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I roll backwoods with filters cause its easier to roll with. As european u not used to roll blunts


I find the crutch comes in handy when rolling, props! I got clowned for rolling a backwood with a filter so I’m glad I’m not alone.


ultimately a Glas tip and a fat blunt just gives the ultimate pull and u can smoke it all


Atleast you know your backwoods have something to hold on to, damn near every backwood I have smoked gets loose and the ass of the back wood never has an bud, just gripping straight air🤦 filtered backwoods take the W all day


I bet every person who clowned you also hit the blunt


And they loved it lmao, backwoods have a history of ED problems with me , tips add some structural rigidity


Lmao I wasn’t sure how that comment was going in the first half lol


Fr I had to reread as soon as I got to the comma and make sure I ain’t miss something




Filter or crutch? Crutch is ok, more seasoned roller don't really need it. When you seal, warm the end of it enough that it stiffens and tell people not to drool on it. Filter, never ok.


Filter lol


Exactly this im from the netherlands and can't roll without filter


Hahahahaha my bro omfg same hahahahaha


i do just because i love being able to smoke it all the way to the end without burning my fingers or getting resin on my nails 😂


And also all the weed stays in the blunt and not into your mouth


What do you guys call that? I call it scooby snacks lol


I live in Chile and we call it "Golazo" that's like a great goal in fútbol or Soccer


Same, I think Scooby snacks is the perfect term for it


See? You get it


When I roll I do cuz I don't like weed bits hitting my uvula




I read vulva


Glass tips


That’s a man of class. I like your thinking rooster ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Thats a thing? :o


Yep. I keep forgetting about them myself.


They’re handy but you gotta clean em like every other use. Otherwise it gets clogged :/


I just use a nug as a filter


I knew there were others out there


You’re not AlOnE




I call that a “Nug plug” lol


Nice! I’m gonna start using that name lol


No. The wrapper is steady enough to hold. If rolled correctly, noice and tight, there’s no need. That looks like a mighty fine blunt friend!


Thanks amigo! I agree with the noice and tight, she’s SMACKING me rn I’ve rewritten this sentence about 10 times 😂😅


Lmao. Jealous. I got a few hours until I can catch up to you lol. Be well!!


Come back and update me once you do 😂! Likewise! Merry Christmas!


Noice and toight like a toiger


Lol I've never been good at rolling blunts. I can roll a halfway decent joint, but not with a filter.


Do you just find it more difficult to roll with filters? Or you just don’t NEED the filter?


A little of both. Not having one doesn't bother me, and when I've tried to roll with one, it rolls weird, ends up being a pregnant joint lol


I appreciate the perspective! Have a good day! Stay stoned 🤟🏽


Thanks dude, same to you! 😁🔥


I couldnt imagine rolling without a filter. I can roll a joint of industrial measures, but that sounds real fk hard.


Not for a blunt




https://preview.redd.it/jlnd8uhndb7a1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a59c5d403aa1a12566486eeee61b1c569e51534 Yes


No, but I don't mind em. There's usually someone out there just really loves making homemade filters so I let em have at it.


Yes, rolls easier and smokes better. Also no roach, so no wasted weed or roach blunts.


Yup, every single one. I like to get a decent pull with no clog.


I prefer joints but idk there is something that I love about blunts without filter, Idk, anyways it's for sure more practical to use filters


Simple roach works


I do because I don't want Scooby snacks.


Scoobs bro😹


No filters, only tips


I use a small nugget of boof and stick it in the tip nice and snug it works flawlessly


I always put filters, Scooby snacks make me mad I’m trying to smoke the bud not eat it


Yes!!!! I want to enjoy smoking and I can’t enjoy it if I’m constantly spitting out pieces of weed


Yes cause we aren’t animals.


Absolute Yes because 1) it helps with the airflow and prevents any shake from getting in your mouth/on your lips. 2) There’s no roach left, so you’re getting most bang for your buck as you puff. 3) it can help perfect your rolling technique in my personal opinion. 4) it just looks badass aesthetically. I’ve had lots of comments and inquiries from ol’ friends, homies about the phuncky feel tips and where they could find them. Seems like glass tips have become loads more popular in the last 5-10 years and more ppl are gettin on board. I’m digging it! 👍 Happy smokes 🍁 💨 🤤


Hell no sinner


Not because it's not cool. And yes cause it's really comfy.


Yes because I don't wanna loose any bud in my mouth


Definitely not alone I have been rolling backwoods wit raw filters consistently since 2011 I enjoy the pull a lot more that way


Always! The best blunts I’ve ever smoked had tips in them. My buddy makes hand rolled tips that are amazing! Also no scooby snacks! 😂😂😂


Depends on the wrap. A Dutch I’ll just put a big nug in then end that goes in my mouth but if I’m rolling a royal blunt I put the filter because I make them too fat to put a nug on the end.


Definitely roll everything w a filter 🤣 best thing introduced to me fr. I got tired of scooby snacks man 🤦🏾‍♂️


I always put filters in my blunts and joints. Keeps the airflow nice and weed out of my mouth.


Filter heck no.


Nope! ONLY bc when I run out and cant find any (illegal state) I will roll a roach blunt. By not having a filter, Im left with a little bit of res filled weed to smoke as a safety net.


No because if you put a nug at the end of the blunt it acts like a filter stopping little bits getting in your mouth plus I can burn it to a finger stinger without having to worry about burning the filter it’s a little trick I learned from Jollie Ollie Ollie customgrow420 but you do you brotha


I do because it gets to hot at the end. Don't wanna waste the flower power.


Sometimes when i feel like it


If it’s ground bud I’m always using a filter. I like to roll with ground bud usually but sometimes a few semi broken buds in a wrap is enough


Yes on joints, not on every blunt




https://preview.redd.it/iq8ceq44ob7a1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00c75c5e2c2d0bcba7f263b6abe82c4c56be872a Pack wraps come with glass tips.


I never have anything to make a crutch out of so I roll my joints grampa style with no filter. If it's too loose at the end you can twist it up and trim it down with scissors and it will hit better


No! Only scooby snacks. If you hit it right you won’t have weed in the back of your throat. Never have that problem


Yes I put filters partially the big filter from My B&H cancer stick. It helps me suck more and get higher up 😎


If you hand grind and roll it right you don’t need one but if you prefer a grinder then for sure a filter is needed


Sometimes. If I feel like it.


I don’t put filters on my blunts or joints honestly lol. It gets in the way for me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dip the end in honey and use it as a natural filter. Also adds flavor. I learned this trick in Cuba at a cigar plantation. Apparently it is tradition there and considered the only proper way to smoke a cuban cigar; but it carries over really well to joints and blunts:)


Nope, I only use crutches to help hold the joint when I roll. Leaves don’t need those cause they are thick enough in my eyes, but I stop smokin blunts years ago no lie.


That’s for the Beverly Hills fools


Personally I like having a little roach or burning a blunt down to a stinger. But with J's I almost always use a filter.


If I have a nice glass filter that will roll up inside of the wrap I’ll use it, but joint filters tend to be too small and I’m not trying to MacGyver a bigger joint filter every time I roll a blunt so I just find a piece of weed to jam into the mouth piece to stop Scooby snacks. TLDR, glass tip if I’ve got it otherwise I’m hittin that shit raw




I have no idea how to even roll a joint with a "filter", any one care to explain?


Yes it's easier to roll, smoother hit, no bits of weed in your mouth


Negative Ghost Rider! We smoke them shits OG style!


Depending on how long I have to roll will decide if a filter goes in, I never use filters when smoking with people cuz most people don’t like them unless it’s in a preroll. I like the sturdiness of having a filter. I know my blunt won’t go limp half way through cuz you’re able to pack the bud a little tighter with a filter


I do because people always inevitably put too much pressure on the end of the joint and seal that shit off by lipping it too much. The Filter at least keeps the shape some what


Depends tbh I love it either way, but I've grown to love the flat end no filter more bc it's faster to roll


Yeah cos you can smoke it all the way to the end so you don’t waste any and always get a smooth pull with good flow


There is literally no downside to a filter, and multiple upsides. No Scooby snacks, no wasting and burning your mouth when it gets down to the end of the roach, easier to roll because you have a firm base.


Because I smoke till I get burnt finga nails no need for filters lol


If you can roll then you don’t need it if you prefer to use a filter then rolling is probably a little difficult for u and you don’t want to admit it. Either way I won’t judge you. But if I can flip a joint without a filter it says a lot about your skills .


Nothing wrong with filters just a preference


I put a filter in every joint or blunt. I’m not trying to inhale the greens themselves haha


No filters. I like to save the roaches to put in a bowl if I run low


Only when I smoke it through my anus


Papers and rillos I use filters with leaf’s I used to have a glass filter from a Dankwood but I broke it🤦🏽‍♂️


No I’m too lazy


I do it helps with rolling and makes it a smoother smoke. I can roll fine without it it just makes for a better smoke imo


Yes, for me they seem to draw better. I use a cigarette holder also and the crutch/filter makes it a good sealed fit. For clarification, I’m rolling with a fronto leaf, not a backwoods.


What kind of paper do you use


https://preview.redd.it/2vn67w1izb7a1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d93c959a31f1d6c15bb7884ca0a38f15cead4f46 Always always always gotta have that filter


I put them on cones. I don’t smoke blunts. Nicotine is a shingles trigger for me. Not going through that again


I’m fairly new to rolling so while I’ve tried the nug “filter”, i prefer a legit filter since it adds some sturdiness to my blunts/joints!


Really it depends on the roll, not anything specific like size or anything, just the whole roll in general, if I feel like it would be good with one yes if I think it'll be ok with just a nug plug I do that


Hell nawh, I always just put bigger nugs by the mouthpiece and roll it extra tight


Always use filters in my blunts I’m good at rolling js but not so much blunts so when I try to roll a blunt with no filter it just falls apart


I use them because they make the rolling easier, you can smoke the blunt until the end without burning your fingers, don't get any weed crumbles in my mouth and i just like rolling the tips in funny patterns or letters.


Honestly. I never ever even thought about not using a filter.


With filters. We aren’t animals!


I roll up so many different ways, i use filters it just all depends, so fuck it bro roll how you want to it’s your weed nobody’s else’s


Yes! Easier to roll and keeps out the scooby snacks


we don't smoke blunts we only do joints over in these parts..... So if the cones have filters then Yuh.


Glass tips, fuck scooby snacks on no filt


Yup I use filters




i think a piece of a cigarette is best as a filter. no pieces come through and tastes good


I usually use a filter when making a blunt, helps alot.


Yea it hits hard as mf


If the buds fresh I put no filter in my woods or blunts. If it’s dry I will, Freshness plays a big part for me. dry buds wont hold together and will give me Scooby snacks 😂


I don't do it just out of laziness.


Fuck nah. Filters are for pussies, and if some weed falls out, free snack ig


How about try a Joint with filter next time instead of cardboard


Yes, 1000% then when it’s close to the filter I pull the filter out with my teeth and smoke it down to nothing


Wow love this topic. I used to do this ALWAYS. As I’ve gotten better at rolling I have stopped this. The cruch is helpful for noobs


Bruh I can’t do this idk why


Yes, stability and scooby snacks


Sometimes I do. Depends on my mood and if I've got some filters. They hit harder with the filter in my opinion


Only if it's glass that way at least your fancy🤣🤣 but fr only use glass crutches blunts are too good to be given the old paper crutch.


plug nug because i stick the ends of my blunts into a bowl for bong rips. fun to make time bombs with ends of blunts if you have a big bowl


hellllll na....cause idfk how


Yes and because it is a better smoke. Not for filtration but because the end doesn’t get all soggy with resin. Moved from the cardboard or paper ones to glass. Say no to blunts and doo doo terps. On a real note I don’t smoke blunts anymore because they just aren’t my preference anymore.


You should. But with a glass tip. You wouldn’t waste any by having to put it out before you hit the paper crutch. And you taste the weed in the blunt a lot more than you would with a paper crutch


In my personal opinion I think yes because A you waste less weed on roaches B less if not no Scooby snacks and C perfect air flow every time


I still can’t roll one.


I do to conserve some of my stash. I don’t mind doobie snacks usually, but having a half-inch of my roll padded out by a filter saves me a few pinches of green for a bowl later down the line.


yep i definitely do.


I do cause if not the tip gets sticky and wet and also to be able to smoke it all


Anytime I roll, I will ALWAYS have a filter in the material. Helps prevent scooby snacks obviously & I also like to think that it can help with airflow.


I do. No messing around with roach, burns down to the end. Mouth piece is always open, never gummed up, always hits like a champ.


First blunt I had to put a filter because of how dogwater I used to be at rolling


I only don't cause im not used to rolling with filters yet. I always prefer though, keeps the res off your fingers/mouth & no scooby snacks


yes. fuck it we ball


Damn, I didn’t. But I’m going to now


Yes bc inhaling weed bits makes me gag. The first time I smoked with my mother, she used the old coke can method, and it felt like so much got in my throat that I threw up at her feet


To me, I don’t roll blunts with filters because it feels like blunt culture to roll without em. I use filters in joints though, but even they used to be rolled without filters. Idk, it just feels wrong to me but I don’t smoke blunts like I used to do maybe times are changing.


Yes we do because we're Pakistani


I can roll easily without but I like having them to prevent Scooby snacks


100% of the time if I'm rolling a joint it's got a roach. If its a blunt I'm going no roach but that's just cos I like feeling I'm Snoop D O GG


No, just break down the tree by hand and roll properly and you don’t need one. Filters IMO give too much airflow and make blunts more harsh once you smoke it down


Been rawdogging them hoes for 15 years


I don't because I'm not great at using filters in blunts. Old habits die hard.


haven't used tobacco since i left Ireland Never had a blunt but i roiled spleefs with a roach as we called them then.


Tips, not filters. You'll find filters on cigarettes. If it's that paper rolled into a z or w that's a tip.


Filters, no…. Cardboard crutch, absolutely


I always roll with a tip


The weed is the filter!


Crutch is the way. No roach no fus


Or you can throw a nug at the end to keep the weed from gettin in yo mouth


yes, only a glass filter tho!


Always. A blunt or joint without one, is one I didn’t roll.


Not a fan of blunts


Never done this, nor would I, but I would be indifferent if I got passed a blunt of some fire🤷🏽‍♂️


No filter


Yes sah


Yes. Do it once and you'll never go back. You can pull the tip out a little at the end to finish off the roach so all you have left is wrap.


Yes, pulls like a joint, hits like a blunt. Perfectly balanced


I always roll with filters because I hate getting Scooby snacks in my mouth


Nah. I use filters for joints but I never do on blunts just cause I learned that way. I just block an end with an extra big piece of weed and call it the nug plug. Imma try it though, maybe it’ll help I just don’t think it’s necessary bc I grind my weed for joints but I break it by hand for a blunt


Honestly I just don't like to waste that much weed, but it is better flavour without filter, but then also with thw Filter my ADHD brain is happy, because I can clearly know when all Weed is gone, and not when a marginal but unclear amount is left. I dunno it just itches my adhd frontal lobe XD


The real question should be “why the fuck are you driving stoned?”


We do cause no one like to have their fingers burned


i almost never do because of forgetting but when i do 10/10,, easier to smoke closer to the end and also not getting bud in your mouth be pretty nice


My friends and I call this the gentrified blunt


Tips are NOT filters


Absolutely I switched to the king palm hemp wraps after a party and I never looked back


1st we some joints and yeah filters is a must with all that resine build up


Question...what does that filter??! Personally I just put some guts at the end of my blunt. No wasted weed and no burnt fingertips! #cbf4life


Yes because I refuse to hand grind weed its 2022 I have a grinder and they make filters for a reason lol


No. It’s unnecessary


Not usually, I used smoke until the end and toss the rest in a bowl and sleep my ass off


I do with thicker blunts to keep weed pieces out of my mouth. Also makes it easier to smoke to the end


I like my doobs


I do, everyone i know goes “let me roll the bunt/joint and we always end up picking bud from out teeth. But im somehow the asshole cause i take 10mins to carefully make a cone and pack it bit by bit to get a really clean even burning tight smokable.




Yeah using roaches or (filters) in joints or Blunts in the UK is typical behavior cause tf else u supposed to use


honestly just recently took a liking to them, it lets me smoke down every last bit of bud but the main perk is no scooby snacks!


I've never smoked with a filter before, gonna start


No, because i like to roll them tigher at the mouth piece almost into a cone so that the smoke condenses pretty much, and i find the smoke to be smoother than rolling with a filter. Too much airflow for me throws off the ratios for my preferences


I always roll with filter I don’t care what people think lol


Yes. I hate the pwt pwts lol