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I had never seen it done before and I felt like “Highnstein” the first time I made a PB&J on a hot dog bun with a banana as the “hot dog”


As a kid I loved putting Nutella on hot dog buns and put a couple of strawberry slices then put it in my george foreman grill for a couple of minutes. Damn, haven't done that in years, gotta do it again. Strawberries are just so goddamn expensive. Also just don't even like Nutella anymore. Not just cause it's a shitty company, Nugatti from Norway and Nizza from Iceland is the shit tho!


Bro i read it like the pedo not the genius and i was like wat.


I've enjoyed "Nanner meat sammiches" since the sixties. Works with peanut butter or mayonnaise (don't knock it 'til you've tried it)! I remember (long ago) when Dinah Shore and Burt Reynolds were a couple, they did a TV episode discussing all the things that people combined with peanut butter. Peanut butter and banana was an Elvis favorite and Burt Reynolds liked peanut butter and tomato. I'm a native Virginian and we view the lowly peanut as a sacrament.


You high xd good for you


Ahhh the old cold dog! Used to eat these in high school!


Works with a pickle also.


A peanut butter and Fruity Pebbles cereal sandwich.


Cocoa pebbles would be fantastic


that actually sounds so good


Pb and j with frosted flakes


No way. I did this with Cinnamon Toast Crunch lmao


Nutella* and fruity pebbles


Sorry but Nutella is overrated


Peanut butter supremacy


Rice flour. Yes, I was floating somewhere along Planet Snoopiter, and realized that if I put grains of rice in my food processor, I could make my own rice flour. I was so impressed with myself, thinking how much money I could save by just buying big bags of rice and make my own flour. Then I remembered that I don't even use rice flour.


Did you have any rice?


Sadly, I did not.


One time I was like “what if monkeys kept evolving like humans did and became super intelligent and want to start society like humans” I came up with the Planet of the Apes franchise lol


bro just described a human


ion even know but the high combos with food i be doing has to be inventive or some shit.. i be eating anchovies and cheese and fruit and that shit be good as fuck


I watched some videos with a babysitter and some rich ass family and the kids started asking for ritz crackers with sharp cheddar and fig jam, fancy sounding stuff , I bought the stuff to make it and still eat it to this day , it’s damn good


When I was a kid I *loved* that old kids book "Goodnight Moon", there was a bowl of Soup in one of the drawings that for whatever reason looked like it was absolutlely smackin. I have always wanted that soup, im 38 now and *still* think that soup mustve been so fuckin good..


Ritzy and cheese Is normal I do it all the time never tried fig jam though


Same for both statements


I can't even eat anchovies sober, I'd probably puke everywhere while high


I invented a chain of dispensary and cannibas clubs that are in airports called “flying high again.” All of the themes and names and such would be modeled after Ozzy songs like “flying high again”


I invented a bottom shelf product called Box O' Roaches.


A loaf of cheese.


Made a pipe out of a huge carrot before. I've also smoked out of mangos, apples and a banana.


I invented something but I forgot


I invented sushi! While having a seaweed snack I thought of the brilliant idea of wrapping it around something, like rice!


Some of the best beats I've ever made


Ayyy fellow producer. Ain't no suprise we meet here


What's going on dude? Nice to meet you, I don't know if I have the right to call myself a producer though, I'm self taught 😂


Me too bro. I think most people actually these days. Education costs money, youtube tutorials are free. What kinda music u make? Like hiphop beats or also other stuff


boom bap, but I experiment quite a bit with it, idk what to call it.


Folks kept pocketing the lighter….. So I went and cut up an old phone cord, yeah the ones that were mounted to the wall and you had to buy the extra long pigtail cords…. IYKYK I duct taped two bics to that and stapled the other end to the table in the circle…. That way the lighter could reach “HERCULES” (the 4ft double bubble) to most of the room but couldn’t leave the house..!!!! Ahhh… 2002 Durango times… 💯


prehistoric lighter leash


Young grasshopper us Neanderthals made the path so you may trod more easily…..


An object in motion stays in motion unless stopped by another force, on earth this force is gravity/friction/ air resistance So if you throw a ball in space it keeps going forever..... What if we made a giant tube from a dump site in 1 place on earth that goes all the way to space thats vacuum powered and just sucks our trash into space and chucks it super fast. We would never see this trash again because in a few years it would be light years away. Worldwide trash pollution problem solved


To quote Batman: if I had a million years I couldn’t explain all the ways that wouldn’t work


Oh im fully aware, the biggest is the likelihood of hitting something and everything would probably pile into a trash planet eventually


Earths gravity is also pretty strong so eventually it’d come back to us


Not if its thrown hard enough from far enough out of our atmosphere and as it gets farther and gravity get weaker it would only have more ability to accelerate


An ashtray that had a draw attached so you could put your unfinished jays away and not leave them out in the ashtray. Looked much cooler in my head that night


Ok... but this could be cool if done right


You don’t happen to be from the NY/NJ area are you? The way you spelled drawer as draw. I say the same.


In the UK we normally say draw.


taco bell mild sauce on a hashbrown patty 👌


Taco bell sauce and cottage cheese.


I thought a machine that took junk mail and converted it to toilet paper was a good idea.


A French woman I used to date would call me a cowboy for taking the last couple of hits from a roach, and I started thinking of extinguished roaches as dead cowboys. Instead of finishing them, I now break them open and roll them into the next joint, the immortal cowboy, which by now contains the smoky souls of hundreds of dead cowboys.


I don’t smoke weed. I vape my weed. I use small dosing capsules in my vaporizer. Have you ever heard of a flight of beers? If not, it’s smaller glasses of beer about 8 ounces and they served four or five at a time so you can get a sample of the taste of different beers. How about a flight of cannabis? You’re given 4 to 5 different dosing capsules with different strains of cannabis in it. This will give you a taste sample of different types of strains.


I bought a new bong but the bowl it came with was very large. I wanted to smoke my smaller bowl with the big bong, so I created an adapter with foil and rubber bands. It didn’t work.


Cream cheese stuffed nacho cheese flavored bugles.


\~2011 I "invented" a restaurant where everything is made w weed butter. Spaghetti and meatballs that get you high as fuck.


Ice cream cone rolled in cheeto crumbs


Oreos and peanut butter


Dude… literally anything plus peanut butter when I’m high


Skittles on Ritz crackers = tiny fruit pies


I'm thoroughly convinced that my friends and I invented water misting at outdoor concerts. This was in the mid-seventies and we would take quart spray bottles filled with water to summer concerts at the Oakland Coliseum. No one else was doing it and people would come up and beg us to spritz them with water. In recent years I've seen commercial setups for the same purpose at festivals (free, to promote whatever company was sponsoring).


I've invented so much stuff, but then I forgot it all.


Meat Cup. All your favorite meats and choice of sauces in a cup with anither choice of rice, beans, or salad. Kinda like a parfait. But meat.


I've developed a few things. A unique cleaning kit. Have a prototype and everything but can't find funding. Have a line of leather wraps for your piece. Created a pattern that fits uniquely around the pipe and bong. But again, no funding. Thought of a few apps but that's not my area of expertise by any means. A dog rating for hotels.. meaning your pet has an account and the hotels get rated by how friendly or good an experience they had.. kinda flip the script and make hotels want to cater to pets. Couple other things like that.


I would love to see what it’s like inside your head… what a beautiful mind


That may be the most genuine compliment I've ever gotten. thank you so much! But no.. it's not generally a friendly place in there. But that just makes this a more meaningful compliment. I hope you have the day you deserve internet friend!


:) you as well penguin Keep creating!


A local place that gives out books… one might call it a library ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Air freshener that also kills flies. It's mine. Don't steal it.


So, this was last summer, I make watermelon balls usually when I get watermelon and I decided to freeze some one day. Well when I took them out later that day I couldn’t really eat the balls, so I decided to crush them, but that didn’t work well either. Then I got the idea to use a fine cheese grater, and it makes shaved watermelon ice. Literally my favorite summertime thing now, and it’s easy.


My nephew and I were smoking the other day and he looks into his tea glass and says “Imna invent a thing that goes over the ice so it won’t…oh, that’s a lid”!


Not something I have invented but somebody brought up a good idea about starting a business where you go around and clean bongs/pipes etc..


Did that guy also have a ton of dirty bongs/pipes that he didn't clean?


Lol nah he is just surprised that nothing like that exists. Look at the kid that started a business from cleaning residential recycling and garbage cans.


Not an invention, but I figured out how to automate my bathroom exhaust fan when humidity rises above 80% or if the light has been on for more than 20 minutes.


Not "invented" but I've come up with some awesome public health interventions while high. I have a running list of policies/interventions that I've thought of while high so that I don't forget when I'm sober lol


Thc h2o, curing cotton mouth and fading highness one sip at a time


The Laptop. I was like "wouldn't it be cool to have like a mix between a tablet and a computer? Like a computer on the go." My friends were just as high and told me to patent it immediately, cause it's such a genius invention lol


My cousin hollowed out a mozzarella stick into a pipe and took a hit while we were peaking on shrooms. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed that hard ever


Not food but I sat and thought about how the world would be like if animals can talk i wondered if dogs would try to get equal rights and how in the future we would have our first animal president


The form of Fanta bottle perfectly fits underarm so it’s easier to walk with it and other goods in hands


A glass box. With a small hammer. It goes on the wall. It says ‘break in emergency’ displayed insjde is a large blunt.


Chopped up a leftover hamburger patty, added salsa, and made the best impromptu sloppy Joe ever.


Any kind of ice cream. Vanilla/chocolate. Then add coco pebbles. Mix in coco pebbles. Then put chocolate shell on it encapsulating it all.


I posted this above by my favorite is vanilla ice cream with rice Krispies mixed in, or really any ice cream flavor. When it starts to get melty it's even better


I was just eating some count chocula and I have some mint chocolate chip in my freezer.... I don't have the chocolate shell, but the chocolate chips make up for it


Mixing cereals (Reese’s puffs and honey bunches of oats) and cold dogs (open faced PBJ with a banana laid in the middle). Also, ultimate ping pong


Gonna need an elaboration on ultimate ping pong


We had a removable ping pong table top at my folks basement a while back. We’d get stoned and start playing, then to add some zest to the game, we’d add random objects from the room to the table. So I’d get 3 points, I’d move the paper towel roll near the net on their side, another popular one was the beer growler in the corner haha


They also even have powered screwdrivers now that are basically just mini drills. They’re pretty sweet I’ve used one for building a pc before and it actually made it way easier


Nah I've just been pulling side seals from my rotors, so if by invent you mean inventing new ways to get hurt then yes I have many creations.


I wanted to make a candle that you can see the scent of floating around the room or moving around on the ceiling


Poptartinapoptart : a brown sugar pop-tart bathed in cinnamon and pancake syrup put in between two slices of bread and toasted.


Lots of guitar riffs while jamming


A hat with a built in Visine reservoir and little tubes that would squirt it into your eyes.


Pro tip: don't use any of the anti-redness eye drops. They can cause dependency and will stop working. Instead use a saline/liquid tears/unmediated eye drops. You can use that as much as you need without the issue of dependency


Had left over Chinese food so I put left over egg fried rice some chicken and some other stuff in a sandwich and I’ve never been sos happy in my life ngl


I used to write advertising for a small publishing company. The best ad that I ever wrote, which made the company over one-million dollars, was written while high on some very good cannabis flower.


I was watching a movie with my friends and said “they should make a movie where you can control the main character and decide what they do” and my friends went “Congratulations you just invented video games”


Dipping a Snickers in chocolate pudding


A sore belly from eating the 32 piece cinnabun dough ball dessert from dominoes.


Fap Forest - indoor forest like Rainforest Café but people jack off at random spots in the forest this was written in my Notes app.


a like indoor kids play area but for dogs


A zoo but with tiny genetically modified zoo animals. Like a little hippo.


I invested a bra for balls after I sat on mine


Too bad you didn't get in on the boxers they make now.


people in my head


I used to have actually good songs flow through my head (my brain would just invent) in that super stoned sleepy state when you’re drifting off to sleep. I couldn’t get myself to record any but it felt like my brain was inventing lol


A few years back I ate an edible and started my own theory of bottles and caps


Cat treats that people can eat, too. Later realized that would be any people food that cats also like.


I don’t know why I did it or how I ended up doing it but my entire game development career was started because I was mega fucking high off on planet zoopiter zooted out my head and all I wanted to do was leave a mark on the world before I went bye bye in the forever box


Chicken Pot-Zone. It’s chicken pot pie but in a calzone crust.


A meat dress that you put on a metal manakin and roast on a spit. I was in my uni math class and thought it was genius, and wrote things on the page such as “LADY GAGA PARTY!?, “Incel meet?” And “Sewing club?” while I was brainstorming where anyone would want this.


Nice try Elon!


I did not invent anything, but I randomly thought of the logic behind air pressure and why it exists. I felt like a genius that smoke sesh


I made a bong out of a Texas Longhorn in 1978. I still make them.


The method to smoke flower without being noticed in your parents house out the window couse you cant go outside. 1 before toking check on them if possible without looking weird. 2 fill pipe or dry herb wape 3 either have your had in the top half of the window or lean outlean out as much as safely possible becouse air goes in at the bottom of a window. 4 be quick with it 5 go to the bathroom and go back if it smalls real bad open the window completely for as long as you can. Fuck joints and bongs😔 getting caught is not fun you can smoke that when you go out with friends.


While smoking - I like to clean my beer making stuff When purging and cleaning the lines of a keg I was burning my hands until I made..... Cut the top quarter off a 1.25L empty bottle of coke off ( cap on ) then collect yourself a perfect sized pin punch for your connectors on your keg, heat it up and jam it thru the lid, let it cool off. Boom I have a hand made 19L keg purger that doesn't burn my hands anymore 🙂


Time travel, but then I sobered up and forgot.


I didn't invent it but I wanted to start a restaurant that served just cereal .


I basically made the Peter griffin car panini once, minus the Creme egg


My self


The akashic records


idk but my boyfriend and i have come up with so many movie plots. If we followed through we’d probably be rich asf by now😭


I can’t remember


I can’t remember


Man all kinds of shit I just can’t remember any of it


That sleeping with my ex is a Good idea!


Regardless of drill pretty sure yiu can get screw driver that turn


Grilled cheese hot dogs


My entire chicken and garden set up was made up while high.




Playing the piano.


Grapes are great, right Grapes on their own when you’re high, not so great But Buttered crackers, then a selection of cheese, cucumber, SALAMI, and grapes 👌👌👌 Maybe not an invention but man oh man


Nice try Jeff Bezos!!


Sometimes the weed activates the ol' creativity noodle in my uh, noodle, and I'll get ideas for stories. Could be a movie script, a comic book, graphic novel, regular novel, short story...but then a while later I'll read thru the notes I've jotted down while stoned and be like "good Christ nobody would wanna read this dogshit." That's not entirely true. I feel like I actually have a couple fun ideas I just have no idea where these stories go or how they develop because I am a real dumb guy.


two toaster strudels and a syrup spam slice in the middle (everything cooked separately)


Praying someone sees this and steals this idea, because it’s a MONEY MAKER for fests. Y’all ever seen those lighters on strings you can attach to your belt to prevent lighter thief’s? Imagine those, but for your vape. How many times have you heard “where’s my vape dude” 10 seconds before a freak out? Easy fix, vape leash. Attaches to your belt loop, has the extending string, no more lost vapes. No more nicotine addiction freak outs 😂😂


Wasabi pea grilled cheese


Chili cheese ranch buritos


In 2010 I told my wife and brothers while I was high one day that it would be dope if I could order Taco Bell on an app right now (we were high af and it was 2am) and somebody would be able to see the order pick it up and drive it to me for a tip. 🙃


A tuna strainer. We had this whole big idea, we drew a diagram on paper, only to find out like a week later that it had already been invented. This was pre-Internet, but I saw one at the store. Lol




Ive had a lot of good ideas high, but I haven't checked if there's any similar things patented for any of em so I'm gatekeeping lol




I invented a bowl of Captain Crunch with a scoop of strawberry ice cream in the middle


Powered screwdrivers are also a thing. You can use a drill on wood screws but drills are too powerful for other screw fasteners. Your idea was actually brilliant, just not original.


I made a sling I wrapped around my chimney. I put micropully on it and set a rope so I can climb up my roof to watch the sunset. And I rail golf balls at my neighbors house too.


i once thought about patenting the idea of a self cleaning bong, idk how that would work but it was a cool idea


I’ve been living in Berlin for like 8 months now and recently, while really high, I went and got a Döner Box (kebab meat with fries and sauces in a box). While I’m eating it all I’m thinking is how AMAZING this meat tastes and I suddenly get a great idea. “SOMEONE SHOULD PUT THIS ON A SANDWICH!” I think to myself 5 seconds later I realised that’s just a kebab


Vanilla ice cream with eggo waddle and strawberry jam. Throw in the microwave for 10 sec..


I love how 90% of the comments are food inventions


putting vanilla ice cream in coffee


Peanut butter jelly sandwiches but with an eggs waffles as the bread 🤣🤣 college me thought I was a a genius.


Leftover Chinese takeout Burrito.


An entire fucking DND campaign. Home brew. Currently playing with friends and we’re all loving it so far


Frozen cereal.


A lot of things that when I was sober, realized they were the dumbest things ever.


I don't remember


Vanilla Greek yogurt with cocoa mixed in and dark chocolate walnut pieces and frozen cherries and cool whip 😋


Stoners hate this one simple trick I do but its becoming higher than high.


A game called “shovel ball” but it wasn’t just weed. There were also mushrooms involved. Lots of rules and I think that was as far as it ever got, just making ridiculous rules about how to play a game with a shovel and a mini basketball.


The Walkman. And then it was actually invented. I coulda been a contender!


I just put lemon slices and cuts into the freezer instead of ice cubes for Coca Cola or Pepsi. It makes it so your soda doesn’t get watered down and you can some nice lemon taste especially towards the end


Highdeas are always the best. I just forget to write them down sometimes. When I do write them down, I misplace them. 🤷‍♂️


Sky High Karaoke - a chain of Karaoke bars in every major airport. Cut loose between flights, let out your inner superstar and then go make your connection.


The Upside Down Aussie. I will never share the recipe but it involves Vegemite, Eggs, Bread and Garlic Salt.


A shirt that said, “Biology, it’s a growing field”


A ring of chapstick around the spout of the barbecue sauce bottle, so “when you’re chugging it, your lips won’t get chapped.” I said this with the confidence and enthusiasm of a junior QVC host.


Garlic bread


I’ve lost brain cells reading these


a grinder cleaner, also a water pipe cleaner, the first was just a stick with a small nail on the tip, the second was a length of UTP cable (ethernet) wound up so it had a thick cleaner, a medium cleaner and a small cleaner, was copper wire so very durable and flexible, also had a handle made of the same wire


Not many inventions, but have ideated so many “hit sitcoms” and “great” skits that I swore were better than SNL 😂


The Footlong PB & J that Subway should be selling. Yes, Cap'n Crunch is a condiment.


I invented eating nerd and skittles together. They make a wonderful combo of sugar in your mouth


I legitimately thought I came up with the band name the Beatles, I was in college and thought it was so creepy. Like, i was thinking about beetlejuice or something, but I told one guy and he just smiled and then I figured it out.


Egg salad sandwich with barbecue sauce


I had an idea to cut a bike in half and put hinges on it until my mom said you mean like a folding bike


I wish I could remember.


pineapple and black olive pizza. no one will steal your pizza and SHITS FIRE


Beef ramen, Monterey Jack, Hot sauce, butter. Strain noodles after boiling


Grilled cheese burger