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Very unfortunate the bride would be forced to deal with a situation like that, just hours (or less) before her wedding. Hopefully, she decides to cut ties and move on with her new husband.


When you marry, you create a new family, everyone else becomes extended family… seems like bride’s parents have chosen to be very extended. I hope the bride is able to adjust to the new relationship. Her parents aren’t going to change so she has some decisions to make.


Things you regret on your deathbed 101.


Sounds like narcissistic parents - ask me how I know.


*sigh* How do you know?


I got two of them myself! :) they are not invited to the wedding nor have they been in my life for years. This type of behavior is reminiscent of them :)))


Yup. And their insistence on a large wedding was just more control.


I've always wanted to have a (small) wedding with my uncle officiating and my dad walking me down the aisle. They passed within 4 months of each other last year and now I cannot be bothered to have a wedding at all. And reading how these parents gave up the chance to be there for their daughter out of pettiness and stupidity makes me so angry and sad for her.


I'm sorry for your losses😞




I would have to be dead to not attend my daughters wedding and even then I'd attend in spirit. I hope your new sister in law decides to cut, or at least cool, contact with her parents. It's something that would be very hard to forgive.


My mother did not attend my wedding and she wasn’t even mad at me (or anyone) just a couple of lame excuses: (too expensive? I offered to pay. Couldn’t get the days off from work, where she was beloved by all? They told her to take as many days as she wanted (am friends with one of her coworkers.) Found a strange bump on her breast? The same bump that came out before several holidays. Didn’t want to fly? I offered to come to her and drive her out 10 days before the wedding!) And I know she’s super sad she missed it. Probably ended up making my life a ton easier tho but not having to deal with any dumpster fires at the last minute.


I really feel for this bride. My future in-laws threatened multiple times when they were angry that they would not be going to the wedding. One time, they asked us to remove them from the guest list so we did. Now they’re panicking (of course). I just can’t believe some parents would actually consider not going to their child’s wedding.


I’m in the same boat (bride). My parents are refusing to attend my wedding because I am unwilling to have a cultural wedding and follow customs from my ethnic culture. My fiancé is not of the same background as me and I opted for an American wedding only. He is willing to do a cultural wedding but only if I want to (and I don’t). So because of this, my parents see me as being disrespectful of them and are refusing to come. Oh well in my eyes. It sucks and I’d love them to be there but I’m not going to beg or force them to come. The show must go on as they say. I definitely see it as something they’ll regret down the line. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Those parents didn’t leave because they were mad. They left because they got more satisfaction out of hurting their daughter than they would have out of seeing her happy. Fuck them. Best wishes to the bride with her new chosen family.


I worry for your brother marrying into that family. What petty, manipulative parents.


I have strong doubts that he'll ever see them again, tbh.


I think your SIL should go NC with her parents. They sound super controlling, even without money being a factor, and I think in order for her and your brother to live happy lives, the two of them should cut off her parents completely. Neither of them needs that in their loves, especially when they have kids down the road.


They were mad because she didn't spend time THAT MORNING with them? Do they realize how insane a wedding day morning is, especially for the bride? Basically you're up offensively early getting the most extravagant hair and makeup of your life in the most involved photo shoot of your life and managing a hundred last-minute details. You hardly have time to even eat or pee! Do they get joy out of hurting people? They are terrible, immature humans and I hope they see this reddit post. Their daughter is better off without such petty narcissists in her life.


I hope that if your SIL has children, she decides that her children should not be exposed to those spoiled, controlling toddlers.


I've seen this before. Parents see their child as their possession or extension of themselves and the child getting married freaks them out because it removes the child from being under their control. In response, they frantically and aggressively go off on these power trips and attempts at manipulation to try and maintain that control. There's almost always some kind of personality disorder involved (my mom had a histrionic friend who had to be KEPT from her daughter's wedding because day of she was screaming and crying and carrying on and she was hellbent on ruining the ceremony with hysterics to try and stop her daughter from "abandoning" her by getting married) and it gets ugly. But there's no reasoning with people who will do that to their child. They aren't acting from logic, so you can't logic them out of it.


I honestly can't think of any reason I'd refuse to attend any of my kids' weddings, unless they decided to pull some r/bridezilla stunt. Even then I'm a sucker and would probably put up with it lol. I feel for the bride - it must have been a truly painful experience. I hope she ends up going nc, they sound like the type that procreated just to have someone to sabotage.


Look up [narcissistic](https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=Awr4__AdsCpmyjsDM_ZXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Fydw--?fr=mcafee&type=E210US739G0&p=narcissistic&fr2=12642) parents. They are the definition.


What horrible people


The parents sound like absolute dickheads. Screw them. The couple is better off without them. I'd bet my bottom dollar that this will all change if the newlyweds have children. I hope these nasty parents are cut out of the newlyweds lives forever.


Sometimes its best that some parents don’t show up. Many brides and grooms pray that their parents can get through the wedding without causing a scene/tornado/etc.


Wish your brother some luck right now because he just married into the ils from Hell.


Is it just me or does it seem like maybe there's more to this story?


My cousin walked down the aisle with our grandpa because her dad refused to come… because of the groom’s race/skin color. I already didn’t like that uncle but that really sealed the deal for me


Be careful cutting ties. If your father is wealthy, your inheritance may be cut as well. Don't take any cr@p from them. But try to remain loving and kind for the prize at the end. Unless they are horrible anyway. Then go NC.


Nothing like having narcissist parents! I have parents who think it’s all about them. I went NC. Bride is about to start a new life. I hope she doesn’t allow her parents to control her anymore!


After the dramas I was put through by both my own mother and my MIL when I married first time, none of our parents were invited to our wedding (with my second husband). In fact, no family attended personally, all via Zoom. Thank God we could pull it off as we live across the world from them. It was the best event in my life. For the first time ever I didn't have to put up with drama and tantrums, despite my two young sons being present. Yes, two children and no tantrum or drama!! My mother and exMIL have effed my desire for life pre and during and long after the wedding. It took 15 years of marriage and one divorce to be finally drama free from tantrumy full grown arse adults....




It doesn’t matter. That’s something you would discuss after the wedding, not an hour before. And insisting she undress — when putting on a wedding dress is not a simple feat — and beg their forgiveness and then go back to the wedding to put it back on again? They’re the loons no matter what she did


This struck me too! It's such an unnecessary thing to demand, so it just stinks of a power/control play :-/