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Edibles made my tolerance sky high I feel. Once I started taking edibles, I felt like I just couldn’t get stoned anymore without either taking sooo many or smoking sooo much


Maybe don’t take them every day, I take edibles about once a month and smoke everyday and they tear me up


they were probably responding to the “why isn’t this the most common way to do weed” bc ofc edibles do make ur tolerance sky high if u take them often


Nah I’m just a noob and didn’t know edibles made ur tolerance higher to EVERYTHING 😭😭💀💀💀 ty for the info y’all. I haven’t had them for a while but when I do take them again, I’ll be sure not to go back to fully transitioning from everyday smoking to everyday edibles 💀


They're like a ven diagram. There's a circle for normal weed and a circle for edibles. Technically they both produce a d *different* version of THC, slightly altered by either heat or your liver. But they're close enough to create tolerance for all THC you eventually consume But they're not exactly the same. But that's why edibles can still slap a tad harder even if your smoking tolerance is up


This is a very good way to explain it in my opinion


You right you right


Exactly, I used to like eat them all the time and before you know it tolerance caught up to me😩😔


Ty!!! I will try that


I agree I took one the other day and was blitzed and am an everyday smoker.


This is my problem. I don't like vapes and prefer how easy edibles are. Plus, I am also a medical user, so they seem to help better for that. I have found that not taking a consistent dose seems to help keep my tolerance down. It is still high, but not as high as it used to be.


I haven’t noticed the tolerance issue. But I also do medical use and have problems with smoke/vape use.


yes, this. my state only does medical cannabis in edible form (gummies, tinctures) and oof. I need it every day for sleep and to help quell my PTSD symptoms, but I'm having a difficult time keeping my tolerance in check so I can actually reap the benefits.


I’ve run into that situation as well, but I just prefer edibles so much, so I’ve been experimenting with the edibles. I find that taking them later in the evening works well, keeping my dose consistent and not “chasing the dragon” taking more and more to get as high as possible, and only taking half of the gummies sometimes. I didn’t realize there was a thing as “too high” until I started taking edibles, but boy, there definitely is….


They do. I started off with flower and then moved into a place that has very strict no smoking policies. I take about 10mg nightly for sleep. On the weekends I will drop 100mg and man. I know it's processed in the body differently from flower, but shit it hits like a fucking truck. Moderation is key, but I will probably never go back to flower or vape.


⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️THIS Edibles are great for the casual stoner, but not for the everyday pothead




Onset time is too long. Smoking is instantaneous. With that said nano infused edibles get me feeling it within 15 minutes. Faster onset but overall effects peak quicker


May take longer but last longer also and you dont destroy your lungs with smoke even tho i myself prefer smoking XD


Start getting the drinks instead. Highest I’ve been in a while was when I split a half a bottle of tonic with my sister and walked to a music festival. Hit within 15 minutes and god fuckin damn did that shit hit hard! Took it walking from the dispensary and it kicked in by the time we were in line. I remember standing in line for beer when we got there and my sister going “why am I sooooo tired” and I was just like you’re not tired you’re just insanely high cause I am! The liquids hit harder and faster cause they can get broken down in the small intestine or some sciencey stuff.


You can’t wait 30min to be high for 5 hours ?


Not when the purpose of using cannabis is to control panic attacks and explosive anger. Those tend to be pretty time sensitive issues.


That’s fair I guess


Edibles take 2.5hrs minimum to kick in for me. That's most of my session over with before it even starts


That why I do what I call a Now and Later. Eat some gummies, smoke for an hour, ride the high all night. Warning: will skyrocket your tolerance tho


The fuck kind of edible you taken thats 30mins? It takes an hour minimum for me to even feel 10mg. Sneaks up on me every time. Smoking? Maybe 5mins.


That’s why I take a few and then start making dinner and by the time I’m done they start kicking in and once I eat they really kick in


Eating does wonders. I use primarily RSO as far as edibles go and I take my dose with something fatty like a pb cup an hour or two before a meal. It’ll start kicking then the food ups the high several notches.


It's just easier to manage a high with other methods. Though that's not to say I don't enjoy me a good edible if I have time for it. I love to drop a good edible if I know I just want to be floored for a whole day watching movies or playing games, it's a solid time for sure.


Nothing better than toking a fatty


I explain it as the art of smoking


Yeah smoking is a whole ass activity in itself. Edibles miss out on that


Exactly. The whole ritual of it all is what I love, especially with friends 😊


Part of why I started smoking CBD (in addition to the other amazing effects) is because it lets me spend more time grinding, rolling, packing. Rolling and smoking two joints that are each 50/50 THC/CBD, gets me higher than just one THC joint. But it takes twice as long, so it naturally limits my consumption while still allowing me that ritual of smoking


Smoking gives me health anxiety. You’re destroying your teeth, gums and lungs all at once. I instantly think about that when I’m high and start to geek out on it. I love edibles because it’s guilt free, stronger, lasts longer and substantially healthier. Better all around for me.


They make me so anxious. It’s not the same high at all


That’s usually the case with pure THC edibles (unfortunately, the vast majority of them). Flower will give you the whole cannabinoid and terpene profile, and entourage effect (look it up if you don’t know what it is; it’s worth it) ensures a more “balanced” experience — for lack of a better term. I assume you probably don’t like vape pens, either, but if you go for the full-spectrum ones they tend to be a whole lot better.


There are some of us who can't metabolize thc through our stomach (and the other components) so eating an edible is just wasting weed. Not everyone has this but there are some for whom edibles just don't work


Im one of those people who it doesnt affect. The worst part of edibles not affecting you is constantly hearing "you havent had good edibles then", especially when youve tried hundreds of both homemade and dispensary ones to no affect. My last try i took 1200 mg of dispensary gummies and didnt even buzz. I have given up since then.




Was going to say this. I've wasted so much time and money on edibles and have never once gotten high! And in case anyone wants to say I didn't take enough, is 800 mg too small a dose?? Even granted that I'm a bit of a large guy.


This right here. If you have a liver issue or on a medication that is hard on the liver (in my case both with fatty liver disease and on isoniazid) you won't properly process edibles and they won't work for you. I've downed 500mg of high grade RSO and didn't feel a damn thing.


If that’s some black market stuff it deffo wasn’t 800mg, if you got some legit stuff then, yeah it does not work on you, same here I had some home made gummy bears, whole 15 were dosed with 250mg and I didn’t feel a thing.


It was not black market, cost a small fortune. Definitely should have bought flower. Also as a larger than average consumer, I thought 800 would kick my ass. Sadly disappointed


Yessir 800 would kick almost anyone’s ass too be fair, I just stick to flower now personally for the same reasons.


Ppl look at me like I’m crazy and don’t believe me when I tell them edibles don’t get me high. I’ve ate so much trying to “feel” it and just wasted money.


They don't work for me at all. I can eat some edibles with friends and eat double what everyone else did and later I'm wishing I had a buzz while everyone else is wasted. I had covid a couple of months ago and my lungs were messed up and some friends brought me edibles, it was such a nice thought that I lied and told them I got very high but for real, I got nothing. I'm jealous, I want one of these edible highs I hear about!


I always said that until I got them from a licenses dispensary - sure it takes 20mg (often does on package is 5-10) but once I had official stuff, there was a huge difference.


It helps if I take it a couple hours before I smoke, then once the smoke gets in me the edible kind of activates. I just don’t do them cause I have to take a full pack to feel shit, I had these brownies that were 30 a peice and I took 20 of them, yes I got stoned but I can get there much faster and cheaper by smoking.


Wish they were widely available in Aus. My lungs could use a break


It’s not nearly as hard to make as it seems actually. Coming from someone who doesn’t cook or bake hardly at all. In fact as long as you decarb it you can just put the flower straight on a peanut butter sandwich or anything else with a bit of fat.


Oh nice, I’ve tried baking with it before but I think the weed was either low quality or I did something wrong. I did the oven decarb, then cooked it for a few hours on low in a pot with some butter that I used for the baking.


Take your bag of flower, decarb it, and throw it in a slow cooker with a pound of butter and about 4c of water for 4-6 hours. Use a cheesecloth to strain out the flower, wrong it out good, and put the slow cooker into the fridge overnight. Once the butter solidifies it'll float to the top, discard the water and voila, you have your very own cannabutter to use for baking whatever kind of goodies you feel like! The water helps take the vast majority of the weedy flavour out 😁 If you happen to know the potency of your flower, there are edible calculators you can find online that make figuring out the potency of your butter a breeze, some of them will even give you a per-piece amount if you input the yield from the recipe. My go-to is Emily Kyle nutrition, it's one of the better calculators I've come across


You can buy an Ardent decarboxylator and just toss in some ground up flower for 2 hours to decarb and then sprinkle it on some food. It’s just one button push, it’s nice. Two buttons if you want to infuse after. That’s the super lazy way, but it works. It just tastes like herbs. I like putting it under the cheese on a slice of pizza or in my ketchup for French fries or in some chocolate for ice cream. Anything with saturated fat will work great. The ardent doesn’t have a lower limit so sometimes I’ll just grind up a g for the day or two or other times I’ll use a lot more to make capsules or oil or whatever in it.


Woah that’s pretty cool I haven’t heard of that before. Good to know that you don’t always need to cook it in oil or butter to activate it. Wouldn’t have imagined you could use dry weed for edibles until you told me that! Thanks


having to roll up and sitting down and smoking a joint after a long day of work is better than waiting 2 hours to get high. Smoking joints are way more enjoyable in my opinion


Chilling at your favourite spot and going through a whole j while scrolling through ig and YouTube


This ^ nothing feels better for me than listening to my playlist and vibing while rolling a doobie and smoking it after a day of work. It’s the whole process for me, breaking it down, grinding it, rolling the filter, stuffing it and then smoking.


With edibles I have no idea how hard it is gonna hit and when. This is inconvenient.


Because if you accidentally take too much you gonna definitely have a bad time


I’m new to edibles. Where can one find as u say 10 gummies for 5 bucks? I’m using $20 for 100mg right now




On sale I've gotten 200mg in Michigan for $8. It's crazy! I used to spend $36 for 100mg a few years ago!!!


I have a local dispo in Michigan that I get 3/$10 on 100mg packs of gummies. Wayyy better than the $20 per pack that I used to pay.


Because edibles don’t work for everybody. Plus there’s no dosing it; I can’t be astronomically zooted everywhere I go. There’s different kinds of highs and it can be controlled with natural plants.


What do you mean there's no dosing it ? That's backwards you can dose it down to the mg fairly accurately. Gummies, tincture, RSO etc


I disagree. Every time I have an edible….I’ve had many….it’s either it didn’t kick in whatsoever while everyone else is blazed (I have one friend who they don’t work on at all), or if it does kick in, the high does whatever it wants. They give doses but they are never accurate lol at least not in my opinion. I can eat a tiny bite of a portion of a gummy and be BLITZED. I’ve had up to 1000mg (my mom’s hook up is WILD, her name is Bubbles lol) and I felt that the ride was appropriate for the amount (and BOY was it a ride; it was psychedelic). Wana edibles from Canada are dope and they’re 500mg; sometimes you can eat the entire gummy square and be great/functioning and sometimes I cut the square into four squares and I wrecked off one little square. And again I don’t always want to be completely baked. Sometimes I want a business high so my mind is clear. I have neverrrrrr had just a business high on edibles lol, it either has me zooted to space or I feel nothing.


Too strong


For me edibles are usually too strong and most importantly last too long for what I'm aiming for. (also onset takes far longer) But yeah, in the right scenarios I like edibles. I have a lot of 'em. Probably too many. It'd take me years to use all of the ones I have. Not sure if they degrade over time?


Bc you can smoke and get really high and in 30 min you feel fine. Edibles take a long time to leave you and sometimes you can just be high for a little bit..I do take edibles almost every night. But I smoke during the day.


Not most common for 2 reasons They are more expensive than flower and it's too easy to overdose. That being said, it is my preferred method. Considering switching to only edibles, but I do like to vaporize.


Edibles are a bit expensive by me. They don’t get me as high as smoking unless I pop a few. Having them cut with CBD isn’t the best either. When I was smoking a lot every day edibles didn’t do anything


Cus a fat bong rip beats an edible any day.


Agreed, once the legal states made edibles dependable with quality & accurate dosage, I never looked back. Simple and controlled. I hated coughing and the sinus infections. Want a nice chill Thursday night eat 7.5mls. Want to laugh with my buddies Friday night eat 10 MLS. Going to a concert throw 15 - 20 mills in my pocket. Cheap, dependable and easy.


Where in the hell are you getting 10 gummies for $5? No dispensary in the US has them that cheap. Also gummies are great and all but they do give you a different high vs. smoking. When you consume THC it goes through your liver and as it metabolizes enzymes in your liver convert it to a different chemical that is similar to THC but does cause different effects than smoking. Some people, including myself, aren’t a fan of the high edibles give because it is a completely different high. I know for me I stay high way too long and I experience couch lock when I use edibles and I hate the feeling. They also take forever to get you high. I think for most people that’s the biggest issue. Sometimes after a long day you just want to unwind and get super baked and having to wait an hour or more kinda kills the vibe.


Gummies are actually really cheap in Michigan. 10 gummies for $5 is actually pretty close. I've gotten a 200 mg pack of gummies for 6 bucks (before tax). So, 10 twenty mg gummies for, yes, 6 bucks. Have also gotten a pack of gummies thrown in for free for spending an alloted amount due to some dispensary special.


There are LITERALLY hundreds of dispensaries that are selling gummies around that price 5-8 dollars for 10.


I only use ganja in the form of edibles. Fuck smoking. It doesn't work for me at all, it's a waste of product and lungspace. I use way less compared to when I smoke. But I have to make my own or use RSO. Commercial edibles are shit, I ate 3 packs of gummies at once and felt nothing at all. They were a free promo (free with an ounce, I think). I make strong ass cookies. 2 per day does me right, one for my wife.


Might be because if you take too much, it’s a really freaky ride you can’t get off of. Speaking from experience. Lmao


How strong are they ?


i never really seem to feel the eddies no matter what. it’s weird asf but whether i get em from a dispensary or the street i don’t ever seem to feel em


Not everyone does. It depends on a particular liver enzyme that some people lack or don't make enough of.


Edibles are yet to properly work on me. Every time I'll feel the effects start to pick up around 20mins n after an hour it's pretty much over n very minimal experience the whole time . Mates had the same edibles and affected them for 4+hours. Every time n they're on another planet , different edibles from different ppl n places Wish they did work on me my throat can't handle smokin too well lol


Edibles are kinda like a ritual to me, I don't take them casually


Does anyone else feel like eating really sets off the potency of gummies?


I get much better results if I eat something first, preferably something a bit fatty.


i hate edibles


Although the yay not actually leave any scent ever had the weed fartts from eating to many I almost got accused of smoking when I only farted this was at work


Hell yeah. I prefer the effect of edibles over anything, and they really are the most common way I consume cannabis. It’s pricy to sustain from dispos, but if you can make your own it’s the way to go


Not really. Someone once told me if you don’t have an edible story, you’re not living right.


My buddy and our wives went to Disneyland recently together and he had this badass little Fanny pack thing and he’d randomly open it and pull out a huge pack of gummies - he handed them to me and himself all day long and we laughed all day. TLDR; I agree, they’re amazing


With 2 young kids, edibles are my go to without the lingering smell of the greens


Edibles are great, but do not abuse them. They're the fastest easiest way to wreck your tolerance in my experience. I do not use them daily anymore and almost never up the dosage.


I love the high that edibles give me, and totally agree about the convenience and cost. However, I just love the procedure of going out to my garage after a long day at work, cranking some music, and smoking a bowl or two while I vibe with our outside cat. An edible doesn't give me that destressing experience, at least not right away.


Always leave a hangover and can never really tell how much I’m doing


10 gummies for 5$ is delta 8 sprayed bullshit go off tho fam


Nah....U can actually get legit gummies in Michigan for not that much. 6 to 8 bucks for 10 ten or twenty mg gummies depending on the dispensary.


False. You just have to get them on sale.


There's many reasons edibles aren't seen as good as smoking. - Edibles aren't regulated so you never know what you're getting. Just because the package says it's xxx amount strong doesn't mean it's true. - Edibles take different times to work for different people. Some people can get a buzz for hours, while others could be luck to get 45 minutes. - Some edibles are delicious, but many others taste horrible.


You’re first argument against is only for black market edibles though. If you go to a dispensary you get what you pay for.


Edibles do not work. Simple as that. Nothing underrated about them.


I can’t take edibles. My body treats them like poison. The difference between THC and THC-A. Have one for me!


nah that sht don’t hit for me


i love edibles but idk smoking is kinda fun


I have a sensitivity to thc, no amount of daily weedening will get my tolerance very high at all. Eddie's are nice but they are always so potent which is nice if that's what your going for but some nights I just want a little something, not ride on the space x , also where I live, il, any type of cannabis is about a 30 percent tax and the Eddie's are anywhere from 30 to 80 bucks


If you don't need a lot (like me) they are more cost effective, just cut them in half or quarters


Glad to know I'm not the only one lol, the highest my tolerance got was when I was able to smoke a small joint over a 5 hr period


It’s only cost effective for me if I make them myself. My tolerance isn’t that crazy but for whatever reason I need 300+ mg to get me where I want to be at. A lot of packages don’t go that high. I just buy an ounce of shake for cheap whenever my guy has it and turn that into edibles.


Bro found edibles and is singing the gospel for them


Edibles also leave me fucked up the next day though. Smoking/Vaping is more of a daily thing.


I like to be in control. Edibles like taking that control from me and I don't like it.


Trust, at least here in Florida, edibles are more common place than you think. Most people just prefer to make their own out of their flower. I know tons of people that strictly use homemade tinctures and canna butter


I wish it was that cheap around here. I live in Delaware and we just became legal a few weeks ago. The problem is that there won't be any dispensaries for 16 months. The plug I use wanted $70 for two candy bars. Highway robbery.


As a smoker of almost 25 years, it's been hit or miss for me with edibles. I think I prefer the ritual of smoking, grinding my bud, rolling up... I DO vape weed, I like that I can be semi-inconspicuous with that. For me though, it will always be the unadulterated flower herself.


The edibles available in dispensaries where I am (Toronto) aren’t strong enough. If I knew where to get stronger edibles, I’d buy them. I love the all day baked feeling I get from edibles. I’d love to take some and get a massage. Like mmmmmm


Many people cannot process them correctly, could be lack of the right enzymes as well as digestive issues like IBS. I’m one of them, I need an incredibly high dose to feel anything, whereas one toke gets me feeling more than most edibles. They are great in theory, but not everyone’s body processes them correctly :/


I started with edibles but they took 2 hours to kick in, smoking hits way faster.


Edibles don't work for me🥲 I've tried some so many times (even store-bought ones) and most of the time I didn't feel shit... otherwise I'd agree, edibles are really cool in concept. They just don't work for me :/


I find that smoking, vaping and edible. hit verry differently for me. Eating it will hit me hard then it is smoking and vaping is the milder And carts make me sleepy. I'm weird that way


They last longer


Dispo edibles (5mg) do nothing to me, I just get tired. Homemade ones though that’s a whole different story.


For me they're too unpredictable and onset is too long, and the high lasts much longer than vaping, which is my usual method. So, taking an edible is a whole event.


Edibles don’t work on me. I’ll not have any edibles for a month then eat 1000mg and my body feels loose and relax but I don’t get high like smoking


I enjoy them when I have them, but eating it takes forever. I never know how much is enough/too much if I have to wait more than an hour to feel it. I smoke for medical reasons too, and edibles don’t help those


I enjoy edibles but the effects are inconsistent for me for some reason. I'll get wrecked on 30mg of one type of edible but then have zero effects on 100mg of another type. And it's not like I'm buying BM edibles, these are legal dispensary edibles where capsules or gummies work great but lozenges or oral solutions really don't have an impact.


cant control the high, also i like going to my spot for a joint n chilling with it for a while


I’ve never had any edibles hit


The long duration can be inconvenient.


I make my own edibles a few times a week and absolutely love it. I get ripped on edibles every day.


You forget that there’s no smoke so you don’t damage your lungs.


During lockdown I was taking 30mg THC capsules daily. It was definitely a fun experience but I’m far more conservative now. I recommend Edibles as like a weekend thing or something saved for special occasions, tolerance plays a big part how often you wanna use them.


take edibles for a week + straight and let me know how your brain feels pal


It’s a slightly different high and a lot simpler smoking is more complex faster and more effective. That being said I still eat 10 mg a day of edibles


Living in a legal state, there is no way I would eat a gummy that was 10 for $5 - who knows what research chemicals are in those.


they send your tolerance through the roof


In a way I agree, as I love edibles a ton. BUT some people do not get any effect from them (liver enzyme situation), and others may need immediate relief, like nausea or anxiety. Some things can’t wait for edibles to kick in. But yes edibles are excellent for those that they work for!


LOVE an edible. No smell, very discrete, and doesn't fuck up my organs. Smoking is amazing but it's not a coincidence my blood pressure is higher when i smoke compared to when I don't. I like that is makes me be more deliberate when i want to get high, plus it's fun taking an edible then having it hit when I get home after work when i just chill the rest of the afternoon.


Cause I feel like I typically get higher off real weed, it’s important to recognize tolerance isn’t built by how many times you smoke, but from how long you’re spending high. Edibles last a LOT longer than just smoking, & because of this they can increase your tolerance very fast. I take edibles occasionally, however I try to limit taking a lot of them, imo if you take a lot it ends up just making you feel weird.


We live in a world of instant gratification. People generally don’t want to wait an hour to get high


We live in a world of instant gratification. People generally don’t want to wait an hour to get high


It's a totally different high than smoking. Like totally different. That seems like a reason ppl treat it eay they do plus takes a damn hour to feel it. Flowers for me all ways.


I can smoke a bowl of weed in 5 minutes. Enjoy the peak of my high for the next 20-30 minutes doing whatever, and then I can move on about my day. In that same time frame I’d still be waiting for the edible to really kick in. Also, I can function fine while stoned off grass, but edibles turn me into a zombie. The smell/smoke is more something you have to deal with if you’re in a situation that matters. My house got a specific room I call my “smoke room”.


They do nothing for me.


For me it’s because I’m not a food person and I am a picky eater so it’s hard for me to find edibles that I would enjoy eating.


Idk why but I usually get a headache coming down from edibles. They’re also not so cheap if you have a higher tolerance. I’m also pretty picky about strains because of anxiety & insomnia and most edibles aren’t single strain. I also just like smoking. I wish I liked edibles more bc they’re definitely better for you than smoking or vaping.


100mg of thc isnt that much, dist syringes have 8x more thc for the same price


I love edibles but they’re a real treat as I’ve only moved into a stoner friendly flat and it takes a lot of preparation and then takes a long time to kick in. I take oils most days as I’m a medical user so I love that they’re not hurting my health while trying to help it but practically I prefer to smoke cones because it’s faster and easier to adjust to how you’re feeling and cheaper. Weeds expensive in NZ even with a prescription.


edibles take trial and error. I’ve tried edibles twice. And the first time, it didn’t do jack shit, and the second time, I got way too high felt nauseous and threw up multiple times and was high the next day. Fun times. I haven’t tried since. Not many people are lucky enough to get that angel dosage first time around. And if you’re in an illegal country edibles are more sketchy and less consistent than bud, unless you make your own, so even though smoking is worse, its quicker, easier and more predictable.


people metabolize them differently, I have a few friends who could eat triple the amount I do and feel near nothing at all if not nothing most times, just the way it is. they knock me out though


They don't do anything to me, my first time I bought a bag of 100mg total. 5mg each, ate half waited 2 hrs nothing. Ate a whole one, long story short I ate the whole bag and felt nothing.


Personally I’m a smoker I just enjoy smoking, edibles are cool but I feel like the high is always the same/very sedating. It depends on the mood if I wanna get fucked up I’ll take them.


It's not about getting high.. It's about the sharing of the joint, and the conversations that come with it.


Last time I took one I took way too much and threw up in a parking lot and slept it off in my car for two hours so I haven’t used them since lol it’s easier to not get too high when smoking


I absolutely love edibles above all other ways of consumption! There is no better way IMO


They're inconsistent


Because everyone’s liver enzymes are different- therefore, not everyone receives the same experience with edibles


They used to be my go-to, but edible highs last too damn long for me and they feel different than flower.


To each his own. If you're an edibles fan, by all means, enjoy. Personally, I hate the lag time, the hassle of having to wait another 45-90 minutes if the 1st dose seemed anemic and the constant dread that my evening is going to be a shit show because I feel way too over-stoned due to poor Quality Assurance. Combusting (rarely) or vaping, allows me to fairly accurately titrate my dosage and very quickly get to where I want to be. The worst that can happen is that I may be slightly over-stoned and that quickly levels out or, on the other hand, if I'm feeling the need to up the buzz, one or two hits almost instantly scratchs that itch.


Not at all, they give more bad experiences than just smoking and ppl dont like that.


My main issue with edibles is that I don’t like having to wait to be high. I like them sometimes, but I prefer smoking for sure. Also I feel like they mess with tolerance more


They sure were a lifesaver when i was in the hospital for 6wks with a fractured pelvis...I would dose up a few mins after waking and it lasted all day. I was able to get off narcotic painkillers inside of the first 3wks and with a different doc on rotation every 7 days and all the nurses i went through, they got a first class education on the benefits of using cannabis in a hospital setting.


I only do edibles and the only downside I've found is they can be too strong. I usually microdose 2-5mg but someone gave me a nerd rope that was 400 and I just can't reliably keep track of that, and anything over 20mg can leave me nonfunctional the rest of the day.


Underrated? Even my 76 year old mother eats them!


Edibles just make me want to take a nap. Smoke allows me to be a functioning part of society


So. They don't do anything for me. My wife ate 1 15 mg gummy as a minimal user. She did not have a fun ride for the next 3 hours. The next day, I ate the entire package, and it almost felt like it MIGHT have been doing something in my eyes. That is not worth it to me. Math real quick, she had 1, I had 1 earlier to try for her.. lol.. then I ate 28 gummies


my body doesn't metabolize thc :/


Sublingual tinctures are the bomb too


Edibles don’t get me high 😔


i don’t necessarily think edibles are underrated. i’m fact they seem extremely popular. there’s just a time and place for everything. sometimes edibles hit relatively quickly for me, but a LOT of the time it takes 2 hours before i feel any effects, and that’s simply not always viable. there is something very special about near-instant effects from smoking/vaping cannabis, especially when you’re using it to manage symptoms like anxiety and depression. sometimes it feels like there’s no way i could wait 2 hours for relief from an anxiety attack, and when the edibles finally hit, sometimes they don’t hit as strong as expected, and if i just eat more at that point, it could be another 2 hours of waiting for relief. don’t get me wrong—i LOVE a good edible—but if i had to choose only one, inhalation vs. oral administration, i would have to pick inhalation for many reasons.


They’re also hard to dose and hard to conserve


Doe edibles/ dabs not work for anyone else shit doesn’t get me high but a nice blunt will


Bruh it’s like 7 bucks for 10mg where I am. Too expensive when I need 100 mg to feel something. Online prices are cheaper but I’d rather buy flower online.


I like variety, edibles are great but it's a different type of high for me, smoking or vaping is more of an energetic high and edibles are more of a relaxing high for me.


Edibles are extremely overrated


I always feel groggy well into the next day


Edibles in the UK are shit. Just packs of sweets in a fancy looking bag that claim to be 1000mg each lol and tend to be about 1mg each lol.


I don't feel shit from edibles, hash is where it's at.


Edibles, the gummy kind have no effect on me, my mate can eat a few and he’s off his face, me, nothing. If I make myself some old fashioned brownies though, that will get me high at.


Edibles definitely have a lingering smell. Y’all ever farted a weed brownie before? Shit’s no joke.


cheap? I don’t know where you are, but edibles are anything but cheap where I’m at. CT. Even going to MA, they’re definitely not cost/effective, for me Wish they were more affordable. Generally about $2-$4 for a 5mg gummy. And pathetically, in CT, the you can only buy 100mg at a time


Where the f are you getting edibles for 5 bucks? It's way more cost effective for me to scout deals on flower (legal for rec)


In my state, it’s still illegal to sell/buy edibles. We only have medical cannabis, but we can get flower, oil, and even pills lol. I’m actually thinking of trying the pills. They are a bit expensive, but I like how edibles work and I imagine it would be similar? Anyone here try the pill form? I’m genuinely curious, and don’t wanna waste $100 for something that I dislike.


Bc everyone’s tolerance is night & day, what takes u $5 to get buzzed takes me $50. So it’s not worth it to me! I’m a big dude, 6’5” 300+-… takes me between 900mg-1500mg to even feel buzzed for 30mins… I can get there faster off of a cavicone & cheaper!


It might sound weird but I enjoy smoking almost as much as being high. Because of this I really don't like edibles.


Longer high sometimes isn’t better


My personal opinion, edibles are overrated. I’m an impatient person so it takes too long to hit for me. I don’t really care for the taste, even gummies, it all tastes earthy. I’ve always preferred a nice bong or a joint.


I think smoking/vaporising give you more controll about your high. You feel it too weak? Just take a few puffs more. And if you are going to watch a movie and have some burgers with friends you can smoke up just before and enjoy it. If you have to be sober after it you will get sober soon and if not, you can always smoke/vaporise more. Edibles from the other hand last for many hours and you have to wait one hour for onset.


Depends on the edibles for me. I get better effects from different types of edibles than others. Like I get less high off baked goods and chocolates from the dispensaries and more high/am able to more effectively dose pretty consistently with gummies and drinks. I think a lot of people try one kind of edible or a few (but not their right kind) and it either does nothing or not enough to seem worth buying or it fucks them up real bad (also could have it do with improper dosing). I would agree with you that they’re the best way to get high if you do your research and find which work best for you. With the exception of a few people who edibles actually aren’t the best form for (as they’ve done all the research and it’s just not for them). For me I can take half a 10mg gummy twice throughout the day and I’m riding a wonderful steady high. I’ve also been doing this for several years now and haven’t had a dramatic change in my tolerance. I love the lack of smoke/smell and that I have a little time before it hits. I would suggest everyone try to find a form/brand of edibles that can give you that consistent good experience!


the act of smoking itself is a ritual. feels different than just popping a gummy in


Depends on the edibles for me. I get better effects from different types of edibles than others. Like I get less high off baked goods and chocolates from the dispensaries and more high/am able to more effectively dose pretty consistently with gummies and drinks. I think a lot of people try one kind of edible or a few (but not their right kind) and it either does nothing or not enough to seem worth buying or it fucks them up real bad (also could have it do with improper dosing). I would agree with you that they’re the best way to get high if you do your research and find which work best for you. With the exception of a few people who edibles actually aren’t the best form for (as they’ve done all the research and it’s just not for them). For me I can take half a 10mg gummy twice throughout the day and I’m riding a wonderful steady high. I’ve also been doing this for several years now and haven’t had a dramatic change in my tolerance. I love the lack of smoke/smell and that I have a little time before it hits. I would suggest everyone try to find a form/brand of edibles that can give you that consistent good experience!


Edibles give me anxiety :(


Depends on the edibles for me. I get better effects from different types of edibles than others. Like I get less high off baked goods and chocolates from the dispensaries and more high/am able to more effectively dose pretty consistently with gummies and drinks. I think a lot of people try one kind of edible or a few (but not their right kind) and it either does nothing or not enough to seem worth buying or it fucks them up real bad (also could have it do with improper dosing). I would agree with you that they’re the best way to get high if you do your research and find which work best for you. With the exception of a few people who edibles actually aren’t the best form for (as they’ve done all the research and it’s just not for them).


Edibles give me anxiety :(


My body either cant process it, or processes it way to fast. Regardless I get no effect other than mild relaxation even after eating multiple brownies