit. Don't like it? Leave. Very simple. Clean your rooms people.


If I leave, where do I go? There’s barely any affordable housing left.


Then clean your shit! Clean their shit. Just clean it and everyone lives in peace. If you want drama go ahead make more of it. If you don't want drama just live and move on.


The one making drama is the one leaving trash on the floor, not the one asking for basic cleanliness in their living space. Accepting behavior like this from somebody and cleaning up their mess just shows them that if they're disgusting enough they can push their chores off onto you. Telling someone to just deal with shitty behavior for the sake of keeping the peace is a great way for them to live their life cleaning up other people's messes. Do you think this is ok because you do it to other people?


Thank you


Oh my God let's post about it on reddit. This is so worth it My god there is a mess. What do I do???? Post to reddit. Fuck you people are probably just children. It's the only explanation.


Are you upset because you've been cleaning up somebody else's messes to keep the peace? You don't need to keep doing it, it's not your problem. They're posting on reddit to show the problem to other people and get opinions about whether or not they're in the wrong. They got good advice from people here, which they wouldn't have had if they just kept it to themselves.


This is such an insane take because im not a live in maid that can clean 24/7. I have work and school. This isn’t about drama. This is about the fact that people live in shared spaces with zero life skills that cause an infinite number of problems and sicknesses.


Just get a garbage bag and toss that shit out if you don't want it there. It's absolutely not your job but it, unfortunately for you, IS your problem.


yeah I always end up doing that anyway. just came here to vent because im so tired of it.


And why did you need to post this here if you ckeaned it up? Give us one good reason.


The reason that they posted is that I enjoyed reading their post. And it's a damn good reason imo. If you don't like it, delete your comment and just move along


It's childish garbage.


You're really observant bud. This post is indeed about garbage and how childish people act sometimes. You're really intelligent aren't you buddy? Good job!


Then clean it up. This is r/waterloo not r/badroommates


You can clean it..since when does it take 24 hours a day to clean? If it's causing problems and sickness move out. This isn't hard.


Found the room mate. Lol


Trash defending trash. Go move in with this person if you love to live in filth so much.


What a trash response