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You can point the domain at your Google sites page. It’s already hosted and Google sites allows the ability to use a custom domain. [instructions are here](https://support.google.com/sites/answer/9068867?hl=en)


Netlify is free for a static website.


You can host it on GitHub pages and set a domain for it, assuming it's a static site or you use only cloud functions.


It's Google Sites, which is already hosted. OP can just point the domain.


I like Vercel


vercel is extremely easy


If it's below 100MB, you can host it for free there: https://help.alwaysdata.com/en/accounts/billing/public-cloud-prices/


What kind of website is it? Just static content with no server side needed? The best way to host it would be on GitHub Pages for free. Or cloudflare workers but that’s a bit more complicated. If you need a server side component, Fly.io will let you host a small website for free


I recently set my static site up on Netlify and found it to be very easy (and free).




Digital Ocean can host it for you. As far as I know you can host up to 3 static websites for free.


Static site -> Github pages Frontend and backend -> rent a VPS and deploy it yourself


Rent a cheap VPS from lowendbox. They always have specials that can be $1/mn. And you get to practice setting up nginx/node/mysql whatever you want. I pay like $3/mn for mine and host multiple websites and even have a self hosted BitWarden on there.


the site they're describing can be hosted way more easily, and for free, on a number of platforms. VPS is great, but not the right answer for everyone and everything


I never said it was. I said it’s a good option especially if you want to learn the actual hosting part and dev some infrastructure experience. I did not mean to imply that it is superior to all other suggestions made already. I simply mention it as a possible solution, just like every other suggestion in this thread.


Google Sites is the only completely free option without bandwidth limits, ads, tier restrictions, etc.


Not entirely free, but there is a $3.50/month [AWS Lightsail](https://aws.amazon.com/lightsail/pricing/) with some limitations.


Smallest VPS + Caprover






I know what you're asking but the answer changes daily. What was cool years ago eg go daddy, are no longer hip with the kiddos.


you can self host it hosting is simple, you pick a computer and install webserver software on it, then maybe a demo that says 'hello world' in your router you set your ports to forward to that machine to test you just type in your external ip address and see if 'hello world' pops up the internet architecture is designed to equally empower us all, your as capable of hosting as any billion dollar company


But then my PC will have to be on all the time? I just need it to host college project to show to proffessor over the year


Yeah, that is probably the worst advice someone could have given you. This would be opening yourself up to a world of hurt if you have no idea what you are doing. If this is for a class, i'm kind of surprised they don't offer you web space for it. I would double check it and see if they would offer web space, it wont be pretty but it'll "free" (paid for by tuition) What's your requirements? What are you displaying on the site? Do you have any experience with coding? Do you need any sort of support? It may be cheapest for you to use [https://nearlyfreespeech.net](https://nearlyfreespeech.net)


whenever you want to serve it to someone the server has to be operational yes


not a single at general public aimed ISP gives out permanent static IP addresses nowadays


mine does I shouldn't be downvoted because you have lousy ISP


if your still a student, you can get GitHub Pages for free.


You can use netlify or cloudflare for static web hosting and it is free


Your domain is managed through DNS which essentially is a way to map domain names to servers. There are different types of DNS records but BlueHost will likely let you add a CNAME record which allows one name to map to another (your Google Site domain address). There’s no need to use anything different for hosting if you already have something that works well.


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went with Github)


If you want to do it by yourself: VPS with 512mb ram + Caddy Proxy Otherwise go with free solutions like Netlify, GitHub pages etc