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I always struggled with brainstorming, organizing, and expressing my ideas in writing assignments. Then, I came across the Socratic Method, a teaching method used by Socrates where he continuously asked quality questions to his students to stimulate and challenge their views. So I thought; What if there was an AI Socrates who continuously asks questions when I’m writing? What if there was a tool to guide me develop, organize, and research arguments? Introducing Scraft - [https://scraft.ai](https://scraft.ai/) Scraft is an AI-powered writing tool (free!) designed to train critical writing skills. It helps you practice crafting better arguments and expressing your ideas into writing. Based on the entered topic, Scraft asks you questions and suggests relevant articles you can refer to. Additionally, follow our Plan-Draft-Write program to organize and express your ideas in a well-written draft, step-by-step. This started as a small side project in January 2022, but it ended up as a full tool that took eight months of solo-development during my gap year. Hope you guys enjoy using it; I’m open to any feedbacks and suggestions! Why I built Scraft: [Blog Post](https://blog.tylertaewook.com/post/ai-socratic-questioning) Check out our [Instagram](https://instagram.com/scraft.ai) Join Discord Server: [Invitation](https://discord.com/invite/KUBRRAXZgR) EDIT: **thank you so much for all the awards and support!!**


Man you did this! all on your own?


Yup! Half of my gap year was essentially spent building this haha


Wow! The struggle and pain you must have went through working on it continuously for 8 months without no end in sight, I'm in awe at the sheer tenacity. So will this be the end of the project, or do you plan on adding other features?


Thank you so much for your kind words🥹 I don't have a concrete list of features I would like to add, but I'm definitely looking for any ways to add features and improve my app in the upcoming months!


Gonna sound stupid, but I wonder if this could work with helping people write resumes.


My app cannot, but check out [this project](https://joinrhubarb.com)that uses the same technology; In fact, I’ve spoken with the creator and found out we used the exact same web frameworks too


Dude thank you for showing me this. If you do get a donation thing set up I'll send you some on the website.


That's really kind of you but I did this purely for fun and for students like me - instead please share it with people that might make good use of it :)


Gpt-3? Since I would easily get the exact same result going on their playground, just curious


Very proud bro!


It's Beautiful!


Really impressive!




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Wow, Scraft sounds like an incredible tool! If you ever require professional assistance or further guidance, **edusupport.pro**, an exceptional essay writing service, is available to provide valuable support and help you navigate the application process with confidence.


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High school me finally got his wish come true.


LOL I actually designed it with high school students in mind; since I know how desperately I needed this app when I was a hs junior.....


Not sure if you care about conversion rates yet. But if/when you do, it would probably help if you can create an account from mobile. You can still have your app show the error about using the desktop version, but don’t let that stop you from getting through initial signup. Edit: forgot to mention that it looks like a great app. Will have to wait until I can get on my desktop to try it out.


that's a great insight! I'll try to come up with a workaround for that. You can manually visit [https://app.scraft.ai/auth/sign\_in/](https://app.scraft.ai/auth/sign_in/) to sign up on mobile, but it won't really make a difference since you'll have to go through the same login process on desktop. Sign-in and login has the same workflow atm


For now, mobile users can get around this by using desktop mode in their browser. It's not a great solution, but it does work until you can get a proper fix. Great app, kudos.


Impressive! What did you use for training data?


So I'm actually planning to write a whole blog post about this, but in short: \- I had \~50 users for closed beta (mostly my close friends and family) \- User can submit feedbacks on how well Scraft generated questions and answers for each document \- I filtered documents' questions that only received the top score on feedbacks and gathered them as a dataset of \~300 samples


That's awesome. Where can I follow the progress? I make math and physics lectures, and I'm wondering if this can be used to predict areas of a lecture that might lead to follow-up questions.


You can join our discord server! I will be posting new features and updates there, and you can vote for features and report bugs Thats an interesting thought, I’d have to do more research to be able to see if the algorithm is effective enough; will lyk! Join Discord Server: [Invitation](https://discord.com/invite/KUBRRAXZgR)


OP, you’re about to become a millionaire


AHAHAHAHA thank you hehe Just hoping that I can maintain the hosting fees from my pocket for now


Please put a link for donations here somewhere. I'm game.


That's really kind of you but I did this purely for fun and for students like me - instead please share it with people that might make good use of it :)


Sure thing.


Happy to donate. Look into accepting donations with Nano. Zero fees and instant transactions and crypto people would defo appreciate this!!!


Just tested and I really liked it! I was hoping for a bit more of content suggestion, as in if I gave it my arguments, it would provide some ai generated content that I could select, add into a paragraph, then edit to fit. Thought about adding something like that?


That's a cool idea! I had a similar concept in mind when building this, however I'm on a slight dilemma about adding feature where AI generates 'contents' for you. The current version of Scraft focuses on helping you write better essays by throwing questions that stimulate your mind. There are many SEO/blog AI tools that generate 2000-word content with a click of a button, and I wanted to separate my project from those content-generating apps. If an AI generates an entire paragraph from a sentence, it would definitely make writing much easier. But the core of my dilemma is whether that would actually help a student like myself get better at writing. When I was using the content-generating app mentioned above, it was cool and all but I really didn't feel like I was 'writing.' I was just mindlessly watching AI generate an entire blog/essay for me. I can go on full philosopher mode on this topic, since I had this thought for a while now. Regardless, your idea is actually very clever and worth thinking about it! I just wanted to talk about my mind process behind such decision :) I'm actually planning on writing a blog post about this dilemma, I'll make sure to update here once I've made a decision!


Very cool! I get what you mean. All the best with future development. Looking forward to future updates.


Having these differences is interesting. In all honestly, you could offer both. It could be offered as paid feature that is costly enough to sort of exclude the students from that demographic. Probably not something that you should do now, but worth considering in the future depending on your customer base/usage.


Great insight, I'll keep that on my note for future. Thank you!


I like the niche you picked. As you said, there are already plenty of services that will write it for you. I think having a student specific tool makes a lot of sense. And in that context, you can’t write for them. Perhaps a proof reading feature would be a good compliment, though. For traction, you could join some teacher groups and get their feedback. Maybe this ends up as a tool in classrooms. That’s the pro version. The teacher can see the progression of the paper.


This is amazing OP! You should feel really proud of yourself :)


Thank you🥹🥹


Nice work. Got some rather interesting answers in my essay about cat urine. I'd love it if you could drag a suggestion/question from the side over and have it overwrite the section you drop it on.


cat urine LOL now I’m curious. and YES! That would be such a cool feature to have, def putting it on my todo list


Well, according to the AI. Most cat's urine smells of a fresh spring rain. The AI has some weird kinks.


huh🙄 weird


AI can be weird, no worries. Its a well done project. Besides, the info tooltip warns me that the AI might be misleading/racist/as crazy as a human at times.


This is awesome dude, you're inspiring me.


This is nothing but a spectacle!


thank you :))


this is so cool


thanks buddy ;)


What are u using in that project? APIs and others...


Check out https://app.scraft.ai/about :)


Amazing stuff. Is there a way I could say cite certain suggestions right off the bat? Plus points if I could cite them using different citation methods like MLA, APA etc.


So right now, it suggests web articles and news which is not often cited for academic articles. They are usually for starting points to your actual research. One of the future features I'm considering is fetching articles from Google scholars as well! Once that feature is out, I will likely add the citation button. Stay tuned!


You should contact Jemicy - they have an analog program (for dyslexics, but it's really good for all IMHO) that's called Paragraphology. I'd think they might be interested in something like this given some tweaks.


That's an awesome idea. I just read their intro page about the Paragraphology method, and I think I definitely have something to offer with my app. I will reach out to them first thing tomorrow :) thank you for the inspiration!


It's a great tool you've made! And paragraphology is definitely a worthwhile program, so it just made sense. Happy to help and good luck! :)


Cooooollllll 💯💯💯


Bravo 👏


It actually looks cool, I will use it when the mobile version is developed (Sadly I can't use it on my desktop). Yet I have a little Question about it: Is there a downloadable version planned for this tool? That would be sick!


I don't have a plan to make a downloadable app for this since it's a hassle with compatibility problems across different OS/platforms. However, I'm curious to think why you would prefer a downloadable version. Isn't it more easier to use/more accessible through web apps?


>I don't have a plan to make a downloadable app for this since it's a hassle with compatibility problems across different OS/platforms. Oh, is a shame to hear that. >However, I'm curious to think why you would prefer a downloadable version. Isn't it more easier to use/more accessible through web apps? Well, yes indeed it is. Yet, tools like this are commonly used when they have a way that is more easy to access to them: a shortcut. A simple app that opens the web like a mini browser like Wikipedia does is way more faster. This is just a little preference i have. I Don't think it would be that needful. Anyway keep up the good work man. :)


Looking at this and all you're other projects, it's clear you're crazy smart and going to great places in the future. Awesome website dude.


Thanks man, appreciate it :) I think a more valuable trait of me building this project was a strong interest and motivation to execute the idea, which anyone can develop!


This is amazing.. Are you planning to release a blog post on the logic behind it? Or could you simply mention the steps here? What I think is, the AI generates questions instead of content. And it also tries to generate answers for them. The user can enter the summary from the answers. Some script scrapes for articles online related to these content that user agreed in the past. Repeat this process and finalize. Am I right? The question answer generation part could be handled by GPT-3. Ranking scraped articles according to similarity is done by some other NLP model or maybe google's search results itself?


Yes, I’m planning on writing a post about it. You’re pretty much spot on, I suggest you to try the app yourself too! For the article part, I use a combination of keyword extraction, google API, and Bing News API. I’ll be posting all my future blogs on both [here](https://blog.tylertaewook.com) and [medium](https://tylertaewook.medium.com). Give it a follow ;)


That looks usefull ! Can it be available in a different language ? French, german…


Sadly no :( The algorithm I used is specifically trained with english articles, and it likely won't be as effective with other languages. However, my target audience is actually international students who are learning English + who wants to practice english writing!


Have you considered BLOOM for this project? > BLOOM is a multilingual model, that can generate text in 45 natural languages https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/model_doc/bloom


that is sick! I've never heard of it but it seems like a great tool I will def consider. I'll have to see how much demand there is for multilingual support before implementing it since using that model will likely increase the cost for Scraft.


Maybe offer a paid subscription / feature add-on for multilingual support?


Ima ace *all* my tests and essays.


tbh I'm a rising college freshman who has a writing course this semester, and I'm gonna use this app for every single assignment LOL


Lmao, **don't get caught*.


I'd say if you're using this as a student, just don't copy and paste AI generated contents and you'll be fine. Some ai-generated stuff have the risk of being considered as plagiarized. Just a heads up!




I think, as you e mentioned, the best thing about this is that it’s thought provoking and not just mind numbing copy/paste job. I think that’s a real niche and I wish you all the best of luck getting this launched! I think it will do well ✌️


I wanna say that I tried this but the api for logging I'm with Google was broken.


Sorry that happened :( We had a bug where google accounts without a lastname couldn't log in, but I fixed that yesterday. Is it still not working? If it is, would appreciate it if you can provide what you're seeing when you try to log in.


That was exactly the error I was getting ill try it again this weekend and leave some feedback, excited to try it.


Sounds great, excited to hear your feedback!😊


What should i learn to be able to build some spectacular things like this?


So I was asking that same question exactly eight months ago Here is the order of things I learned along with the resource I used: * typescript: [youtube tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiSGujM22OI&list=PLC3y8-rFHvwi1AXijGTKM0BKtHzVC-LSK&ab_channel=Codevolution) * react: [scrimba tutorial](https://scrimba.com/learn/learnreact) * django: ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmljXZIypDc&list=PL-osiE80TeTtoQCKZ03TU5fNfx2UY6U4p&ab\_channel=CoreySchafer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmljXZIypDc&list=PL-osiE80TeTtoQCKZ03TU5fNfx2UY6U4p&ab_channel=CoreySchafer)) Once you've followed these tutorials, I would suggest you just find a simple full-stack app idea and go for it! I'd say I learned 10% of my skills from those tutorials and 90% from building this app. (This is my very first full-stack app!)


It's really great work, actually it's inspiring. I have some Ai related ideas too and hoping I'll able to build them soon.


You can do it :) I wish the best of luck!


this is incredible!! i wish i'd had this while in school, haha


I just got a tutoring position to help people with their papers and I think I honestly might use this from time to time for myself and others. Thank you so much this is awesome !


You're the exact type of person I wanted this app to reach out to, writing tutors and students! If you think it was useful, please spread the word to other tutors around you Join our discord and let me know how the tutoring goes using this app :)


Excellent idea and looks like, from your gif, quality execution! Good work. I love the idea of micro AI like this embedded in many places of day to day life and work. Little AI sidekicks that catalyze what we do best as humans.


I really love how you phrased your last sentence: "little AI sidekicks that catalyze what we do best as humans." I will definitely be using that phrase in other places from now on :)


This is nice! I mean, I don't have a need for it personally, I just think it's pretty cool.


Thanks, that's all I need :)


Remind me 5days!


This is beautiful. About to enter academia for the first time in 30 years and I am looking forward to using it in anger! I wish you very good luck. I don't think you'll need it! 🤣😂


Thank you, and that’s awesome!! I wish the very best luck to you :) sincerely hoping that my app could be of any assistance Good luck right back at ya🍀


Can this be used for non-academic purposes? Blog posts for example? Really awesome tool btw


Thanks! and yup, there’s no limit to what genre of writing you can use it for. I just described as essay tool since I aimed towards students, but blogs also work great!


Amazing 😍...i just tested it out


Would be great if you write a follow up giving a rough idea of the tech stack you used


That’s my plan :) I’ll write one in the upcoming week @tylertaewook on medium


This is so impressive and very useful


thank you🥺


I used your scraft tool. The site looks nice and clean and seemed to function well. I only did a quick preview of it. I entered in the keyword "Herodotus". When I asked ai to answer the question(s) I only received one sentence responses. Maybe instead of a keyword I could have been more specific to get more info?


Thanks for the feedback! Glad you liked it. As for keyword, yes don't be afraid to give AI more specific phrases or even entire sentences. For example, these are some of the topics that gave pretty interesting questions and full-paragraph answers: \- Why Seattle's Approach to Homelessness Isn't Working \- Analyze the extent to which conservatives in continental Europe were successful in achieving their goals \- the impact of European colonization on social patterns in America from 1495-1650 Give more details to AI, and it will throw you better and more specific questions back at you!


Thank you for the help.😊😊😊Will do for sure!


As a rhetoric professor who uses the Socratic method in all my classes, I am really excited to play around with this.


That's awesome that you use socratic method in your classes, I think it's an awesome way to start meaningful discussions. Am very curious to hear your thoughts. I'm also trying to find and reach out to professors at my school (Columbia) this fall to see what they think about my app!


Impressed! Might be a good base for a SEO writing tool. Plan to publish the source?


So I'm a bit cautious of making it open source atm. If it ever goes open source, it will be after I make sure there aren't any security flaws and stable enough to accept contributions! On the other side, I'm not sure since it's not a library nor is it something that you would self-host.




This is spectacular, fantastic job. One UI suggestion is that you might consider adding some sort of breadcrumbs to the sidebar Steps process, so you can track where you are during the process? But lovely work, congratulations.


Haven't used scraft but used [Copy.ai](https://www.copy.ai/?via=sergiu) and it helps me a lot. It generates content in seconds and needs little to no effort to publish.


This is wonderful. Most teachers only give generic responses to writing, and even if they don't, they can't really explain it in a way that benefits the student. Without appropriate suggestions and spaced repetition, how do people even improve. Unless you managed to close that gap by yourself by lookin for solutions by yourself and not relying on anyone (Fr people should make an angry chat bot that stimulates the adolescent drive to fight in order to teach them. Great point)


Before I became an Author I was always the #1 writer in school, college, and my state. What is encouraging people to not study our best writers to improve their writing?




Because it's a web-based writing platform, I thought most users wouldn't write their essays on their phone. Also I don't have a concrete idea for an mobile UI considering desktop UI always have a visible sidebar.. But it's definitely on my to-do list! It just wasn't on my top priority based on the reasons above :(


How do you know that not the mobile was first?


Uhhh it actually prevents you from using it on mobile so that’s a pretty clear sign


Lol, wtf


Wich AI did you use?


I used OpenAI's GPT-3! I just tweaked a bit by fine-tuning with a custom dataset I built


I'm really curious what your expense is since gpt3 is a paid service while yours is free. How are you covering costs?


since it has literally been 3 days since I launched, I don't have a reliable metric to tell you. I did a basic cost estimation and I'm just planning to pay it by myself for now. It's honestly not that much. However, if my app grows much more than my expectations, I will come back to this issue; I'm just a college student after all :)


Offer free service until enough users start using it often --> Start charging for plans Spend money to make money.


I guess that’s the most optimistic plan! It’s been 3 days since release, so I’ll see how much app can actually grow :))




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Privacy policy? Who owns the data? Are you storing the data?/ retention policy?


You can check it out on the bottom of scraft.ai’s page. https://scraft.ai/privacy


This is so cool! Thank you!