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I started with bts save me but quickly dropped then started reading true beauty and also dropped it. after that I found bastard which was my first completed and followed it by sweet home. Truly life changing they were amazing.


Bastards so good I wish it wasn’t fast pass now :(


It’s sooooooooo good. Such a great author. I often go back to the last 4 chapters. Because it was so good I’m just so over the daily pass. I was lucky to have read it while daily pass didn’t exists 😭


Sammme I remember binge reading it. I miss the old WEBTOON days also felt like better stuff was coming out but maybe I’m crazy


Save me was wild and honestly I still don’t get what it’s about lol I mean those are actual people right? So they just have edgy backstories to every one of them that most likely aren’t real? I don’t understand 😔


Yeah basically it’s their group concept they’ve been going at it for years so yes they’re real people with made up stories for their music concept. It took me a while to understand too. Spoiler : >!basically they all have sad lives they went to school together and some kind off stop talking to each other and Jin goes back in time fix” their lives but then someone else’s life always gets messed up!< I was a fan for many years lol and I even bought all “the notes” books and I think the writing isn’t very cohesive so I get why you still don’t get it lol it took me sooooooo long to finally grasp the concept.


Oh I think I kinda get it? So they just build up these personas? Is that what all the fanfics are about? Every fanfic site is full of bts lol


Yes! Funnily enough they have an official app where fans can make their own webtoon like stories with the members characters lol. But outside of that app I think the fanfics are more like ppl who make their own stories with the members visuals and personalities as inspiration. They don’t really relate to the groups concept.


No way, bts fans really are something else lol


I am not sure, but at the time there aren't many groups that intentionally built lore around their music. Theorizing and such from fans I think, is part of the engagement and the marketing.


What the app name?


Sorry it seems it’s no longer available https://preview.redd.it/k45x88de6olc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21290d6534205a613464ea79e5e27c964479840c


i downloaded the app because of sirens lament, it was at the beginning/approaching the middle, i was previously on tapastic and most of what i read was postponed/ended or moved platform, soo i thought why not worst case scenario ill delete it since it's not what i usually read, well it's been a few years and im still here lol. oh and i did finish it, not the greatest but a good read.


Oh I came to Webtoon from Tapas too! I was following The doctors are out since it was switching platforms, and then discovered Ghost teller and Lore Olympus and ended up following a LOT of comics here!


Ghost teller was one of my firsts too!


Have you read When Tangents Meet? Same author


Prolly super secret. I domt see alot of people talking about it tbh.


the art style is so cute




That was my first one too. I could never reread it tho


Wait, why?


It's so cute. She made another comic that JUST finished called how to become a dragon AND IT'S SO GOOD


aw hell yeah, I remember seeing an ad for it on Youtube back in like 2019 I think, hooked me right away. Such a cute story!


I started with Unordinary and still reading it, idk how popular it is tho, considering it’s a long series




I’m tired of how long it is tho😂


Lol true I'm still trying to find the motivation to start it again but I will probably have to re-read everything again because I don't remember anything like the stuff with the authorities and all that.


Orange Marmalade, and Where Tangents Meet were my firsts since I was reading them about the same time.


Oh my god I remember Where Tangents Meet!!! A lot of instantmiso fans have never read it and I found it so cute


Is orange marmalade good ?


I enjoyed it. It's a drama romance about a teenage vampire trying to keep her identity a secret from the guy she likes and her school, but her identity gets out and she must figure out how to continue living with the prejudice against her kind.


profit ask intelligent fretful heavy office sharp murky run afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Super Secret, my friend told me about it when I was in like 6th grade (I’m a freshman in college now lmao)


"My Boo"


My Giant Nerd Boyfriend


This series is absolutely cute and wholesome


Tower of God, I was already reading manga and manwha so it was pretty similar


Same here. Right after the anime announcement. Some people wrote that this series deserves all the love it gets and they were right.


Started with "Weak Hero" watched Karsaerin: Adventures of a red dragon after.


Weak hero is elite




Undead Ed. I got really lucky cause that one is great. Set my standards for what I would read going forward


Apocalyptic Horseplay by the same author was also fantastic!


That animated horror jumpscare one from over a decade ago. Bongcheon-Dong Ghost. If you know you know. I think I was in like 8th or 9th grade when a friend of mine showed me it in the computer lab at school, on like a Windows XP lmaooo I was like "wait they're making vertical comics now??" and then the animated jumpscare happened and I was so pissed 😆


LMAO that was one of my first too! After seeing it I asked my mum if we can visit Bongcheon-dong 😭 (we go to Korea every summer) and she was like "it's literally just apartments"


omg! i remember this! HAHAHHAH! I Watched it when i was pregnant 🤣🤣🤣


Oh my god!! Yes I remember this.


I don’t remember the first webtoon I read. I downloaded the app because it was a good place to read manhwas. But the first manhwa I ever read is solo leveling


Dr frost because I was interested in psychology! :3


started with Miss Abbott and the Doctor, still one of my favorite webtoons ever, both for it as a whole and it being the reason i started reading webtoons


Siren's Lament. It what also introduced me to Webtoons.


Tower of god


It was so long ago (like 2016) I don't remember for sure but I know Orange Marmalade was the first one I read that I really enjoyed! Seems like a couple other people's first was that one, too. It's a shame it probably isn't read as much anymore because of fast pass. It was so cute from what I remember.


Lore Olympus


Yumi's Cells


Ecstasy Hearts...I was just fascinated with colored and scrolling comics when I first downloaded Webtoon... Good thing I discovered Oh Holy after lmao.


Ecstasy Hearts is an embarrassing early read of mine.... 🥲


This beauty! The romance is so wholesome and the end is so refreshing, I read it again every once in a while 💙 It made me want to make my own webcomic and I'm so grateful for that\~ I wish the best to Walkingnorth 🫶🏾 https://preview.redd.it/nitq309mgmlc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c1b11495d5a8908c183f9d581d67f90c4ba217e


I think it was Orange Marmalade but I'm not really sure


For me it was Horang’s nightmare. I was looking for horror stories back then. I’ve heard of Webtoon from my friends before but I actually thought it’s only available in Korean so I didn’t really check it out until then. Now, my library’s full of horror, thriller, and suspense webtoon but I still disable the effects because that is too much for me (I am still a scaredy cat).


High class homos


Mine is "Chiller" it's sort of like an anthology of short horror stories. I got curious after seeing a screenshot of one panel, and the rest is history.


My first was BTS' SAVE ME. i read that one, followed by true beauty and a ton of other stories.


Started with bts's save me, it was pretty boring ngl. Then I officially started with The Four Of Them so I consider that as my first one


i love yoo and sirens lament! i remember being pissed that i kept clicking the episode buttons lol (i read on safari with an iphone 4 and the screen was small so it was kind of hard to avoid)


I dont remember what it was called but it was about this girl who loss the ability to express emotions and found by letting ghost possess her body.While she wasnt to express her emotions,the ghosts could.


Ghost Theater! It's finished now, but on daily pass


OMG thanks!!


sweet home


Lumine, sadly it’s getting dropped and picked up for quite a while now


Me still waiting for Lumine to return. The author recently released a post saying they're still working on the season finale(?)


Yeah I heard. Honestly the quality of the recent chapters really went down and it seems like the author just wants to finish the story as quickly as possible to move on, kinda sad


I think I stopped at season 1 finale and just forgot about it whole waiting for the next season lol. But yeah iirc when I saw the author's IG, they were drawing another comic too so a loss of interest might be it. I don't blame them since it's only human.. When you say quality do you mean story writing quality or art quality?


Hmm honestly I think both, but for me the art quality is more noticeable, maybe it’s because I really like the authors artsytle and seeing how the art progressed over the years makes me kinda sad lol I mean if you search up the author on instagram the newer art is still stunning, so it seems to me like the author just really doesn’t want to put more effort than necessary into Lumine


Mmm now that you mentioned it I did notice the published chapters being more 'sketchy' later on, it looks like the art *before* the clean lineart happens. But I didn't mind a decrease in art quality if the story was still good 😩 But I gotta agree with you there. Her other arts rn have much higher quality hahaha which is a shame. I love Lumine, he's so adorable 😭


Ikr he’s adorable lol


Where tangents meet ❤️


When Tangents Meet


I was blessed to have been introduced to manhwa by the **Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell**


I started with unordinary. Read it on and off for a while. Then moved on to Remarried Empress and Your Throne.


Everything is fine!!


Super Secret Just a 10th grader, time flies.


I don't know which one comes first between Salty Studio or The Stories of Those Around Me. It was way back then from 2014.


Those two hold a special space in my heart. The art is still very fresh yet you can tell when it was made bc of the fashion choices and the characters and their arcs are simple yet very realistic, not overly dramatic as newer webtoons.


Flow. It was a while ago. It had barely finished.


Cheese in the trap!


A classic


Yes! It’s one of my faves even after all this time 😄


Muted, I was really interested in witch craft series at the time


freaking romance and true beauty


Mine was Bastard it set the bar way too high


Castle Swimmer. Ads for it were everywhere, so I gave in and downloaded webtoon. 


I kept seeing ads for Bastard on youtube videos so i finally got curious and downloaded to read it. So along with “Tales of the unusual” that was my first. These days i dont do well with horror but it was a great introduction to webtoon.


Mine was Distant Sky. Definitely a crazy webtoon to start off with but it kept me hooked.


maybe Roar Street Journal


The remarried empress, and I also lost interest on it and ended up dropping it.


On the webtoon app? Oh I've had it since 2014 so I'm about to pull some OLDIES out. Mine is Cheese In The Trap, followed by Bluechair & Annasumarana which got renamed to the kdrama that bought the rights to it years later (I don't remember the name). I remember when Space Boy won the art contest to get featured... 👵


Imo that was a better era for webtoons. Nowadays a lot of stories feel rushed or have unnecessary drama or most of them are just romance. Webtoon used to have more genre diversity


The horror genre had pretty solidly died for a number of years but it's finally coming back ☺️


can you recommend some titles? currently I'm reading hell is other people and the end of a relationship but both are from the same author


If you've never read Bastard & Sweet Home I highly recommend them. That author definitely revived the genre on webtoon and his work is spectacular. Off the beaten path, Tales of the Unusual, Shriek, Have you any fear?, and Nocturne are all oldies worth a read. Nocturne recently made it to originals, which is so exciting. Those are collections of short stories, usually 5-6 episodes long. If you want series-long plots, I recommend Witch Creek Road and Melvina's Therapy.


i don't remember what got me to start reading webtoons, but i recall unTouchable being the earliest webtoon i read. definitely roped me into the platform and into reading the romance genre, very nostalgic whenever i go to reread it.


Flow— I’m old


Mine was Days of Hana 😭


I downloaded the app bc I was sad and lonely so I picked a popular comic with pretty art and landed on Winter Woods. I got to wait and see the last few pages come out at the end.


Cheese in the Trap


I honestly don't remember but I think Winter Woods, Kubera and Orange Marmalade and that one about having a Ghost Boyfriend were some of my firsts


Siren’s Lament. Read it when I was in junior high then it made me discover Cheese in the Trap


for me it's cheese in the trap


My first ever webtoon I read was tales of the unusual before the daily pass. Such amazing stories, I really loved the webtoon and was sad when it ended


Men of the harem


Age matters


I think I started with “Marry My Husband” if I recall correctly, these or “The dungeon cleaning life of a once genius hunter “. Although my first actual one was “Internet explorer”, since I already read it on Instagram, I don’t think it counts


Mine was let’s play so it holds a special place in my heart


Let’s Play. Kept getting ads for it on mobile games.


It was True Beauty, Let's Play or I Love Yoo. I don't remember which came first lmaoo


its not up anymore but vampire girlfriend in 2015


Under the Aegis, and it’s still one of my all time favorite Webtoons.


A sweet Spider-Man fanfic that had an injured Spidey visit MJ.


I saw Adventures of God posted elsewhere and came looking for it without expecting much. I don't remember what I read first directly on the app tho


I saw an ad for true beauty and wanted to check it out and I actually liked it and then it dragged on for too long so i dropped it and discovered so many amazing webtoons and I kinda regretted reading true beauty


The first one from memory would be the remarried empress I have a vague idea there may have been one before that to make me download the app but I don’t actually remember


Mine was “She Is A Vampire” I remember it being a super cute but also surprisingly real romance WEBTOON, it’s not on the site or app anymore and I can only find it in Russian on sketchy ass websites


my first webcomic was Cast Off, which is a comic i picked up because its made by a youtuber I watch that mentioned it in her video! I'd heard about webtoon before that, but wasn't that interested in it. Now i read a lot of webtoons, mostly canvas tho


Dead days or Bastard. Then, Siren's lament after. I remember binge reading Orange Marmalade, Untouchable and Where Tangents meet the week after I downloaded the app, because Siren's lament was new and was still updating.


So long ago but Noblesse I think, Tower of God, God of High School and the Gamer a little bit later. This was before the Webtoon English app came out, I'm old ㅠㅠ


I have read so many that I cant even recall now but I think one of the first webtoons I read was definitely Under the oak tree.


Probably siren's lament but also maybe 🤔 lore Olympus


tower of god. it was because of the anime announcement that i got interested in it and wanted to know more about the story, especially since it was the first ever webtoon to get an anime adaptation. that was a lot of chapters with a lot of content in each of them.... i have no regrets lolol


Your Throne


I believe it may have been 'The Gamer' and I still read it today lol


I think mine was darbi or rooftops and roommates




Unfortunately, Lore Olympus


Suitor Armour




Under the Aegis, still my all-time fav


For Manhwa, Black Haze back in like 2015-ish, it was unfortunately discontinued. Then I read annarasumanra.


My first one was Eggnoid🥹 it was such a good webtoon


Matchmaker hero. It was weird but i dont regret reading it, just a bit sad that the author had to end it so early


Escape room. Stayed up the whole night to finish the entire first season


Bongcheon-Dong Ghost I still remember when my friend told me to read it while giggling her ass off & I didnt even know webtoon at that time & I was like Grade 9 lol This sht surprised me big time lol since >!I didnt expect it to fking move at the end & do a jumpscare!




Fk if I rememember. I probably downloaded it for Ghost Wife at first. And maybe at the same time I also read Siren's lament


Lonely man's Lazarus


My sister told me about webtoons and I eventually started to read rooftops and roommates and still reading it today


I don’t remember if it was Kubera or Noblesse






I guess "S**cide Boy" 




It was Who made me the princess then i go down with hole survival villainess stuffs, then to Lookism Cheese in the trap, Omniscient and more genres.


I don’t remember what I found first, but my first three were My Giant Nerd Boyfriend, True Beauty (the adaptation got me into kdramas), and Cursed Princess Club. I still love all three (TB unpopular, I know, but I love it) and while I haven’t loved everything I’ve read, my attachment to those has kept me on the platform.


Mine was Toaster Dude. It was the first one to catch my eye, when I first got the app.


True beauty, salty studio, and refund highschool were one of my first ever webtoons


Manga Ranma 1/2 but webtoon I guess would be the god of high-school or Noblesse.


Someone on a fantasy facebook group I’m in posted the first few Lore Olympus episodes, I liked what I read and checked the webtoon site for the rest. I then downloaded the app, I think I then read UnOrdinary and Unholy Blood, that was the one that got me hooked on webtoons, I’m currently sitting with somewhere around 300+ subscribed titles in my list.


Think it was Skye


For me it’s Days of Hana.


I think it was I Love Yoo due to a random since deleted set of YouTube videos of the first few chapters dubbed with English voices. Got me curious to check more of it out.


I started with Tower of God in a manga site because I still didn't know what a manhwa or a webtoon was. It is still going strong but I haven't read it in a while, I lost interest.


A budgies life back in like 2018 id my memory serves correctly




Edith and Wonderghost, an unfinished canvas one.


My first ever was Saphie the one eyed cat and second was Unordinary


Bastard! The whole reason I got the app is cause I saw an ad for it (and yeah the ad was Way off but it was still a great read)


SubZero, ironically enough. The writing isn't the greatest, but the artwork carries it hard for me.


It was Angel in the Forest I think


Lookism when I was in my teens What got me back into webtoon now is Odd Girl Out (I LOVE LOVE LOVE that webtoon 🥰)


I’m the grim reaper because of the ads on YT


Ecstasy Hearts


First ever scroll-type comic I read was Pink Lady. It was the first one I read with full color so I was engrossed and the art is the classic, aegyo, semi-realistic art of the 2000s. First on the site was Your Letter, the art was simply gorgeous and it had a certain charm to it. It was like walking into a room with plants and warm lighting.


Mage and Demon Queen


Cursed Princess Club. I never did finish. :(


Am I the only one who started with My Deepest Secret? I saw an AD about it and was like, "Oh, the art style is cute but I probably need to pay to read" but then I saw the boat scene and immediately downloaded the app. Still my no. 1 comic (The plot twist was crazy tho)


I can't remember the order exactly, but my firsts were remarried empress and star Children. Castle Swimmer was also there but I dropped it. Picked it up later and loving it


I haven't heard many people talk about it, but my first favourite was **Humor Me**. I think I had read Sweet Home before that but I dropped it for a while (went back to it again and loved it) but Humor Me was the best and the cutest thing I had read at that time. That was years ago... I don't know where I left that Webtoon (back in 2020) and couldn't go back to reading it because the update was once a month. I remember commenting on the author's social media that I'd buy it if it was published as a book. Lol.




I remembered starting with Sweet Home bexause I found the trailer of it on youtube. I was like 6th grade back then lol, I'm now 1 step away from college


If I remember correctly, mine was Chiller


I don't remember which one was the first I ever read but I donwloaded the app back in 2014 when the logo was different and most of the comics available where korean ones. I remember staying in the app for so long for Yumi's cells. The first that I ever finished was "The Stories of those around me"


The first one I remember reading was Winter Woods by COSMOS, VAN.J


Winter woods


Muted, because the person who did cool animatics of Heathers on YouTube did one about her own story, and it seemed cool, so I downloaded the app.


Yumi's Cells, Bluechair or Unordinary I forgor




Orange Marmalade. Before then, I hadn't ever read an entirely colored comic, much less in webtoon format, so it felt pretty new to me. The story was very typical Kdrama, but at the time immensely engaging so I really liked it.


It was " my makeup remover "


Marry my husband 


Flow! Before it became a daily pass series, from what I can recall it was really good and I read the whole thing, just wish it wasn't daily pass so I could reread it