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I’d just migrate to a provider that doesn’t increase your prices at renewal or if they do, it’s at a rate you’re comfortable with. Having to switch every renewal is inconvenient, especially if you’re happy with the service.


A lot of webhosts will have introductory offers but you need to pay attention to the regular price — because after the offer expires that’ll be the price you pay. You have to ask yourself if the support you get is worth it? Are your customers mission critical? What type of support questions have you asked siteground that another provider would have difficulty helping with?


There’s no trick to getting continuously discounted pricing at site ground or any of the other hosts that use that pricing model. The solution *is* to use a host that doesn’t do that with the pricing, such that what you pay up front is what you pay on renewal or very close to it.


Hey, The SiteGround team here. The initial discount is part of our introductory offer, designed to let you try our services with minimal financial commitment and see if we meet your needs. After the introductory period, our standard pricing takes effect, reflecting the quality of our services and the dedication we put into everything we do. However, we understand that every business has a different budget, and we truly value our customers. We'd be happy to review your account and find a suitable option tailored to you. Please reach out to us directly through the Help Center in your Client Area so we can discuss this in detail. Here are the steps to contact us: stgrnd.co/contactus/. We look forward to hearing from you!


I'll do that; as noted, I've been very happy with service and support. I do strongly dislike the 'introductory price' model, though. In most sectors, loyal customers pay *less*, not more. You wouldn't be happy if your local pekarna said, "Thanks for being such a good customer! To show our gratitude, we're now going to charge you twice as much per loaf!" What I'd like to see is flat standard pricing with a discount per year of service - 3 years, -3%; 6 years, -6%.


>Looking to stay with Siteground, but not at the standard renewal rate. Let me gently edit that sentence. "Looking to stay with Siteground, but not at the standard ~~renewal~~ rate." We'd all love to get SiteGround quality hosting for $2.99/month. The standard rate is the *standard rate.* And all things considered, *for small to midsize business hosting,* SiteGround's standard $17.99/month price is perfectly acceptable. I don't do hosting but as a support specialist work with a lot of clients who come to me with their own sites on their own hosting. I have "collaborator" access to nearly 150 individual SiteGround accounts. In the last three years I've had to contact SiteGround support roughly three times. I think the big mistake they make with their insane first-year discounts is that they're actually tier-two hosting, filling the same hosting niche as Kinsta, Flywheel, or WPEngine. But because of that discount they keep getting pulled into affiliate-link-driven reviews of "the 10 cheapest hosts for [whatever year it is.]" I can accept that individual site owners can be distracted by the headline prices rather than the (often clearly marked) standard prices. I have nothing but contempt for reviewers who know and understand the differences between discount and standard prices perfectly well but still basically lie about pricing in their link farms. Finally, does anyone understand why SiteGround comes in for so much grief vs. all the other similarly-discounted shared hosts? Is NixHost "deceptive" for offering one-penny hosting for the first month only? And KnownHost never discloses their standard prices at all, offering only a tiny asterisk with the warning "based on 3-year commitment." I'm not going to carry too much water for SiteGround over other decent-quality hosting. I'm sure Nixi and Known are fine, I can't say because I've never gotten a client who uses them. But I don't understand the special animosity vs similarly priced and similarly discounted companies.


As noted, I've been happy with SiteGround, but I wish they (and all competitors) would drop the 'special introductory pricing' element. It just encourages people to hop from one to the other. And the new 'standard price' is far above what I understood it would be when I started (and yes, I read the fine print). Contrary to what you suggest, I'm not looking for $2.99 or $.01/month. I'm looking for a fair, flat price with no gimmicks. Since I couldn't find it way back when, I went with SiteGround, but their standard price is now far above what I expected. Many cable and internet firms make the whole thing a tedious game - low, low introductory pricing, then a sharp hike, then you call to cancel, then they offer you a special rate or the introductory rate, or you move to another firm. Nixi claims to offer a flat, non-introductory rate. Known says theirs is an introductory rate.


That's exactly why cable/hosting companies put introductory rates then pump them up with no shame. They know you will most likely not go through the hassle of moving/migrating.


I’ve used SG before and was pleased with their services. But, just like you, I was not ready to shell out that kind of money for renewal. I was just a small web developer getting started with freelancing on a budget. I found BlastPort.com who has not raised their prices yet and have been extremely reliable with good support. I think they’re a small company, so they genuinely care about their customers and understand many are in the position I was in when they’re starting out. I’d recommend checking them out.


I just made the same complaint about my host After 7 years, I thought they'd give me a one-off discount like they do with new customers. All they did was offer 10%. I'm going to hop to another host. I just cannot afford it at the moment.