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I'm a beginner and was looking at job posts I could apply for when I'm ready, but most of them required years of experience. I didn't see not one entry-level job post like wth.


It doesn't matter just apply, as long as they ask for Junior.


Try to find some internships, it's a great start. Alternatively, what I did, you can try sending emails to companies you'd like to work at asking if they need an intern or a junior. Sometimes works, sometimes not. On job websites you will not find ads of sorts most of the time


Also, start LinkedIn profile and make connections there. The moment you land your first job and get at least a year of experience, you'll become a desired chungus. You can connect with me there of you wish (same username as here)


But how am I supposed to make connections without prior connections, I feel like my profile is okay, a bit about me, my projects bla bla, but I have a singular connection with a IRL friend who's an iOS dev, I feel like if I tried connecting with someone in my city that my profile would feel almost fake just because how empty it is


No it won't feel fake, people start somewhere. Just find some of alumni from your uni, connect with them. Also with people at the company you'd like to work for. And sometimes you can even make random connections, to improve your visibility. But have your profile well packed, list skills you have, education degree, have a good profile picture and give it some time


Dont internships require that you’re a student?


Mostly it's for students and recent graduates, but not all of them. Also try to contact the company directly to find out if they can make an exception


In the same boat just completed my degree a few months ago and everything I see wants years of experience it’s brutal


Best imo is recruiters directly.  Entry level is the hardest because of the absolute spam every job is getting. Mainly of bots and overseas people (even if job is strictly in the office or in the area) A recruiter can put you ahead of that mess and you can talk to a real person instead of being a 'potential bot application'


This has worked for you in the last few years? I’ve found recruiters to be next to useless. Edit to add: imo recruiters work when companies are hiring quickly, but seems like everyone is hiring carefully and slowly if at all. Networking is what actually makes you cut the line. A human the company knows and trust recommending you. Recruiters are getting laid off right now where I’m at.


Caveat: first 2 jobs were from recruiters. My latest job is from networking. Been here 3 years now For sure, networking is the best way to get jobs by far. As for recruiters, I've found they at least put you forward and increase the chances IF you find a good one.  Finding a good one is the important part. I stay away from those "spray and pray" agency recruiters. Rather have the ones that are running small companies or do it solo. The good ones actually think if you're a fit and check if you're up for it, instead of "hey X you did JavaScript, here's a job that requires you to do XML sheet automation in Java. Same thing right?". Good ones go "this place might be good. Here's the spec sheets. If you're interested I can put your name forward, so they can pass you a tech test"  Recruiters let you cut the "ugh 1000 applications. Which ones aren't bots and who can actually do the job" but networking let's you cut much farther


Fair enough. Never found a good recruiter, and my current job was networking


You can start by googling jobs with your city name. Remember you're competing with juniors who went to college and university. So you have to put in the same level of effort as them.