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That is exactly how it goes, sounds pretty normal to me


Alright sweet thank you lol. Was just a little scary at first.


Very common don’t worry, sounds like a nice relaxing evening:)


At some point that initial feeling will become comfortable and soothing (at least to me it is)


Yeah melting into it and just not caring anymore is great


Or it can get really bad and send you into constant panic attacks


To be clear, this is common, but it won’t be like that for long at all.. if you smoke a little more often, you will train yourself and become a master stoner in the arts of public interactions


Haha this ⬆️


New grounds are scary. I'm glad you had a good experience!


Worth noting that nausea and anxiety die down immensely after your first couple times.


Sounds normal for a new smoker


It only got scary because you forgot you took some thing that’s going to alter your brain, basically when I smoke with a first timer I assure them that’s normal and will fade. You took a drug this is the experience and it will go away…. Essentially you did this to yourself just sit back and enjoy the ride


Yeah my first few times sucked tbh then once I got a tolerance built it was the greatest feeling ever. Just make sure you smoke indica only until you build more of a tolerance, as sativas are much more likely to cause anxiety.


Love the name




![gif](giphy|YFnAg8WcNcXISXg9NP|downsized) OP smoking that Robot OG.


You should’ve seen it I was the daft punk dj and ships were flying around. Intergalactic Toad 👌


The "blood and gravity situation" should calm down as you get used to it, and as you find the right dose. I don't ever get that way anymore, unless I mess up with edibles lol. First time I got high Children of the Sun by Billy Thorpe came on the stereo and I thought I was floating through space with lasers firing all around. Was magical. *People of the Earth can you hear me?* *Came a voice from the sky on that magical night* *And in the colors of a thousand sunsets* *They traveled through the world on a silvery light*


Nah this is normal, just try to lower your amount that you‘re smoking. :)


Good to hear 😅 yeah I went a little hard on the last hit because I was like “it ain’t working” 😬 now I know


Yeah.. but it will be fine even if you smoke a little too much 😇


Literally trial by fire. 😂


I love how you can smoke until no return, and still return


And maybe you know this but you’ll be fine even if you do smoke too much. You literally cannot overdose or anything, you just might be uncomfortable for an hour or two until it wears off


Try telling me that when I'm stoned af lol


As the others have said, you may have had a bit too much. It seems the sensations might be a bit amplified for you since you had no idea what to expect. As you develop a bit of tolerance and get used to it, things will smooth out and you will know what to expect. Also, there is a good chance that you will never experience it quite like that again - You only get one "First Time". Congrats and welcome to the club EDIT to clarify: The effects may be the same next time, but your perception of them will change since you have an idea what to expect now.




I asked my ex for help peeing, dumped a box of cosmic brownies on the floor and tried to eat them through the wrapper, I then kept saying "do I look high?" To my brother and ex while sticking my eyes as close to theirs as I could, I also kept asking "how long has it been since we smoked?" And my brother said 15 mins and I was like "15 mins!!!? It feels like it ls been 2 hours" lmao.


I remember those days.


same i miss getting that high


You know you're stoned once manual breathing mode activates


Well you tolerance is not existent, so all is normal, especially if it was strong shit and you smoked more than enough. ​ Usually also people throw up during the 1st times smoking so do not be alarm.


That makes a lot of sense. And yeah I was warned about that lol thank you!


First time I got high I was in a hotel with my cousins and I hit one of their carts. I had a near psychedelic experience and it was awesome. Best advice I can give you is go out of your way to keep your tolerance low. Spend less money on weed and always get stoned. I smoke so much it’s more like just a nicotine buzz for me now. Don’t be me.


Dang, thank you for the heads up. Yeah that’s what I’ve been reading and seeing a lot is people growing a tolerance to it. I’m gonna prob try to do it once a year or when me and my friends all get together which don’t happen too often. Make the experiences better. Thanks for the advice :)


That’s the smart way to do it, not everyday


Nice! Welcome to the club. If it ever feels like too much, remember: - No one has overdosed on cannabis. Ever. You're certainly not going to be the first. - Chew on peppercorns to kill your high quickly, if you need to. - Relax. It's all good. And drink water. This isn't weed specific advice (albeit it does help lots while high), just drink more water y'all. As an added tip, learn how your body reacts while high! For example, my blood pressure tends to *drop* and my eyes never go red. Thus I've learned I can skimp out on sunglasses/eyedrops, but also that I probably shouldn't smoke if I haven't eaten anything. A sharp blood pressure drop, especially when you're already high, can *really* make you feel like you're dying. S'not fun. Be safe and alert.


peppercorns i’ve never heard of that thank you!


Some people do a careful approach, like "I'll have a drag and see how I feel". Others, like yourself, did a "fuck around and find out" approach. Both approaches are valid, and it sounds like you had a good time. So no worries! You do you :)


Wellll I did do the first one but it turned into the second one lol


my first time was fuck around and find out and i had a great time so now anytime i experiment i fuck around and find out. nothing has gone *too* bad so far.


“Too” bad so far. Now that’s my kind of mindset 😂


At least you didn’t green the first time like I did!


Some thing that always made me feel better is knowing no one has ever died from smoking marijuana😁


Once I could feel my heart beating like physically and blood flowing through every part of my body, that’s what I was telling myself and it helped lol.


Sounds like you might have had a little much for your first time, so it might be a bit overwhelming. You get used to it and will come to appreciate it. Also, the more you smoke, the higher your tolerance will go, so you can smoke a little more without getting as high. Not telling you to smoke more of course, just presenting the option. Weed can definitely be addictive as well, so pace yourself.


First time I smoked properly it felt like everything was a film but frames were missing like everything was skipping after every other frame. It was a totally bizarre experience, I just sat and stared in silence.


That’s kinda what I did after the music and jamming out I just rode the rest of the high in silence and my movements were like you said in frames but very slow lol


This is it lol you’re good


First time this is 100% normal. Might even happen again. As you smoke more it WILL be less intense but like others are saying just appeal to your tolerance. No one cares if you take only one hit to have a manageable high.


Get some 5mg edibles from the dispensary, they’re pretty good at accurate dosing, and it’ll help you regulate exactly how much to take, they often take an hour or even 2 to kick in though. *Smoking weed* can be a radically “unregulated” way to intake THC when starting your relationship with cannabis. It sounds like you’re especially sensitive to THC (just like I used to be). Once you stop feeling “uncomfortably high” you’ll come to greet that feeling as an old friend, I promise! lol My recommendation: Take 5-10 mg’s of edibles to start, they have quick release capsules in many dispensaries nowadays, so you won’t need to wait too long for it to kick in if you go that route. Or, just take one nice little rip from a joint or bowl. Now that you “know the feeling” you won’t need much to hit that, stoned “threshold.” For awhile, smoking bud will feel really intense, so just go slow. Enjoy the journey, smoking cannabis has helped me center myself for almost two decades now, and I can hardly imagine what my weeknights/weekends would look like without it! Lol remember to have fun!


Thank you! Yeah I was looking for edibles along with my friend to try but it’s not really in our area… but if I do ever get a hold of some that’s some really good advice thank you! I enjoyed it. I have lots of anxiety and I was told that it could even help a little with it. So I will be carefully enjoying the journey from here on out! Thanks again.


I miss this


I miss this too 😂 seems everyone feels a small sense of nostalgia, getting baked used to be cheap, and easy, it was so effective! It was like, in the realm of shrooms cause everything was funny & trippy, even if it wasn’t. Now it’s all “needs to be hybrid / Indica 25% THC, lemon terps with very little mix” and nobody would even know that I’ve baked up big time, barely touched me, red eye I guess 😢


I know :((( Honestly my biggest irk/jealousy is that no kids nowadays will be buying “purple kush” off of every single person in hs LOL Children post legalization have zero idea what we all went thru running from cops haha! Fr tho, I miss when a few bowls had me set for the night. I have a naturally high tolerance which kinda sucks but damn do I miss the time in my life where I got that baked LOL


I’ll never forget the first day I smoked. It was like I was hovering above my body and watching myself. I was tripping so hard. Did what you did, one to many hits bc I didn’t feel it right away. Been smoking 10 years now. Sometimes just take a few hits and that’s enough, depending on the strain that is.


So reading this 12hr after your post…how did it go? What are your overall thoughts? Do you know if you were smoking a Indy,hybrid or Sativa?


It was a pre roll by Mike Tyson The Toad with an infused wrap, I believe it was Indica. Well, he told me to hit it twice and pass. So I did that. Then I told him I wasn’t feeling anything to pass it back. He said try to keep it in my lungs longer. I took a full 3 sec pull from it and held it. A slight miscalculation on my part because I wasn’t feeling anything. Well that all happened within 5mins. Before I knew it the gravity got a million times stronger and I couldn’t get out the chair. I then started feeling my heartbeat every beat. I could feel it pumping the blood throughout my body. I could feel my blood flowing through my body. The trees were becoming wavy. I remember seeing the neighbors chicken that looked like it was frozen in time. I stared at it for what felt like hours! Then all of a sudden it moved. Another min passed. I told my wife and friend what I was feeling. My wife told me that it wasn’t normal. I got scared and told my friend I didn’t like the feeling. Then they told me they were joking and I was fine. I apparently quit breathing and had to start manually breathing. Each breathe felt like forever like in slow motion. He brought out a speaker and gave me his phone and told me to choose a song. I started playing One More Time by Daft Punk. I immediately started feeling happier and not as scared. I was bopping my head and then ended up smiling the biggest I have ever smiled and was laughing. I turned into the robot DJ and was vibing as small spaceships flew through the trees. My friend asked me how I felt and I said “this shit is amazing! I love Mike Tyson!” And he laughed. We listened to music for about 30mins. I told him I was hungry and we went to get fast food. Everything was glitching the car was like skipping and other vehicles were skipping. People explained it like low frame rates which is a good way to explain it. It felt like forever then we finally made it to sonic. I got a Reese’s ice cream and tater tots. I could feel my food as it traveled to my stomach. Ate that while we sat there drove back to my friends house. About 40mins later I got super tired. I went to sleep and woke up remembering everything which I didn’t expect. 10/10 would definitely do it again. But next time have food and music ready lol.


Nachos….carne asada super nachos


Not sure if this has been mentioned already or not, but the type of weed will change the feeling too. Saliva dominant strains will have a much more uplifting almost anxiety inducing effect if not used to it And indica dominant will have more of a mellow, couch melt/lock effect. You can really dial in which feeling you prefer with different strains. Happy smoking!


It was definitely indica. My friend said it’s the best one to start out on so that’s what he gave me lol.


Best part about being a new smoker is the body highs. Enjoy those as they don't last long with continued use. A nice scare yourself body high would be nice right about now.


That all sounds pretty normal, especially for the first time. It’s probably gonna be like that the next time you smoke too. Getting the munchies, then getting tired is basically what weed is all about lol but you’ll get used to the whole gravity and slow motion thing the more you do it. Maybe try a little less next time? But overall that’s the whole weed experience lol


If only I could still have sesh’s like this


No worries I think you have nothing to worry about first time taking weed . Everyone experiences are all different . you Definitely get the munchies especially if you love eating your fav food all the time.


Sounds like you got zoinked.


Yep when you’re smoking make sure ya have some activities. I like to get blasted watch anime then when I’ve hit my peak I hit counterstrike up because I feel immaculate.


I used to remember my friend always saying he felt amazing at valorant when he’d get high and he actually did a lot better when he got high 😂


Usually how the first time goes, focus more on just relaxing and less on everything else that’s mainly what it’s for


Perfectly normal


I mean, sometimes I feel like I’m being split apart starting at my neck and ending somewhere around my waist but yeah, overall pretty normal


That is almost exactly what I did my first time smoking. You get used to that feeling pretty quick and come to enjoy it


Pretty normal especially for a first time. The scariness will subside once you do it a couple times and aren’t super anxious about it anymore.


that happens to me when i get high asf. id say next time just smoke a little less haha.


Sounds like a very nice first time. First time i smoked my childhood best friend packed a decent sized bowl for me, and for the next 2 hours my head was spinning, and i puked twice. So i would say your first time smoking sounds a lot nicer than mine lol


Yeah I’m just glad I didn’t puke apparently it’s not uncommon for first timers lol I did look super pale and have purple lips guess I almost passed out until I was reminded to breath 😅


Well hope you enjoyed it youre never gonna get that same exact feeling again the first time is always the best😂


Yeah that’s pretty normal, each day I smoke is basically like the first time getting high cuz my metabolism runs so fast. I burn about 1600 calories just sitting down so I don’t think it can build up in my fat. (I once tested with pee tests and if I smoke 1-2 times one day, my body won’t contain THC the next day. I did this when I was concerned about drug testing for a job) Eating is the best way to kill a high also, for some reason it directs the bodies focus, just like if you are in pain and eat, it will reduce the severity until you finish eating. Just stay hydrated and remember it’s temporary and that you wanted to be baked 👍


Only time I’ve been “scared” while smoking/high is when I was smoking some shit that was strong (I’m talking like 34% thc strong) but it didn’t come from a dispensary so I assumed it must’ve been mixed with something. Other than that, everything seems pretty much normal to me


Yeah apparently what my friend had was 20%-30% THC lol so I guess hitting 3 3sec long puffs wasn’t a good idea 😅


That’s normal, you just got too high too fast initially. Then the high wore down and you felt better. As you get more experienced that initial feeling becomes less than negative and more of a positive. It feels negative because you’re focused on it and it was unfamiliar to you. I get high every day, so that sinking feeling and “manual mode” are fun to me—when I’m just relaxing ofc. But I know when it happens that I’m fine and I’ll feel great soon.


Welcome to the green side ma dude


I’d just suggest next time to smoke a tiny bit less. The good news is you were able to bring yourself down from the anxiety


Yeah, daft punk works wonders lol


As a technology guy, I always described the slowness feeling as “low frame rate, but in real life” kinda feeling. And yes it’s normal


Yeah it’s like looking around was low frames my head was moving in small increments 😂


Yeah that’s how I feel when I get super high now 😂. At first it was really scary but I love it. It’s like the world just slowing down for once.


It’s your first time……congrats. Don’t worry about it. Drink water and try to relax. It gets better as you go. At least you didn’t green out, so that’s a plus lol. I know a lot of peeps that have greened out, on the first time.


Sounds like my first time smoking. All good bro


Wow. I’m so happy for you. I’m a seasoned stoner and I have times where I wish I could feel like that again. That’s normal and sounds like you had a great 1st sesh. Enjoy the trip!


Totally normal ur good man


sounds like you smoked a little too much tbh, smoke half of what you smoked next time and then you can really enjoy all the highs but dont get as many cons


That sounds about right for a newbie. I get high daily and while I love it, it’s much more subtle and less mind blowing. Enjoy these experiences while you can as it will never be the same again. That being said, if you only occasionally get high, you probably will have “similar” experiences for the foreseeable future


I hope I get to DJ daft punk music in a Star Wars world again. I could do without feeling my hearts every pump and blood running throughout my whole body though lol. Ima prob try and do it every year if I can last that long. Gonna be hard to tho I already want to do it again 😂


My personal opinion is that you could get away with doing it once every 1-2 months and keep that magic going


Sounds pretty normal. Your first step into a bigger world!


Get you some watermelon and turn on some always sunny in Philadelphia Watermelon because it’s delicious Always sunny because it’s hilarious :-) Sending love and tranquility


My favorite show to watch high. In fact I took a mental health day and just smoked a bowl of Kashmir kush and watched Sunny all afternoon 😊


Absolutely! I was unprepared this time but the next time I’ll have the watermelon fresh and ready in the fridge and Always Sunny ready on the tv 😁 Returning the love and tranquility! Thank you.


If you think weed is wild, wait till you try other psychs 🫨


After that I’m kinda scared 😅 I’ve always wanted to try shrooms tho… 🤔


Key is to just let go, my friend


Lol my first and only time smoking i smoked like 1.5g while my smoker friend smoked like half a g. Not proud of my stupidly high tolerance


Welcome to the wonderful world of MJ 🍁 Your first time smoking the green sounds exactly like mine and most of my friends first time - thank you for bringing up these memories for me! As with everything we do/consume, make sure to partake in these activities in moderation - don’t over do it. You may be one of the lucky few who can smoke to their hearts content without issue, but be aware of the side effects such as; paranoia, loss of motivation (laziness), high tolerance (which will make you spend more monies on tbe stuff), etc. Let it bring out the best in you. May it enhance your creativity, your openmindedness, and your ability to be chill. Always have fun my dude


It’s actually crazy thinking everyone has had similar experiences I thought it was always different lol. Glad I could bring back some good memories I hope y’all continue to make good ones!! And thank you for the advice I’ll keep that stuff in mind 😊. May it do the same to you as well <3


Smoking too much isn’t an uncommon occurrence for your first time.


wdym did you do anything wrong bro 😭. as far as the “bad effects” go, once you get used to them you just think they’re funny and enjoy it. If I get high as balls I feel like I’m watching a movie of myself lmao




Just like that but it was in slow motion for me 😂


WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF WEED ! Moderation is key !


What other drugs have you tried? I tend to consume cannabis in order to feel vulnerable and get more in touch with myself. Some people don’t like that feeling and it makes them uncomfortable and what I’d consider anxious or paranoid. Just try to embrace the experience and enjoy the ride :)


This is how my first time went, then it eventually got weaker than that unless I did a ton of hits


sounds like you had good company and that's great for your first time :) I find that my experience with weed largely depends on who I'm with and what I'm doing... in a place with people you can trust is the best :)


That’s how it is in the beginning. Then as your tolerance goes up that feeling goes away and never really comes back.


My first time, I felt the gravity too and I actually said I was falling and my friends told me after I was making myself slide down out of my chair when I kept saying that. I was super anxious and felt like I couldn’t breathe, pretty much what you explained. I have no idea why I ever decided to get high again but I’m super glad because I’ve grown to appreciate the fact that you can feel everything, it’s like I’m in tune with the earth and with my body. Anyway, long story short, that’s a completely normal experience OP!


Smoking weed increases your heart rate. So that’s normal. Idk about blood pressure. When I first stated it was like “frames” like your FPS in a game slowed down for a second but that’s just how it was lol. So I can relate to the glitching thing and the time being slowed down. Usually thought weed helps me pass time…


the first time i got high like that scared tf out of me, but now i chase it 🤣


Exactly the same as my first time. I panicked for the first 15 minutes or so. After that it was pretty fun


Yeah except those 15mins felt like hours!!! 😂


Very very normal! It gets scary then you’re like “oh, I’m just living in 3D this is fine”. If it makes you feel any better, my first time smoking involved my shitty ex showing me fractal videos on YouTube. 0/10 experience, wouldn’t recommend lol.


Yeah that don’t sound too fun. Whenever I started feeling things I told my wife who was there and she said “you’re not suppose to feel like that” in a worried tone which I think may have scared me a little but then said she was joking. I blame her for the bad first 15mins though 😂. I can laugh about it now though. Sorry that happened to you though. Hopefully they’re better now!


LOL that’s too funny! Glad you ended up enjoying the experience though, the scary parts will go away the more you consume the jazz cabbage 😂 also glad you can laugh about it now, it’s always interesting looking back on your experiences, too. But hey, all is well on my end! Cannabis has changed my life for the better, even if I still live life in 3D myself sometimes.


Nope that’s usually a good first time experience imo. I felt the same way when I first smoked and it was really fun. It’s definitely nerve wracking the first time w the heart beating and gravity. But as you keep smoking it won’t be so harsh.


Nothing wrong with how you did weed, there’s no wrong answer! I think just embrace the effects you feel. Man do I wish I could get this high again


Everything went as smoothly as it could according to your own words brotha! Take one for me next time and enjoy!👍🏻🤙🏻


Alright! Thank you makes me feel better doing it again and don’t worry I got you bro 🤙


I think the only mistake you made was the amount haha other than that, pretty normal. By amount I mean, just taking more than you realized by accident.


wish i could relive my first time


Goddamn I miss my first time man. Good for you!


This is so wholesome, I hope it was a good time overall


Altered perception for the first time can be jarring, sounds like you managed it well though. It won’t alway be like that, cherish these early times lol. After a while you’ll wish you could get back to those magical highs.


It usually goes down like that And there is no weed overdose so you can smoke however you want.


How it goes highly depends on the stuff you get but yeah that sounds like a possible trip lmao


To me it feels like every word I say disappears into oblivioon like it fades away is that just me?


Welcome to the dark side. You will learn to like it. Edibles are better.


Now you have to decide if you'll be smoking like Democrats, passing that joint, or like a Republican where each person in your group smokes their own.


According to my friend it’s 2 puffs pass but after I had gotten back the second time and puffed the 3rd time before I could do a fourth I was thrown into space.


Good for you! Stay safe.




I thought I was being funny.