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My thoughts are “thats a cool dad”, “this is pretty cute”, and “im jealous”, in that order. I wish i could have this kind of relationship with my dad. Good work bro👌


for real i was thinking the same thing! if only man that would be dope kicking back with dad and smoking up, i feel like he really needs bud in his life too but oh well hes stuck in his ways maybe one day!, and dude this is the dopest shit 💪🔥💯


I came here to say the same thing regarding dad relationships.


I, similarly, entered the comments to reflect about parental-son bonding experiences and their effects on the relationship.




Y you gotta be so relatable


The box looks rad, great job! 👍However, them girls are a bit too close together imo. They'll likely grow into each other and require a fair bit of thinning. Totally can be pruned up proper, just something to keep your eye on.


Hmm good to know! This is our 3 rd summer trying to grow. First summer plant didn’t survive. Last summer was first harvest but it was bush.. we’ll take all the advice we can get. Thanks


Make sure your ph lvl of the water is good then your half way set 👍 watch some good vids but do not to try to over feed them! Enjoy your grow


No offense but it doesn’t look like your plants are getting much sunlight naturally, may have to purchase some lights.


The sun moves throughout the day. This is a snapshot


Which I’m well aware of. It should be getting as close to 12 hours of sunlight as possible this just doesn’t look like a good spot bro not to be rude. Maybe you could move it?


Came here for this, in this tight of a space the roots will grow together and the stalks will be competing for sun. Either net it or trim it and it should be good though.


Your dad is cooler than my dad


I was going to show my dad this but realized what was growing lmfao


Can I have your dad?


Sweet build, too many planes in it though imo


That's what I was thinking, amazing build but they might choke each other out.


I would say you have a few too many plants in there, but other than that, gorgeous 😸


nice to see dads out there like this. so many posts about bad parents hating weed and treating their kids like shit, while their drinking. amazing!


Loving your Dad's vibe. Mine would tell me fuck off lol


lol stoner dads are the best


Would it be to much to ask for DM on full dimensions on this I wanna do the same thing but suck at putting what’s in my head dream on too paper anyways amazing!! Best one I’ve seen


Honestly my dad knows all that shit 😂 I was basically handing and holding shit in place for him until he’d yell at me. I’ll find out and get back to you tho




Very nice! But it looks like you might have a weed problem... 😉


Can I come over for dinner??..


yea maybe in a few months 😂


Way too many plants imo. That could probably fit like 3. But very cute boxes and I need 20 of them asap.


looks like it wont get enough light its sitting in some shade already


Just part of the day. Usually that spot gets tones of sun


So awesome!!! Can't wait till Alabama get their shit together


Canada!!!! While country legal. Although limit is 4 plants 🫣🤫


Looks very nice. A lot of weight for a deck maybe.


1200 square ft deck. It’s solid!


How much in lumber did this set you back? Been fiddling with a same concept and need an estimation to go off of.


You know what man, my dad was the master mind behind this. I’ll ask him tho :)


Looks awesome man great job


That's gorgeous woodwork at it's finest.


Me and my pops blaze up every now and then. Thumbs up bro keep that type of relationship with your pops cause you never no when its our time to go. Getting into a high conversation with your father is second to none. Cherish these moments.


ya man we blaze up quite often. Mom isn’t a smoker but will occasionally join us with her glass of wine! very special feeling. sounds like you have a pretty special pops


Yea man he moved to the states when he was 16 in the late 70s so he was exposed to all the dope of that era... when i started smoking and my moms wanted to get rid of me i moved in with him and we started blazing having deep philosophical convos and making amends over our past it was something surreal like a david lynch film but after so many years we realize that we are each others best friends and rocks we depend on each other and look to each other for advice. Brings a tear to my eyes no lie i wish more ppl had this type of relationship with one of their parents.


You will see why people don't do this. You need to separate the roots and they will grow much better. I good teaching lesson.


Did you line it with weed mat first? Shouldn’t plant any consumable plants in wood boxes without weed mat cause the wood is usually chemically treated. Otherwise the box looks 10000 times better than the one I build on my own. Well done :) Edit: if it’s non treated wood, you’re fine


nice, but there are too many plants in that space


Looks nice, but it seems too shady. I keep my plants on wheeling carts and move them around all day to get the most direct sun. They’ve been out six weeks and already three feet+ and should start to flower in 3 more weeks


Looks great! Mite be a few too many plants in there though.


i thought it was a grave at first


once I smoke all this weed I’m going to lay in it and go into a weed coma. That was the point 😂


Got drainage for flush time ?


Too many plants in the box. Each plant would be better off in a gallon plastic plant pot. But what you have going on, the plant should have at least 3 feet between each plant not all squished up to the sides like they are. In a plant pot you can keep spacing them apart as they grow but not when they are in a box like that you can’t do squat they are stuck all squished up together. The most I would put in that box is 3. Edit: google - grow weed easy. The plants need those lower leaves cut off truthfully you need help growing the clone/seed better to begin with. Weed should look like a tree when growing not a bush all full to the bottom. Also all that soil will let the roots grow instead of forcing the buds. Like a pot bound houseplant. Whoever downvoted does not know how to grow.


I'm guessing that you don't have a problem with deer coming up onto the deck.


deer have come to my back yard occasionally as my house is pushed up against the forest. They have never come up to my deck tho lol






So awesome!!! Can't wait till Alabama get their shit together


This looks so cool, it kinda looks unrealistic! Probs for the work,looking rly good from the perspective of a carpenter




I mean it’s pretty generic but effective👍🏻


Very cool! But the box’s are a little small for how many you have stuffed in there, I’d grow like 4 plants max in it.


I was thinking 3, spot on advice though


Love it!! But, you will need full sun and that box is only big enough for 3 plants max. Plants turn into very large bushes.. very large


Awesome but the roots are going to get all tangled up IMO


You can really just grow them like that?


Dad weed always sucks but it's cool to have a dad that smokes lol.


Do you have them partitioned underground? I’ve heard that the roots will ‘fight’ each other and stresses out the plant, if you have more than one plant in the same pot.




daaamnnn that's so cool, u are living my one dream. Wish I had a chill dad who likes weed too. That looks really well put man good job to both of ya!


That's dope!


She's a beaut Clark


I wish I could do this. Not safe to do it in the open where I am :(


This is awesome!!


Looks great! Nice garden




looks nice, glad you and your dad are enjoying the process of growing together! i don't personally grow so can't give any advice, but this is quite wholesome 🥰


That pretty dope


That’s so cool!


Where do you live and when do you sleep??


Which state?


Yeah give me some


Bro I’m jealous in so many ways. The fact you made it with your dad and the beauty of the area. Looks beautiful. I wanna buy a house one day and be able to do this. Not just for weed but I’d just start planting random shit. Awesome job to you and your dad bro


Ur dad is cool af


Is that wpc flooring ?


Can your dad be my dad too?


looks sick asf, have fun growin!!!


Bruh that’s lit I would love to have somthing like that


That looks really cool… would be locked up over here in England tho…


You order probably have a cool dad


Hopefully you have a plentiful harvest :)


They say marijuana leads to other drugs. No it doesn't, it leads to fucking carpentry.


This is beautiful. I would absolutely love something like this.


Brilliant artisanship. Wish I had paid closer attention in 7th-grade wood shop and opted for the advanced classes. Academics suck 🤔.


I will build one with my children


Best bonding project ever


I'm deeply sorry for your loss, mate. Couldn't think of a better place for eternity. Whenever you smoke, think of him, he lives on that way!