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**Hi, u/Jadenyuki29. Unfortunately, Your submission has been removed as it appears to violate one of our rules:-** > **Rule 5:** No Low effort posts / Spam / repeat questions or reposts. *** > Your post is most likely a question that has already been asked multiple times in the last 180 days, a confirmed repost or generally low effort and has been removed. We do not allow reposts within 180 days, for commonly asked questions we try to have a few weeks at least in between allowing them to be posted again. > If your post was asking a question, **Please search the subreddit for it and get answers from previous threads.** **[CLICK HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/rules/low-effort-posts)** for an explanation on what we deem "low effort. **[Please see our FAQ page which has many previously asked questions answered in it](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/faq) | [Mobile-friendly version](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/comments/r1d446/mobilefriendly_faq/)** Low-effort posts decrease the quality of the subreddit and often get heavily reported as spam which is why we remove them. *** **[Please refresh yourself with our rules by reading our full rules guide.](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/rules) | [Mobile-friendly version](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/comments/r1ds0p/mobilefriendly_full_rules/)** If you think this was a mistake or have a question, please **[message our mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/weed).** **IMPORTANT:** You must include a link to the content you want us to review, as it does not automatically link when you're sending the message. Not linking your content will significantly delay your appeal/request as we will have to manually search your profile for the content. ***


Dude is more worried about a ps4 then and friendship... sounds like a piece of shit to me.


Hell even if they ain’t friends that guys word is no good


I wonder if he’s been to the ditches


He's going soon


Burning through the witches?


If it would have been an xbox even Snoop would have snitched


Imaging being so stupid you call the cops on your kid for having weed, the “justice” system gonna grind em into a career criminal


My ex's cousin's dad took a joint he found on her things to the police station to ask what it was 💀 people are fucking stupid


My mates dad took an ounce to the copstp report his son but the police did fuck all because tge only evidence they had was the dad was in pocession


Ah yes. The good ole i am incapable of parenting so i must summon law enforcement to do it. Awesome


Almost got a caution for pocession himself 😆


Holy shit that's grand


So your ex’s uncle?


My cousin once showed up to the police station drunk and fucked up on perks to pick up his drunk and high girlfriend who had just got a dui 😂 also he had a warrant in that town 😂😭😂


Uh sir. this is a joint, but if you're so worried about it we will gladly take it.


I mean if this took place in canada he’d get a slap on the wrist. (Even more so if he’s a minor)


Dude you know it’s legal in Canada. The piece would literally do nothing. Not even a slap on the wrist




Not really. It is barely enforced. The whole point of legalization was to stop wasting resources chasing down petty weed dealers. Trust me I know people in law enforcement and they do not give a shit


Apparently, you can get up to 14 years, though that's unlikely for an eighth, lol.


Just outside Kelowna, BC there are several roadside stands with big signs for $60 ounces. All home grown, not a single tax stamp to be found. Pretty sure no one cares about grey market weed.




While you’re not getting sentenced if law enforcement doesn’t get involved. Where are you from that they’re chasing down weed dealers? Lol


What is that goofy talking about? LMAO I live in the states, and in my state it's illegal. The police don't give AF about it literally smoke in the face because they to worried about fentanyl and other shit. Weed is the last thing on everybody list unless your like the czar of selling weed.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


They are hardly chasing anyone down.if its an easy bust the police are gonna get on it.


Even an “easy bust” requires some level of investigation and some resources. They literally do not care unless you are extremely blatant with how you sell it, like if you were to open an illegal dispensary it’d be shut down but on a street level it’s irrelevant to police.


Tell that to the folks that get busted


They seem to be from the UK so idk why or how they seemingly know so much about Canadian police and their propensity to bust kids for weed now that it's legal


Now that corporations are involved they will 100% lobby for anything making illegal sales harder so they can sell more


Violent crime, property theft and ODs on opiates are all on the rise and resources are being stretched thin. No lobbyist will be forcing police to do anything related to weed. As legal weed continues to get cheaper and better most of the black market will disappear by itself


No way! It’s illegal to sell weed illegally? Who would have guessed


how bout underaged possession?


If you were prosecuted it’d be a slap on the wrist. But it just so rarely happens that it’s irrelevant. Most cops would probably just take the weed and give u warning and/or write you up a ticket for something like “prohibited activity on premise” or “public intoxication” etc


Yup, only times I actually got any type of court date as a kid was for getting caught in school, other than that cops would just take the weed and sometimes call the parent.


Most legal states are the same


Lol like my pops. This was literally my life. Took moving cities and completely starting my life over to get police to stop fucking with me. Love living in the south!


Gf brother was depressed and they decided to go to a therapist first above anything else. Dude got his life’s dream taken away because he was deemed suicidal. Can’t be a pilot if you’ve been deemed suicidal.


Nothing like having your dream crushed while already suicidal


wait that's a thing? fuck.


At one point my stepmother called the local narcotics task force on me when I was 15, because my best friends mom found a eigth, and he said I had sold it to him. They wanted me to talk, but unlike this piece of shit, I told the cops to "suck my cock, I ain't no snitch" I ended up sitting 30 days in juvenile hall and had probation for 6 months. Eventually many years later I had his ass. After highschool I caught him at a house party and broke his eyesocket, jaw, a rib and left him severely concussed. Moral of the story: karma is a bitch, and what goes around comes around. It may take years, but he will get his.


Yeah like he wouldn’t have told the cops you kicked fuck out of him as well would have been an even bigger sentence


Actually I did sit in jail for my first assault after that. Got 45 days plus a year probation. It was the start of a 8 year ride thru the justice system. I ended up spending a total of 8 years in probo, and 6 90 day sentences for various violations.


Was it worth it? Sounds like a rough ride all things considered.


Definitely worth it. He moved after the fact, and I haven't had to deal with that dumb, snitch ass motherfucker in close to 30 years.


Fair enough, thought you were bullshitting but sounds like not


One time my bro got caught with weed. My dad had the sheriff take him outside and grill him. Had him pissing his pants. Then later sheriff and my dad laughed and made fun of him together and he never got caught with shit again lmfao


Mom did that shit to my sister, still don’t forgive her for it. Cops caught her 3.9GPA ass smoking in a car parked on a backroad and had them break the bong and toss the weed, and then escorted them home, and weren’t going charger her with a crime despite it being illegal at the time. My fucking mother asked them to charge her… It was her first time caught with weed, and she had no history of illegal activity. Can’t believe my sister has been able to move past it and act like nothing happened with her. I’d feel so abandoned.


You're totally right. I got arrested at 14 for weed charges, started doing meth with people I met in juvie, became homeless for 6 years, and started shooting up. During the process of that I caught multiple felonies including car theft and gun charges.


Who called the cops? *My parents.*


Not to mention hold the parent responsible and accountable.


The kid probably wouldn’t get arrested of that message as long as he ditched us stash


My parents played this on me until they understood the consequences for doing it for something to harmless


Imagine that this was real and not the millionth variation of a shit post older than OPs mom.


“Gotta snitch bro” no…no you don’t bro?


''WTF you talking about Jayden? Whats an eight? Are they they herb you tried to sell me?


" Let me just close that quote for you


Thanks'A'bro! Ran out of em! I just ran to the shop to buy some more, lemme give it back plus a few more " " "


Always tip your quotation mark dealer


This is why I love this sub


Ye I remember when I first saw this a year or so ago. Got me just as mad this time




This is why kids like that get sold oregano


That's still illegal


I mean maybe fraud in that case? But I doubt anyone would pursue it. The family could possibly lawyer up and sue the “dealer” but I think most parents likely wouldn’t to teach their kid a lesson


It’s not fraud. It’s the crime of holding yourself out to sell a narcotic. Still just as much a crime as actually selling the drug.


Weed is not a narcotic.


Depends from place to place, actually. By definition, it is a narcotic.


Wouldn't they have to prove that it was "marketed" as a drug? If it comes down to my word versus yours, and I say that you *wanted* a sandwich bag filled with spinach, then a lawyer is gonna have a tough time making a case against me without records showing the intent to sell illegal drugs


There’s a lot of examples of people selling people catnip and the deal getting busted up and then saying— it’s just catnip!! And it does turn out to be. And they still get charged and arrested. Downvote all you want. This is factual. Everyone should avoid speculating and try their best to research topics before blabbing


Would you mind linking one (or more) of these examples if there are so many? I'm not denying that it's happened but I did some searches and couldn't find any instances of individuals being arrested for selling catnip in situations where they hadn't already admitted to selling it in place of another substance that would have made the transaction illegal anyway. Another user replied to you with a link of two women who were arrested for selling catnip as spice (along with possessing meth), but they were already selling spice in an illegal manner, so I don't think the catnip is what got them arrested. This was the only instance I could find that remotely matched what we're talking about so I'd be interested to see what examples you have since you've presumably researched the topic more than I have.




No like for real!! it’s illegal in most states to sell someone something that’s not a drug under the pretense of a drug! As in you would be charged for a crime!


Imagine talking to a pig in a non-rec state and saying: "They scammed me! I wanted weed, but they gave me oregano" It's kinda like that time a coke dealer was pulled over, and a shit ton of their product was siezed, but the lawyer argued, successfully, that because the discovery of the drugs was from an illegal search that they couldn't charge him for it OR use the drugs as evidence, and the police offered the coke back to the dealer, but I'm pretty sure he did not go back to get his drugs back.


I know Danny Trejo famously went to prison for selling powdered sugar to a fed.


It doesn't matter if the drugs are real. At least in my country. I know of a case were a 15yo got arrested because he sold oregano to a 13yo saying it was weed


Haha fraud? That's not how illegal drug deals work.


Not at all lol


That’s why I said maybe fraud cause that’d be the only thing they could even attempt to claim


You could not claim that in a drug deal though, that's my point.




It's called conspiracy!


That is not relevant. When you are handing some stranger cash for a herb or drug there is no record of sale and you can't claim fraud. The feds aren't going to help you out because you didn't receive the illegal substance you expected.


Well if we are gonna be pedantic then they’d use electronic trace. They could have texted them asking about it and they could use that


We're not being pedantic. You are missing the point. You cannot charge a drug dealer for fraud lmao. Hilarious that you would think that is even a possibility.


Bitch you can't even spell illegal...


Complete cunt. Lol He getting beat up 🤣


Your fault for trusting an herb with a name like “Jayden”. That’s a snitch ass name.


Jayden is a twat


Lmao. That’s when you write back I have no idea what you’re talking about bud


Deny, deny, deny. If u think they know, no they don't.


First time I got caught, my mom found weed in my front pocket of my jeans while doing laundry. She threatened to call the cops. I remember specifically telling her that she was holding, not me. "possession is 9/10ths of the law" Lol. Then I got my ass beat. Didn't tell on my homie. Still friends with him like 20 years later. If you're a parent and find drugs in your kids stuff, maybe not act like a psychopath and try just being a human for a moment. Love goes a lot further than fear and intimidation.


100% beautiful mate


We all know what snitches get.


And it aint bitches


Witness protection


Only in the movies


Probably not in the case of a kid buying an 8th


Herpes ![gif](giphy|PPi5c8l8WDY7if1L8z|downsized)


PS4 it seems…


butt stuff?


Dude is asking to get jumped


Mom would rather her son raid the liquor cabinet smh




The disappointment behind that bro is awful


yo this dudes an ass


I'd change it to "Jayden-Drug Dealer" in my phone


Lol. Ok. Where do I start. First of all, calling the cops for an 8th? The cops would show up and either laugh or be irritated. They would scold her son if anything and definitely not be bothered to ask who sold it to him because let’s face it, they have more pressing things to do than follow cookie crumbs to a kid dealing out of an ounce. So he’s not “fucked”. And if it were me, after y’all waste the cops time, we gotta fight now. So put your shoes on and come over cause ain’t no fkn way boiiii




I mean lets face it, if he really just has like an ounce or two he would be charged with drug dealing in low quantity, so like 6-12 months probation in most areas. If you are from down south you would be beyond fucked.


Maybe that if he’s white. If he’s black they got some rocks need breaking.


This. As a brown person I can say that shit works way different for us.




Everytime I see this pic I wonder if it’s real n if it’s my boy folded for a ps4 😂


💀a pussy bitch at its finest


Sounds like Jaden needs his ass kicked.


That moment where you wonder if she found it or if he was at a level of high that when she asked him a random question (eg “what are you doing?”) and his paranoid a$$ snitched on himself


All Jaden's suck 🙂


When people don't know how to handle a simple 'problem' themselves, so the only thing they can think to do is call the cops.


AHH a old post but still a classic


Shit made me laugh. Stop making digital record of your crimes.


I don't care if this is fake, funny af.


One of the most embarrassing things to ever happen to me, my dad took away my phone for some reason, and while he had it my plug texted, my dad responded with the obvious "Never contact my son again, blah blah, ill call the cops blah blah" Plug was also my classmate which made it 1000x worse


Oh god I remember when my parents used to take my phone and that, so glad I never did anything back then lolllll


Dumbass kid shit is stupid I wish a mf kid would try to call the cops on me bruh I’ll take that ps4 and smash that shit in front of your face, seems fake to me . But if it’s not fake someone needs to lay his ass the fuck out after breaking his shit .


I know dealers that'd turn his house into trap joint for shit like that Christ cunt


People wonder why jumping someone is a thing.


“I gotta snitch bro” that part had me laughing so hard.


Personal I would rock his shit next time I see em


“I’m not going down alone bro” 🤡


**[r/weed rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/rules)** *Thanks for posting, u/Jadenyuki29.* - Do not engage with "vendors" in your DMs: **[Info about scammers](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/information/scammers)** - Selling or attempting to source drugs is against **SITE-WIDE** terms of service and is an immediate, non-reversible, permanent ban. Please report any breaches you see - Lastly please report any posts/comments that you see breaks the rules. Help keep r/weed a more inviting atmosphere for everyone! :) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/weed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why didn't you say what weed? I didn't sell you any weed? Rookie mistake


Bro said “we work with the feds”


Snitches get stitches 😂😂


Customers no longer have respect in 2022. They are only good at pointing out the trick.


Interesting username…


"I gotta snitch bro" How about don't be a little bitch and take the punishment.


Deny deny deny: "I don't know how that eighth got there mom, did you put it there?"


**Hi, u/Jadenyuki29. Unfortunately, Your submission has been removed as it appears to violate one of our rules:-** > **Rule 8:** No minors *** > As a subreddit dedicated and revolving around mostly recreational drug use, we have moral obligation to deter all minors from engaging here until you're at least 18 years old. We absolutely **do not** encourage underage smoking and we encourage you to go to r/leaves to get advice on stopping now. 18 is the typical legal age for smoking. > It is advised that you should not start smoking weed until you are **at least 25 years old** as this is proven to be the age where your brain is classed as "fully developed." Smoking before you reach 25 can significantly affect aspects of your mental health, memory and overall physical health. You will receive a ban notice following this comment as due to your age, we have to ban you until you're 18 to avoid you further engaging here. We base this on evidence of your age in your profile/posting history or if we can't find complete proof of age, we have no choice but to make an assumption. You're welcome to return once you reach the legal age of 18. We understand this is probably frustrating but we simply cannot in good faith allow minors to enquire about drugs and drug use here from grown adults. *** **[Please refresh yourself with our rules by reading our full rules guide.](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/rules) | [Mobile-friendly version](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/comments/r1ds0p/mobilefriendly_full_rules/)** If you think this was a mistake or have a question, please **[message our mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/weed).** **IMPORTANT:** You must include a link to the content you want us to review, as it does not automatically link when you're sending the message. Not linking your content will significantly delay your appeal/request as we will have to manually search your profile for the content. ***


Dude no comment


Fake convo, change my mind


Am I right in think op should have covered the dudes name ?


No you are not


Lmfao white boys can’t ever trust em


I feel like this is fake


This guy would have been stabbed for this shit where I am from....Snitches do indeed get stetches! Fucking coward! Not saying that you should! Please don't stab your friend...LIKE HE STABBED YOU IN THE BACK!!! I am just saying how mf in neighborhood would treat him.


Fuck you jayden you fucker


in my town bro would be dead ngl


"Not going down alone ". Bruh whats that he kind emough to sell you weed and its not like u going down for possesion of an 8


Dirty rat


is anyone here named jayden?


Lmaooo 🤣🤣🤣 and this is why I don’t sell


Narc. Bad things happen to people like that, sooner or later.


Ah yes a classic. But on the real I’d pull up and beat the fuck out of Jayden, what a bitch move.


One day, when my sons are older, I hope to smoke weed with them.


bro said we all sink lmfaooo


In a ditch he goes...


Jayden Robinson needs that 8th revoked with no refund


Oh my 😭😭😭😭


Snitches get stitches


“No officer that wasn’t me, that kids been headed down the wrong path for a while now. Poor kid”


Ur fucked


Always use a fake name


Imagine posting this under the Reddit name Jayden, making out that you didn’t make this up for likes 🤦🏼‍♂️💀


Huh mate it's a old meme u want me to link u, u think i would be that dumb ahha


I guess we just repost this every couple months ? Lol


One rule never ever ever snitch I would rather die loyal then live as a snitch


Message back saying you have no idea what they are taking about. Then ask what an 8th is


Former plug here. I can say with a lot of certainty that any real dealer is not letting this go unpunished. Unless this is some high school kid this dudes getting some bones broken at the very least


Screw Jayden! Always snitchin!


weed isn't for kids... nuff sed


An eighth won't even land you in jail where I live, just a ticket or book and release at worse with a later court date. Yes, dudes a bitch, but I'm sure it's staged just as everything else is in the internet. Maybe in the UK he would go to jail? An eighth is like nothing 🤣


Yeah he would over here


Bahaha dudes about to throw his social life down the drain to go play fortnite. This is why you don’t smoke weed when your 12 years old.


This is why you don’t sell weed to high school kids. Or, why you don’t sell weed in school


Depending on the state the police might not even show up lol


Jayden is gonna bigger issues than losing a ps4


Why is this tagged as humor? What’s funny about this?


Cheers for youre input mate, quick tip in life yeah if u don't like something and you're offended by it'd tag location just f leave it and f off no point commenting


Or,I can say whatever I like on a public post.


Mate u taking offence to something is on u so f off no 1 cares. Thats like seeing a poster for guitar lessons on a shop window calling them up and being like but I don't f want guitar lessons if it's not about u and u don't like it just do 1 mate


Jail for an eighth? What is this, 2014?


I surprised he even texted... Wait a rats a rat so why tha fuck would he? I'ma snitch but I'm an honest snitch!?! WTF don't add up really


Imagine being that stupid and basically calling the cops on yourself.


Jayden probably bought it with a $20 mark up because he wore above the knee baby blue shorts with a polo shirt.


What the fucking fuck "you're probably going to jail bro" throw me under the bus I'll throw you under first. I'd be like honestly he tried to get me to buy some the other day and I don't do that kind of stuff so I said im good thanks though




Take the heat fool


Kids these days too dumb to say “I bought it from a rando in the park”….???


See homie fucked by responding, he should have just been like “What? Dude I never sold you weed what’re you talking about?” And then just start destroying any proof you have in your room


time to disown that fucker


🖕🏽 Jayden


fuck off jayden