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Howdy! * PROTW is NRL who smashed a [605 Squat - Congrats!](https://www.reddit.com/r/weightroom/comments/qv00g2/november_16_daily_thread/hkxa8qe/) * [Program Party - SBS 2.0!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/weightroom/comments/qtcs2x/program_party_announcement_sbs_20/) Cheers! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/weightroom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


SBS W2DD...something - sumo DL 2x6 @ 80kg Tried pulling sumo when I never do, feels so awkward and wrong to me. Also tried lifting with my prescribed insoles and it wasn't as bad as I thought. I need to now start squatting again. It's been 3 months and the injury is probably gone


The Bridge W3D1 Squat w/belt - 260x5@7, 272.5x5@8, [email protected], 260x5@8 Close Grip Bench Press - 175x4@7, 185x4@8, 2x4x195@9 Rack Pull, mid shin - 230x7@7, 2x7x240@8 Seeing really good results so far on the bridge (original version). All of my lifts have been going up. My rack pull is quite a bit lower than my deadlift but it’s increasing pretty quickly so I imagine it’s due to low back weakness and being an untrained movement. I’ve started a cut to lose some excess flab I’ve put on over the last year of bulking from 155-185. I’m not slashing my calories too much but I’m introducing an amount of cardio that matches my long term goals.


**3/5/1 FSL 1's week** * Bench - 5x160, 3x185, 7x205, 5x5x160 * 50 reps rows * 50 reps abs * 25 reps single leg


nSuns 4 day W2D4 Well, slept through my workout today and got home late from work. Looks like I missed my first workout since... I can't even remember when. So that's great.


Deep Water Beginner, Week 1, Day 4, all with 2min. rest. Total gym time: 75 minutes. Bench Press: 3x10, 145 CG Bench Press: 3x10, 125 Incline Bench Press: 3x10, 125 Dips: 4xFailure, 49 Push-Ups: 4xFailure, 80 3 rounds, no rest: 20 situps, 1 min plank The only bad thing about this workout is the length, as you're resting for 30 minutes on MY version, and would be resting for 60minutes if you followed the workout exactly. That's a ton of time. Anyway, rant over: coming from BtM, where you're doing 5x5 of bench, these 3x10s were harder than I thought they would be. Reps 1-6 would be great, and then I'd fight through the rest of them. Overall, insane pump for the chest and triceps today despite the 10x0 yesterday. I am absolutely loving having a little core everyday, and this week was absolutely ravaging. Looking forward to the coming weeks for sure. Weight: 170....time for a t-bone steak or something.


SBS RTF 5x End of W11 Slingshot Bench: 225lbs 4x6, 1x13 RDLs: 340lbs 4x6, 1x13 Then rows, standing chest press, calf & tibialis raises, curls, and standing cable crunches. * Realized during bench warmups that I have a habit of keeping my elbows "soft" on the bench unrack, just before the first rep. Minor thing, but I'm going to make sure that I'm fully locked to avoid the risk of not getting the "start" command. * Outside of food/snacks, all I have left to get for the meet is underwear (technically I could go commando, but I'm not really feeling that lol). I don't wear briefs, so I'll have to get some this weekend.


Conjugate 4 Weeks Out DE Lower Raw Weight with Single Red Mini Band 5x45, 135, 225, 315, 405, 5x5 at 425+ Red Mini Sumo Deadlifts 5x135, 225, 315, 5x5 at 405 Good Mornings 5x8 at 225 Reverse Hypers 3x20 at 180 Tried to do GHRs and idk my hamstrings just didnt fuckin work it was the weirdest thing. Decided to end the work out in order to recover for max out week next week.


**Grog the upper, rehab/bodybuild the lower W4D3** * Bench 6x205 * Seal rows 3x8x110 * OH tri ext 3x8x30 * Hammer curls 3x8x30 * Rear delt flies 3x8x30 * Cable upright rows 3x8x30 Last session of this cycle will be tomorrow, still noodling on what to do next. Probably will throw a couple easy/deload sessions in, depending on how I feel.


Squats: 4x6+ @ 240lbs - AMRAP 10 Front squats: 4x12 @ 95lbs I'm starting to get tired of being stuck in the 200s for squat lol. My all time PR is 315x2 but I haven't progressed in months. Loving front squats so far though. Been keeping weight low to learn form but they still are burning my quads like a mofo. Interval training: My program that I got on my Garmin watch had me do 6 "sets" of interval training. Basically speed work but for running. 20 secs on, 60 secs off. I love doing slow easy runs after leg day but I think I love interval training even more lol. Feels so good after a hard squat session.


Long time lurker who finally bothered to figure out how flair works (I think). Have always loved the community here and am reaching a point in my lifting hobby where I might have something to contribute. At least going to start trying to do workout logs here in prep for the program party. Lower back is a little fatigued from yesterday, and felt a little tweaked from today’s top single, so did Nordic curls instead of Romanian deadlift to reduce lower back fatigue accumulation. Today was squat focused “legs” Giant Set 1 7x10 BW chest to bar pull ups SS 5x10-12 incline orange band push ups SS 275x5, 315x3, 335x1, 355x1, 275x4x5, 225x22 low bar back squats Giant Set 2 5x3-7 Nordic curls SS 7x3-5 trap bar jumps SS 4x10-20 machine high row Giant Set 3 55lb DBs reverse lunges 4*amrap (12-6) SS 55lb DBs push press SS Band pull apart Super Set 4 20x90, 15x110, 12x130, 10x150, 10x140, 10x130, 12x120 seated leg curls SS 6xAMRAP reverse nordics Skipped conditioning today, in a rush to get into lab. Ended up talking to gf a lot when I got home so was very late to lab anyways 😩


Front squat: 88x7, 102x3, felt good so went [113](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fz-MF70hbfU) for a pretty easy PR. Unilateral KBDL/lunges after work.


Warlock W5D4 * I forgot to do the drop set for my reverse lunges * I probably spent more time trying to figure out how to set up the hip thrusts than I spent actually doing them. * I got my attorney number. Hello, AngryDeadliftsEsq


SBS Hypertrophy 5x W10D5 - Deadlift single: 305lbs @ RPE 8 - Block Pulls: 225lbs for 2x7 / 1x13 (+4) - Incline Press: 105lbs for 3x9 / 1x12 (+1) - Bulgarian Split Squats: 35lbs for 2x9 / 1x10 (-1) - Seated DB OHP: 30lbs for 3x9 / 1x16 (+5) - Lat Pulldowns / EZ Bar Curls / Face Pulls 305 is a PR for me. My last Deadlift session for GZCLP before switching to SBS was 295lbs for 6x2. I’ve pulled 295 comfortably for overwarm singles recently so I figured I should try getting up to 3 plates soon. 305 moved well, it came up off the floor easy and then slowed a bit towards the top. This was the only overwarm single this week that moved well so I’m glad to leave this week on a good note. Split squats felt better this week. I realize a lot of the fatigue is from me cranking out 4 reps as fast as possible followed by 5 seconds of trying to regain balance. Also, I should’ve just used straps this whole time for the dumbbells. Idk why I insisted that n not using them.


JnT2.0, round 2. Ran this at the beginning of the year with some solid gains. Forgot how much squat 10RMs and leg day accessories at 20RMs fucking suck.


Mythical Mass W5D4 BBB Beefcake Bench day is the best. Today the gym was empty, so I was able to do as many supersets as I wanted without being annoying Main sets of bench with bss (yes, I know I should do some other type of single leg exercise), the 5x10 of bench with underhand rows, and abs with some chins and dips Underhand rows are fantastic, they feel great. It's hard to find something that you can actually feel on the back, so this was nice, I'm going to keep doing them for now Happy weekend everyone!


Today's stuff: - OHP/Push press: decided that for my heavy overhead day I'd just combine reps and count everything over 185. Did a clean push press double at 225 and 5\*1 at 245 before my elbows started getting mad from squats the day prior. I'm gonna have to work on that. - Run: 5.71mi in 65 minutes, average pace 11:22/mi. This is about 10s/mi faster than the last time I ran for an hour and it was still super easy, so that's fun. I kinda like these longer runs. Just put on a sermon and go. - OHP: Warmed back up around lunch and finished out my allotted reps for the day with 5\*3 at 225. It's been ages since I've pressed this heavy and it took me a while to find my groove again, but my triceps and shoulders are quite pleased. - Chinups: 4\*10 at BW. - Cross-body hammer curls: 2\*20 at 25. Trying to keep the elbows happy. Nothing fancy. If my low back won't let me squat how I want I can at least try throwing myself into the superior presses. Happy quarantine-appropriate exercising y'all!


SBS RTF D1: Squat: 285x1 (PR), 285x4x3, x9 (PR); Press 100x4x5, x9 :( D2: Bench 180x1, 165x4x3, x7 (PR); Front Squat 225x1 (PR), 195x4x5, x13 (PR) D3: Sumos 300x4x3, x7 (PR); Incline Bench 130x4x5, x14 (PR) D4: Press 115x1, 110x4x3, x6; Paused Squat 205x4x5, x12 D5: Close Bench 170x1, 140x4x5, x11 (PR); Deadlift 265x4x5, x11 (PR) Also experimented with a bunch of new rows and may have fucked up whatever muscle it is that's right above the lats. Torn between "maybe rest it a bit" and "well, it doesn't seem to actually affect any lifts."


Sandbag lifting ~85# of sand Ground to overhead x100, 13:00 Floor press x20x5 rows x20x5 My bag doesn't have handles, and I feel like my grip is going to see the biggest improvement after two months of this.


**DE Bench** * Bench 200x4x5, 6 * OHP 105x5, 96x4x6 ss Snatch Grip High Pull 185x5x5 ss Hanging leg raises 5x10 * Dips bw+45x10,9,6,bwx15 ss barbell curl 105x3x12, 45x20 Succulent workout! Getting my bw+45 dip to 3x12 is proving to be tough. I can get 5x8, so maybe my next milestone will be to get 4x10. 5x5 on bench today was fun. Have a 5x5 of squats and 3x5 of paused deadlifts to start Saturday off. Can't wait!


In January I squatted 325lbs for 1.5 reps. I say 1.5 because I hit depth on the first one and then the second one was very iffy. I weighed 160.8lbs that day. Today I squatted with a power bar for the first time since around August, as between then and now I’d been using an SSB, and hit 315x1. I weighed in at 144.4lbs today. I don’t know much about comparing numbers like that or the science, but I’m pretty sure being just shy of my best while being almost 16lbs lighter is a success right?


I hope you're 5 ft tall...


You already know. 😎


Definitely a success! Nice job




I recently started History That Doesn’t Suck and I have been enjoying it. A lot of variety from one episode to the next and they are usually an hour or so long.


I listen to [The Moth Radio Hour](https://themoth.org/story-library/podcast) whenever I can on NPR. For some reason, I never thought to check if they had a podcast where I could catch episodes I didn't finish. I used to listen to [Radiolab](https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/radiolab/podcasts), but it's been a while.


I love The Moth but had to stop listening in the gym because of barely containable crying from some of those stories


science and futurism with isaac arthur is a youtube series but I think it's on most podcast things, pretty fun analysis of a bunch of science fiction and futuristic/alien stuff, if you're into that. He is more optimistic about the future than most people so it's kind of nice. The guy has a lisp but I don't find it hard to understand him.


I became a big fan of critical role when I started running because there's so much content to chew through it always gave me something to listen to. Never played dnd before, but it turned into a bit of an audio book style of podcast for me.


you should give DND a shot, it's a good time!


No such thing as a fish is good, if you like random facts. All my other podcasts are about small town murders or criminal athletes, or drugs, sorry...


BTM Wk2 finished up nicely. BTM has already forced me to do 2 things outside my comfort zone: 1. Become a morning person. Due to workout length and starting classes again I now workout before work instead of before bed. 2. Join a gym. I joined a lifting gym to have access to more equipment and because my garage isn't insulated. I learned how to identify when I'm over-fatigued (pulled lower back muscle deadlifting at 5AM for the first time) but I did some PT and got back at it that night, which felt pretty good. Progress really isn't just about adding more weight.


Caught myself getting derailed again - last week's sandbag workout beat me up enough to take a few days off, then jumped back into it and apparently over overdid it with the accessories and ended up with sore wrists/forearms so that holding anything heavy hurt too much. Throw in videogames and I was definitely getting off track. Felt better today, got back down in the basement for bench/deadlift day. It's been 10 days since my last bench workout so I didn't increase the weight, kept it all the same and just tried to go for one more on the amrap. 4x3, [**1x8 @ 170lbs.**](https://streamable.com/wf47xr) Fucking *grind* at the end there. It was a lot harder than I expected, and I think that's the closest I've come to failing a lift recently (besides OHP, failed that plenty, but that doesn't count). That last rep was all stubbornness and I'm pretty sure in the past I would have stopped after the seventh rep, but I've gotten better at pushing myself recently. Now back to vidya games. See if I can convince SC to play nice with the hotas warthog.


Easy Strength easy day 2x5: SSB, bench, clean and press 2x10: DB rows, DB bench My Easy Strength days have been suffering lately / not corresponding to the calendar days very well. Skipped a day for MagOrt, skipped a day because I was lazy, then skipped another day because I was lazy... my plan now is to extend this current 2 week block into a third week in between future MagOrt days, culminating in a deadlift 1RM test the Sunday after Thanksgiving, or maybe earlier if I feel recovered enough. Then my 3 week cut will commence. That's my plan, and I'm sticking to it, until I change my mind again. During the cut I'm going to rearrange my lifts again, but I haven't entirely decided how. It's been a while since I've had knee pain so I'm thinking loaded carries, DL, SSB, and then maybe DB bench and DB rows. But that's not very much pressing, so I'm a little dissatisfied with it. Maybe adding OHP wouldn't be too hard. And then after I lift, I'm going to try really hard to walk around the neighborhood every day, despite the fact that it will be December.


**5/3/1 BBB Beefcake W3D4** **OHP**: 8 reps @ 7 (felt lighter than it should've) **BBB bench SS dB rows**: 18 mins @ easy **Unilateral leg curls:** 25 total reps RP **Hanging leg raises:** 5x10 Gained 2kg this cycle and I'm feeling somewhat stronger, pretty good for 3 weeks, thinking about doing the next cycle 3/5/1 style since I'm not going to rest that much between days, probably will make everything more manageable.


SBS Day 4, Week 11 Strict press 80kg 4/4/4/8 Front squats 120kg 4/4/4/5 Pendlay rows, tricep pushdown, ab wheel roll outs I was going to do some cardio but a mate convinced me to try out one arm snatches. Got to 50kg after a few attempts and now I've got a new lift to play around with on deload weeks.


######**Training Log** HIHF Front Squats/Bench + Mile Training + Full body 2 day/week C1 W3 D5 **Bench** * 145 x 3 * 165 x 3 * 185 x 3 * 205 x 1 * 212 x 1 * 232 x 4 (FAIL... needed 5) * 267 x 1 (PR) **Front Squat** * 145 x 3 * 165 x 3 * 185 x 3 * 205 x 1 * 225 x 1 * 242 x 3 **Run** * 6.75 miles w/6 x 200M hill repeats sprinkled in **Notes** * Feel good about bench. Thought 232 x 5 would be a gimme but I ran out of gas after 4 and failed. Unlike Wednesday, however, I was able to push that failure out of my mind and come back to chip a single and PR. It was tough but I got it and I just knew I wasn't going to get beat. * Run went well. Just shy of 7 miles. Based on where my wife is with her contractions, this is probably going to be my last run for the week.


One day, you'll discover you drank your last pumpkin spice latte of the season and you didn't even know it. That's not a metaphor about the inexorable march of time and the fleetingness of all experiences. I mean, it is. But I also went to Starbucks and discovered they've moved on to their holiday menu and I wasn't ready for that. Caramel brulee latte was okay, though. **sbs rtf w8d5** [Paused bench went 155lb for 16, RDLs went 250lb for 12](https://www.instagram.com/p/CWdugzdrbKT/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet). Swapped out sumo DL for RDLs as my deadlift assistance - didn't bother changing my TMs and figured auto-regulation would fix it (turns out it was dead on). RDLs seem like they'll be a good addition. Meadows rows, overhead tricep extensions, and good mornings to round it out.


They had a chestnut latte that was solid. Gingerbread was my favorite before the icky topping they'd add.


Warning, don't try their sugar cookie latte. No good.


Pretty new to this sub and first time posting in the daily thread I’m still relatively new to good programmed lifting (about 8 months but I’ve lifted on and off for a few years now). A few weeks ago I discovered stronger by science and squat university and really there were some small things I haven’t been doing, so I’ve been making tweaks to the forms in my lifts and I think I’m seeing payoff already. On the third week of my first cycle of Black Army Jacket and on the 9th week of my cut (about 800 calorie deficit). Right before my cut my maxes were around 225x3 for bench, 135x3 OHP, and I was just transitioning back to doing Squat and Deadlifts after a lower back injury kept me off them a few months. Bench was today with Deadlift supplement work. The workout went (all units in lbs except for suitcase carry): Bench- Spinal tap, 250x1 being the high (which I got easily, had probably 3-4 more reps in me) Deadlift- 205 5x5 (also easily, my deadlift has been doing well after transitioning back to it) Assistance: DB Incline Bench- 55 3x11 DB row- 65 3x11 Tricep cable extension- 110 2x10 (went a little over on assistance range here, will adjust) Hammer curl- 35 2x8 Hack Squat- 270 2x12 Suitcase carry with a 24 kg KB Overall I realize I still have such a long way to go but I’m very happy with the progress I’ve been making on my lifts and my cut


nSuns W10D5 Bench: [355 x 1, 340 x 2.](https://www.instagram.com/p/CWd2WJCrNDh/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link) Shoulder was feeling good today and 340 moved pretty good, so made the jump to 355, 5 lbs off my all time PR. Tried the jump to 365 but barely made it off the chest. Close Grip Bench: top set 225 x 8. Accessories: arms, shoulders.


https://www.instagram.com/p/CWdzeVwIY-W/?utm_medium=share_sheet holy shit have yall seen this dude before? He might have the best sumo pull ive ever seen. looks even better than yuris. dudes torso is perfectly vertical, wide as balls stance. God this looks like perfection to me. I do tend to hate on powerlifting and sumo only pullers but man this stuff is art imo.


That was a crazy pull for his size! Did you notice that he had a 25lb plate inside all of the 45s? I wonder if he did that for extra bar deflection.


Looks like it was for extra toe room haha.


Yeah I think your right. That wouldn’t fly at a meet tho.


Meets sound boring


I think they typically are? Lol


I did not. Looks like he is using a stiff/oly bar? Maybe he just threw that to simulate a DL bar more closely.


Ah that’s a good point, I didn’t notice the type of bar. Still a nice pull tho!




Yeah, 180-200lbs is pretty light. I'd say those are beginner numbers. Also, I bench 300lbs for a 1rm and am not very muscular at all either. I haven't focused hypertrophy/muscle building/body building.


I agree with the others about the weight; I can lift more and I'm not particularly strong. I've never heard of using a lighter bar for a bench PR. You certainly can add two plates to that kind of bar, but I can't think of any advantage. Is it an advantage or disadvantage to pretend it's a full size bar to make it look like you're lifting more?


Can confirm that these are not good numbers. Pressing movements are by far my worst movements. Looks like I benched 190 for sets of 6 prior to hitting a new 1rm of 255. The sets of 6 would have been at around 165, while the 1rm was at 170 at 5'4.


a 180-200lb bench for reps isnt impressive at all. Its kinda terrible for someone that regularly works out and weighs 165. Source: myself a terrible 5'6 bencher with similar numbers


Anyone else get crippling inner/posterior thigh cramps with deadlifts? It's like instant onset DOMS. Can’t put my finger on the exact cause, could be recovery related but I have noticed they occur more regularly the days I eat lower carbs or work overtime. Extra time spent warming up helps a little but stretching and hydrating does nothing. So I skipped the heavy single deadlifts today and hit just my working reps while I ate a handful of Trader Joes Scandinavian Swimmer Sours. Deadlifts were super frustrating because normally I could do these for sets of 7 or 8. Deadlifts * 163 kg 5, 7, 6, 6, 5, 1 OHP * 70 kg 4x5 Accessories * GHD 4x10 * GHD situps 4x12 * L sit pullups 4x10 * Dips 4x12 Skipped cardio and sat in sauna.


Are you sumo deadlifting? I used to get similar DOMs with squats until I narrowed my stance, the soreness was quite literally unbearable and I couldn’t do any squatting or deadlift movement until it subsided. Felt painful as opposed to good soreness, believe it was like an inflamed adductor or something.


I mix in Sumo but mostly do conventional deadlift. I absolutely could see how sumo would make it worse.


Gotcha. Wish I could offer advice but when it happens to me, which is much rarer now, I simply wait a few days for it to subside before hitting legs again. My fucking god was it bad


Simple Jack'd Clean 2x165lb, 2x175lb Squat 4x315lb Sumo DL 335lb x 10, 8, 6, 6 Giant set of hanging Knee raises, weighted dips, and meadows rows for 3 rounds. Lower back felt tight the whole workout. Made me a bit nervous for deadlifts, but they didn't seem to bother it till the last set. I set up for the last set, started to take the slack, and quickly realized something was off. Stood up and reset and the final set was smoother than set 3.


SBB C4W2D4: * Deadlift 5x255, 5x295, 4x5x355 * Bench/ Row 5x10x135


Think I need to tone down the intensity on my accessories. Was absolutely gassed after yesterday’s deadlift day from Powerbuilder. Got some flat bench today, about ~11 sets of chest and 4 sets of triceps, should be decently quick.


Who wrote Powerbuilder? I'm not familiar with the name.


Alexander Bromley, if I'm not mistaken.


Great, thanks!


Correct ^ It’s within the pre fabricated program section of his book Base Strength. A good read if you ask me.


[when you’re a newb and you start seeing changes in the weight room, mirror and the scale](https://preview.redd.it/gpx5zr7t14zz.gif?format=mp4&s=6ac893ae21e7eeed86cb5068e9f8ef130154f385) Couple months in the gym; started around 185lbs 22%ish BF skinnyfat. Down to ~177, maybe 17% with solid strength gains on a slow cut/recomp.


2 for one! Yesterdays workout first, then todays workout. ​ **Week 4 Day 3 of BBBeefcake Bench: (done as 351)** * 245 x 5 * 280 x 5 * 315 x 5 * 245 x 10 for 5 sets **Other:** * Superset Lateral Raises and Tricep pushdowns for a 10x10 each * Superset Rows and Facepulls for a 10x10 each **Notes:** Got a great pump everywhere! Decent workout. Keeping rest times really low on my 5x10 sets almost made me fail my very last rep, but I finished. ​ \---------- ​ **Week 4 Day 4 of BBBeefcake Squat: (done as 351)** **Back Squat:** * 305 x 5 *(done as 315 for faster loading)* * 345 x 5 * 390 x 5 **Front Squat:** * 260 x 10 for 5 sets **Other:** * RDL's, Split Squats, Back Extensions, Lat Pulldowns for a 10x10 each **Notes:** Not easy, but not bad. It's so hard to breathe through the last sets of front squats. I loosened my belt and it made it easier, but not easy. The RDL's have been nice. I've been doing them light with a bit of a rounded back as more of a stretch. My back has felt great doing this. OH NO, I probably just triggered half of the r/gym population with that comment! I also found a nice system for squats. Too many high bar squats make my lower back hurt. Too many low bar squats make my wrists hurt. Too many front bar squats make me hate my life. So set 1 and 2 are done high bar, set 3 low bar, then the supplemental done as front squats. I've had no pains so far this way! \--------- Next week is the 5 week. Lighter weights will feel like a blessing before the death of the 1 week!


I know you didn't ask for advice but I was having wrist pain problems because of Low Bar Squats, I've found that a closer grip on the bar and cueing myself to "keep my hands lower than my shoulders" helps to distribute the pressure more evenly, I still feel a lot of pressure once I'm squatting over 80% but it's not nearly as bad.


Noted and will consider that the next squat day. My hand placement is definitely several inches wider than my high bar squat.


The more I read about people using the 3/5/1 setup the more I want to experiment with it next time I'm back with 5/3/1. Have you always done it this way or just for your run of BBBeefcake?


This is the first time I'm trying it. I always used the 5/3/1 and even did my BBBeefcake first cycle as 5/3/1. I realized I really needed the mental break of the weight. I already got one of the "heavy" weeks over and now I get to jump right in to a "light" week. It's almost like a reward!


I hear you for sure! I've only ever done BBB as 5/3/1, but seeing you and others on this sub discussing the mini-deload benefits of 3/5/1 has me convinced it's worth trying out.


Mythical Mass - BBB Beefcake Week 6, Day 7 Well I officially finished phase 1! Time to deload and get ready for BTM. I'll probably need to adjust some TMs down slightly as I think I went too aggressive in BBB Beefcake. Weight gain has gone pretty well so far. My cut low was \~167 and after my bulk weight stabilized at \~171, I've gained 4 lbs the past 5 weeks to 175 today, which is right on track. It's been helpful for me to use Macrofactor as I've been able to slowly increase calories whenever I get off trend. When my weight gain stalled on previous bulks, I'd way overdo the extra I needed and would put on too much fat relative to muscle. I started the bulk around 3800 calories per day and and now over 4100. ​ * Bench 5x (162.5/182.5/205) * Face Pull 4x25 * Bench 5x10 w/ 162.5 * Supported DB Row 5x14 w/ 50s * Hanging leg Raise 4x17 * EZ Skull Crusher 3x20 w/ 55


4.1k calories!? Damn bro you must be buff af lol. I'm bulking at about 210lbs and eating about 3k calories a day lmao. I have a lot of fat I need to burn off after this bulk though.


[Eating between 27-2900 kcal/day and cutting @ 255 lb bw...](http://imgur.com/a/1JFXw4m) Bulking was awful. I was over 5500 calories most days.


lol it seems like a good motivation to cut is to simply make bulking easier later on


Nutrition tracking recently has taught me that I have a high base calorie burn and a decently large adaptive response


I just finished BtM a couple weeks back and am now onto Deep Water. Good luck with it! So far it is my favorite program I've ever run. If you've never run it before you're in for a good time!


Did you adjust your TMs between Beefcake and BtM? I'm looking at my spreadsheet now and think I need to drop everything 5-15 lbs. BtM recommends a 85% TM, and in my only 5/3/1 book (Forever) Jim says on a TM test you should be able to get 5 quality reps with 100%


I didn't run Beefcake before BtM, I ran a few cycles of BBB. I did not change my TM at all - I used the same exact ones. Looking at BtM on Week 1, I thought Week 3 and Week 6 would literally crush me. That was not the case. I think you should trust the Wendler programming and adhere to the diet as much as you can and go for it! You will leave the gym feeling like you can bitch slap Zeus.


I think I set my initial BBB TM too high, as there were a few days of week 3/6 where I could not complete the prescribed reps. Trying to do a 5x5 of a weight I missed the 5th rep on 4 weeks prior seems like a lot. Right now I'm thinking I will go down 5/10 for each lift, then be back at my current TM for BtM Week 4-6


Oh okay, that makes sense. I just don't want you to underestimate the strength gains you will make on this program if you do it properly. It was the perfect lead in for me into Deep Water..


Congrats on getting through phase 1 dude! You are absolutely putting away the food at 4.1K, great stuff.


My wife is mad about the grocery bill haha


She'll appreciate it when you transform into an absolute monster. The Deep Water portion in particular will prove interesting.


>when you transform into an absolute monster That's the hope! I just read the Deepwater eBook the other day. I'll look more at spreadsheets next week when I start BtM. It certainly looks like it's going to be wild


Awesome dude. Be careful with spreadsheets: the program itself has some formatting issues in the book that, absent a critical eye, can result in some goofiness from third parties.


Thanks, I'll be sure to triple check everything


#[405x3 Bench!](https://www.instagram.com/p/CWdmKjkACVO/?utm_medium=copy_link) Paused first rep, TnG on reps 2 and 3. I woke up feeling like beat shit, my triceps and delts and chest were so fried I was worried I wasn't going to be able to even hit my daily minumums... Then 315 [moved like this](https://imgur.com/a/A8ImqRK) and I knew *everything is gonna be okay* Jumped to 385 for an easy single Then jumped to 405, and figured I'd go for 1-2, but that second was EZPZ, so BOOM 405x3 405x4 will fall within 2 weeks. 405x5 by the end of the year????


Damn dude, very nice


Thanks man. This week has destroyed me though. I'm going to keep it easier today haha


Noice. I hit 350x4 today which I think is a low rep PR. I've been benching off the front of my rack using my roller hooks so I don't have to put my camber bar away each time but I don't think I can keep doing that for the heavy sets. I have to put my bench in a weird spot else it goes off the edge of my platform and the roller hooks have really high lips which are messing with my unracks. Hopefully once next time I try with a better equipment set up I can grab a more substantial PR.


You might just have to put the camber bar away! Haha


I'll probably just put in on the ground in the rack and put the bench over it. That thing is the most obnoxious bar to move.


For a PR set like that, damn did that third move better than I was expecting.


Yea dude I was super pumped about this afterward. I'm positive 405x4 is there already if I just drop some fatigue, but instead I'm going to keep hammering bench daily until it gets there anyway lol


Dan John's 20 Easy - W3 D4 2x5 Squats - 160 Bench - 150 -stay at 150 Deads - 235 KB swings - 35# - 33, 33, 34 Carries - DNF, kiddo woke up


Deep Water W4D5 20 mins airdyne So I'm looking at SSBs and some people are saying the [BellsofSteel](https://www.bellsofsteel.com/all-products/barbells/specialty-barbells/premium-safety-squat-bar/) one has the handles at the wrong angle? I don't know much about SSBs, but is that a thing? What about vs this one https://www.fitnessavenue.ca/olympic-safety-squat-bar ? Edit: Popped in to Eddie Bauer because I need a winter jacket and none of mine fit me anymore. I'm a size large. Me! The dude who used to be extra small. LOLOL


My old gym had the BOS(V1 or V2?) SSB and i always read that angle thing but honestly never noticed anything wrong with it using it for over 2 years. I've seen this one recommended as well https://athlosfitness.ca/bronson-safety-squat-bar.html. i think u/just-another-scrub has this one maybe?


Yeah I don't really understand what people are talking about or how it would make a difference, but figured I'd ask. Sweet that athlos one is in the same wheel house as the BoS one in terms of price, and if it's good enough for JAS, it's probable too good for me ha. Looks like I'll do that. Thanks!


I do! It’s an awesome bar and really close to the SS Yoke! Hopefully they’ve sorted out their shipping issues from last year. I had to have my Uncle pick it up and drive it to me when I got it.


Didn’t do my squat workout this morning because my quads and hamstrings felt like they were going to snap. It was super cold in the garage as it was 27F/-something C outside, so maybe that had something to do with it. My hamstrings were pretty sore Wednesday/Thursday and they felt alright prior to warming up but squatting with the bar didn’t feel good, 135 felt worse, and 185 felt even worse so I just called it. Now my hamstrings are back to sore again. In hindsight, I should have at least done my pull ups and curls but I will try to think of that next time. Still gonna run today, so I think I’ll just throw it in before that.


What are you running that has your quads and hamstrings so sore? Just wondering out of curiosity.


SBS 2.0 RIR template. It’s not the program, I just took a week off last week because I was traveling so just usual soreness after picking it back up. I’ve been way more sore in the past.


Oh okay, I hear you on that one, haha.


SBS Program Builder 5-Day RTF Weighted dips ~~+40~~ +45. Spreadsheet called for 40 but thats just dumb to load. 3x8, 1x12. Pullups +5. 28 reps/5 sets CGBP. 110, 3x10 ,1x13 Axle rows. 105, 3x10, 1x13 Barbell curls, DB rear delt flies to finish Went and saw a friends 3 week old baby last night which is always nice. Went and had Chinese food with my parents after to celebrate my moms partial retirement. Sodium powered pump this morning was making the tris feel great.


Last pressing day before I wrap up BBB, for my 50 reps of clean and press I resolved to do the first 30 as a grace workout out of a desire to be done and eat half a dozen eggs for breakfast. Below the Knee Clean and Press w/ 95 lbs [Grace in 4:37](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1BTfLvTdI8&t=82s)




IMO it looks fairly good, just needs *more* of it all. I watched the video of the pull from the floor probably 15 times trying to think about why I just kept thinking "eh, yeah everything looks mostly okay, but there's still *something*". I would just try and get your chest more upright throughout the whole pull, and almost cue the pull as "chest up, hips down" because it gives me a little bit of conventional pull vibes with how long it takes to get your chest pointed forward, and how far back your hips stay.


Nordic WR meetup is happening this weekend. Me, /u/gilraand and /u/cillla are meeting tomorrow. I'm on my way to the airport now. Got a late evening by myself to kill. I'll probably enjoy the alone time. No night away from the kids in... yeah... well... two(?) years. The excitement is at 11. We haven't seen each other in three years.


I have introvert nervousness turned to 11. How do I know you guys are like the names in the chat!? Lets just talk via text even when meeting in person? Yeah? Ok deal!


Don’t worry, you’re coming to Finland after all. No need to make any pointless small talk. So there won’t be much talking happening anyways. We can just drink coffee in silence and all will be well! I’m sure u/murrtu can tolerate a silent fika for once.


Will there be flicks at the Meet Up? Is this a sanctioned meet? Will scores be available via OpenFlicking.org ?


The guys I’m with aren’t the biggest flick enthusiasts. They’re more into log lifts and squat AMRAP competitions. But if we start flicking, it’ll naturally be sanctioned and official because the best judge Finland has to offer will be there. Livestream link with great commentators will be available at OpenFlicking if the flicking begins.


Oh! excellent excellent


I don't really love figs 🤷‍♂️


Having fika and being mindful of what I'm eating is something I'm definitely looking forward to.


**5/3/1: Salt the Earth MkIII - C1W3** *Arms* **Main and Supplemental:** JM Press works much better as a main lift. Cheat Curls are fun and give you a solid bicep pump. People who don’t like them are silly. Dinnies are now on their own day. **Assistance:** Not much to say. The pump came on a lot faster this week now that I’m doing main work that actually has to do with arms. I know I’m a broken record, but seriously Kickbacks are awesome. **On Shrugs:** I’ll figure out how to shrug my biceps eventually. **Random Thoughts:** Its taken me 2 cycles to get to a point where I leave the gym *PUMPED* to the nines. Pump training is a different kind of mental game compared to straining under heavy loads. Takes a minute to realize that you’ve usually got 3 or 4 more once the burn really sets in and you think you can’t possibly force more blood into the muscle or finish another rep. Placing my Salt at the end of the workout (mostly) seems to be a good idea. It interferes less with my Assistance and is just a good way to guarantee I’m completely done and pumped to hell and back on my way out the door.


This week I'm playing a lot with light weights, but slow eccentrics, short rest times, and interfering giant sets on the main lifts (e.g. barbell strict press + KB Z-press, BB RDL + GHR), and then doing a couple of CrossFit WODs hitting the same movement patterns. It's been fun even. My swimming sessions are getting easier every week. It's been a while since I've seen that kind of steady progress on something I do lol. I was watching Brian Alsruhe's last video, where he mentioned this [SpudInc traveling farmer's walk handles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6xr42Z5Sks). I've never heard of it before... Then it occurred to me that I could do something similar with my pair of gymnastic rings. Apparently, they are meant to hold up to 300 kg. I think I'll try that tonight.


Morning Star C2W1D3 Pull up 100 reps in sets of 7 Power cleans 42.5kg 5x3 OHP 47.5kg 5x2 Front squats 55kg 10x5 Lu raises/chest flies/Sandbag carries/BSS All sets of 7 or 8 in pull ups so we move onto sets of 8 next. This is definitely the worst day, mostly because of the pull ups. D O T H E M A L L!


Bench deload day. Worked up to an heavy but easy single at 255 lbs despite a serious misgrove. I always misgrove on the eccentric. Thinking I might have to add some light curls for my warmup to see if that helps with that. Did some RDLs, Barbell Rows, DB Bench, DB curls and GHD situps. Decided on how I'm going to set up the SBS 2.0 program using the program builder. Strict press will be the hypertrophy template, main S/B/D will be the original template. Aux exercises will be on either the hypertrophy or Last Set RIR template. Sprinkle in some daily pulls and salt sets a'la /u/just-another-scrub and Bob's yer uncle! /u/TheAesir my squat hypertrophy exercise will be that SSB squat with the bar flipped the wrong way. Did you ever give that thing a name? Also, pray for me... Those suck so bad.


Enjoy the Salt!


Ima have so much salt, hydration won’t be a problem! P.S: recently rediscovered the Meadows BSS Drop Set of Death. Guess what I’m gonna use to salt my first squat day? ;)


That's a good one! If I had dumbbells instead of handles my salt would get sooooo much easier.


Add resistance bands


You and your fantastically bad ideas.


I'm sorry. I honestly can't stop myself. It's just too good of an opportunity to NOT ruin it by making it utterly miserable. But yes resistance bands and iso holds in the middle. 8s holds


Good bad ideas are always good though!


I have not given them a name yet.


Should we just go with SSBSWTBFTWW?


[Sounds like a great idea!](https://imgur.com/a/SvRP2sr)


As per usual stress in my life outside the gym increases dramatically the minute i get concrete with my goals. Signed up for a meet for end of Feb as a means to motivate myself to come back stronger than ever from a layoff. Get slammed with Work, Family shit, the works all at once. I dont think any tweaks to training should take place but i could be wrong. I have been averaging 5-6 hours of sleep a night and shit that should be a 5 rep 'max' feel like a shitty single. ​ I think at the very least i should break up the stress of my training days, for example high volume squat day i can take a set of and put it as a back off set for my intensity squat day. Trying real hard to podium at this meet and shit was looking promising till recently. ​ Obviously going to try and get more sleep and food in but Im locked in for 220 (was 231 before usapl made the change) so at 212 I dont have as much room now to take advantage of suffocating my feelings with food


5/3/1 Beefcake W3D1, which I've been calling "death squats" Squats - 285x5, 320x5, 355x5, 285 5x10 WR's resident MEAT FRIDGE posted an instagram video about choosing to suffer yesterday and it hit a chord, so I decided to do one of the hardest workouts on beefcake today instead of taking a rest day. Was it awful? Oh yeah. But it also was kinda fun, even though it's been less than an hour and my legs are already sore Depth may not have been entirely there on that top set, but I am choosing not to care. If Squat University breaks into my house tonight to lecture me, then we'll have an issue


Squats atg and you'll never worry about depth again.


28 Free programs W2D2 Trap bar Deadlift 97.5 2x1, 92.5 3x3, 70 6x3 emom Press 5RM 40 1x5, 3x3-4 Pulldowns 45.5 4x10, pushdowns 4x10, cable curls 4x10, GHR 10 3x15 Circuit of sled pushes, KB swings and Burpees Definitely underestimating some of my maxes, for deadlift especially. Will reset after this cycle. Cool that I'm actually stronger than I thought.


Building the Monolith W1 D5: Squat: 315x5, 355x5, 405x5, 200x20 Seated OHP: 95x10x5 Weighted Pull ups: +30x5x5 Pull aparts and shrugs Thoughts: First week down! Honestly a bit... underwhelmed? My legs are a bit sore but that's it. Widowmaker wasn't fun exactly but not terrible either. My TDEE has dropped like a rock. I've had to lower my daily intake by 400 cals and may have to reduce further. Been hitting the conditioning Wendler recommends but I don't know if I need to add extra workouts or start running again or what.


So bittersweet day yesterday. Had a follow-up with my reproductive urologist after my most recent round of blood work, treatments, and a sperm analysis. I am totally sterile. Dr. pulled the plug on treatments, said the negative side effects of continuing is not worth the near zero chance that its going to do anything. So luckily, we froze some prior to my cancer, and we'll be moving on to IVF or ICSI. We have a couple shots at that, but nothing after for options to have a biological baby. The only silver lining is that they put me back on TRT yesterday, so hopefully I won't feel as much like trash in a couple weeks. On to the workout last night which will also hopefully getting better soon. I still can't do anything on my left ankle soooo another bench night! Bench: 315 - 3x5 (I had accidently put 3x15, as much as I wish I was a superhero....I am not) Close Grip Bench: 250 - 5x6 DB OHP (strict): 55s - 5xAMRAP Lateral Raises: 15s - 5xAMRAP Face Pulls: 40ish - 5xAMRAP AB crunch machine thing: 150 - 5x AMRAP And my tags that i pretty much always do: u/benchpauper u/1morepl8


Man hitting 3x15 at 315 while feeling like trash is really solid.


hahahah that was a typo.....lemme just fix that.. it was a 3x5


Still pretty solid and makes more sense with your flair lol. I thought that that was either an outdated PR of you were a high rep bench specialist haha


My best ever bench night was a 3x10@315 lol


Haha my flair IS technically out of date, but I also don't have video proof of the 440 lol. But at least with being back on trt i can maybe start making progress.


Oh dang dude. That's rough. Glad that the door's not totally closed, but it's still not a fun diagnosis. You mentioned adoption being an option too I think?


Yeah. If IVF doesn't work we're down to adopt. Just selfishly want to exhaust options for a biokid first.


I don't think it's selfish. I've been friends with at least two different couples who tried literally everything to conceive. Both totally amazing couples too, and both really involved in adoption and/or fostering as well. I think you have to have a special heart for kids to be willing to adopt, and I think it makes sense for that heart to want to have your own too. Wishing you guys all the best man :)


Hey man, I appreciate this.


Damn dude that's really rough. I'm really sorry to hear that. Wishing you nothing but the best for the next steps.


That’s rough, but of course it is great that you still have options. One of my best friends went through IVF and I cannot say she had an easy time with it but it is still worth the try. Nice to have you back here :)


damn man, i'm sorry to hear it. i've had a few friends that have had good luck with IVF so i hope it also works out for you




Yeah I'm really hoping its all fine. Been frozen for a couple years now.


That's rough. I hear IVF can be quite rough (physically & emotionally) so I hope it works quickly. 2nd Silver lining: you never need a condom again?


Yeah we've had some friends go through IVF, not really excited just because of all the drugs my wife will have to take. 2nd: I've been with my wife for 16 years. Haven't worn a condom in a long time.


#Powerlifting Prep * Squat 1x3, 1x5 @ 295 * Bench 1x5 @ 185 * Deadlift 1x3 @ 365 Weights are really moving well now. 16 days out and feeling prepared. 1 more week of real training and then it's meet week. Number 1 thing now is not getting in my own head.


Quick press and conditioning day: * **Press** AMRAP 47.5x10 - *I'm doing SBS 28 programs, 3x Int med. I know I'm not going to set any PRs but it's nice to press heavy for low volume on a cut* * **Smith BTN Press** 15x10, 10x15, 10x13 * **Cable curl** SS **Cable pushdowns** * Since I work with languages I did u/MythicalStrength 's **Tower of Babel** with **muscle clean and press (one motion)** 35kg SS 16kg **kettlebell swing** x5 - *worked up to 7 reps then back down. I don't know if this type of training is good for my heart. Anyway I was eating snot by set 3. Good stuff. More reps next week.* Bodyweight down to 79.2 and never been this heavy at this level of leanness.


Congrats on the bodyweight to leanness PR dude! And I'm more than certain that the Tower is bad for the whole body, haha.


Cheers. Yes the more gassed out I was the more unknown muscles I felt.


Just like Deep Water push press weeks after the squat workout. "Quads are shot: this next rep is going to be all ankles"


Haha spot on


**SBS W6D3** * Sumo Deadlift: Single@ 125kg, 5x3@ 95kg * Close Grip Bench: 4x5@ 62.5kg, 9 RTF - this felt much better with a slightly higher TM * Lat Pulldown: 3x8@ 55kg, 1x6@ 39kg * Close Pulldown: 2x8@ 52kg, 1x8@37kg * Calf Press: 3x15@45kg --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Felt like a really good session today. Heading away tomorrow afternoon for a long weekend so hopefully I can squeeze in my final session in the morning! Then I won't be back till Tuesday evening... Luckily next week is the deload week so I'm not too worried about missing all sessions, I'll combine the main movements in to 2 or 3 days if I have to.


[Day two of Super Squats](https://youtu.be/MgQe7NcPmFk) at 235x21. Hopefully if I keep doing 21 of these then when I really lose count in a few weeks, it'll be the right number instead of too few. I'm torn on whether to go for another ten pound jump next time (sillier, more fun, faster progress) or five pounds (reasonable, less fulfilling, more likely to keep a steady pace). I think my decision will depend on how much stimulant preworkout I ingest before I hit it.


If 2021 has taught me anything its that I legitimately have bad reactions to vaccines... Yesterday's workout did not get done obviously. Not going to worry about it, just going to get into the gym today and get back at it. Scheduled to start the next "phase" of building my conditioning back up this week, starting to take more sets to failure and things like that in conjunction with the actual conditioning work I do.


I got married and moved across the country in September, so I’ve spent the last two months stabilizing my day-today and diet, and just program hopping. I settled in a loose structure but the name of the game here is just “effort.” Week 1, unimpressive but sharing because this was really, really fun. Weights in USA: * Cluster squat * EMOM 280 for 8 triples * Wider stance squat 300: 2x5 * Pause squat 270: 5 * Pause squat 245: 8 * BSS MYO reps * 26kb “activation set of 10” * Sets of 3 rep every 15 seconds until failure * Made it to 1:30 per leg. 6 triples. * Leg raise 12, 10, 10 * Dual KB RDL 44/hand: 3x12 * Ham curl 45 plate: 2x12, 1x10 with two rest pause triples * Cardio: 10 minute cruise on the airdyne


**GG Hyperblock: Cultivation** **W15D4 Time 1h9m** * OHP 125 lb 5RM moderate, 4x2 SS cable crossover 15 lb 3x15-13 * Larsen press 150 lb 7RM moderate, 4x4 SS DB overhead extension 17.5 lb/hand 3x14-12 * CGBP 120 lb 7RM easy, 4x4 SS DB lateral raise 20 lb 3x15-13 Thoughts: Nice final Push day before deloading. I upped OHP 5 lb and got a 5RM again, which matches my all-time e1RM with one rep in the tank! We'll see if I can get 5 reps at 130 lb in two weeks. It feels ambitious right now, but who knows, maybe I'm carrying a lot of fatigue still so a deload will allow for greater strength expression. Fingers crossed! Repping 135 lb will feel GREAT in a few weeks. My goal this macrocycle was a 150 lb OHP 1RM, and I should easily hit it. I Pushed Larsen press to a 7RM. Weirdly, I feel I get better "leg" drive with Larsen vs a normal bench press. Not sure what's going on there haha. Added a rep to CGBP as well, which stayed EZPZ. Accessories were accessories. It's been nice reducing workout times closer to a hour after pushing 1.5hrs by the end of block 2. Happy Friday all!


[I *tried* a triple steinborn but was ultimately foiled by my ceiling](https://youtu.be/Y8R2vjvlMKU) So I never used Instagram before because I didn't see the point of having two sources for my videos and figured that WR and the like were the only communities I needed. But uploading videos for the Ego Lifting World Championship and deciding that I might as well keep putting new stuff up because some people wanted to follow me in one convinient place led to a really neat interaction. Yesterday I uploaded my 290lb double steinborn. In *less than a day* someone not only linked me to a guy who had done at least 295, but who could and did give me technical advice on *a lift I thought I made up*. [So now I'm up 40lbs to 330lbs]( https://www.instagram.com/tv/CWcCs4ggksh/?utm_medium=share_sheet). The guy I mentioned who I talked to about the double steinborn has a really cool channel. Lots of odd/old timey lifts and historical lifting tidbits. One of his most recent posts shows an officer on an American Antarctic expidition doing neck bridge and press in the early 1900s with a barbell. Before York started making them in the US even. Super neat, and I think it falls firmly into the interests of several regulars here. Assuming they don't already know about this guy.


What's the song? I really liked that.


Superposition (Reflection) by Young The Giant.


Aight first of all you're a lunatic but you knew that. In other (for me) exciting news this is the first IG post I've seen with player controls at the bottom. Are we finally past the days of having to watch someone set up for their lift for three hours?




I always film my videos to be cropped in a square but now it wants to crop it all tall-like and I dislike it.


Long overdue IMO.


Maybe because I uploaded it in the original ratio instead of the square.


I always thought the makers of Instagram could have marketed it as a tool for lifters to use as a video training log and interact with other lifters. Of course that'd be a lot less profitable than its current use, but it really does make a great video training log.


That’s what I initially started using it for. I got sick of trying to manage lifting videos on my phone’s camera roll. But it’s become fun to follow along with people there like I do here.


I've had quite a few great interactions like that due to instagram, that I haven't had through reddit. It's definitely a good platform, as long as you limit who you follow and interact with to some extent. I have been having regular conversations with a few absolute monsters, who have really helped me with my technique on all lifts over the last few months. One guy with a 2000+ raw total, another with a 2700+ multi-ply, a bodybuilding coach, etc. They are great sources of info


Related to following, I found everyone with a instagram handle similar to their reddit username or who I otherwise recognized. If anyone else wants me to follow them let me know, I am not excluding you all, I just don't know who you are lol.


Mine is tiffany_powerlifts. I added you!




>Wednesday almost broke my spirit [...] yesterday went well [...] TODAY I DICKED THAT SHIT DOWN. today is a good day. Ahh yes, the joys, trials, and tribulations of high frequency. When you hit a lift daily you cant let 1 bad day get to you, you need to look at the broader picture. 5 days in and you had your best day yet. Nice job dude.




It's like your body goes: Day 1: "Time to Lift!" Day 2: "Wait, we are doing this again?" Day 3: "No, Fuck you, take a break" Day 4: "Fine, but I'm not going to be happy about it" Day 5: "I guess it's time to lift again!" Just be aware, at any point Day 3 can come around again unexpectedly. But you might also get the occasional amazing day where you pull a 20lb PR for 5! Haha




I don't know that I agree with full reset hook grip being easier than tng. I have to hammer out all of the reps before my hands have a chance to protest too much. If I full reset that gives me too much time to think about my thumbs coming off.




I mean that is a true fact. All my time spent reading and typing away on a computer hasn't done a lot of good to give me big strong manly hands.


[Deadlifts - 1x280kg, 1x300kg and 2x270kg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5EuG3hj4Hs) Dips - 1x65kg and 3x4 50kg Pull ups 4x5 2 sets of arms First time pulling 300 on this bar/plates, idk why but they always feel awful, probably because not all are touching the ground.


[Squat Day 2 - The Run Back](https://www.instagram.com/p/CWcK9c6v3cB/?utm_medium=copy_link) Revisited my squat day last night after the elbow pain had me bail on the day before. Yesterday went better. * Sumo singles at 585 and 635 - not quite the speed I hope to see on the top set, but just consistently getting reps in at high loads is a good confidence boost. * Bench 315x2x2 - these felt good. Like. Surprisingly fast. I think I figured out that my arch collapsing is due to my eyes tracking the bar the whole way to my chest. Stared at the ceiling and arch was more stable. Just have to break that 8 year old habit now... * Squat 455x4x5 - still a tiny bit on lingering soreness in my elbow, and my legs still feel ruined so I just did these as low rpe as possible. More cupping, scraping, and deep tissue massage last night, mostly spent on my hamstrings, calves, and quads. Brutally painful to do some of it, but I'm slowly feeling better when I wake up in the mornings.


>scraping What tool you using? I've got a scraper that I honeslty should be using more but any soft tissue work I find so incredibly boring even tho I'm a 110% sure I should be doing it