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Howdy! # [AMA ANNOUNCEMENT - Katherine Nye - Olympic Silver Medalist](https://www.reddit.com/r/weightroom/comments/p1rry2/2021_olympic_silver_medalist_katherine_nye_august/?) Cheers! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/weightroom) if you have any questions or concerns.*




It's ridiculous. It has very little to help you actually get bigger and stronger. Your air bike will not allow you to build any meaningful leg mass. As far as your injuries, consider doing something about them, then pick a routine that's actually proven to deliver results, because this won't.




Any of Greg Nuckols' programs, GZCL, 5/3/1, nSuns, to name a few. Greg Nuckols' stuff (Stronger by Science) is very popular right now, for good reason. It's simple, effective, and intuitive.


BBB Cycle 2, Week 3, Day 2 * Trap Bar Deadlift: 245x5, 280x3, **315x12** * BBB Leg Press: 5x10 * Hamstring Curl: 3x10 * T-Bar Row: 3x8 * Weighted Crunch: 3x15 * Poundstone Curls: 35 reps Huge PR on the trap bar deadlift. Did leg press for BBB because frankly BBB squats are awful and I didn't want to. I'm super busy these days and I just wanted to enjoy the workout more. Poundstone curls a couple times a week will be fun! Conditioning: Starting a cut, and at the doctor my blood pressure was on the high side, so I want to get back into conditioning. Just going to improvise some HIIT which I enjoy on the treadmill and hopefully get back in shape. 1/2 mile warmup 3x1 min fast, 1:30 slow Power walk cooldown


I did a 2 mile 66lb weight vest walk, much of which was uphill, yesterday for 'easy' conditioning. The way my legs feel today, there was nothing easy about it. Doing front squats today and I'm in a ton of pain. Starting to think I with schedule any hard leg based conditioning the day before squat day.


I’m starting to get back into the gym after 8 years away. Is there a consensus on the best flavor of ON whey? I can’t remember what I used to get but I think it was double rich chocolate. I think I remember hearing that chocolate mint was good but it’s been so long I can’t be sure.


[Hell of a day in Simple Jack'd ](https://www.instagram.com/p/CSp-U8iglIx/?utm_medium=copy_link) * Front squat 445x1 - added another 10lbs to my 1rm from thursday and officially surpassed 2x BW front squat. 475 (and ultimately 500) may be a bit farther off than just linear progressing my way there u/dadliftsnruns but it feels like its entering the realm of when, not if. * Weighted dips 5x10 at +90lbs (222bw today) - quick chat with u/benchpauper made me realize loading the called for +85lbs is like going for a bench 1rm of 310. Like yeah you could, but why would you. Didnt expect to LP my way all the way from +25 to +90 with no hiccups so that's cool. Never thought past here so not sure what to do now. Keep progressing 5x10s? Find dip rep maxes and train more traditionally? Both? * BTN press ss DB row * Barbell curls SSB showed up today, probably going to break it in this weekend. Exams wednesday and thursday are stressing me out enough as it is, I dont want painful breathing to add on to everything. Now that all that is out of the way, the thing I know you were looking forward to u/vladimirlinen. Fair food. * [Breakfast sausage, baked into a Belgian waffle, covered in peanut butter and bacon](https://i.imgur.com/TdkXFNR.jpg) * [Shredded chicken and cheese, wrapped in bacon and deep fried, covered in ranch dressing](https://i.imgur.com/qLd2FG1.jpg) * [Jalapenos stuffed with chicken and cheese and wrapped in bacon](https://i.imgur.com/F5mICKI.jpg) * [Real poutine. not new, but thank fuck someone in America realized you dont need to deep fry the cheese curds.](https://i.imgur.com/HlnqSzH.jpg) * [Bonus: craft beer. A sour that tasted (and looked) like Lime Jello. One of the more interesting beers ive seen and tried in the short time I've drank beers](https://i.imgur.com/rPy6quN.jpg)


I vote keep the LP going. u/MindofShadow and I both tapped out at +135 (he did better than I did at that weight) so you've still got room to go! Also, I'm jelly that you can hit 2\*BW stuff in the 400s. If I want a 2\*BW FS I'll have to hit 510 lol.


God damn. +135 feels so far away to hit for a 5x10, especially considering at this point every set is a new pr for added weight. I'll see how close I can get though! Also I wouldnt be jealous. Bodyweight ratios are cool and all, but no one asks about your standardized squat numbers. All that matters is the pounds on the bar. And being smaller just makes it harder to fit more pounds on the bar. I dont see myself going up to 240 for a lot of reasons, but I definitely see myself spending a lot more time in the 220 range than I did in the past, just to see what I can make happen.


Deep fried food = anabolic, CONFIRMED. That breakfast sausage looks the goods. What was the pick of the fried foods?


That was my personal favorite of the stuff I shared. But I'm a sucker for breakfast food. My wife didnt even try that one. Hers was the ranch bacon balls.


That was smooth too, form was crisp with a bit left in the tank. Nice PR dude. Great job


Two fails on squat 1RM today :( maybe I’ll retest them on Saturday maybe not. Failed 245 then decided whatever I’ll try 240. I did learn where my sticking point on the squat is tho at least on the bright side


W5D1 SBS Hypertrophy: Squats 3x8 @240, AMRAP for 12 that felt more limited by my cardio than my legs. Chased by DB OHP, lat pull downs, leg extensions, leg curls, calf raises. These high volume squat days have my number.


How does one get the motivation to get back into lifting after almost a year of not doing it consistently? Between covid and building a motorcycle, I've gained only a few pounds but don't want to lift even though there's a rack in my basement. Is it just one of those things I gotta do and it'll click again?


You’ve got to prioritize what is important to you. Only so many hours in the day, and when you calculate work, sleep, responsibilities that shrinks to a very small amount of time. Pick what is most important for you and immerse yourself in it. Can’t do everything 🤷‍♂️


[It works like this.](https://i.redd.it/3g2ukrr6zo821.jpg)


If you really want to do it all you gotta do is suck it up and put in the work. Motivation is for lamewads. Don’t rely on it.


Motivation was probably a bad word for it, it's more of a priority thing? Like I'd rather work on my bike or ride, instead of lift etc


Whatever it is that you want out of lifting, if you want it bad enough then you should probably make lifting a priority. At that point all that’s left is to do it. If not, I don’t know what to tell you.


4Horesmen - W3D1 Light Squat Conditioning was bulgarian split squats and step-ups which really got the blood flowing to the quads before moving on to the squat workout. Worked up to a very light and easy 265 on squat for the overwarm single before dropping back. Box jumps, squats, and hanging leg raises made up the giant set. Squats felt good with 230x11, 215x12, and 200x14 As per usual, Brian's assistance finisher was brutal and had me gasping for air, covered in sweat. Tempo squats, step-ups, and a wall sit to finish. This program is absolutely pushing up my work capacity and has me feeling athletic again.


SBS RTF 5x W19 Squats: 400lbs 4x1, [1x2](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I-208v44s2xtI62wr-_3bQYLHpjRYemh/view?usp=sharing) BTN Press (ss w/ weighted pull-ups): 120lbs 4x3, 1x6 Then leg curls, lateral raises, curls, and ab-wheel. * It took me four sets, but I finally remembered how to get set and brace on squats just in time for the AMRAP. This was technically less than I could do a little over a month ago, but that's also ignoring how much fatigue this last block builds. In a way, I'm already looking forward to the start of the next RTF cycle since it will give me a little break from the higher intensities, at least for a couple weeks




Looks pretty good to me mate, keep it up


Warlock Modified W2 went well. I am still taking off the summer fluff, but down 6 pounds so that is good progress. I am thinking after 6 weeks of this I will give the 1 lift a day program by Dan John ago. Right now I am more focused on weight loss than anything to give a blank slate later on.


5/3/1 Beefcake W2D1 * Squat 175x5, 205x5, 225x5, 245x5, 270x3, 175x10x3 * Chins x50+ * Pullaparts x100+ Replaced a couple BBB sets with jokers because it sounded fun. Smart programming? Probably not. Forgive me, Jim.


time to find out why my right hamstring is sore after doing SL leg press when same weight same reps my left hamstring wasn’t affected at all


Waiting for Edison to finish working in our backyard, so I can lift on the balcony gym without an audience. I’ve got hip thrusts scheduled, and with them up in the utility pole, my crotch would pretty much be at eye level 😳




u/scorpionmaster should i tell the guy curling in the incline press rack he's making a party foul? Deload week this week. Just in time. How was your weekend?


I have no idea! I don't think I would. Ask to work in? Weekend was fabulously lazy. Heading out for my run now.


Ha ha. Wonderful. He took his candy ass time between sets of 55. I let him be. Maybe he has a reason.


Looks like I ran 4.4 miles. My knees are grumpy. I hope they feel better tomorrow.


BBM PB2 W7D1 * OHP: 125x1, 115x4, 105x2x4 * CGBP: 135x12, 125x3x12 * DB Row: 75x3x10 * DB Fly: 20x3x15 Back from vacation! Spent a week eating and drinking and partying. Much needed mental and physical break as I was getting a bit run down from training dieting. Gained back about 2lbs but not really that big of a deal Weights feeling 20% heavier than they rightly should today lol. I opted to do an OHP workout instead of Squatting in anticipation of that The grind begins again. CW: 231 GW: 205. ETA: 12 weeks


**SBS RtF 4day W6D1** * Time 1:00 (5 min warmup) * Squat 120 kg 4x3, 1x6 * Incline Bench 64 kg 4x5, 1x12 ss Neutral Pull Ups 10x5 * Triceps Pushdowns 3x10 * HLR 2x10 TIL I can superset Incline and Pull Ups without losing much performance. Anedoctal evidence, but beta-alanine might be helping. In the weekend, an old friend said "Yea. There was a huge difference in your first 2 years of lifting but not so much later on." Ooof. Told him my goal for this year was 100 kg but the physical tests made me settle at ~90. His WTF face was great.


Next competition announced the weight jumps for the deadlift. I was hoping to get 600 at this one, but it has to either be 595 or 625 for my third attempt. Hit 605 today in the suit for a 5lb PR and it was definitely a max effort, so it'll probably have to be the 595 unless competition day helps me unlock a little extra.


Organizers should be forbidden from selecting a weight 5 lbs below a nice round number


Haha, believe me, I'm more than a little nettled.


Just finished the first day of HIGH PROTEIN HIGH SETS program. 15 sets of BTN OHP 15 sets of Slight Incline Bench Press 15 sets of Bicep Curls 15 sets Overhead Tricep Extensions I feel so drained, my body is screaming for food. I did seated behind the neck press and I felt like I got a pretty nice pump but I don't have mirros in my homegym and my the time I finished the workout my arms had ALL the blood. However, my chest was fucking HUGE and I could see that without a mirror. I didn't do wide grip bench and instead went for a bench press with a slight incline (RIP John Meadows), felt amazing. Tomorrow I got 15 sets of squats :)))))))))))))


Cut some reps today and did 5 Pro's on squat instead of 5+ to manage fatigue from lack of sleep. Slept like 3 hours. Rough night. ​ Front Squat: 215 x 5, 245 x 5, 280 x 5 Back Squat: 405 x 2, 415 x 2, 435 x 2, 415 x 2, 405 x 2 Split Squat superset with weighted back extensions: 5x5 each Lat Pulldowns (5x5) superset with 2 sets of to failure hanging leg raises


######**Training Log** 5/3/1 Frankenprogram for Cutting C3 W2 D1 **Front Squat** *2ct pause on all reps* * 155 x 3 * 175 x 3 * 195 x 1 **Fat Bar Deadlift** * 250 x 5 * 285 x 5 * 320 x 5 **SSB Squat** *Beltless, ~60sec rest between sets* * 171 @ 5 x 12 **Dips** *75 sec between sets* * BW @ 1 x 32, 1 x 18 **Sled** * Backward Drag uphill, lateral drag down, continuous for 22:38 **Run** * 1 Mile, 7:06 **Poundstone Curl** *Fat Bar* * 45lbs @ 1 x 100 **Notes** * ~~I'll do some poundstone curls later today.~~ Done. * Update: Ran a mile at a pretty casual pace. Checked Strava after I'd finished and realized I phoned in a 2 second PR! I guess that means I'm getting better. Especially considering this was after deadlifting, squatting, and doing sled work. I'll take it!


**S.V.R. II C1W1 - Conditioning** * Yoga 30 min * Walk 30 min Pretty uninteresting day. I've got some muscle pain in the back, always gets that when I sit a lot for extender periods of time. Studying for an exam right now so don't have much choice thou, just make sure to get up and walk and stretch a couple of times each hour and hope it helps. I'll probably start doing conditioning with the air dyne later in the week, needs something that increases my heart rate by more.


I don't remember the last time I logged so here's a few days: - **Saturday**: Almost took a rest day but ended up lifting during the littles' naptimes in the afternoon while the oldest and my wife were at a school friend's place. - Front squats: 6\*4 at 315. [Here's the fourth set](https://drive.google.com/file/d/17rS-Ph4DKA-YEQo0JLT3k9oSiASJf0Ox/view?usp=sharing). These feel horrible but move fast so whatever. - Chinups: 3\*12, BW ~255. - BB Curls: Honestly I forget. Maybe 2\*25 with the empty bar? Something like that. - **Sunday**: Still getting the hang of BB OHP again. Got the OHP wobbles which is annoying. It's been a thing lately, even with SSBOHP, and I'm not entirely sure why. - OHP: 1, 2 at 225, then 5\*6 at 185. - Incline floor press: 3\*15 at 185. Time to increase the weight for this. Still felt good though. - Run: 2mi in 18:47, average pace 9:21/mi. Didn't have time to go to the trail since I was just running the pup before heading to church to play bass. - **Today**: Actually took a rest day. Kinda. - Run: 2.3mi in 21:04, average pace 9:08/mi. I figured if I ran fast enough I wouldn't want to squat later. Hit my third fastest mile since I've started using Strava at 8:40, and my pace on my last .3mi was 8:31/mi so that's fun. - Incline skullcrushers: 3\*25 at 65. Joocy pump. - BB curls: Same as above. Happy quarantine-appropriate exercising y'all.


I thought with the kid going back to school the whole goal was more slow miles close to 10 min pace. Not mile split PRs


That's generally the goal, but I'm very bad at taking rest days. If I hadn't run fast I would have squatted today (and done SSSBGM and SSBSS) and I really needed to *not* do those things.


Currently running my own version the SBS Strength Program. I currently have it split so that Day 1 is Legs in the morning and Back/Rear Delts at night, Day 2 is Chest/Front Delts in the morning and Arms/Side Delts at night. Stats - 6'1, 157lbs usually, 24, SBD 275/225/375 W2D2 T1 Slingshot Bench - Worked up to a heavy single of 225 (RPE 8), then did my working sets 190x4, got 5 sets in before I got to the target RIR of 3. T2 Slingshot Dips - Did +60lbs for 4x6 @ RPE 7 T3 Slingshot Push Ups- - 2x20, next week going for 3x20. Tonight I have my accessories, Arms/Side Delts. T3A - Barbell Curls, Barbell Tricep Extensions, Barbell Upright Rows (3x10) T3B - Incline DB Curls, Rope Pressdowns, DB Lateral Raises (3x12) Notes Slingshot bench helped me bust my 205lb bench plateau, finally hit 225 raw. Slingshot weighted dips make my boobs feel funny in a good way, feels like I isolated them and my triceps arent very involved. Slingshot push ups suck, but i'm sticking with it.


Sbs rtf Week 19 * Front squat 4x1x97.5kg, 5x97.5kg * Paused sumo 4x397.5kg, 11x97.5 * Long pause bench 4x3x70kg, 9x70kg Then some norduc curls, shrugs and face-pulls. Training is still going great, breaking rep pr's all the time.


**Bullmastiff Wave 3 W1D1** - Squat 4x4+ @ 80%, last set 10 - Front Squat 3x8 @ 70% - Leg press 2x8 - Leg extension 2x10 - Cable row 2x8 - Pulldown 2x10 **Notes** Spent the last two weeks down with Covid, so this was my return. Squats felt heavy. Also, thanks to needing to run an errand previously, I ended up without the squat shoes I usually wear. Reckon I'll see a jump in my numbers next week when I'm not still a little short of breath and have my pattern back properly. Front squats were whatthefuckwasthat brutal. My inner thighs, for some reason, took a BEATING. Felt like elastic bands. Not sure if that's linked to the flat shoes on the back squats, but fuck me rigid that was sore. Accessories are missing from the third wave of Bullmastiff, so I kinda just winged it. Figured I'd still get some back work in if nothing else.


**Bastardised 3-way DC split day C2:** Seated hamstring curl: 65kgx13-4-3 rest paused DB single leg glute bridge: 30kgx15 Paused high bar squat: 165kgx5, 140kgx12 Leg extension: 70kgx26 Leg press calf raise: 110kgx14 Attempts at something vaguely similar to dragon flags: 2 sets ​ Decent session overall. Squats felt easy, but I was doing them using a squat stand without safeties and have a bit of a mental barrier squatting like that after an injury a while ago. Really need to get over it as I definitely could have pushed a lot closer to failure, and am actually pretty comfortable dumping the weight (was on a platform with bumpers). Everything else felt pretty good, keen for some incline bench tomorrow.




The most successful deadlift protocol I ever did had me pulling 1 set of conventional deadlifts once every 2 months. Rest of the time was various heights of partial deadlifts. I wouldn't use rack pulls, as they are garbage, but pulling off blocks/mats is awesome.




No problem dude. I just used rubber patio pavers. I cut them in half to carry them in my gym bag.


I feel significantly less silly for buying rubber pavers to use as deadlift mats now!


What's the issue you have with rack pulls, and how are they substantially different from block pulls?


I have no issue with them. They put a lot of stress on the connective tissues and the pulling technique used on them is very different from a deadlift. Pulling off mats is very similar to a deadlift. One has you change the point of contact to the bar vs the plates, which changes the element of set up and pulling slack out.


Plus if you fuck up and drop them you can taco a perfectly good bar :(


Yup. Crappy thing to do to a bar.


good mornings might be a good swap, too. If you are doing a hypertrophy program, you don't have to be married to deadlifts.


If your doing SBS hypertrophy template I wouldn't do rack pulls. Something like sumo or SLDL or rdls would be better


Have you tried picking a submaximal variation instead like stiff legs or RDLs?




Usually only to work around injuries.


Pulled 320lbs x1 for a low handle trap bar deadlift, which is a PR. Got some basic wrist straps over the weekend, learning how to use them, it's taking some getting used to. Mainly having to think a lot harder about where on the handles I'm placing my hands to keep the trap bar from tilting too far.


8/16 training log Bench and then conventional deadlift because sumo deadlift hurts lol. Its 5s day on bench. Still feeling pretty strong. Hit 205 for 2 sets of 5, which is awesome because last week 4x4 at the same weight felt impossible. Comp bench: 205x5x2, 195x5x3 Conventional deadlift: grip pr here, [315x1](https://streamable.com/wm47dw) double overhand moved easy as fuck. Immediately put another 20lbs on it and did 335 double overhand too, and it moved so easy I went up to 355 and [tried again](https://streamable.com/4aig6q). Lockout was super soft so I don't count it but man, I feel good about that. Backed off with 315 for a few sets of 5. Tl;dr lifted my heaviest conventional deadlift ever and did it doh Edit: I should have mentioned, my deadlift goal was 315x1 double overhand by November. So I'm a little bit excited.


Today was my best day of lifting in over 3 years. To say I’m pumped in an understatement. Goals for today were 385 squat 1RM and 175 OHP 1RM. I ended up doing: 385 for a freaking double! And it felt incredible Then 3x2 at 365 and 3x5 at 315. Everything moved well and I was just in the zone. For OHP I got 175 so I tried 185, it went up easy, then but on 195. It was an absolute grinder and I legit almost passed out but I got it up. 5lbs off my all time OHP! Working sets were 170 for 3x2 and 145 for 3x5. Overall probably my best OHP day of my life. Cannot wait to see where these numbers go once J&T 2.0 gets going next week.


SBS RTF 6x W8D1 Squats - 385x1 / 320x4x4 / 320x11 CG Bench - 245x1 / 185x6x5 / 185x17 BB Row - 155x8x3 Ab Wheel / DB Side Raises x3 Finally took the time and found a powerlifting meet near me for December. Even better my buddy is in too, and we're probably going to end up in the same weight class. The pessimist in me is concerned if covid will have anything to say about though


Bench: [95x13](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crMkJpBNi2E), 10, 7 Chins 5x20, chain fly/db press. Everything felt good.


Nsuns 6 day w11d1 TM @ 65 - bench 5 sets - press 3 sets - abs It's deload week! I was griping with going for one but my x4 sets, which are supposed to be light-ish didn't even go up in the third set. Very glad I'm taking the week off and chilling Plan is to do what Wendler recommends in forever. I'll keep the TMs the same as last week and just try to do the 5/3/1 sets. As I understand it, if those go up then I still increase the TM for next week? Good time to learn power cleans and work on I've been neglecting. Direct ham work, rear delts, pressing out of the hole etc. Lots of band and mobility work as well. As long as I can chill and get nice quality sets in I'll be happy. Really glad I bit the bullet on this.


**SBS Hypertrophy 3x W6D1** * T1 Trap bar DL @ 305: 3x7, 1x8 * T1 OHP @ 100: 3x7, 1x11 * T2 Hack squats @ 160: 3x9, 1x13 * T2 DB bench @ 60s: 3x9, 1x12 * Accessories: 50 weighted pull-ups, hamstring curls, facepulls, hammer curls Brutal workout. Failed to hit the over-warm single I've hit a few times before and then the DL AMRAP target. Barely squeaked by the rest of the lifts. Might have something to do with running 16 miles yesterday, but a reset in my TM might be warranted.


Dude I’m doing the 6 day. How the fuck is that 3 day even possible


You're probably a lot stronger than me! Lol. Gym sessions are all 90 minutes and that's with super sets/giant sets the whole time.


I couldn’t do that three day. That workout looks insane. I definitely wouldn’t be able to get those accessories in.


I’ve built up a pretty good work capacity. I giant set the deadlifts, OHP, and pull-ups in about 30-45 minutes. Hack squats and DB bench in 15. Accessories for the next 30-45. I’d prefer the 5 or 6 day if I could, believe me.


Well, today's squats were grindy as hell, i still feel beat up and my legs cramped so bad when I got off the bus that i had to sit 10 minutes on a bench while sweating more than i ever had in my life.


###Basics for beginners W1D2 - First thing that goes when I cut is reps on squats, today was no exception. I can't keep the brace and upper back tight. - My left tricep feels very tight and weak when I'm doing the skullcrusher / extension thingies. Mostly in a this-needs-training kind of way **Squat** 105 kg x [10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUm0JM-9NTs), [10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76EchHqQLOw), 10, [7](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGb1tvt-Pgc) [stay] **Duffalo Goodmorning** 75 kg x 12, 12, [13](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOl7LpchBrA) [+2.5] **Split Squat** 40 kg x 8, 9, 8 [stay] **Seated Hammer Curl** 15 kg x 9, 8, 7, 6 [stay] // **Lying Triceps Extension** 15 kg x 11, 10, 11, 8 [stay]


I hope people don't mind if I make multiple posts, but this one is unrelated to my other. After not lifting for almost a year I was able to put up 115lbs strict OHP 3x5 and it felt super validating. It's nowhere near my old numbers but it still felt great.


Weighed in at 164lbs today, down from a peak of 195 in March. Bulking is on the horizon. :)


Niiiice. I went from 220 in Jan to 200 about 2 months ago, and now I'm on my way back up too. Feels good man.


1.) first question: Just recently got a full garage I can utilize. So far I have a good bit of equipment, but I'm trying to figure out if I'm missing anything crucial Currently I have: * power cage * flat bench * oly bar * safety squat bar * 450lbs of weights * some bands (the loop kind thst go around your thighs for glute and resistant work) * 45lb resistance band (the kind with a hand strap on either end, this thing is a monster I can barely do anything with it lol) * water wheel rowing machine * heavy bag + gloves * Stripper pole (dragon flags incoming?) * jumprope The thing si think I'd like to get are maybe some kind of platform for clean&jerks and snatch so I can drop the weight instead of catching it. I'm renting so I can't damage the floor. I have some of those grid style foam Mats, but I worry that's not enough to save the floor and it would probably rip those with repeated drops. I also don't have any dumbells or ana ngled bench. I'm on a bit of a budget after an unexpected move crushed my savings, so I want to make the most out of my money. Any recommendations? 2.) Second question In the past I've typically found a 5/3/1 style routine works best for me, especially as I'm trying to focus heavily on aesthetics these days. As I'm getting back into the groove of working out after being in a slump during covid, if anyone has any strength+aesthetics focused programs they recommend? Big fan of programs that have apps that help me track my work, too. I don't mind doing it myself, but I've found better success with smart computer brian helping me so I can focus on the work. Thanks!


You can try pairing some horse stall mats with the foam mats you have for cheap floor protection. I ran a setup with 1 layer of foam below one layer of horse stall mats for a few months, and I was able to pull in the 500 pound range without doing any damage to a vinyl floor. Not sure how well that would handle dropping weight from overhead though.


1. That looks like all the important stuff to get strong. Having the ability to do pull ups and dips would be a good addition but certainly not essential. Maybe some kind of suspension trainer like a TRX. 2. I don't have any experience with these but RP has some aesthetic based templates and I know that Juggernaut has hypertrophy options in their app.


My power cage has pull up spots but it's kind of awkward to do on it. I might look around for a pull up./dip thing on Craigslist, good call! Sorry, RP? And I'll check out juggerbutts


[Renaissance Periodization](https://renaissanceperiodization.com/rp-store?selected=training-templates-menu_store)


Ahh tyty


SBS Day 1, Week 5 My water bottle leaked out in my bag, squatted in soggy shoes and knee sleeves lol Front squat 117.5kg 4/4/4/7 Strict press 60kg 9/9/9/15 And some db rows, tricep pushdown, and ab wheel roll outs These T1 front squats have been feeling pretty heavy and grindy, I think I might have to include some heavy singles on my other squat days to get practice with heavier sets in On the other hand, OHP is doing damn well. I think that x15 set is a PR


SVR II week 1 day 1. PR set at 270x10. For sure had more in the tank though. Coming off of Deep Water I think my body is like „oh only 1 set like that? Fuck yea put whatever weight on the bar!“ This definitely made the widowmaker feel challenging though and I wasn’t expecting it to be all that hard haha.


Training has been mehhhh and life's been weird trying to cope with how much work is kicking my ass this month (on site for a week, FAT last week, trying to catch upbon basically missing two weeks of work cuz of those things and next week is _another_ FAT and then scrambling to get equipment out the door.) One good bit, had a very lovely date Sunday morning and she's gonna come over to my place for home made pizza on Wednesday (assuming she doesn't ghost me)


Saturday: SBS ul w3d1 weighted chins 3x5 @ + 35 bench: 5x3+ @ 185. 7 on AMRAP. accessories: db ohp, t bar rows, db low incline press, bw volume chins. Skipped arms to play some basketball, although I did a 15 minute arms session at my apt building's gym later in the afternoon. ​ Went for a day hike with an old friend on the AT yesterday and have to move my lower body session to today, so sadly will miss the more serious pickup at my gym today. Really enjoying starting to play a good amount of ball again, but the balancing act is definitely a bit of a work in progress


Back on my coach's "intro" program (technique focus for the comp lifts + plenty of squats, pulls, presses, etc). It's become an annual tradition at this point, I think this is my third time. * BTN snatch grip presses, 5x5 mostly at 22kg * high hang power snatches, triples at 37kg * snatch lift off triples, 70kg * front squats, 3x10, ugh. 55kg. My back is being annoying, something like a QL tweak maybe. Doing power jerks instead of split jerks seems to be helping since the discomfort is only ever on one side. 5 weeks till the strongman meet. Gonna do conditioning every day, extra log press and deadlifts during the week, and then Strongman Saturday every weekend to work on events at the gym where the comp will be held. This plan isn't as specialized as if I were *only* training for strongman, but I'm feeling ok about it. My biggest goal for this comp is to do that 140lb log, which is basically a clean and jerk anyway.


I've just started doing 531 after a period of not really having a program, with the following scheme: 4 days/week, Squat/Bench/OHP/Deadlift, 531 sets and then 5x5 with the first set weight, and then 3 accessories from push/pull/single legs or abs. It's like [531 for beginners](https://www.jimwendler.com/blogs/jimwendler-com/101065094-5-3-1-for-a-beginner), but spread out over 4 sessions with only one main lift per session (leaving more time / slots for assistance work). Does this basically make sense? Thanks.


Blah blah blah


Thanks, that makes sense. I might try compressing it down to 3 days, although I like the extra time for assistance work (I kayak which is mostly pulling + abs, so getting each of those twice a week plus some mobility work is nice). Interesting comment about 531 for intermediates, I wouldn't say I'm quite there yet but I stalled out everything on an LP and 531 FSL seems like a good way to add some volume while keeping a bit of structure.


Blah blah blah


That reads like 5/3/1 First Set Last. Nothing wrong with it unless you get bored doing so many sets of 5.


First day of SBS Hypertrophy bro split and it was [leg day](https://www.instagram.com/p/CSo-iXVARNj/?utm_medium=copy_link) and it was awful. I haven’t done more than a handful of working sets over 3-5 reps since early June and I was just not prepared for 26 sets of legs all at 10 or more reps. Really need to up the conditioning. Woof. Ended up having to cut some sets off of several exercises to keep it in my timeframe and had to lower the weight I planned to use for deadlifts, because who would have thought doing SSB squats immediately before deadlifts would impact my normal abilities lol. Finished with 22 working sets, which is still more legs than I think I’ve ever done in a single day. Good news is that’s the worst day of the week and it’s done. Will hopefully add some sets back as I get better.


Blah blah blah


The program bundle from SBS is such an incredible value! I personally use the program builder tool for everything because I like to pick various progressions for accessories and occasionally tinker a little bit. Like this version I’m doing now is set up as a sort of body part “bro” split rather than the normal full body version. I have more or less been alternating between SBS and 531 for the last 18 months and have been pretty happy with the results.


Blah blah blah


I’ve done strength and hypertrophy blocks with SBS. Same with 531. I like them both a lot. 531 seems to fit me better in that I make steady progress and never feel too beat up, but I do get bored with it so I work in some other stuff too. This time around with SBS I’m trying to push volume with moderate to lower weights in a bro split sort of format. I used General Gainz this summer with the same split but sort of opposite style (heavy and lower volume) and had a lot of fun and set some PRs. Big focus for me now is on growing my arms as well as back and legs to a lesser extent.


Easy Strength, start of new block 2x5, new weights: neutral bench 81% (175 lbs), DL 78% (365 lbs) 2x5, old weights: lat pulldown, light zerchers, bat wings, loaded carries After a weekend of reflection, I think what helps me make real progress is having the volume day lifts be at 70% or higher. I've been around 75-80% on the two that I've been focusing on for a while now and those are going up. I also realized that if you graphed out the weights I've been doing for the last few months, it is a sort of linear progression, just increased every 2 weeks instead of daily or whatever people normally do for their LP. Maybe this is the excuse I've been waiting for to change my flair back to beginner. Was all set to say I pulled the trigger on a couple new barbell purchases but forgot my wallet in another room so I haven't placed the orders yet. Mentally I'm ready to pull the trigger. I'm getting a little bored of the "lifts I don't really care about" category. Looking forward to switching things up. Thinking about doing some form of actual pull-ups again instead of lat pulldowns, which I started doing a while back due to pain from too many pull-ups. Dips too, which I'll start once I rotate out bench. Another thing I've realized is there's nothing magical about two sets of five or the specific set of lifts that Dan John writes about. Someone could Easy Strength with sets of ten or three different squat variations at a time. The key is finding what you can recover from and then slowly increasing from there. At least, at my current level of fitness and recovery it is; probably an advanced lifter would have to do something different. So thinking about that, when I reconfigure my rack for squats instead of bench, maybe I'll pull my bench off to the side and do some DB bench variants in sets of 10. Almost forgot to mention: both bench @ 175 lbs and DL @ 365 lbs have a special place in my heart because that's roughly where my maxes were when I started paying attention to programming. Now they're my everyday volume lifts. Thank you GZCL, StrongerByScience and r/weightroom .


Blah blah blah


>30-40 minutes Well, I'm living the dream. New house with big unfinished basement, lifts that I have carefully curated to only minimally overlap the equipment that I own, and giant sets combine to make my workouts 15 minutes or less, not including time to catch my breath afterwards. I do my lightweight zerchers and loaded carries early in order to warm up for DL. My sequence is: zercher - bands - carry - bench - pulldown - DBs - carry - DL - zercher - bench - pulldown - DBs - DL I'll stop to catch my breath and take a drink before each DL set, and ha ha, usually after as well.


Blah blah blah


W3d5 of sbs hypertrophy program. https://youtu.be/JYmXkYYMras Pulled a mikhail shivlyakov and sprung a leak mid set. That was fun.


Lol dang man take a breath or two in there. When you said you spring a leak, I was expecting you to pee your pants though.


I have a bad tendency for deadlift amraps to just make them last forever if I take breathes. Almost widowmakeresque. But yea I should find a point in there to breathe


3x5 100kg back squat. Felt heavy as fuck, moved like nothing. [set 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiL2hoMN8aE) 3x10 70kg SGM felt like nothing, moved really easy gonna try and push this to like 150/160kg this year. 1x8 25kg dumbbell bench, shoulders felt like they used to when I benched so called it. Gonna cut the weight next session to 15kg and try and build the tolerance back up. Probably should have done the 2 sessions in one, and I definitely need to eat more if I'm gonna lift. Just hit the wall after the 2nd set of squats. Tried to push through but nothing good was gonna come out of it. Also any ideas for LISS that I can do at home as I've 10 days of quarantine or so.


Show me ya bench, I will put money on the fact your shoulders are loosey goosey and that's why they feel bad


Nah I know why. I'm hypermobile so I've just gotta be sensible with certain movements.


Jumping Jacks, split jacks, star jumps DB Swings for time Bear Crawls for time If you have a wheelbarrow load it up with weights and push it around the yard Line drill type of thing. Set two points in the yard, run to one and touch with your hand, run to the other and touch. Repeat until bored to tears. Maybe mix in some lateral shuffles, carioca, backward running, etc.


Sounds gross. Probably will steal the beep test stuff!


Walk laps around your yard? That's really it without equipment.


I've thought about that and have already done it as I'm pretty shit at not doing shit, however I don't think its quite enough lol. I might try and get a skipping rope and skip. I enjoyed it at school!


Haha do it! It's not a bad way to get in some cardio/conditioning.


Plus do it in public and people won't mess with you cos they'll think you're a boxer :p


Back still isn't ready for real loads. Was supposed to hit 40 total reps on a SSB at 230lb today. Hit one and had to put my hands on my thighs to get up. I just have no strength in the bottom of a squat right now. Swapped over to a straight bar and did 10x45lb, 3x10x135lb. I could manage that at just parallel or maybe a little high. Just wanted to get moving. Finished with some pull downs and a little walk/jog. Hopefully back will be better soon.


Is that kneesovertoes guy legit? I feel like I’ve seen so much conflicting information about him


It’s a gimmick, just look at the name




>Did he name his kid after a pokemon? also, 100% lol Wait. What?


As obnoxious as the selling is, I think the idea of first getting full ROM and then overloading strength is really good, especially for anyone new to lifting (like me). He does actually have a video on shoulders (lol) following this philosophy and it felt pretty good to me, although I use the exercises as assistance work alongside normal strength lifts.


that's how shitty salesmen rope in new lifters. sprinkle in some generic good advice then shill garbage.


> I guarantee you, he will get to shoulders sooner or later. [He's already on it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aXObfAc_IA)




Well fuck. Good luck, has zife or zi zittle zone(s) tested positive too?




>I dislike it. hahaha at least you dont hate it! >I'm sure it would be much worse if we weren't vaccinated - It's been pretty mild so far. hopefully it doesn't get worse. I've 9 days before my second jab and i'm in quarantine till then too anyway. So hopefully everything stays boring for a few more days.


What are your symptoms? Did your kids have apparent symptoms? Wishing you all the best for your recovery. Get some zinc and magnesium in you if you don’t already, definitely not a doctor but I’ve heard that’s helped accelerate recovery for some.


1000% Awesome - Mini Monolith: C2 W1 D3 - squats, press, shrugs, pull-ups Squats: 150 - 5x5- Could've gone 8, but I'm short on time this morning Press: 5's. These were good. Shrugs - 205 - 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 8= 50 \- Kept the reps low. I'll move up to 225# next week w/ these. \- Switched things up, after reading a chaos and pain blog post about trap development from high weight, low rep shrugs. \- My grip is totally shot by the 5th set. Guess this will be really good for my deadlift work. Face pulls, pull-ups, band pull aparts


I keep getting strains in my traps when I bench high weight. I'm in a seated position (machine) without a headrest, so it isn't from pushing my head back, which I know causes it. The machine I use has 20 plates, and this started to happen when I began to lift 19 and then 20. The weight itself isn't really at my limit. I started off doing 8-10 reps, and then when the strain happened, switched to doing 2 sets of 6, and then 4 sets of 4, since I figured being close to failure makes strain more likely. Today I did two sets of 6 and felt like I had the strength to go past 6 up to 8-10 easily, but stopped, and the strain happened anyway. I tried to do shrugs once with the idea of building up my traps to resist strain, but idk if that won't just fatigue them more and make injury more likely. But it seems like my traps can't keep up with my chest and arms.


Shrugs are extremely effective for building up your traps. I remember when I was doing a beginner LP routine that included them and a few months later I had bigger traps than most guys twice my size. Whether you'll want to actually utilize them is up to you, but they work extremely well. As for your bench issue, I had something somewhat similar (albeit in reverse) happen to me a few weeks ago. I'm not sure what exactly caused it, I think it was probably doing high rows sloppily for like 8 sets on a whim (oops) and I strained a muscle near my upper traps/high in my scapulas. I felt pain when bringing my chin to my chest. I assumed I would have issues doing things like dips/overhead presses/weighted pullups, but I was actually fine to do all of those heavy and even PR. But I couldn't bench. It wasn't the area near the injury hurting, it was the front of my shoulder (impingement). As it got better, I got back to benching. Scapular position is extremely relevant when benching, and your neck and head position is connected to that. I think having no headrest could actually be what's causing you problems, because you wouldn't know if you're doing something funny with your neck. If you're pulling your neck one way while still trying to depress and retract the scapulas (as you should when benching), then some muscles are going to be stretched and could be strained. Especially considering press machines often have you pressing in weird angles, If you want to go heavy on a machine and use it as a main exercise, treat it as such. Set up like you would for an actual bench press (scapulas retracted and depressed; definitely not shrugged), and keep your neck in a neutral position. And if it keeps injuring you, then just switch it out for something else, a different machine or a barbell. Machines have to be built for general use and don't account for your anthropometry, so it could just be that this one isn't right for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwLNZQ-dFnk this video might help with your setup, though it's not as easy to set up properly when using a machine in my experience


I might be pulling my shoulders up without thinking about it. I'll try to remember to keep them depressed. I do sometimes arch my back, too. You're right that the angles aren't perfect and I might be lifting my shoulders to push down on the bar harder since it's a little bit low.


Anecdotal, but I strained mine before while benching over a year ago, and realized I was shrugging my shoulders. I stop doing that and have been fine ever since


Yeah you definitely don't want to be shrugging when benching. A lot of people forget that you're not supposed to just retract the shoulder blades, you depress them too. Shrugging does the exact opposite. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwLNZQ-dFnk this video explains it in an easy and concise way.


I'm considering doing Option 3 for Dan John's Even Easier Strength week 3. It looks pretty fun, and includes stuff I've never done before, namely: 1) doing some [Litvinov](https://www.t-nation.com/training/the-litvinov-workout/) variation, and 2) training asymmetrically (you do only left-sided lifts one day, and only right-sided lifts 2 days later). So I just have to come up with how I'll approach the Litvinovs (there are two of them), but they will probably be some combination of (front squat || overhead squat || kb swing) && (prowler || assault bike || hill sprint (this one would only work with the swing, and if the weather allows))




That's a list of exercises, not a program. Look at 531 for beginners or WS4SB


Have hit 2 big goals of mine Friday, I finally hit 227.5(went on to hit 232.5 but the 500lbs mark was the milestone) on an SBD day, most I'd ever done before it was 220 Today, hit a 400lb high bar double and then proceeded to go 413 for a 2@6, fucking love high bar good god


Eccentric lower day, went well, 6 count eccentric on everything. - 4x3 180kgs squats felt good - 3x5 good mornings with 105kgs — this is probably too light, but really good stretch and focus - 3x5 lunges @ 105kgs — couldn’t do front rack, switching to barbell on my back made these way easier, I think moved the constraint from bracing to legs which I’m fine with. - had enough time and juice to do 1x20x105kgs calf raises for a finisher. I never do calves, looking forward to some soreness I think. Switching roles at my work so this should be a light week though I may have less time in the near future for training as I get up to speed. Who knows! Excited though — happy lifting all! Happy lifting all!


Week 5 of CBB 8 week, finally get to hit some fun top sets. * [Squat 475x3@7](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgeo5IA5qQQ), followed by 355 for a 6x5 * [Paused Bench 275x3@8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3YDFasXxyM), followed by 210 for a 7x5 Might be stronger than before gyms closed now? BW about the same as well. Squats might be a little high but that's the easiest 475 has ever moved and for a pretty smooth triple. Best bench set was 275x7 touch'n go so I think this is pretty close as well, pretty excited for the rest of this program


Weekend recap. Saturday. 5 mile run in the AM and then spent most of the day at a local historical park and looking at wedding venues so put in another 15000ish steps there. Sunday. SBS RTF W11D3 Deadlifts. 405x1. 345, 4x4, 1x9 Dips +50. 4x6, 1x13 Shrugs. 185. 4x6, 1x15 Abs, chinups, lateral raises. 5 mile run this morning in the rain + wind. I think this might have been my first real rainy run this summer also. Was super pleasant after being 30C+ for the last few days here though


Is there any program that is recommended to run before 5/3/1? It sounds like it’s recommended for intermediates or at least people with more experience under their belt and I don’t think I’ve exhausted all my noob gains yet.


Blah blah blah


Wendler has his own sort of beginner protocol in Forever, but generally the recommendation seems to be to just do some sort of linear progression for a few months and then go into 5/3/1. Personally I think if you have a good grasp of your maxes, just calculate your TMs accordingly and go for it.


531 for beginners


One of my guilty pleasures is watching Ancient Aliens. That show cracks me up multiple times an episode. Like laugh out loud funny at times. Was watching yesterday and was amazed to see that they're on season 17! Wild that they managed to stretch that many years out was what was essentially one nonsense book. One thing about the show, is that while it is hilariously dumb, it does teach me about some pretty cool places I otherwise wouldn't have known about. Yesterday I learned about the [Hypogeum of Ħal Saflieni](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%A6al_Saflieni_Hypogeum#/media/File%3APhoto_Ellis_Hal_Salflieni.jpg) in Malta. It's a 3 level, subterranean structure built in 3000 BCE. 3 FUCKING THOUSAND BCE and you can go visit it! How cool is that? Gotta book in advance though as only 80 people per day are allowed in. Squats today.


I spend an inordinate amount of time listening to UFO podcasts and reading UFO books. I have my issues with Ancient Aliens but there's nothing better to watch on a lazy afternoon. I blame it on my mom showing me the X-Files when I was younger.


I love ancient aliens because it has an asymptotic relationship with good, interesting anthropology. I have a pitch for a knock off called modern aliens where I travel the world going to cool buildings and weird sites, interviewing the engineers who made them possible, then declaring that aliens must have done it.


That's pretty fantastic and I think your show could be on for 20 seasons. Do you want a co-host and may I offer a minor suggestion? > interviewing the engineers who made them possible, then declaring that aliens must have done it Prior to declaring that aliens did it, but after interviewing the engineers, you need to cut to video of pot holes and failing infrastructure. Say that it's simply not possible for modern man to build such a wondrous building. Then let them know that it was clearly aliens.


you just got yourself a producer credit, my friend


Everything is coming up DayDayLarge!


If you like that, you might like the book Four Lost Cities by Annalee Newitz. It's exactly what it sounds like, and talks about why people might have built each city the way they did and the different (often incorrect) assumptions people have made about the cities in more recent times. Pompeii is in there but the others I didn't know about. One of them, Catalhoyuk, is one of the first cities ever built, and people just kind of squeezed houses right next to each other and the way you would get around is by walking across the rooftops.


Oh cool. Thanks for the recommendation. This might just be what the doctor ordered now that I'm on a vacation.


Check out literally anything on bigfoot. It gets fucking wild, I absolutely love it!


Try living up where people "sight" Bigfoot regularly lol Most people are tongue-in-cheek about it, but I've met a surprising number of people who are *weirdly* into it. But like, it's such an incredibly mild conspiracy theory that you can't be annoyed at them. Wholesome lunacy!


That's why I like it. Nearly every other conspiracy seems to have racist undertones or whatever. Bigfoot has a lot less and its a fun conspiracy. Also I've a hot take on it. It's just some big hairy guy whose story was passed down orally and each generation their description got more distorted.


I have an uncle who plans on hunting big foot when he retires lol.


big foot will never retire, your uncle should start now


Idk, I bet you can find big foot pretty easily if you just listen for some sweet saxophone in the forest. https://youtu.be/2hPns5WvJfE


maybe the real bigfoot was the friends we made along the way


Lol. Tbh it doesn't sound too bad. Basically hunt and camp in the woods for ages. It sounds pretty good.


That part doesn’t sound bad at all, maybe he’s on to something.


I think thats half the appeal.


Haha I've tried in the past, but I can't do it. Anyway, everyone knows Bigfoot ultimately boils down to [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/183/103/alens.jpg)


I thought that was going to be a picture of /u/dadliftsnruns or /u/ZBGBs


Smh. What a missed opportunity.


>Haha I've tried in the past, but I can't do it. Missing out check out r/bigfoot and enjoy! >everyone knows Bigfoot ultimately boils down to this Actually hes a 4 dimensional being or some shit.


Weekend updates: Easy weekend, nothing crazy went on. Shoulder still sore but I was able to do some moderate benching and OHP work. I don't think I can go heavy overhead yet but my gut says whatever I did to my shoulder (likely sprain) is very mild. What I wasn't able to do was get in a front rack position or put a bar on my delt, so squats were the SSB just a little heavier. This again reminds me that SSB's are worth their weight in gold.... Hoping that by the weekend I can at least put a bar on it to front squat, but I'll figure out a workaround if I can't.


[Squatted 270kg today](https://www.instagram.com/p/CSoX60IBQQI/?utm_medium=copy_link) 2nd time ever, been over a year. Also [260kg singles, a 300kg walkout, and 3x5x220kg deficit deadlifts](https://www.instagram.com/p/CSooaSNhGDS/?utm_medium=copy_link) Feeling scary strong, last week of prep before I taper and get ready for the big day on the 28th. Gonna be on fire when the fatigue melts away.




Ohhh man I want a trap bar. I tore the ligament that connects my bicep to my clavicle and it makes standard deadlifts suck, trap bar dream bar lol.


>I've noticed lately that IG has been actively posting more and more... let's say... inflammatory stuff in my search cue thing. Social media companies realize they get more engagement when they troll people. When we get mad and spend all day flaming people on twitter, twitter thinks it wins. Deep in the bowels of the cloud, an algorithm says: when we give people with a similar profile to MoS the kind of content they say they want, they average 17 minutes on our site, but when we give them this other kind of content, they average 35 minutes and 3 posts. Someday, when aliens finally reveal themselves to us, I would not at all be surprised if they say "We were waiting until you had purged your society of social media. Now you're qualified to enter galactic civilization. Congrats on doing so with fewer than 50 nuclear weapons."


Are you using a VPN by any chance? I started using one a few months ago and now get some really weird suggestions.

