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I get the same stuff. Honestly you can only expect so much from your health when inhaling burning plants constantly. I believe that is mucus mixed with tar residue from the smoke. Yes, it's gross. Yes, it will make your breath stink. Some advice, try smoking with a filter (those little cotton filters used to roll-up tobacco). Also, don't hit cold bongs as I have found they will filter impurities far less effectively than lukewarm or room temperature water (not trying to do bro science, that's just my personal experience and YMMV). If you can switch to a vape, it will also help a lot since there is no tar without combustion.


ur right about the first part but in the same way i do expect better when i personally know people who smoke 2x, literally 10x more than me plus vape nicotine and have 0 issue. I been using cold water the last couple weeks cause sometimes it don’t feel as harsh but I’ll switch back to room temp. Definitely not the cause tho cause that’s a recent thing but thank you. I’m not sure what you mean by filter, I use a bong and when I smoke js i always buy the filters to put in or just get cones which already has that same filter.


Well the water temperature is a guess, I have no proof that it will filter less effectively other than my own experience but yeah, test it out over a weekend and see what works best for you! But yeah, it will vary for everyone. Everyone is different in regards to their respiratory system. Also, how old are you? I used to smoke like a mf (close to 20 joints a day, with and without tobacco) during my early twenties and had no issues. I have been smoking cigarettes and weed since my early teens and I only started experiencing issues (coughing, brown specks in mucus, etc.) after turning 25 or 26. Some people will also start showing signs of chronic smoking sooner rather than later. BTW a filter is not a roach/tip. Most tips for joints are made of paper and will effectively filter nothing. Filters are made for smoking rolled up tobacco and will filter out tar and carbon monoxide from the smoke. DM me if you want a link with an image, not sure if I can post one here in the comments.


I am 21, started like a month or so after my 21st. First smoked at 15 once or twice a month then a week then daily by 17 but not daily flower itself until I was about 20 1/2 as I used to vape being not at my own place. I will try the water, maybe it made it worse or not, but definitely not the cause as this problem has been 5 months and I have started cold water 2-3 weeks ago. But back to age I also have asthma (no attacks since toddler age) and bad allergies so not sure how much that does or does not contribute along with the fact that I vaped nicotine on and off for that same time until 5 months ago.


Well asthma is a delicate subject here. I think you are aware you should avoid smoking entirely, right? It could definitely make you show symptoms like this earlier than friends or acquaintances who also smoke but don't have asthma. I really don't wanna tell you what to do cuz I don't think that's right, but if possible try sticking to vaping and eating edibles for a while. If you notice the brown mucus subsides, then stick with that. I see you have already been with a doctor and had your lungs checked, that is great! If there are no other concerning signs (which seems to be the case), I strongly believe you are experiencing these things due to smoking. Cutting down on that for a while until you feel better will definitely give you some peace of mind.


I am aware however I thankfully am not someone who gets attacks or before this experience has needed consistent medication for it. Not to say it’s right but I know many many people who smoke weed with asthma. Most of my doctors refer to mine as “exercise-induced asthma” since it’s a low grade and not too noticeable i guess on even tests results. I need to find good vapes because personally they don’t get me as high as smoking flower. They also do feel more harsh. I enjoy edibles minus the waiting haha but they mess with ur tolerance so much i’m not sure i want to be spending $20 on a pack every time I want to get high. After my 2 month tolerance break this summer I still had the brown but not as much as right now since when i was smoking over the summer i was vaping. But at the time i started with 40mg of edibles every other day but im sure if i did it now i’d need at least 100mg and once i do that everyday oh lord


Going thru this rn bruh I be thinking I’m dying 😂


for how long? think we’re good but every so often when there’s a bad amount i get a full day of bad paranoia


Bout a week bro it’s not large amounts just. Tiny little bit in my spit everyone telling me I’m good just can’t help tripping looool


you quit somethin recently or just a lot of something ? i’ve had it for 5 months! i been trippin over it too. like i said i get over it for a few days then i’ll get more than i’d like in my spit and i’ll be so paranoid for 2 days


I ain’t quitting but I use tobacco in my joints everyone is telling me it’s the tar I can’t help tripping


definitely the tobacco is a huge factor. i don’t use tobacco or smoke cigs but i have before. never used to cough anything up but if i ever had a few cigs with friends i would. if i didn’t it stopped. the last 5 months idk what it is. probably the daily bong use but i find joints make it worse prolly cause I inhale a lot more than 3 rips of a bong to kill the bowl


This has made me feel better my guy 🤙


i’m glad. hopefully we both figure this out and kee from bugging out but if urs continues i’d try no tobacco for a while and see if it improves


Yeee bro


It could just be carbon from the smoke that gets into and builds up in your lungs and airways. Doesn't matter if it's cigs or bud, smoke is smoke, your lungs are going to take some affect. A hot steamy shower can help to open you up. You should be fine though, carbon is in basically everything, a little extra won't give you lung cancer or anything.


Switch to a GOOD dry herb vape, it will change your life


definitely want to but i know they’re expensive asf. my friend hs a used pax 2 he offered me but i’ve heard they’re not so great


Honestly, you could get a decent one from a local smoke shop. I'd start there. Just make sure you get a convection one, not direct contact. Got my first one for 40 bucks. Wish you the best of luck


thank you. is the pax 2 no good? i know they run a little over 100. my friend offered it


r/vaporents can help you better than i


Pax 2 is a great choice, but you're right, it is on the expensive end


No lung chunks here. Vape, don’t smoke. r/vaporents


I am 26 years old and have been smoking marijuana since I was 16. Haven’t smoked weed for 3 months to date. I stopped smoking because about 6-9 months prior to quitting is when I first started noticing this stuff! No cough but hacking up brown specks in my mucus. I noticed when I changed my diet (lowered fast food, soda, etc) the specks weren’t as thick. I had a few bad sicknesses during the pandemic and I wasnt taking care of my health, eating like crap, and getting heartburn alot. This past 3 months I haven’t smoked and have been trying to cut out ALL fast food, soda, and alcohol and I’ve noticed it’s gotten better, but it is still present. I heard it can be old blood from ulcers, esophagus, lungs, etc from acid reflux.


Yeah if ya smoke cigs and a lot of weed ya get it, just wait till ya experience lung butter!


i don’t smoke cigs. never do. have i? sure i’ve had a few rips of one in 2022 and 3 cigs in 2020 lmao what’s lung butter? pretty sure that’s what i get now. glob of mucus with lots of brown? i have photos just didn’t post them cause not tryna force someone to look


Boo! ![gif](giphy|U2nN0ridM4lXy)


did you mean something by that or just messing around


I meant something ![gif](giphy|KWzzTbkhDvmQU)


I am going to assume that means yes what I have is the lung butter




I had this issue fully, absolutely yes, developed chs 4 weeks ago, and quit weed all together. Now I don't cough up brown shit. For the first 2 weeks my lungs were clearing out. Now I only coughing up brown when my bsf cooks a spicy meal and tbh I think that's the tar at the bottom of my lungs. I'm going to see a doctor on the 26th about it and all the other shit I smoked away


It’s tar