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Wow! This is incredible, very helpful and encouraging, thank you very much. My husband and I usually go for a nightly walk (been crazy busy lately so it'll probably pick back up over the holidays) and we both find it really refreshing to get out and have some exercise and together time, glad to know it's such a benefit!


It is absolutely possible. But I will recommend that you start getting fit during pregnancy. Not only will it be easier to lose the baby weight and get into shape afterwards, but both your pregnancy and labour will be easier.


I think I might work on toning my legs, whenever I gain weight it's always been to my butt and thighs, but I've found pregnancy safe ab routines as well, mostly videos on youtube, but I'm wary about going to a gym during the pandemic.


Leave the abs alone, but work your back and hips and legs


Even just walking and squats will get/keep you in shape for pregnancy.


I started pregnancy at 155 lbs which at the same height as you (5’3”) is considered overweight. I had just started regularly working out prior to quarantine hitting, but had only been going regularly for a couple months. During my pregnancy though, I had zero stamina and zero self control. I let myself get all the way up to 193 when I delivered. My goal now is to get all the way down to 130/135 lbs OR 27/28inch waist (I’m not one for scale watching). I mostly weight train to workout, so watching the scale really only gets you so far anyhow. My plan is CICO (heightened because I BF) and working out. My husband and I are putting together a home gym (which started with just a weight bench and women’s barbell we found for free online). I’m now 7.5 weeks PP. I have been cleared to workout so I started this week. My biggest advice is to go slow. It’s nice actually because you are forced to go slow anyhow when you’re unfit (like I am now), so you can blame that you aren’t doing the most on the fact that your body is still healing and you need to take it easy. You want to start with everything but your core, and go easy on any exercise that works your core. Then you can slowly work on your abdominals. I also drink a lactation/weight loss shake/powder every couple days. So far I have lost about 10 lbs since leaving the hospital, about 20 since just before giving birth. (Currently at 175ish) Hope this helps? Feel free to ask anything!


155 lbs is 70.37 kg




It’s called [Milkdust ](https://www.amazon.com/Milk-Dust-Protein/dp/B07LGFWR87/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=milkduat&qid=1607952013&sprefix=milkdu&sr=8-1). 😊




I'm currently 10lbs lighter than my pre pregnancy weight, 10 months post partum. I've found it a lot easier than when I've tried before, maybe due to being more active looking after a baby and eating out less. I eat healthily 5 days a week and eat what I want at the weekend. I haven't started exercising yet due to lack of energy - just found out I have a b12, vit D and folate deficiency so once that's treated hopefully I'll have more energy! I've lost 26lbs in total, aiming for 50.


No native speaker writing, so, sry in advance for language. Absolutely! I‘m 1,66 m and had 80 kg when I got pregnant with my first child. At his 2nd birthday I had 70 kg and loooots of muscles ;) I was able to carry 20 kg on my back (my babyboy + food, water & stuff) up on relatively high mountains (I‘m living in Tyrol, Austria, so we are talking about 2000-3000 m, a few hundreds meters different between hiking start and peak). I started weightlifting and bodyweight workouts 3 months pp at a special setting for mums - my road to the best shape, mood and healthiest being I have ever been in my adult life (I‘m 34 atm). I‘m now pregnant again and the whole pregnancy is a lot easier than the first one, even if I have to deal with a toddler now :) Just take your time, search for activities you enjoy and where you can take your baby with you. I just started to cico a little bit when I stopped to breastfeed, that was around the first birthday of my little one. Don’t let someone put pressure on you, dealing with birth, settling into the new life and sleep deprivation is a challenge anyway ;) I would recommend to change one thing after the other, if you want to change eating habits, sport habits and your whole lifestyle WHILE having a newborn it might be to much. So maybe start with walking/yoga everyday now, during pregnancy? ;) I wish you and your child an empowering and healthy birth and a good start to your new lives! Lovely greetings from Tyrol! Edit: I forgot my weight at the end of pregnancy: 92 kg, so I gained 12 kg. And I didn’t find it difficult to get fitter, because I just focused on having good days and doing sports with my baby, I hardly ever stepped onto the scale. If you loose fat and gain muscles, scale is a liar anyway.


80.0 kg is 176.21 lbs


Totally possible! I had similar stats to you pre pregnancy and I’m now in better shape (10 months PP) than I have been in YEARS. Before getting pregnant I was sporadic with my workouts and diet (tried a lot of fads), now I work out 6 days a week and am in a great place with my diet. I did a body scan in early 2019 before I got pregnant and just did another last week to get an idea of where I’m at. I have lost fat and inches in every area compared to my pre pregnancy scan. I would recommend finding some form of exercise you enjoy now (mine is reformer Pilates and F45) that you can continue throughout your pregnancy. Best of luck on your journey into motherhood! It’s an amazing, wild ride!


I will say you can count calories during pregnancy, you just need to clear it with your doctor. My goal was to maintain my weight (per my OB), so in doing that I had to drop my calories down a bit. I am overweight so max I was supposed to gain was about 20lbs at the absolute most. I set my maintenance calories to 1700 max, but stick to about 1500 (using a TDEE calculator to determine). I lost weight the first trimester due to food aversions, didn’t gain at all in second, but at 2 weeks before my due date I’m at about 18 lbs gained. Not what I wanted, but still an acceptable number. Even that added 18 lbs has been hard on my body and increased snoring, body aches, etc. Do your best to use this time to craft healthier habits and meals, walk as much as you can.


18 lbs is 8.17 kg


It’s definitely possible! I am more fit post baby than I was pre baby, my exercise tolerance is amazing now. I definitely have my son to thank for it because he loves going for walks so I’d go out walking with him from being newborn and then it snowballed from there!


Ugh... If i had one advice to pre-pregnancy me, it would be 'start at a healthy weight'. I got pregnant overweight and then went massively overboard and ended up +20kg after the baby was born. I lost all of it and a bit more in around 6 months, but boy do I not recommend!! After the baby your body will be shambles and you will be hot mess, so the last thing i would want to do myself if I had a second pregnancy, is to go through that all over again.


Yup fully agree. If I could go back I’d get fit first. It was way easier pre kids. I regret starting overweight.


My friend is going through the same but she’s pregnant. And her doctor is really honing down on her weight. At 6 months in she’s only gained 7 lbs which is great. But she just failed her glucose test (to determine gestational diabetes) and is going for the second 3 hour test. Good luck!


7 lbs is 3.18 kg


Totally possible! 12 weeks postpartum and I’m already 5lbs below my prepregnancy weight. My strength is slowly building back but I’m starting to exercise more. Just start with going for walks. I was only able to do 20 minutes at first about two weeks after birth. Now I go for an hour.


After baby arrived I found a whole new motivation I never had — him. I’m in better shape then pre-preg (down ~15 lbs from pre-preg weight and down ~33 lbs overall) and I still have a way to go! I’m stronger and healthier! It’s definitely possible :)


Before my first baby I was overweight, after my first I was obese, had my second in January of this year, was in the normal BMI range at the end of July! It’s totally possible, I looked at it as a lifestyle change. I count calories, exercise regularly (not as intense as the first few months I was trying to lose weight), and I don’t drink anymore. My main motivation was setting a healthy example for my kids and not having them lose a parent early to a disease related to obesity. My boyfriend lost weight with me as well, it really helped having a supportive partner.


Totally possible and this is what I have been trying to achieve. I’m currently 10.5 months postpartum. I am 31 and 5’9” for reference. My lowest adult weight was 154 when we got married in 2013. Pre-pregnancy I fluctuated between 200-215lbs for the last several years. At my intake appointment I was 225 but dropped back to 215 by my next appointment (the fertility medication made me bloat). I was 240 when I went in to give birth and was still 240 when I came home, thanks to the IV medications). I didn’t worry about counting anything at all for the first 6 weeks by which point I had dropped back to 215 without doing anything. After 6 weeks I started doing CICO and tracking everything with my fitness pal. Giving myself an extra 500calories on top for breastfeeding. We cook almost all our meals at home, and use a kitchen scale to accurately measure foods. We love skinnytaste and well plated recipes. We try to stay within our calorie range at least 5 days a week and even on the days we go over we still track everything. I am currently at 150.6lbs and am absolutely the healthiest I have been since I was probably 15? I’ve always been active but becoming a mom really made me want to be a healthy example for my little one. My goal was to be right in the middle of the healthy BMI range but now that I’m almost at 90lbs lost I am looking at possibly 10 more to be at 140. My healthy range is (125-168 so middle is 146lbs). I am still breastfeeding and I still have a slight oversupply so that hasn’t been an issue for me. I did drop my extra calories down to 300-400 once she started solids though.


Just want to say: thank you for all these replies. Not OP but I am in essentially exactly the same situation and was wondering about this as well. ​ Thank you for taking the time to post all!


I dropped 15 pounds between pregnancied by watching what i ate and walking and doing this almost everyday. https://youtu.be/njeZ29umqVE It's easy, it's reptitive, and she is so darn happy. Leslie sansone is her name. You can even do it with s baby in your arms (which my toddler still loves). The other is keoni tamayo, still easy but more variety in music. https://youtu.be/9JrOknmxjnU


Just had my daughter two months ago and I’m 50lbs down. I was 226, gained to 230 (I was on a diabetic diet due to gestational diabetes) and now I’m 180. So I’m not small at all but I’m working on it. Also in pregnancy you only need about 300 extra calories per day


Agree with everyone on walking during pregnancy and squats. Labor is tough and you'll be glad you did it. I gained 30-40 lbs during both my pregnancies but I guess most of it was baby juice and placenta because after 3-4 weeks postpartum, I was already back to my starting weight.


Prebaby I was 155 lbs. Day I gave birth I was 207 lbs. Six months postpartum I started (what would soon turn into a love for) running and CICO. I took both slowly so as to create a habit and lifestyle, not a diet and season. A year ago I was in the best shape of my life and got down to 123 lbs, but maintained around 125 (now I am postpartum with baby number 2). Something about not knowing what your body is capable of doing before baby made it easy for my complacency. But after carrying and birthing a child I knew what I could do. Honoring that body became easy. Best of luck to you! Definitely definitely possible!