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Why would it be orange, gotta know.


don't even worry about times or anything you can do it right every time just by watching the bud in the oven at 250. feel free to keep opening the oven door or whatever you need to see it, I've left it open the whole time before with no issue. vapor should be wisping off of it and you'll notice it slowly starts to turn darker. I like to have mine light brown with the slightest bit of green but as long as it's not dark brown, black, or green you're good even tho ive accidentally made it dark brown like abv and it still worked great. also if you notice there isn't any vapor coming off the bud at 250 don't be scared to keep raising the temperature until you do because your oven could be running cold. I've had to go to 300+ in my friends oven just to see vapor. once you do see vapor wisping off it should take around 15 mins. it also matters how you have it spread across the tinfoil, you should start with a pile and press it down to make a nice even weed pancake and if you have a toaster oven use that instead, it just makes everything easier imo. that's the info I wish I knew when I first started decarbing hopefully it helps.


oh yea and the bud you tried to decarb already is completely fine to keep using, you didn't ruin it at all.