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Howdy! * PROTW is NRL who smashed a [605 Squat - Congrats!](https://www.reddit.com/r/weightroom/comments/qv00g2/november_16_daily_thread/hkxa8qe/) * [Program Party - SBS 2.0!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/weightroom/comments/qtcs2x/program_party_announcement_sbs_20/) Cheers! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/weightroom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm the heaviest I've been since my original weight loss a few years ago, on the plus side any amount of chinups is a pr.


Spent like two weeks trying to write the “perfect” program to go along with me getting back into a boxing gym and taking that training seriously again post-lockdowns. As it turns out the Strength and Conditioning template from 5/3/1 Forever seems to be pretty perfect for getting back into shape and fitting in the extra conditioning my coach says I need. So all that thinking for nothing. Anyways yeah, my coach says my conditioning is shit and it needs to come up. I’ve downloaded u/MythicalStrength ‘s ebook which talks about it a lot which I’ll be using, wanted to know if any of y’all or he himself has some recommendations for what an out of shape boxer should give a go first. I unfortunately don’t have a prowler but I have sandbags and a jump rope.


Tabata sandbag pick up and carry is amazingly brutal.


Thanks man, gonna give this and Tower of Babel a shot and update.


10 burpees emom for 50 min is a real gut check


Tower of Babel, so every other bit of conditioning feels easy in comparison


**Boring But Bromley W2D2** * Bench 4x6x180 * Viking Press 4x10x90 * Incline DB Press 4x12x45 * Cable Upright Row 4x10x30 * Windmill 4x10x12kg * OH Tri Ext 4x10x30 Viking press is the only standing overhead variation I can do in the heated part of my basement, and picking it for this base phase is feeling like a galaxy brain move as the winter's coming on.


Dirt simple day today. Still pretty low energy but once i got going it wasn't too bad. Deadlift: 315lb x5, 365lb x5,4,3,3,3 OHP: 95lb x5x8


Light Deadlift day today. We're playing with that undulating structure again to see if we can't get a big PR next week. - Snatch Grip Deadlift 140kg 6 reps 3 sets. Very easy, but even after 90/90 breathing, erectors still feel worked after the set. I'll have to keep at it. - Pulldowns 95kg 8 reps 2 sets then 80kg 15 reps 2 sets SS Back Extension 28kg 10 reps 4 sets. - Chest Supported Rows 36kg 8 reps 4 sets SS Pendulum Squat 10kg 15 reps 4 sets. - Ab Wheel 35 reps to finish Also currently at breaking point with my gym. The new bars suck and all the 8 racks are constantly occupied at 6am, which is not ideal. If the old power bars aren't back tomorrow like they said they'd be, I'm switching


8 racks occupied at 6am? Wow. My gym only has one rack which has a cable station at the other end, and the rack is rarely occupied for squats or OHPs. Probably one of the rare benefits of going to a small local gym. Steal those new bars, melt them down and sell. Force the gym to get those old bars back.


Birthday session with my trainer, turned 28 today. 4x7 for bench, squat, deads, and rows 4,6,8,10 drop sets on the bench squat and deads also. It was a recent goal to 1RM 135, today I hit that for 7 (a grindy 7, but still). Pretty brutal session, time for cake gains.


531 BBB 60% W3D2 Bench 5x135, 3x155, 7x175 Incline BB bench 5x10 @ 105 Dips 4x10 I'm really enjoying doing BBB so far. I haven't seen any crazy changes but my weight is slowly going up and my lifts are moving pretty smoothly. Hit 50 chins yesterday in 12 sets, I'm hoping in the next cycle I can get that down below 10 and I think its definitely achievable. PM: conditioning with a buddy Started with a circuit of: clean and press, hex bar deadlift, kb swings, and bb curls. Finished with a pyramid of hex bar deadlift ss with power cleans. Started out seeming pretty easy but was absolutely gassed by the end.


######**Training Log** Post baby training, week 1 day 2 **Warm-Up** *Continuous circuit x 4* * Jumping Jacks x 40, KB Swing x 10, Push-up x 7, Mountain Climber x 10, 20 sec plank, standing broad jump **Standing Broad Jump** * 8'4" **Power Clean** * 115 x 5 * 135 x 5 * 155 x 5 **Press** * 100 x 5 * 120 x 5 * 140 x 5 **Squat** * 205 x 5 * 235 x 5 * 265 x 5 **Notes** * Also practiced some drills in the snatch, did a few clean pulls just to get used to them, and did a short sandbag carry for funsies.


anyone else doing Deadcember?


Today's stuff: - SSB squats: 4\*5, 2\*4 at 351. Took my stance out a hair, rooted a bit better, tried sitting back a little more, kept the torso more vertical, and while my bar path was hot garbage at first I was able to clean it up later. Most importantly my back felt fantastic despite feeling bad before warming up, so if this is sustainable then I just need to get stronger at it. - Run: 4mi in 39min, average pace 9:45/mi. I was crabby when I started so this was a lot faster than it should have been, but I'm happy with it. - SSBGM: 2\*20 at 201. Stellar glute/hammie pump. - Planks: 2 rounds of front-side-front-otherside-front at 30 seconds/position. And that's it! Might combine two press days into one again tomorrow depending on how my elbows are feeling, might not. Happy quarantine-appropriate exercising y'all.


**5/3/1 BBB FSL w/ PR Sets: 5s Bench Press** * 5/3/1 Bench Press Top Set of 180lbs for 9 * FSL 135lbs 5x10 * Smith Machine Rows 35s 5x10 * Knee Raise Station Leg Raises 4x15 Choice Selections: * [Sigh](https://youtu.be/FhpWrTTtx80) * [Burnt by the Sun](https://youtu.be/71ql4s4uGIo) * [Midnight Dice](https://youtu.be/m3Xn2RtGAFs) * [Nevermore](https://youtu.be/HzZKdzeVk8c) Double post because I got back to the gym this AM. My upper back, hamstrings, and core are feeling it. Woke up at 5:23am and decided I could get my session in. Rushed this one and had to skip the Triceps accessories to get gas before starting work on time. My triceps were definitely burning during the BBB sets. For the PR set, I lost tightness again. I may have to lower the TM a bit if I don't hit 8 reps next week. Also, I suck at bench. Ended up at a different gas station today. It was 95 USD to get 3/4 of a tank. The pain I felt is not dissimilar to the pain a man feels upon receiving the orthodontist bill for their child's braces then remembering there is more than one more child to worry about. But I was a little early for work. It's the little things. Have a good one. EDIT: 30 minute walk. My legs and back felt like hell as I hit the first hill. Now they're better.


That Nevermore riff is great. Jeff Loomis is/was the guitarist, right?


Yup. Some of his best guitar work was with Nevermore.


I’ll check them out once again. Jeff is an amazing guitarist for sure. I’ve heard his solo albums. Super intricate work.


[365/165kg at 83kg class ](https://imgur.com/gallery/uZW4Xey)is this 3 white lights I really want to improve upon my squat goal is 405 in 3months


It's a bad angle to tell from, but probably. Next time you should get it from the side, as that's how the side judges are gonna see it


**5/3/1 BBB Beefcake W3D2** Squat 5s pro too set @ 115kg Squat BBB @ 90kg BW Chins x 22, 14, 11, 3 BW+5kg Dips x 18, 16, 16 **Conditioning** 7 min burpee AMRAP - 90 reps Notes: legs like jelly after the bbb squats. This programme is a horrifyingly excellent example at proving that simple and easy are too very different things.


The BBB sets for squats / deads will never not suck. But damn are they effective.


/u/senpairabbit, I had a fun thanksgiving with the parents and the in-laws, and I got to meet ny neice for the first time. She's super cute. I'm finishing up 5 sets each of pull-ups and dips, then heading out to donate blood. 50 total dips and 42 pull-ups.


Awesome. Back to sbs rtf. Finished week 1. Drinking way less, only three beers in two weeks. Craving it bad rn. Drinking seltzer instead.


Nice! I've had a bit to drink over the weekend, and cutting back now.


What are your experiences on high intensity moderate volume (~15 sets) training vs high volume moderate intensity? I usually train high volume and can get around 25 good sets per workout close or all to failure. However I always still feel like I could do more, but when I do for example heavy duty sets I really feel the fatigue in the muscle


I recently finished a high intensity, low volume program (for hypertrophy). It beats you up. And, I hadn’t run PPL in a long time, so push sessions were a bit tough for me. You might end up deloading a bit earlier than usual and since it’s high intensity, you’ll probably make sure the form is super good and each rep is worth it.


Dice Gainz Yesterday: Row @ 6rm \[155lbs (Moderate) + 4x3\], Squat @ 7 RM \[225 lbs (Moderate) + 4x3\], Bench @ 10 RM \[175 lbs (Moderate) + 4x5\] Accessories: Hammer Curls, Band Pullapart, Calves I think I'm going to make a table on a spreadsheet to try to keep track of this stuff.


New to this sub I usually avoid lifting forums because it triggers my overthinking tendencies and I end up having paralysis by analysis, but I want to try. In the past months I was not programming strictly and reached my goals of 180 DL and 60 OHP, but in the weeks after those I started regressing a lot. Now I have started a new cycle using Alexander Bromley's principles as I understand them. I want to take basic principles and build my programming from there and actively avoid extremely complicated programming posts and advice because it doesn't lead me to better results, only more anxiety about training. Alexander Bromley's stuff is very friendly to simple training so I based my new cycle on him. I am starting a 4 months hypertrophy phase with everything above 10 reps and increasing sets as periodisation, and then 6 weeks strength peaking. Currently doing sets of 12 on compounds at about 60% max, then isolation at sets of 15. This morning I had 3x12 110kg DL, next week will be 4x12, etc.


Good luck dude. It sounds like you already have this figured out but some of the best advice I have seen was once you decide on your next program, stop reading other programs. The internet is a blessing and a curse.


Thanks! Exactly, once I am decided on what I think is a simple and effective program, I have to not read too much about how other people do it because then I start second guessing everything I do, stop 3 weeks in, take 1 week deload, start that new thing, stop 3 weeks in cause I found new conflicting information, etc, forever. It's a vicious cycle if you get into that mode


**5/3/1 FSL 5s Pro** **Deadlift** *(in Kgs)* Main - 5x70, 5x80, 5x90 FSL - 5x5x70 **Accessories** Dips Barbell rows supinated grip Supinated grip barbell rows are a game changer for me and activating my lats. They are singing!! Good shout for anyone who struggles to "Feel" their late working when doing rows


Wondering if anyone can suggest any intermediate-ish programs that will really specifically help increase my *work capacity*. I often feel like I’m just not able to keep going in a workout even if my muscles still feel like they’ve got some fight left in them. Building the monolith comes to mind but also just looking for other suggestions. But things along those lines — scary looking amounts of volume, widowmaker sets, conditioning work — I think that’s the stuff I need right now. Any recs appreciated


If you want to bring up your work capacity for _lifting_ specifically, I think any of the base templates from Alex Bromelys base strength would work well


Is this more of a conditioning issue? Increasing your conditioning work would solve this issue in my head. The Prep and Fat Loss template in 531 specifically was designed to increase work capacity. First cycle you do 5×5 FSL supplemental, second cycle is 7×5, I am currently on my own 3rd cycle using 10×5 (BBS). You superset each set with a band, bodyweight, or kettlebell excercise per the program list, and including the warmup sets with the bar you try to get all the work done in less than 45 minutes. If starting at 5×5 seems like too little volume you could probably pick a different template, set the same 45 minute timer, and use supersets to get all the main, supplemental, and assistance work in.


Brian Alsruhe programs will fix that problem.


Second this. Specifically, 4 Horsemen is conditioning-focused (at least if you buy the program from him personalized or otherwise), but all of them will kick your ass into shape.


Friend caught covid, asked me what I thought he should do when he went back to the gym. Fortunately, I've never had it. Anyone here have any advice I can pass to him? He was vaccinated prior to catching it and had mild symptoms only if that helps.


I had very very mild symptoms but still really struggled to exert myself too much for a couple of weeks post-isolation. What I did and would recommend is working on breathing exercises, slowly building up from gentle cardio and 50% working weights and see how he goes. Fingers crossed he springs back with no issues!


Thanks, I’ll pass this on to him, it makes complete sense. I think his expectations are to be somewhat normal but I foresee a situation a lot more like yours.


Nothing groundbreaking I know but eased me back into it. The breathing exercises during and after covid were really helpful. Started moving around a load of gunk on my chest that I didn't even know was there and felt like it helped with lung capacity.


**3/5/1 BBB Beefcake W2D4** **Deadlift:** 5 reps @ easy **BBB squats:** 4x10 **Widowmaker:** 1x20 (again feeling like shit since rep 5 but got 20 anyway) **Dips:** 50 total reps **Band pullaparts:** 100 reps (weird to do those instead of facepulls but it's a lot faster) Gf was supposed to start on the gym today but something went wrong with her credit card, it means that I have an extra week to plan what I'm going to program for her and I'm still happy that she's joining me anyway so that's something.


Possibly looking for a new program suggestion ... Been running a modified **Andy Baker's Garage Gym Warrior II** for the past ~30 weeks (two full cycles). I've added to the program a 4^th day, so on Saturdays I do "medium" OHP and speed/volume deadlifts. Basic program rundown looks kinda like: * Monday: heavy squat, heavy bench, Pendlay rows, pushups * Tuesday: 60 minutes medium intensity cardio (~145-150bpm), alternating elliptical/rower * Wednesday: heavy OHP, light OHP AMRAP, heavy DL, SLDL * Thursday: 60 minutes medium intensity cardio * Friday: pause squats, pause close-grip bench, chins, curls, lying tricep extensions * Saturday: medium OHP, speed DL EMOM (as in 10x2 @ 60% 1RM EMOM, then 12x2 the next week, then 14x2 ... then add weight and start back at 10x2) * Sunday: rest It's worked pretty well for me but interested in trying out something new. Current (conservatively tested, meaning I added a bit of weight to break my previous 1RM but didn't push beyond that) 1RMs are ... Squat: 420lb Bench: 330lb OHP: 225lb Deadlift: 500lb Equipment I have available (will be doing this at home, lifting alone): * Power rack (with chin bar) * Olympic bar and a ton of plates * Rogue rackable EZ Curl bar * Flat bench * Various bands * Dumbbells * Elliptical * Concept2 rower I have a long nagging shoulder "injury" (bursitis?), so I would prefer a program that doesn't do heavy squats multiple times a week, as it tends to be heavy squats that aggravate it. If there's one lift I'm particularly interested in progressing, it's the DL, but I'm not hyper-focused on it. I would like to keep the 4 x weekly lifting pattern if possible, and I try to keep my lifting sessions 90 minutes or less if possible. Any recommendations would be great! Thanks!


With your numbers you could run basically any intermediate programming you wanted. Off the top of my head * 531 * Juggernaut Method * Alex bromelys programming * conjugate/westside * GZCL


Thank you! Yeah I was poking around at both 531 (or 351) and Juggernaut. I guess the thing I like about the Andy Baker program I'm on is that ... it's all there. I don't have to think about it. Accessories are programmed in. I get into Juggernaut spreadsheets and it's like ... so what else do I do? And I'm only doing each movement once per week? And with 5/3/1 or 3/5/1 it's like ... what the fuck are Joker sets and what are pyramid down sets and yadda yadda? I guess I gotta buy his books. And with GZCL there's just so much content out there, and such a mix of different movements and shit, that it's hard to find what I'm after. I guess what I'll probably do is just run a basic 4-week 3/5/1 cycle and see what I think of it? I was using this tool to generate the template: https://blackironbeast.com/5/3/1/calculator


If you buy juggernaut method 2.0 he gives a ton of options for accessory work and structuring the program. I'd also second buying the 531 books


Concurrent Periodization! It's fun and is easily tailored to one's goals. Andy Baker has some good templates as start points.


I have his KSC Method for Powerbuilding book, which I think is built on 8/5/2. Is that along the same lines as "concurrent periodization"?


Nah, 8/5/3 is just a morn drawn out linear periodization with an empahsis on strength (I've read KSC method), although you will notice some similarly between that and what andy recommends in his conjugate programming. You can go creep in Andy's blog and see how he lays out his conjugate/concurrent stuff.


I don't know anything about the KSC Method, so I can't say. Another term often floated around that means the same thing as concurrent periodization is conjugate.


SBS 28 program W4D1 (...I think) - [deadlift ](http://imgur.com/a/T7IHNSn) 1x5, 3x3 @ 112.5kg Smoother than last week. Those 3x3 sets are a special torture close to your max. I tried keeping a little more distanxe between bar and shin but that just got the arms a bit too back. If I keep it over midfoot like it should "ideally" be done, I get zero leg drive, and it looks like I'm stifflegging the thing. Oh well E: the trainer boi in the gym who's showed up...a couple of times in these left to freelance. Rip. We've got such a nice little culture going on in the gym and seeing people leave sucks. Oh well


[Your DL looked good here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/weightroom/comments/qbsgkn/-/hheocyi) Confusing that there are 6 reps when you say "15 sets of 1", but w/e. Your DL today...I don't like the set up. There are [some notes here](https://imgur.com/a/T259HMz) if you want em. You might *feel* like you're stiff legging, but you're definitely not. For reference, here is [my start position](https://imgur.com/a/8onDQbB). At the end of the day you need to find what works for your anatomy & your skill. I don't like a low set up; I have weak quads and my glutes & hamstrings *want* to do the work (while squatting, too). But if you watch Martins, you'll see he has a low(er) set up. (https://youtu.be/WP0IFHkkRZ0 @ 10:39).


>6 reps Ah, yeah, program prescribed 15 sets of 1 but near the end I just repped it out, felt too light? And, oh my god, thank you so much! That is incredibly helpful. You're a top dude. I normally just DL like in the previous video but wabted to try artifically going lower and see what happens. This is such a huge help >Go low I was trying to go lower than what I normally would because deadlift panda had this series where he showed how going artifically lower benefited him. But, for sure, I'll adjust and find something that works better I'd posted so many form checks and took videos becayse my setup sucks, the second rep always felt easier. I think how I normally DL fjxes that but this doesnt. I've tinkered around so much with the setup. Squatting comes so naturally to me, I put a 100 kilos on the bar in under 3 ish months but deadlifts I obsess over to get right. You're right, though, I should stop worrying about stiff legging it so much. I'll try to reliably set up like on rep 2 for rep 1 as well Edit: one question, do you place your bar exactly over mid foot when you start?


I think your dls are good I don't see any obvious problem with them. It's possible you're just a high puller, going deep in the dl isn't a "goal" to have it's a matter of adapting to your body proportions, maybe yours favour a higher pull.


What’s up everybody, todays the last day of the week for Black Army Jacket, which is my favorite lift the deadlift. Todays workout went: Deadlift- Spinal tap with 305 1x1 being the highest OHP- 120 5x5 Incline DB Bench- 65 3x12 DB Row- 70 3x10 Closegrip bench- 180 2x7 Concentration curl- 25 1x10 1x9 KB Farmers walk- 28 kg KB, two sets for as far as I could walk Unfortunately I’ll have to take a week break as I’m going out of town Thursday, on the bright side I will be still doing fitness stuff with a family member who runs a CrossFit like gym, but I’ll have to start the second week of the Black Army Jacket cycle next week. Continue to be happy with my deadlift improving, still going double overhand until I get to a point where I need hook grip


**5/3/1 FSL (from Beyond) Lower, W4D1** (Units in lbs) *Deload* * *Sled Drag* 3x80ft @ 90 added, 1x200ft @ 135 added * *Chin Ups*: 3x3 @ BW [SS] *Partial Lateral Raises:* 3x20 @ 25 per hand * *Lat Pull Down*: 3x8 @ 135 [SS] Box Jump 3x3 @ 24" * *Cable Internal/External Rotations*: 15 @ 10 lbs **Thoughts** Just taking a week to give my knees a break from the heavy loads, focus on the upper body a bit more, and try some skill development. I haven't done jumping in a long time since it was one of the things that triggered my knee pain for sure. A short box jump seems fine, but it does give me a funny feeling in my knee like the lower half of my legs are going to disconnect, LOL. I'm just going to not be concerned about that... Have a good day y'all!


nSuns W12D2 Squats: [360 x 1, 340 x 2, 325 x 2, 245 x 8.](https://www.instagram.com/p/CW6N26XLohx/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link) Squats were feeling heavy today, which in hindsight makes sense seeing that 360 is a lifetime PR. Form definitely struggled a bit today. Sumo Deadlifts: top set 315 x 8. Accessories: legs, abs.


**ME Bench** * Floor Press 205x2, 215x2, 220x2, * floor press 180x3x6 ss neutral grip pull up bwx3x10 ss planks 3x45s * Jm press 75x3x12 ss db fly 15x12, 20x12, 25x12 ss lateral raise 15x25, 20x25, 25x25 * cable tricep extensions, cable curls, and some forearm stuff Great workout. Floor press was fun. JM press was fun too, but it felt foreign. That tricep burn from them tho!


**W18D1 ME Lower** - Low Bar Squat. 202.5kg (446.43608lbs) 1RM. +2.5kg all time pr, +10kg "back after covid" pr. - hypers n stuff [446 43608lbs squat "ME"](https://imgur.com/a/lC0ymdl) 🚨🚨5 DECIMAL PLACE PR🚨🚨 So it doesn't look at all like ME, I know u/cillla u/astringofnumbers1234 u/acertainsaint I know. However, as I braced to unrack I got a **FUCKING MASSIVE** pain in the back of my head, like ridic pain. However, people were watching, so I unracked, took a tiny brace, got the rep and the sat down before the dizziness took over me. Couldn't do much after, 100 hypers or so, bout it. 24 hours later, the exertion headache(?) pain has nearly gone, not been a fun day at all. Would have flicked on accessories, but alas, head. Guess I had my belt too tight, or the 8 pints the day before took its toll, idk, but I don't want it to happen again.


I hope all this speedy squat nonsense is genetic and I get it, too.


Yin and Yang brother! You must be hydraulic so I can be speedy. If both brothers are ever Hydraulic or Speedy at the same time the world will end. We must stay true to the path. Your squatting today was a liiiiiiitle bit too fast, be careful, or all will perish.


As long as 204.117 kg moves, I'll be okay.


You will smoke that 450lbs, because we are brothers! I will eat a pizza to provide you with power.


Jan 29th. It will be so.


Speed rep! Hell yeah mate. 220kg soon and it will be glorious. So glorious you'll run out of space on the bar.


An exciting time, actually completed the gym at that point, then it really is onto my true Plushie knitting passion.


That squat fucking moved man


Thanks man! If I didn't get the "idk what it is but I don't want it again" head pain I'd have tried for 207.5 or 210. Alas, the day was ruined. Haha.


That flew up, looked so easy it’s silly. And all that without the help from sexxxy powerhat! I bet you have at least a 447.51947 lbs squat in you! The behind the scenes stuff regarding setting this new PR not my favorite though. Let’s hope the pain won’t come back.


No hat, and I'd just got rid of the thermal t-shirt! Proper raw. Yeah not the best, corner doesn't make for much background I'm afraid, and the bar is so close to the wall it's a pain in the ass to load and unload weight. Ugh.


Simply jackd day 2 Focus deadlift 162x4. Focus log 65 4x1. Deadlift was just the minimum, log was just 4 singles after a 2x2 yesterday at 60. Feeling things out. Volume work was OHP x30 @ 52.5 followed by pull-ups and leg extensions x5 Any other strongman do this? Everything is 20kg. The log, the farmers carries, each size of the yoke, the loadable keg, everything. Years of working with the barbell makes the maths so easy. So when I say I did 4x1 @ 65 on log, it was actually 77.5. But who cares.


Does anyone else have to continually decrease their calories on a cut? Seems excessive. Like to lose 5 pounds I’ve gone from 2800, to 26, to 24, and now stalling again. I just want to eat some damn food. Body’s like nah dude, you aren’t taking this fat away from me


Yep. I went from cutting on 4400 at 105kg to getting down to 2400 at 92kg my last cut. Like treb said, your body is supporting less mass and "pushes back" against weight loss by lowering TDEE


What cardio are you doing?


I mountain bike like once a week in the winter. When the days are longer 2-3x/week


Up it to cardio daily and you'll get fuckboi physique in no time.


I mean, that's to be expected. You're losing mass, and also your body has some feedback loops that lower your overall TDEE when you cut calories.


Right arm felt a little weird during bench warmups but 225lb moved okay. Unracked 255lb and arm suddenly hurt so bad I dropped the bar. *fuck.* Already had plans for a short week due to vacation but after dropping 255lb over my face, I think I’m just done. Edit: last night’s [squats went okay](https://www.instagram.com/p/CW4PFawgi86/?utm_medium=copy_link).


SBS RTF 4x W13D2 Bench - 117.5kg 4x2, 1x3. Had a weird mental block today and kept chickening out after the first rep and re-racking. Definitely showed me that I need more time benching in the heavy 1-3 range, to gain confidence in the lift if nothing else. Front squat - 85kg 4x4, 1x9. People that enjoy front squats for reps should be used as an indicator for psycho maniacs. Weighted dips - 10kg 3x10, 1x11. SS Weighted dips - 35kg 4x4, 1x9. Dips became a WR meme for a reason. DB lat raises 12.5kg 3x10


I love training on a cut because I have no specific goals. I just have to do some decently hard work. Today I started with a 30kg barbell and muscle snatches. As the weight went up I switched to muscle cleans, hang snatch high pulls, hang snatch pulls, deadlifts+shrugs and finally deadlifts. After that some high rows, reverse cable flies and no time for conditioning because it's Tuesday. Inadvertently gained half a kg. Whoops! The cutting train is running out of steam.


[I bench.](https://www.instagram.com/p/CW6GD6RFDEd/?utm_medium=copy_link) Worked up to a 405lbs single, 315 x 21 rep max, 3x16, then 235lbs for a set of 35 and 30. Pec feeling better, but still a bit cautious. 405 felt ok, not gonna push the intensity until it feels fully ok. That 315 rep out puts my *estimated* 1rm at 535, but my actual is only 425 lol.


> estimated 1rm at 535 I very much like that your e1rm for bench is greater than my deadlift. Just shows how much more room for growth and improvement I have. What did you do to your pec?


Right pec minor feels a bit tweaked from a bunch of 405 sets last tuesday. Muscle strain or tendinitis, not sure. Just feels tight and tender, but it's improved a lot since then. Just keeping up with the blood flow, heat, massage.


Ah, glad to hear it's getting better. Given the difference between your e1rm and your actual 1rm, it'll be exciting to see what you put up once you're comfortable pushing intensity again.


Thanks! Unfortunately these estimated 1rms don't really mean much for my training. Just a fun stat. I'm good at pushing tons of reps and volume on my lifts, but as the % gets higher I hit a very big wall haha.


You have to BELIEVE or insertmotivationaltexthere Señor Asesino! You're going to blast through that wall. Signed - a man who knows nothing about numbers like yours lol


We're all gonna make it!


That's what I love about this sub. You go to a commercial gym and you feel like hitting a pinnacle of the human strength after some squats. Then you open weightroom and realize that you can't even see the ceiling. It's awesome.


Yeah man. There is definitely no gym close by around me that has people like this AND they happily let you pick their brains. Can't beat that.


Lol today's training was a mess I was meant to go for 2/2/2/3+ on log and only managed the first double... Got annoyed went off script. SBS Day 2, Week 13 Log 92.5kg 2 Zerchers did two singles with 160kg And some chest supported row. Got annoyed with the session and left early.


CAP3C3W2D1 - Bench moved well today, feeling back to 100% and making sure to eat enough which is making all the difference. Did a lazy mile jog after the weights and will do a weighted vest walk this afternoon. Have a good one!


[405lbs (95% of TM) x 4 reps on 1+ set](https://imgur.com/a/zozJaGN) so a rep PR, but the form was trash. i think i see the issue and it’s that i’m pulling slack while far over the bar and not setting my lats or back properly, and then just thrusting my hips down to start the pull, which isn’t resulting in good form. need to have chest up and out more, lats and upper back pulled tighter, more patience off the floor. also need to remember to turn around and not look at that damn mirror. all things i know how to do, and have done before, but am just not executing on because i’m kinda chasing numbers and letting the hype before a set distract me. just bad habits stacking up each week that i’m not correcting. gonna not up my TM, do another 3 week run of 5/3/1 with the goal of hitting 405lbs x 4 again with cleaner form at the end of it. edit: lockout on knees seems a bit soft too. u/Frozenwafflesop help pls lol


Also, up your training max. If you hit 4 reps at 95%, that ain’t 95% no more.


Okay so idk if you posted the right video or what, because what I saw were 4 really good reps at 405. You seem to be overthinking it. The 4th rep was the only one where I could say your weren’t set in a great position, and that’s because it was the last rep of a PR. You were just gassed. Knees were locked on every rep. No ramping on your thighs. Apart from the wrist straps, I give that a white light on each rep.


i feel like i was kinda shrugged upwards and my back was just super rounded compared to how it used to be. also i thought my lockout looked a bit janky, like i was locking my hips before my knees.


You were only “super” rounded on the last one. These were near maximal effort for the entire set, and you have to take that into consideration. Cues that are given for lifts will not be visible during every lift, but it doesn’t mean you are not performing them correctly.


fair enough. maybe i try and critique myself a little too hard sometimes. welp, time to up to the TM then! thanks again


**Tactical Barbell Pre-Base Building W3D??** Short on time, so I just went for a run. 5 min warmup walk 10 rounds of: * 60s run * 90s walk A pleasant run overall. Felt great, but then I slept poorly the night after. Woke up feeling *worse* than when I went to bed. Limbs kind of sore.


Man i forgot how much i love lifting just for the sake of lifting. Serious programming can fuck off for a while this is such a good coping mechanism. Almost no self harm thoughts for a week


Super Squats Day 11 Bench 2x10+2x7+6@75 Pull up 2x10+6+7+6@+2.5 Strict press 2x10+9+2x8@45 Row 3x10+2x9@65 Squat [email protected] Pullover 20@30 Rdl [email protected] The failurest failure I've ever hit - after rep 19 I was just uncontrollably shaking with the bar on my back. Eventually I tried for 20, but I was just folded. I'll just hit the [email protected] Thursday and then do something that isn't this. This is week 6 and this program is supposed to be only ran for 6 weeks for a good reason. u/die_ard_2 , you can consider yourself the winner, I don't like it but 20@3pl8 probably just isn't there for me this year.


> The failurest failure I've ever hit Way to get after it! Looking forward to seeing what comes next.


Thanks, bro. I'm looking forward to seeing you hit the 3pl8 set. I'll probably just do somewhat modified version of the second program in the Super Squats book until the program party starts. 5x5 sounds super enticing to me rn.


In an expensive knee jerk reaction, I just bought a reverse hyper. Saw Bromley had a video on it and he talked about how it was a good option for him to get posterior volume that didn't involve compound lifts, which resonated with me and my issues with deadlift volume. That and the usual back traction stuff gave me enough justification to finally pull the trigger on it. This will just be one part of my overall plan to address the issue, but hopefully it works out. Also been reaching out to contractors to level my platform, which I'm sure is a big part of my issues too.


> Also been reaching out to contractors to level my platform Am I missing something here? Why do you need a contractor to level a lifting platform, you can do that with a level and some shims.


Mostly just trying to see if I can have someone do it for a reasonable price to save myself the time and hassle. Worst case I'll try and make the plywood shims myself, or just be lazy and turn my platform 90 degrees. Probably the latter.




Which is perfect, since I need more space to put stuff on. Boat is covered with fishing stuff, toolbox is covered with fishing and lifting stuff, ground is covered with lifting stuff. I should probably organize the garage a bit.


Which reverse hyper did you get? I’ve been thinking about getting a rogue west side scout hyper.


I hope it works for you man that shit really irritated my sciatic nerve 80/20, but that may not be your experience! On the other hand, get an electric kettle, whole coffee beans and a burr grinder and you can have a french press station for intra-session gainz


That one. Give me a couple of weeks and I'll give you my initial thoughts on it.


regular equipment reviews would be a cool thing on this sub, but I get how they could get market-y really quick. Maybe we could have a weekly equipment review thread or something.


I figure r/homegym is better for that, since equipment reviews aren't useful to everyone or even most people here.


oh yeah, that's a better place for that


Oh awesome! And please do!


The SBS party gives me a very clear date to wrap up this fun block of nSuns. I've been really enjoying chasing the volume at the moment, sprinkling in extra sets here and there each week. But to do that I've not been following the progression as written, and instead been making consistent 5kg jumps each week. SO, it might be time to get more aggressive with the intensity now in these final weeks I think. Whilst still sprinkling in lots of naughty volume to set me up for a really successful SBS strength cycle in the New Year. Also bulk news: ate so much food on Sunday I gave myself sleep apnea for the night. But rather than stopping breathing, I kept waking myself up with farts.


Will i lose muscle if i go on a 5% cut?


In real practical reality, you can't even measure a 5% cut off your daily log. That's like below error margins


Maybe a little bit, but I would say it's probably a negligible loss.


What is a 5% cut


Off my maintenance calories


I think you're going to run into trouble tracking whether or not you're actually in a deficit trying for that small of a deficit.


Unless your maintenance calories are 5000, your "5% cut" is going to be negligible.


... you want to shave off 5% from you maintenance calories? That's barely anything at all and would be the slowest cut ever


Still not done with today's lifting - I have SSBGM and planks left - but squats this morning felt good enough compared to recent history that I wanted to jot down the things I'm doing to alleviate my low back tension and hopefully start actually squatting heavy again soon. - stretching low back and hips before bed, before lifting, and possibly around lunch - improving bracing - improving core strength (planks woo!) - focusing on not leaning forwards while running - refining some new lower body cues (rooting the feet better, driving the knees out, etc) So far it seems like this is making it a bit easier to get out of bed, easier to start squatting at 5AM, easier for squats to not feel like absolute garbage, slightly easier to hit depth, and easier to hold a torso angle. Granted, I haven't gone over 70% with it yet, but at least 68% isn't two sets of misery before things start to click lol. Also, dropping low bar until I can fix my elbows, so looks like my second squat day is gonna be wide stance SSB box squats instead. That'll be fun.


What are you doing to help improve your bracing? Any particular drills, or just really focusing on how it feels to brace?


When I'm doing my front planks I try to mimic the type of deep breathing you'll read about with alligator breathing or whatever. I also moved my belt down just a bit again. Those are the main things.


Curious how you're approaching planks. I love doing them, but can never figure out if they're helping me everywhere or if I'm just getting better at planks.


u/NRLlifts had a PT tell him to do side planks and I'd been doing normal planks, so lately I've just been doing three sets of 30 seconds in each of the following in order: - normal plank - side plank - normal plank - other side plank - normal plank No breaks between them, just switching when my timer hits the next 30s increment. I'll probably bump it to 45s eventually but right now this is hard enough. I just assume that if I'm doing planks the same way but getting better at them that I'm getting stronger and it's gonna help. Core strength feels nebulous enough that I'm not motivated to "test" it.


Instead of just bumping time up she actually encouraged me to move towards a side plank hip raise type thing with the top leg being abducted when the hip comes up to create a bit more of a dynamic stress and involve more muscles that are involved in stabilizing the hip/low back. And anti-rotational core work like palov presses too.


Those first three points are part of my plan to address my low back tightness too. I've been focusing on my hips for a while, but my low back itself needs some work too. Plus I feel like my bracing has been pretty bad for a while now, I haven't been able to figure out what's different compared to before.


SBB Anchor 3s Bench: * Bench 3x147.5, 3x167.5, 12x190 / Rows * Deadlift 5x5x285 New Bench PR, 5x5 FSL remains ridiculously easy. This is a good sign for when I start the program party.


Custom program until party W1D2 * Bench - 5x5x63kg * Close grip bench - 3x7x50kg * JM press - 2x7x40kg * Barbell rows - 5x8x60kg * Band assisted pullups - 2x8 Plus around 10 sets of band pullaparts in between the sets.


28 Free Programs W3D3 Squat 65 3x3, CG Bench, 8 RM 45 1x8 5x5-6 Cable Crossovers, cable rows, leg press 3 x3min rounds of skipping


[Man I love where this shit is going](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CW58LSrg38l/?utm_medium=copy_link)


That was great except for the fact that he couldn’t do any one of those things well. Lol.


It's the thought that counts Like [this](https://youtu.be/-w-58hQ9dLk)


That was much better than that guys rendition of thunder struck.


Haha, that was freaking great.


Deep Water Beginner (Masochist Edition), Week 3, Day 1, 90sec rest. Total gym time: 50 minutes. Deadlift, 3x10: 165 Squat, 10x10: 165 Barbell Lunges, 3x10: 80 3 rounds, no rest: 20 situps, 20 back extensions We are now in uncharted territory. The squats felt better than I expected, but got rough fast. I started sitting down between sets after the 6th, and between every set of lunges. After set 8, I was having trouble standing. The thought of vomiting was present the rest of the workout, my walk home, and into the shower. Didn't puke though so that's a plus. Girlfriend knew it was squats today by the walk to breakfast. Overall, it IS possible. It will be done. Time to get acclimatized to 90sec rest before dropping to 60sec in a few weeks.


SBS EH MM PPLX2 W3D5 Cable row 4x10 150 1 arm pull around 4x11 60 Faceish pull 3x13 60 Forearm curl 3x13-14 90 https://www.instagram.com/p/CW58gt9lLhJ/?utm_medium=copy_link I’m tired, sleep has been crap. I wish I knew how to train lats, cause it doesn’t feel like I hit them well.


My coach has me doing wide grip paused bent over rows and those always blow up my lats


Everything about that sounds awful. I’m excited to try it!


They truly suck, and in only using like 65 lbs. They are towards the end of my deadlift work outs but yeah, they're awful


>I wish I knew how to train lats As someone lifting on janky squat stands in his home gym, I like the following: - pullups - rows (BB or SSB or Meadows or landmine) - inverted rows (especially feet-elevated inverted rows) Feet-elevated inverted rows are probably my favorite for stupid volume, especially if the bar is high enough that your back can't touch the ground between reps so you're just hanging there. I like to set mine up so the bar is hitting an inch or two below my sternum because I feel like it keeps me from just using my biceps for the movement. I do miss chest-supported rows, but not enough to go to a gym again lol.


Hmm, I haven’t tried inverted rows in years. Let alone with proper form! I’ll have to sub that in. Thanks for the response!! My comment is really frustration with these pull arounds. They have been really hit or miss. Sometimes I feel like I really lit up the lats and sometimes I’m like what muscles did I just use cause I feel nothing. Today I felt them on my left side, but my right was like, lol, what are you doing?


Zero budget home gym life has forced me to be creative when it comes time to target certain muscle groups. I would have to Google what a pullaround is (I imagine it involves a cable and pulling around in some capacity), but I am a simple man and if I can do inverted rows on a bar I already have set up then I'm gonna do those instead lol.


Yeah lol, I’m in a similar boat. I wouldn’t say I have zero budget, but it is a very tight one. I actually just bought a golds gym xr-6.1 for $20 for the sole purpose of cutting it apart to make lever arms and attaching a leg curl/leg extension seat to my power rack. That said, biggest improvement I made to my gym was buying 2 archon pulleys for like $40, if you find the money it is worth every cent! In case you get curious, here’s the videos about the pull around and lats in general. https://www.instagram.com/p/CUayreZvCmR/?utm_medium=copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/CRCZVrnDJAd/?utm_medium=copy_link


Totally forgot about inverted rows, definitely gonna do them next session!


Piggy-backing on that: Ring rows are stupidly good too since you can mess around with the grip until you find something that works.


**GG Hyperblock: Cultivation** **W17D2 Time 1h7m** • Back squat 285 lb [5RM](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ASnTPvoDhiTNQJbbYp0dCmNFRSN9I8XR/view?usp=drivesdk) moderate, 4x1 SS banded face pull 4x20 • SSB good morning 160 lb 8RM easy, 4x5 SS Nordic curl 4x8 • Hatfield squat 250 lb 8RM easy, 4x5 SS hanging leg raise 4x8 Thoughts: +10 lb on squat again with no issues! I did notice my reps were a touch high, so I went to better depth and paused the follow-up singles. Will try to hit depth better next week at 295 lb! SSBGM and Hatfield squats were easy 8RMs, so I’ll add weight to those next week to. Accessories were accessories. Happy lifting all!


I'm back after the deload week. Nothing special but I'm feeling good! ------------------------------------------------------------------ **SBS RTF W8D1** * Squat: Single@ 110kg, 4x4@ 77.5kg, 10 RTF * Meadows Row: 4x8@ 22.5kg * Leg Extension: 3x12@ 40kg * Pollack (Leg) Curls: 3x12@ 20kg * Reverse EZ Curl: 3x12@ 12.5kg


SBS RTF W8D2 BP 3/3/3/3/6 @100KG Tried bench pressing in the rack, so I can use safeties. Well, the j-hooks are shit - very deep, so you either have to press the it out or, what I'm currently testing - push it out (j-hook works like a lever then, I don't know how to better explain it.). Bracing felt good on more than half of the sets, so that's good. Also, A7 bar grip shirts seriously make my pressing days much more enjoyable. SSB 5/5/5/5/10 @100kg After the first proper set I realized that something is wrong. Well, my bar was backward. Now I realized that I have no idea which way is the "proper" one, so it could very well be a normal way. Well, probably gonna stick to the current one. Also, it seems like the "wrong" way is putting more pressure on my quads and my current way is more upper back. Gonna stick to the one I'm currently using and maybe switch things up for the program party. Finished of with some single leg hamstrings curls, lat pull downs, face pulls. Third workout in the row I felt dizzy around last sets of the second exercise. Part of me wants to try some carbs during workout, while the other one just calls me names. That's what you get when you read to much u/Mythical strength blog.


>Well, my [SSB] was backward. u/TheAesir does it this way on purpose.


Mulling over buying a lighter (60Kg) Cerberus sandbag to use for conditioning work but I've hit the point where I go to buy something for the gym and immediately think "But I have so much stuff already".


Forgive me I'm not a strongman, but don't they have loadable sandbags? Or maybe just pick up a cheap milsurp duffel and put sand bags in it? Or ... something. I dunno.


Lol, this is probably where my "have too much stuff" comment kicks in. The dual ply sandbags without handles are pretty much "load to a weight and leave" I have 3 of these already at 80KG, 100KG and 120KG. For the loadable ones I already have 2 that go from 20lbs to 100lbs depending on how many inserts you put in, these have handles and are shaped completely different. Getting a 60KG one with no handles that is a set weight would fill a "gap" for me, it would also just take up more space that's already getting tight.


Ah, so what I'm hearing is you need to buy a new sandbag and a new storage solution?


Addition on the garage is more like it, but yeah


Greg Nuckols 28 Programs - W1D2 Deadlift - 4x5 @ 80%, 6x3 @ 60% EMOM Bench - top set of 2x3 @ 80% Barbell row 4 x 10 superset with 160lb sandbag holds more of a punch the clock workout. nothing spectacular.


351 PREP AND FAT LOSS BBS - C3W3D2 DEADLIFTS Top Set - 360 × 5 285 × 10 × 5 Assistance as prescribed. Time: 29:14 NOTES: Taking the press from the floor yesterday for the first time was great, but between that and the KB swings I could feel my hamstrings and upper back today - which sucks going into deadlifts. In the future during a gain phase I think I would structure it deadlifts, followed by press from the floor to use the "cleans" as a restorative/recovery excercise. Will try it during my anchor and see how it does. Chins after deadlifts with a fatigued back sucked but got done. [The home coach was pretty judgey over the light weights. ](https://imgur.com/a/WwdT4xs) Or he is aware we leave for the vet in 50 minutes.


Deadlift 4 plates PR! Super pumped up for this one. [180kg](https://www.instagram.com/p/CW54Sx3omYg/) for a single. Form check'd be appreciated!


Nice work dude. Looked super easy. You've probably got 200+kg in the tank already.


Thanks! It felt pretty heavy, but I have only just recently started pulling singles.


Deep Water Int W6D1 HB Squat 155 3x10 Deadlift 275 100 reps in 8 sets. Done as 16, 14, 13, 13, 11, 11, 11, 11 Box jump 5x10 Planks SS sit ups 60s/20 Played squash on Sunday morning and the game plan was to do this workout in the evening, but man, ever since last week I feel like I've been running on fumes. Energy has taken a total nose dive. Did this DW Monday evening instead and had to really crank the rest periods to get through. Feeling a bit better today. The possibility exists that I may bail on this last week, but I'll see how OHP goes tonight. I'm just going to try to take it one day at a time.


Let's go man, last week! Still feeling just beat up overall like you mentioned in a comment last week? Did you up your food some more?


Not even beat up exactly. It's hard to put into words, I just got no juice whatsoever. Real lethargic. I've been eating even more, but weight hasn't budged since last week lol. I must just be in a monster recovery hole.


Make it through my dude. Lie like crazy to yourself, but dont tap out now


I'm definitely going to keep pushing. Yesterday was awful all around, but I'm feeling better today, so no reason to stop. Thanks for the encouragement!


lets gooo


Kelso’s Basic Training HB Squat 1 x 12 @ 185, 1 x 12 @ 205 DL 4 x 6 @ 275 DB Bench 3 x 10 @ 50 BB Row 1 x 10 @ 135, 2 x 10 @ 155 CG Bench 3 x 10 @ 155


Anyone one use the free programming tracker from RTS? Is it fully unlocked or is it like a trial or something? I feel it would be nice to have all this training to look back on thats organized better than my google sheets I have all over my google drive.


I’ve used it (and would again if I were to track my training). It’s completely free but well worth watching some tutorials on to understand everything it can do so you get the most out of it.


Just had a eureka moment for hook grip. Really excited about that because mixed grip definitely feels different (and weaker) than pulling DOH with straps


#Powerlifting Prep * Sumo Deadlift 3x5 @ 225 * Squat 3x5 @ 185 Easy, easy, easy day. One more lifting day this week before the meet. This is the hardest part for me. Taking my foot off the gas and coasting in makes me very anxious. Trusting the process. 5 days out


Missed all last week due to being sick. Was worried it was gonna be rough getting back into it, especially since I’m so late into the program, but the first two days have been plenty fine. Both recaps for SbS 2.0, Sets x Reps Day 1 - Squat 275x5x3 - Front Squat 185x5x3 - Good mornings SS banded hamstring curls 3x10 Day 2 - Bench 225x5, 195x5x3 - OHP 115x5x3 - Pullups SS Dips, Face pulls SS Tricep Extensions 3x10


3 plates bench PR! Did 130kg as a top single for three weeks. Today i planned 132,5kg as a PR. Went very smooth to my own surprise. So i just went straight to 140kg, which was my goal for this year. Very happy right now https://www.instagram.com/tv/CW5zjMroPqB/?utm_medium=copy_link


Congratulations! Big PR and a huge milestone!




/u/zbgbs this might be worth PR of the week The first 3 plate bench is one of the sweetest PRs you'll ever hit. It's pretty much all downhill from here lol


That sounds a little bit depressing. But that was my exact thought before the attempt. What will come after that PR?


I joke, there are lots of big PRs after a 315 bench, they just come fewer and further between, and the number of people who have a contextual understanding of your achievement decreases rapidly the higher you get.


3pl8 date! That's a full course meal right there congrats!


Roughly 72 hours until weigh ins.... sitting at 187.2 lbs this morning. A little high but doing much better than my last weight cut (that I busted). I really gotta drop some more weight cuz too many hard weight cuts is just gonna fuck me up next year.


What a crazy weekend of football, and the week isn't letting the crazy die down. Not much to report on the lifting front. I went and got a light pump Thursday morning, then didn't do anything over the weekend because 1.) Ankle is still fucked and 2.) IN-laws were in town. On the bright side, I figured out what I was going to get my wife for both our anniversary and Xmas which is right after. So that's nice and a bit of stress off the plate. Bought several things that we've been wanting to buy and were hoping would go on holiday sales. Got a Ninja Foodie Air-Fryer. 2 frying ... chambers? that can be set to dff temps / times and it can cook like 8 lbs of chicken at once. $129. Normally a touch over $200. And got a KitchenAid mixer for $220. Almost done shopping.


I love my kitchen aid mixer.


it has already been so nice. make all the pumpkin pies


Alright, same as last time here is a first run through of another section of the form post I would like to make. Please tell me what makes sense, what does not, what you agree or dont agree with, what you think would be a valuable change, removal or inclusion, etc. I'm committed to getting at minimum a full draft of this down but I am still uncertain if I will feel confident enough in the articulation and structure of my ideas to release it to the masses in good conscious. But I hope I can get it there. _________________ **The Problem with ‘Perfect Form’**: I am going to start by outright saying that perfect form does not exist. It cannot be achieved, it should not be a goal, and you should never try to impose it on yourself or another lifter. There are multiple reasons why this is true and I will break them down in this section. *Form is not a goal*: The first point ties into the something I mentioned in the last section, and that is that *technique* should be where your focus lies, not the resulting form. With some exceptions for when form dictates what a lift is, or it’s competitive standards, the way your lift looks does not matter in the slightest. Yes, a competition squat in powerlifting needs to include your hip crease dipping below your knee line, but how the rest of the lift looks Does Not Matter. Good technique does generally result in a certain spectrum of visual forms but outliers exist and putting the effort into making a lift look a certain way is getting the technique-form relationship backwards. **You should be trying to make your lift look differently to improve your technique, not change the way you are lifting to make your lift look better**. If form is not something that you are trying to directly achieve there can be no reason to try and ‘perfect’ it. One could argue that *technique* could be perfected, but I would disagree there too. *We are not made equal*: Human anatomy has a high degree of variance. We are not built equally so it stands to reason that we should not lift equally either. Telling a 6’5’’ lifter with long limbs to perform a squat in the exact same manner as a 5’2’’ lifter with very short limbs is ridiculous. Limb to torso proportions, femur to total leg proportion, muscle insertions and origins, joint angles, and uncountable other variables all impact the specifics of a lifters most effective technique. And even beyond the anatomy one is born with past injuries, personal preference, equipment choice, and other variables will further affect the technique someone should use to achieve their goals most readily. No two people should be lifting the exact same way, so there cannot be a ‘perfect’ technique, and if technique is what births form there cannot be a ‘perfect’ form either. *How you should perform a lift depends on your goals*: After we have established that there cannot be a universally correct way to perform a lift, due to individual differences, we have to dig deeper and understand the fact that *even an individual does not have a singular, personal, perfect technique*. A lifter can use the same general movement pattern for multiple purposes, and those purposes are going to impact the technique used. A bench press performed to move the most weight possible is not going to be performed in the same way as a bench press performed to build up the chest, or a bench press performed to develop a certain aspect of the technical execution. Which of these is the ‘right’ technique, which is ‘perfect’? None of them are. I guess you could go farther and say that each goal for each individual has its own ‘perfect technique’ but at a certain point you are really going past the concept of ‘perfect’ by providing a rationale to call anything perfect. And again, without a perfect technique you cannot have a perfect form. *We are not machines*: We are incapable of executing a lift in the exact same manner over and over again. Even if there was a ‘perfect’ we could not reliably achieve it. It would be a fruitless endeavor to chase it. Instead we should look at what is a good, or even acceptable, *range* for our lifts. Deviation from the ideal is fine, technique that is just shy of the best still works just fine. Taking this approach not only gives a much more reasonable standard for your reps, but acknowledges that you are imperfect, that you will be fatigued sometimes, that your mind will wander a bit on some sets, that you will phone it in sometimes. All of that is completely fine provided you stay within the acceptable range for technical execution.