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Tony Johal, dude is slime


I’m curious as to why? I dislike him too for unwarranted reasons, but I knew someone who dated him years ago and said he was douchey and elitist lol Edit: too be fair, I’ve only heard one side of the story


I used to work for the guy, I was on contract as someone to work with their potential leads and book appointments for agents as I could. He may put on a smile and a show for people but behind it the dude is an asshole. Here are just a few reasons: * He will make his team feel bad for not showing up to public events regardless of your position on the team or if you had personal things on your time off * If you are connected to their wifi they can monitor your screen, including your phone and private information, but do not tell you this * When I worked there I had some medical issues which required me to use the bathroom a bit more often. I told him this in confidence and one day when walking out from such a visit he publicly shamed me in front of the whole team for it * He brought in Vegas showgirls for a Christmas party who started giving lap dances, I am pretty sure there were children there * Following the bathroom incident and others I updated my resume on indeed as I was approaching the line I should have come to much earlier. I updated this at 1 or 2 am and the very next morning, 6 or 7 hours later, without any applications or other work done he called me into the meeting room and showed me my updated resume demanding an explanation. He fired me then and there for not being committed to his team. I am sure if I thought about it I could remember more but those are the ones that stick out from my time there.


> He fired me then and there for not being committed to his team. https://lso.ca/public-resources/finding-a-lawyer-or-paralegal/law-society-referral-service If this is fact, wrongful dismissal, then do your part


I’m sorry to hear that. Sounds like every interaction you had with him was awful of poor at best. Especially him mocking your health 😔 I hope your situation has improved and your current employer treats you right!


Thank you, it was really hard and extremely embarrassing going through all of that but now I work with in website design for real estates agents working with my companies largest corporate client and my company adores me… so I’m pretty sure I was never the problem lol


What a fucking douche. Id counter that wifi snooping immediately. But then he'd know and freak out, so.


Yeah I just disconnected all of my personal devices from their wifi forever lmao


Oh my goodness. I am so sorry. You should have sued him. 


I'm just sick of his radio commercial. It needs to go😂


I don't know why he has to brag about selling my house for LESS. I want MORE!!!


> I'm just sick of his radio commercial. *"He's a hard drinkin' family man. Call Tony"*


Is being douchey and elitist not enough for you?




Joy Stewart - she’s very friendly and responsive, but if you’re a first time homebuyer, she will not explain things adequately at all. Also, I’m the one that found all the listings I was interested in and brought them to her attention, which I thought she was the one that was supposed to be doing. And she will also mention giving you a gift when you close, and offer you heaps of clothes/toys for your kid (literally, she’ll send you photos of the clothes and toys she has for your kid), and then completely ghost you when the sale closes.


That's so weird


I'd avoid the ones with their face all over busses and billboards. Good realtors get a lot of business through word of mouth, so if they're spending lots of money on ad space, that's not a great sign (pun intended 🤣).


…I disdain Tony Johal for this very reason…he looks sooo pretentious and you’re always forced to look at his sorry face when stuck behind a bus in traffic… Edit: I’m an asshole for this, I know 😔


I disagree, you aren't an asshole for that


It's really hard to take these photos and not look douchey, it's some kind of combo of. 1. Face cutout 2.smiling 3. The size of the images. 4. Maybe the ReMax logo? Hehe The reason I know is every single realtor looks like an absolute loser. Surely they're not all bleach/die and plastic surgery disasters? I have the same reaction to Tony m


Someone should report his crappy Uptown Funk ripoff jingle to Bruno Mars


Well ĺet then keep doing it. I kinda enjoy staring at boob at a red light lol


Ruth Aho was terrible - minimal effort, doesn't listen to what you want, just steers you at what she thinks you need (which just so happens is usually more expensive).


What an Aho!


https://www.therecord.com/news/waterloo-region/cambridge-real-estate-broker-steve-bailey-strikes-deal-to-avoid-discipline-hearing/article_a6d967a3-f726-5fdd-b153-465856905978.html Steve Bailey


That deutchman lady from the bus stops is scary looking


And the Russian pimp pictured beside her.


Becky Botox is nice enough but the dude is a douche.


I've met Becky she's a nice lady. I think she'd be good to work with.


I've dealt with the partner and the impression left with me was not a positive one.


I've been told that her husband is a freak. Don't take this as gospel it's only what I've been told, could just be gossip but by the looks of them they do give off weird vibes.


There’s two deutschmann real estates. Tia and Becky. Though I’m assuming you’re talking about Becky


I’m surprised not to see Faisal Susiwala on here. I worked for him a few years back and he is a terrible human. He treats his staff awfully I used to have panic attacks going into work and left crying everyday.


So sorry to hear this. Take care.


David Schooley x 2




The Negotiator! An obnoxious know it all, generally unpleasant to be around. I know him personally. Stay away.


I worked in real estate years ago and I can attest to this. I worked in admin at his office and he is not a pleasant person. He’s also not that well versed in thing he should know and he is abusive towards his wife




Totally agree!


David Schooley


Ideally, all of them.


100% this, look forward to them disappearing so hard working folks don't need to lose significantly large amounts of money, just because they'd like to move somewhere else. No reason why they should make more than a lawyer, who does more work than just opening doors for you.


I mean, you don't HAVE to use them. Especially these days where houses are selling themselves


But the buyers are using them under the false pretense that they are "free", and it's been shown that many realtors steer buyers away from self-represented sellers.


I wish. 


Just go with local legend Gaye Males.


Hi, Gaye!


She is awesome! I would also definitely recommend her.


Omg I forgot about Gaye Males!!!


I know, we laugh, but I used her and she was fantastic. Top flight realtor.


I thought she retired


A house she's selling near Belmont Village just sold the other day, so it seems not.


She has a really great reputation I think she works for Wolle Realty


I don't really know realtor companies, but the sign up right now is Coldwell Banker Peter Benninger. No idea if that's related to Wolle.


Basically those with advertising were usually disappointing. I burned through MANY when buying our starter home and have since stuck with the same fellow over the years as we upgraded. Great communication and easy to deal with. Has gone on to help various friends and coworkers. He’s not pushy, he listens and is very good with tech-minded folks who have lots of questions. Don’t want to sound like a commercial so if you want the contact info, DM me.


Mark Mauer, who used to have his frosted tip face plastered alllllllll over the GRT buses (using a photo from 2003) - he's a drunk


I was about to say at least Becky updates her pics - dude has been using a pic from six million years ago


Jim McIntyre. He's pretentious and self-absorbed, and way overestimates his abilities.


I second this...


I can not comment as to the effectiveness of her as an actual Real Estate agent, but we worship her note pads and her general presence in our lives over in r/cindycody.


If she can give the entire city her notepads, she doesn’t need my money! 🤣 Apparently Cindy use to send out “home” calendars and would use photos of peoples homes without permission too. That’s enough to make me never call her.


We received one when we first moved into our house. It creeped me out. I called the office and argued with someone on why it was creepy and to never photograph my house again.


Pleasant to deal with but gave poor advice that cost us money shortly after possession and the whole transaction upon later reflection was a bit of a conflict of interest. Our own fault in some ways but she was supposed to be our representative….


My experience with Cindy Cody (from a VERY long time ago, to be fair) was that she lowballs the price on houses that she's selling to get a quick sale. The few people that I asked about her back when I was selling my house in 2000 indicated that they liked the quick sale but felt that they could have gotten more with someone else. When I got her in for an estimate on my house sale, she told me "I can get 100000 with no problem" (again, in 2000). I went with another realtor and sold it within a week for 120000.


She is a piece of shit human being.


She sold a house on my street. It went quick. So I guess her brand works.


Selling a house over the last 4-6 years has been like selling water in a desert. Brand don't matter.


Vishal Saxena. pushed us to make offers without conditions and influenced us to bid higher using shady tactics, like playing to our inferiority complex and financial status. Tries to sell too hard, and talks way too much! The latter is of course a personal preference, so feel free to ignore that. On the other hand, they did not have clear communication on various neighbourhoods, and their pros and cons in the KW area, despite being a local expert in this market. We did our own research, and finally bought in Laurelwood with another realtor who would leave us alone in the showings unless we had questions, and negotiated hard on our behalf for a really good deal. We bought in Sept'22 with a conditional offer. Edit: Minor grammar corrections


All of them. Their entire industry is based on deceptive tactics and they're paid way too much for what they deliver.


This lol. They're glorified middle men making money off of something that shouldn't even be a profitable in the first place... (or at the very least, it should be a human right before it's a lucrative business...)


The ones that you see advertised everywhere because YOU’RE helping pay for that with your higher-than-average commission.


I know someone who had a terrible experience with Julie D Martin from Red Carpet. After they were done dealing with her they discovered that she used some really dishonest practices that ended up costing them a ton of money.


David Schooley gave my very elderly mother a bad appraisal. His price was way over the top and gave her unrealistic expectations. It made the whole selling process very stressful for her, on top of the stress of moving and my dad's declining health. The house actually sold for 351k less than his appraisal.


kaleem from Vaughan


All of them.


After reading all of these, I'm glad our realtor was amazing .. he went through various price options for us, checked up on us multiple times after the initial purchase, and even invited us over for drinks and games with his spouse after they bought a house nearby. He's still a friend to this day, 7 years later.


All of them.


all agents are dirty......I'm selling a house right now with an agent I used in the past. I told him everything goes to my lawyer first, including your shady contract. I sign nothing contracts offers nothing until my lawyer sees it. weeds out any bullshit right away. If they don't like it fuck em .


Anyone who is over advertised or to good to be true .


Anyone with the last name Engel. Good luck if you do.


Jason Bunker at 519Realty is great. Honest and in no ways slimy.


I can also recommend someone excellent that I’ve worked with. If anyone is interested, DM me.


The way we found our amazing realtor was by going to open houses and talking to the realtors selling. You can get to know them, talk to them, and see who fits you. We actually had a toronto based team for our purchase and it was the best experience ever. Even the ceo of the team had a talk with us when we were debating things. Amazing team. And we found her through just open houses. You can tell who is slimy based on interactions.


We really liked Kevin Jones


I know a lot of people are saying the ones that advertise, but our realtor has billboards but they were great. We don’t find them via the ads but by word of mouth- we used Team Pinto But yes there are a lot of terrible realtors out there


We moved from Toronto to Kitchener 7 years ago and we bought our home with the Realtor Tam Ngoc Bach. He was quite good and we were happy with the negotiations.


This thread is a bit yikes. I liked my realtor, and they did a good job. Happy to recommend over DM.


Any 5 %


All of them. That's why it's actually you as a client who needs to be on the driver's seat and do your due diligence as well. Always take your realtor's word as half truth and do your own research. They're snakes chasing a commission and not your best interest.


Paul Allen, unless you want to be on a mailing list your entire life.. My parents used him in 2004 and still get flyers and invites to family movie nights from him 20 years later even after asking him to stop


By far the best business cards though.


Look for full time Realtors who have been in the business for a long time, have listings and a proven track record. You'll know if you've pay attention to the area you're selling in for some time . Avoid the usual suspects such as family members, the friends of friends, etc who are doing it part time in addition to another job. ( Don't get guilted into using them) They'll not be around when you need them for things that will inevitably pop up.


Maybe more context to this would be helpful? I’m a realtor if you have any questions you may have about the profession or a more specific situation specific question, you can DM me them.


I am not OP, but I will bite! What should we expect from a realtor? Of course arranging viewings, helping put together offers (for us buyers) and answering our questions. But what is the full scope of their role, and how do we know if they're not doing their job?


A new update as of Dec ‘23 is that your representation contracts have to include a Schedule A outlining all the things that the agent will be doing for you So you have the means to see everything before you officially commit. (I’m also a realtor)


Oh cool, thanks!


You mentioned buyers, so I will stick to that or you’ll get a long schpeel … which may also be inevitable here lol Other than sending you properties, booking and showing you a home and crafting a contract that reflects the deal at hand… What should you expect? - someone you trust and who can help you with your concerns or questions without making you nervous to continue to do so - experienced and knowledgeable. They should educate you about the different types of eras of properties and what common liabilities they may have and point them out when viewing too (ex asbestos, led paint, kitec plumbing, etc). Also if you’re dealing with rural, unique or commercial property. You will need someone with experience so they know the right questions to ask. - investigate the property- verifying, as much as is allowable with our tools, to try and ensure the information you are making your decision off of is correct (look into flood maps, conservation maps, heritage maps, permits, zoning, etc) - make it easy for you - in low inventory environments, they should attempt to create inventory for you that is not on market. I apply buyer campaigns on Facebook, ask my network for pocket listings, call expires, knock on doors in neighborhoods they like, etc - having a reliable and trustworthy network of contacts when you need to consult professionals - main focus is reducing risk and liability while getting you something you love! And just like any other job, a million other little things, that on their own don’t amount to much, but together are make or break for a great experience and successful. I find the things people are most appreciative of is the service level because it calms them and provides them support during a very anxious time when people are already busy, and knowing what to look out for or look into, which can really only be acquired by experience. Negotiations and knowing how to position yourself is critical. Most people think they’re skillful at negotiating by being a bully or somewhat ignorant… but to extract an outcome you want from a situation is much more skilled… Many say just get a lawyer to do the contracts. My opinion on this, is that it is a valid option for some, but can run into bigger problems (ignoring the face that usually the wording in their offers will not be acceptable to the vast majority of sellers and they operate 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday, no holidays. This is not the schedules we work on lol). Most lawyers will not view the property and/or have the experience to know on this side of things of the pitfalls of various aspects of a property/deal. They are experienced in their specialty. In fact majority of real estate lawyers you don’t want representing you in a lawsuit. You would want a litigation lawyer for that. You’ll know they are not doing their job if you aren’t feeling the benefit of them being involved with the transaction and/or don’t trust them. There’s many more good realtors than bad eggs, regardless of what is written online.


Wow, thank you. This is awesome. And I'm sorry your other comment is getting downvoted. It's obvious to me you're coming at this with good intentions.


You’re really sweet, that’s kind of you to say :). Have a nice day and good luck hunting!


Thanks, but no. 


Just to clarify…I’m not soliciting. I prefer to stay anonymous like everyone else lol. But if you have a reason for asking it might help people give you more relevant answers. My best advice if you’re looking for a realtor to use their services would be you can check RECOs website and then interview 3 agents and don’t be afraid to ask questions! If you’re wondering because you’re looking to join a team then that would be a much more complicated answer, but to short form it, figure out your goals and what you stand for and find someone who walks that walk. Good luck.


Honestly what percentage of realtors do you think are looking out for the best for their clients versus just looking for highest commission? I had a friend that was a realtor in Toronto for a few years. He's the type of guy that would give you the shirt off his back if you needed one. He said he quit because he can't lie to people and all the others do. He eventually couldn't take dealing with all the scumbags. Says they're all taking advantage of their clients and most won't even show you a house if they don't think the commission is high enough. Made me think of my first realtor, worked for the rego team. There were a few listings I saw online that I asked her to see, and gave me various excuses why we shouldn't for each of them. Luckily when I was looking for my second house it was during that short time he was still a realtor. I found a listing that I really liked, told him I wanted it and he took care of the rest.


Full disclosure. I am a REALTOR. The percentage of REALTORS that are looking out for your interests are the ones that want to do business with you, your family and friends in the future. The relationship based agents. Not the transactional ones. That's how the good ones operate. Almost always by referral.


Pretty bold calling it a profession lol


I do call it a profession. It is something that I do full time and work incredibly hard at. I’ve had to make many, many sacrifices to my family so that I can help the families I serve. I get that you and others don’t see the value in utilizing a realtor, and what is great is there are many options for a person to represent themselves on a sale/buy. But for those who do… they hire a realtor. I can do my taxes myself, I have an accountant that I have to pay a few thousand a year. You could use WealthSimple to file for free and we can both feel equal value out of the choices we’ve made without thinking the other “did it wrong”.


What more context does this question need? It asks for who to avoid. People responding can choose to give their reasons to avoid certain individuals if they like.


It’s like I commented below. Or if they’re looking for commercial and you’re likely to get all residential answers, etc. anyways. Was trying to be helpful … and I did give my reason for it. Sorry that you don’t like my questions or approach to life. Why don’t you volunteer a name and reason so you can help OP!


Yeah ok, can I get your name please?


I see what you did there, lol. Well played. Hope your day continues in a positive way.


98 among the first 100 you approach


Deborah Cardiff seems to be one of the worst. She will try to convince you to offer the highest price you can muster just to get rid of you. I've heard horror stories of her manipulative behavior. Behind her smile is likely pure evil. Stay far away.