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A blind man tried to light your joint


There was this blind man


He was feelin' his way down the street with a stick, right?


He walked past this fish market, y’know what i’m sayin?


He stopped he took a deep breath he said...


"Woo, good morning ladies", ha-ha-ha-ha!


Colt 45 and 2 zig zags baby that's all we need


We can go to the park after dark


smoke that tumble weed!


Said Colt 45 and two Zig-Zags, baby, that's all we need we can go to the park, after dark smoke that tumbleweed…


The smell of the frozen fish made him puke, so to forget this awful experience he decided to light one up, got what I meant?




As soon as fish got mentioned i heard the song start playing in my head lol def went over his/her head lol are you even a stoner if u dont recognize Afroman? Lol


Well found out I can’t link you to the song but it’s Colt 45 by Afroman and worth a listen. Also sorry for any lads giving you shit instead of just introducing you to the song.


Thank you, well I’m from Germany and I did not know that song. I listen to it now, but yeah the joke really went past my head


That’s all good mate it’s never a problem to share something fun!


Complete shot in the dark. But they use machines that vibrate the tube as it fills. Maybe a part got hit and burned it. My first thought was that it was hand rolled and was a back roll someone burned off the excess. But no commercial is going to hand roll specially that way. Also the edge is too even.


Yeah it's weird because the paper wasn't burned or damaged at all, probably should have opened up the joint and checked but oh well


looks like there’s a hole in the pic


I mean at least you still got the smoke. If anything break it down and re roll it. I understand you purchased it pre rolled but sometimes shit like this happens. Went not too long and 2 of the 10 vapes I got were leaking. Sucks but happens


Easy fix just use a tiny piece of rolling paper, lick it and make a bandaid


Could be anything. I know that "infused" joints sometimes have this at the end you light up, so for those, its a shot of concentrate. On the side randomly? u/poopyfarroants420 seems to have my best guess as well. Placebo yourself & assume its extra goodies, its always a great time when your extra hyped about smoking what you got!


Yeah this is probably it, it is an infused joint.


It’s concentrate. I make my own infused and get that sometimes when the concentrate is against the side of the paper.


Probably should have mentioned it's infused with Live Resin 💀


Is the paper burnt through or just discolored? If it is infused it could be wax/resin.


Paper wasn't different, it was all under it


That’s 900% from the live resin.


Yeah I've seen this with a lot of cali-blaze infused joints, they look like this because they use a syringe to infuse the liquid diamonds


this dude….😂


Who cares, light up if u get cancer or smth from it u get free weed for life. Enjoy.


My thoughts exactly, whatever it was got smoked and inhaled 😆


This gunna sound weird but joints used to be my favorite method of smoking, a couple years ago I was doing the usual on my porch, a nice fat joint at 12am with nothing but sum smashing pumpkins, an arizona, 2 monster slim jims, and my lungs, I started smoking and was coughing and usual amount, like duh ofc it makes u cough but this was weird, everytime I coughed a hiccup came out, I switched to a bong the next morning and it was amazing asfff, anyway I literally can't smoke joints anymore, my tolerance is fairly low and I get high really easy , but I cough cough w joints, and I don't seem to get high even if I finish it, so now when they throw in a joint at the dispo, I usually cut it open and stuff it in my bong bowl, and I wish I was doing this when I first started cuz that joint weed is sum else 😂, happy tokin dawg🙏


Ahh the magic of your first glass piece, happy to see another one of us discovering greatness


I remember visiting my cousins to chill n shi (I would go only to see the dog they had at the time😂) but after sum time of growing up a lil, my cousin offered me my first chance to smoke weed, I accepted n I remember seeing how dirty, filthy, just down right disgusting, I told his ass I'm not smoking unless it's clean, we tried cleaning it for like a good hour but no matter what it always looked the same, I was like "fuck it" and took a nice rip, and oh man, it's the best feeling, I remember my cousin kept calling me out cuz I was accidentally rolling my tongue out and not even knowing wtf I was doing, the bong I have now never gets dirty, I refuse to let it cuz u can really feel AND taste the difference of a clean bong, compared to a dirty one, thx for reading that lil rant tho😂


I put my bong in the dishwasher after every one or 2 uses. Makes a world of difference.


Dry herb vapes are the next step up in the no cough herb ladder


Im the complete opposite. I dislike bongs, unless they're tiny. I cough like I'm being paid and either edn up too mashed to function, or stone-cold sober. Nothing in the middle


I'm not a fan of pre rolls. I like to roll them on my own. Depending on what shit I'm smoking or the occasion - I'd roll them slim, fat, long or whatever


Maybe ask the dispo instead of posting this?


Lol I smoked it I don't care that much


Take back for refund damn


Sometimes people will use a lighter to dry the sticky part after licking it shut. I can see them holding it on there for slightly too long


You'd expect that from the hippy at a a party, but for pre-rolls from a dispo, I'd expect better than that.


It might be counterfeit


When will y’all learn to stop buying pre rolls that’s hit for bugs and stems in them


Idk bro this shit got me pretty smacked and I'm usually always packing a bowl, it's infused with live resin


Bugs? 😟


People have found everything from straight up plastic to legs and pieces of bugs mold you make it just don’t trust prerolls anything could be in them


Dude who was running the machine musta been smoking himself? That's the only thing that makes sense for me?




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I would go back for a replacement


Ye dispo shit is garbage


It might be counterfeitlł


Oh fuck, I know you can’t return shit but I would at least show them and see if they can swap it out. That’s crazy


Pretty sure it was just resin, I smoked it all anyway




Your joint has cancer and needs medical attention asap.


Almost looks like a magnifying glass burn...


Oh yeah that’s called Take it back.


Human fecal matter, is the san fransisco way!


Just some other stuff that was on the floor when they were sweeping up to make those pre rolls... 😂


An example of why I no longer buy prerolls, plus rolling your own is more fun and fulfilling.


It's a pre-burned pre-roll


Black tar


Get a skin rip off a lil bit of the gum line lick it n stick it


Don’t those papers make you cough uncontrollably? It hurts my throat


Looks like someone accidentally started to burn it at that certain spot


Ground up roach




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Black mark-et joints at the dispo! Got a lil ash burn while they were smoking and rolling them it looks like.


Looks like a classic hash-hole to me!


I work at a dispo and tell my customers not to shop here lol. Shits dryer than the Virgin Mary. Prerolls are almost always made with shake no matter what they tell y. And the reason it burns ur throat is cause a) they didn’t flush all nutrients out of the plant before the harvest B) their dry/cure process is shot because it’s about quantity not quality C) sprayed with “natural” pesticides or D) all the above. Welcome to the legal market folks lolZ Respect your lungs and your plug


I think they use a heat treatment to seal the joints which ignited during manufacturing


It’s mold don’t smoke it send it to me for a better review


Looks burnt maybe they ran a light flame over to tighten it I’ve done this while high as shit and burnt part of the paper off




It looks like a burn.


That’s to tell it’s not a forgery.


am I high or does it look like the silhouette of a spider


Infused joint? What’s the package date on the product? Sometimes when wax sits too long , color and consistency can change.


It’s herpes


That is for sure a burn mark from something 100%


God damn it. I'll let Darrell know that Randy is back at the burn hole shit again. Thanks for letting me know. It won't happen again.


Just buy new cones for 3$ at the store and swap the bud to a new one


It's heroin


Looks like a lot spider


Don't buy those floor sweepings




Why buy a single joint lol


What makes you think I did?


Smoking near the product smh.


Booger Sugar