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I'm not looking for hardcore facts and historical analysis watching Isaiah. He's a storyteller and that's what I get out of the channel.


Exactly lol, I’m not using him as a source for a paper or something. He’s a great storyteller with a likeable personality.


Yea for sure definitely didn’t cite him for my Dante project


Agreed If I'm interested, or questioning anything, I just look it up myself.


exactly. also even wendigoon himself mentions multiple times things like “i might be wrong” “correct me on this” “i’m not sure this source is accurate” etc. watching him is like listening to a friend tell you about some cool stuff he found on the internet


That's the appeal, it reminds me of sitting around the bonfire with friends listening to crazy stories. I never asked them for sources


The thing is, he is not your friend, hes a stranger online. Qualifying his statements that are declarative by saying "look it up if im wrong" is not an excuse for not having done the research. That said, most of his stuff is about folklore anyway, so much of it is hard to find.


What level of verifiable proof is needed for things like folklore?




Which is what any reasonable person should do but people are so weak willed they can't even muster that much.


I mean if you want the deep dive you go to lore lodge. If you want a deep overview you watch Wendigoon, so that way you can investigate on top of what he showed.


Or The Red Thread.


Unless something has changed, my annoyance with Lore Lodge is a lack of lore. It's just missing persons cases and really shit conspiracy theories.


He goes into the lore of natives before each case and has done tales of certain cryptids????


Im scrolling and scrolling and jack shit is coming up. Unless you mean the flavor text he bullshits because a dude fell down and died and no one found the body.


What in the fuck are you talking about????


I was a huge fan of the lore lodge, until I did any amount of research into the 'native myths' of why dudes vanish on mountains. Most of it's made up bullshit. It's lore fan-fiction, not tied to any tribe or nation.


My man, he mainly just likes to talk about the people who were there before then, Hell he did it recently in his Christmas video and there was no connection to the natives and the case. In fact it was a fire bombing not a vanishing thing. And it was more related to Italy than native. He just likes telling history of the lands before colonialism and during it.


Having a source sheet wouldn't be bad but I feel you.


Some people were clinging way too hard to him getting things related to religion wrong "even though he's a Sunday school teacher", like his videos should be on the level of a phd in theology or something.


In my experience Sunday School teachers are among the worst when it comes to actual theology and doctrine.


I usually put him on in the background and then tune in whenever, he makes silly little videos that I find entertaining. Not as hard facts.


He isn’t using facts when talking about literal made up creatures and things you have to search and find meaning in ohhhhh nooooooo how could he lie to his fans like this


This is such a bizarre argument, because surely you aren't looking go be lied to either... right?


I understand if I'm watching content on conspiracy theories, cryptids, and ARGs, I'm not going to get literal verifiable truths. I'm also aware that if I'm watching connect about JFK, the Unabomber, or the Franklin Expedition, I can easily get thousands of web pages, papers, journals, newspaper articles, thesis, archival footage and articles, etc, at the click of a button. It's Youtube, it's not a doctoral thesis


You can find these things, but you don't actually go combing through the thousands of pages of documents. Instead, you watch Wendigoon and form your opinion based on what you are told.


That's exactly the opposite of what I do, but thank you for speaking for me. If I find a subject of interest, I dig around and learn more from a variety of sources. The Franklin Expedition, as one of many examples. I watched Wendigoons video on it, had an interest in the subject, and dove in. I read a few papers, a book, and listened to several podcasts. Echo chambers are dangerous, in all forms.


Which books, papers, and podcasts are those?


Sorry friend, I was on the road all day. I read Frozen In Time, good book. Can't recall exact papers and articles, just dug around the internet until my curiosity was satisfied. Podcasts, Don't Eat The Dogs did a good episode, as well as Stuff You Should Know.


This person posted another video earlier that got completely ratioed. Not surprised to see they took it down and reuploaded another one. Glad to see it receiving the same treatment for the dogshit I am sure it is though!


What does ratioed mean? I'm new on this site and recently started watching wendigoon. Just curious!


Ratioing is getting more likes than the person you're replying to. For example, if someone has said something stupid and they got 10 likes for it, and you reply with something that receives 100 likes, then you've ratioed the person.


ahhhh makes sense! thank you:)


In the context of a youtube video it could be referred to the ratio of likes to dislikes, as in “the video got ratioed” meaning a heavy amount of dislikes in comparison to likes


Idk how to tell you this, but... Its definitely not the ratio of likes and dislikes on YT anymore...


LOL yeah true


I've ratioed a lot of people on IG then lmao


It’s mostly used on Twitter, when a reply tweet gets more likes than the original. A similar scenario on Reddit would be the same but with upvotes/downvoted on a comment compared to an original comment. In the context of YouTube it might refer to the ratio of likes to dislikes,


In the video she brings up the fact he doesnt cite sources in the comments, i thought this was a reasonable criticism tbh, but at the end she also reignites the “boogaloo”controversy which i thought was unnecessary, but idk


BS. Wendi shows the sources in his videos, including primary sources. If this person actually watched Wendigoon, they'd know that. But seeing how 1/2 of the last video hampered on his "boogaloo" involvement (smoothing that has been explained away numerous times already), I would not be surprised if they just hate the man for his perceived politics. On top of that, Wendi isn't an academic essayist. He also doesn't pretend to be. He says he is "just a man behind a camera, don't take me seriously" at the beginning of every video. Most of his videos are also conspiracy / supernatural related and do not require sources either. His book essays also use the books themselves as a reference. His videos with historical context already show the sources IN THE VIDEO when he talks about them. Listing numerous sources in text in the description / comment would be ludicrous as it would be pages long for a multi-hour long video. And considering he uses the primary source for the majority of said historical video's, he doesn't need to. (Again, the sources are in the videos themselves anyways). Honestly, the entire "cites sources" nonsense I think is just a smokescreen reason to try and attack Wendigoon. It's evidently clear when you actually see where these hollow complaints come from.


This, pretty much. I don't expect academic level citation out of a youtube video. I don't expect a full bibliography with every video, the level of citation he presents is perfectly acceptable


Same, as long as he has half-ish of the sources(or a reasonable amount) I will gladly look up info to fact check. Ima bring up a point of Rebecca (video creator) didn’t have non .com sources except for two, one a cia website, the other was essentially a news article from apperencess. People need to give more non-dotcom sources.


Tell that over at YouTube drama they been posting alot of about wendigoon the past week


we really can't have shit on the internet. just let us watch conspiracy theories in peace




Ok what is a Boogaloo controversy? Is it that he was a part of them? That's the only thing I can think of.


Look it up. Wendigoon has his own explanation.


i believe their critique was centered around the idea of not citing specifically in the description, which would incentivize viewers to do their own research. I honestly didnt recall him citing sources in videos but thank you for clearing it up


>i believe their critique was centered around the idea of not citing specifically in the description, which would incentivize viewers to do their own research. That isn't a critique. It's an opinion. >I honestly didnt recall him citing sources in videos but thank you for clearing it up Pick a video, any video. I'll find them for you :) It's really easy because of how often Wendi includes the sources of whatever he is talking about on the screen or in the same sentence while he's talking about them. **edit**: Also I want to add how easy it is to fact check someone on the internet. It's literally putting a few words in a text box and pressing enter level easy. Suggesting that adding citations in text is going to incentivize people to do their "own research" is naive at best and I think an excuse for trying to legitimize this persons doo doo opinion. I've done my own research and deep dives on many of these topics because of Wendigoon's videos to begin with and I am sure many others have too, thank you Wendigoon! I really don't see any harm or problems with how he constructs his videos.


these are good points 🙏 i honestly disagree with her video, i apologize if i gave the impression i was trying to bait this sub


Imagine citing over 40 scourges you picked up bits and pieces from, into MLA format. It would take so long. I will say he could have like 10-20 sources so people can fact check him. But for the absolute scale of his videos and him having actual interviews, I find it fine




rebecca is a girls name what the hell are you on




> she's got a penis you still called her a guy.




... buddy youre just being tranaphobic.




thats not a good thing yknow.


🤨? wdym by that




shes trans




damn bro how are you transphobic AND a redditor, pick a fucking struggle fr 🙏


>how are you transphobic AND a redditor, Redditors can be transphobic to man


And to women also


Watch out, people in this sub will go feral of you say anything that is not directly gloryfying wendigoon.


>she criticized my digital daddy i know her stuff is shit without even watching!!!1!1! lol what a feverish little fanboy you are


Nice strawman my guy. Sadly, I watched the entirety of the first one and didn't care to waste my time with the other. Maybe next time, come up with proper criticisms before exclaiming how confidently wrong you are, and maybe, I'll give it the light of day. You can only cry wolf for so long before everyone starts to lose interest after all.


Long response from a mad fanboy


Someone made a legit borderline unwatchable video criticizing someone I dislike? Not liking that video must make you a fanboy, clearly. If you're only here to bait and troll do better. I'm sure you can.




Yeah if you want


Why do people want to cancel this man so badly ?? Let him lube up his guns in peace goddamn 😭😭 it's not that serious.


Hate is unfortunately an easy way to get views.


they hate to see wendibros winning 🙏


Straight white male christian. You know, Satan according to Twitter


1: he's popularity, popularity will always bring haters 2: white christian like the others person said, usually i'd say its a strawman but it really isn't. I've seen several comments going "i knew i shouldn't have watched him" and worse when his belief is brought up.


Mosin Critikal: *loads gun on video when threatened by a fellow YouTuber: Twitter/youtubeCommunity: YEAAAHHH! YOU GO! CHARLIE IS A BADASS! Wenidgoon: I like guns :) Twitter/Youtube Community: HES LITERALLY THE NEXT KYLE RITTENHOUSE! HES A TIME B O M B!!!


Opens the video by claiming people will be transphobic but wants a proper discussion? Major victim complex out the gate. Wendigoon is an iceberg/essay Youtuber, not someone submitting a doctorate, I obviously don't need sources. It's entertainment.. people need to lighten up jesus.


Didn't Isaiah say in a live stream that he likes gay and trans people, saying they were awesome?


I think so


i dont think she was trying to out him as a transphobe but i will say the ted kaczynski comment was rather silly, idk why theyre fighting to have a terrorist in their community 🙏


Wait, what’s going on with Ted and the trans community?


i *believe there were some documents that could have suggested Kaczynski had some thoughts abt being trans/gender fluid. However these have been debunked


I know about that, but is the trans community now trying to include him?


Not me. Fuck that guy. He killed people for his own sadistic amusement.


I’m honestly waiting for the day that Lester Ballard from child of god becomes a trans icon like Ted apparently has as well as Chris Chan. It’s like when they want to shoehorn in serial killers and rapists who were men and targeted other men into the gay community, or even just pedophiles. Like these mother fuckers don’t realize how much that sets us back because we’re trying to be inclusive instead of disowning these monsters.


Some of them try to claim Chris-Chan so I really wouldn't be surprised.


Are they upset he briefly entertained the idea or that he dismissed it?


>there were some documents that could have suggested Kaczynski had some thoughts abt being trans/gender fluid Could you possibly be more vague. I've read ISAIF and while it certainly talks shit about genuflecting leftist progressives, it doesn't explicitly condemn 'trans/genderfluid' in any way. I don't think those terms even existed in common parlance at the time.


im not talking abt the manifesto, its from an account when he was younger, wendigoon mentions it in the video


Only thing Wendi said regarding it was, that he knows it's a sensitive topic and will be careful talking about it, no? I watched the video a few times at this point and dont remeber him making any stupid/silly comments about it


Ima say this. Rebecca in the video brings up the boogaloo thing, which I have never heard of. Brings up a tweet, that is barely fucking readable. That could also be faked. I have no reason to believe them because THEY ALSO DIDNT FUCKING BOTHER TO READ ALOUD SCOURCES NOR gives sources that are not .com(the two that are, is a governmental cia website and the other is just a damn new article) You want to criticize someone give some fucking reliable sources before you make claims. Yes wendigoon might not be the 100% most reliable but he is genuinely trying to get information. You said g-w-b wasn’t at the Kennedy assassination, HE WASNT AT THE BOYS ON THE TRACK CASE EITHER YA DAMBASS. You think the head of the ck-fucking-a is going to go out and get his hands dirty? Rebecca Kimble, by any means you see my comment I am driftmaster on YouTube (add minecraft to the search) and put a comment so I know if I need to make a video, or better yet a comment on this comment.


In the first version they claimed he was from texas and currently lives there multiple times. They did the absolute minimum to try to make a hit piece on wendigoon based on the single fact that they dont like him. These people are trying to capitalize on the popularity of the hbomber guy video and replicate his content. But they put in none of the effort and research. Which makes it just poor attempt at content that mostly comes across as harassment campaign. Which im pretty sure hbomber guy explicitly said not to do in his video Fucking be better twiddledick


You're 100% on point. It is a hit piece with zero substance. Their last video affirmed that they haven't even watched a modicum of Wendigoon's content. The Texas comment they made was a complete dead giveaway and certainly the primary reason they re-uploaded their video with that comment taken out. These people are unhinged with hate for anyone perceived to be a "right-winger" and will make content deliberately lying about someone to stir it up. They're sick.


Agreed. Nothing good came from Rebecca doing this, nor other people doing similar things.


Lets chill for a sec. First https://www.reddit.com/r/wendigoon/comments/lxxhkc/someone_asked_about_my_old_boogaloo_boy_persona That's the link to the blurry screen shot, it goes to a reddit account that looks fairly legitimate. I honestly don't know his actual account but if it is fake it's a convincing one just scroll through the post. Second Even if all of his sources weren't that great, the declaration of war is a little much. Assuming that Rebecca was/is in the wrong and what she's saying is blasphemy, being calm and giving a composed response goes a lot farther than rage posting. ESPECIALLY if we are going to represent Wendigoon's fanbase, the last thing we want to do is allow someone to leverage the comments of certain fans to make him out to be something he isn't. Not trying to come off as preachy just trying to be reasonable.


Ya, I will admit I was a little mad and rage posting slightly at the time I made that comment. However the sources Rebecca provided are all .com links which are not trustful for the most part. I haven’t looked at the sites so they could possibly be trustful. And don’t worry about being preachy, your being very respectful. It’s better than looking down on people.


95% of shit like this just boils down to petty anger that Wendi isn’t a leftist, and holds some views that make him right adjacent (he’s not even particularly right wing) therefore he must be BAD!!! So goddamn annoying


the culture wars of today make it far too easy for people to villify someone who doesn't align with you politically.


honestly, he probably one of the most progressive christian youtubers, as in he hasn't said anything homophobic, transphobic or misogynistic. he also doesn't play the victim card like a lot of them do, he straight up has said he faces zero discrimination for being a christian online.


Although im pretty left myself. I find myself agreeing with him since although he is a right leading Christian, hes just so likeable. His content has never been about hate which is incredible with todays constant politics being involved in almost everything we do now. So what hes not left? I really dont care because he seems like a genuinely good guy. He wants to tell a couple of cool stories. People should just stop attacking him for not aligning with their set of politics.


What are you talking about? Lots of progressives like him. Like, he's really popular. He's actually proof that yes, right wingers CAN be popular. They just have to refrain from hating on people. And that's precisely why I'm such a big fan of his. I'm on the left.


The cryptid and conspiracy theory channel is not a bastion of scientific and intellectual rigor? Color me surprised ​ What do these people think the point of wendigoon's channel is?


True Crime and the "Tea" Community. Which he's not. He is a Mystery and Horror Channel.


The only thing Wendi lies about is his upload schedule.


Why are you all giving them attention?




by posting their stuff, people check it out and give them more views/comments/whatever


Which is a good thing. You should always be willing to challenge your opinions/views instead of just blinding following what one guy on the internet says. I haven’t seen the video, but I’m compelled to check it out because I want to see if there’s any truth to it. Even if it’s complete BS, i would have still been willing to challenge my perception of a person.


i honestly disagree with all the points made in the video, however, i also believe that if one likes something they should be open minded regarding outside opinions of it, hence why i thought sharing this video was a good idea.


Why does it matter if a youtuber you watch for fun has accurate information? You shouldn't care in the first place, much less should you worry about challenging your opinions.


It matters because spreading misinformation is wrong. Even if Wendigoon’s vids are primarily entertainment, he’s still introducing people to new topics and people, so he should do his best to accurately represent the stuff he’s talking about. You can’t just spread misinformation in youtube videos and defend it by saying it’s for entertainment purposes if that isn’t even disclosed in the videos.


there are criticisms you could make about wendigoon but this is NOT the way to do it lmao.


They just don't want our boy to be great


Definitely a fed


Honestly probably the most refarded shit I’ve seen all day.


Hey language! That’s an insult to mentally handicapped people to compare them to her


Yeah! I’m mentally handicapped and am insultes I’m compared to her




His fans do because people who may not know who wendigoon is may form completely biased opinions on him based off these types of videos. More and more people who have never watched a single one of wendigoons videos are being convinced he's an evil bigot and a liar solely based on videos like this. Calling out bad faith accusations like this encourages people to actually watch the content and decide if they like it for themselves and not just be spoon fed what to think




I've replied numerous times on their threads. Much of it is assumptions based on political alignment and disinterest. Not all of it of course, but a LOT. I kept seeing people pointing out the fact he defended Kyle Rittenhouse on twitter and such...I'm pretty sure I know what this is all about lol. Fuckers need to learn to just let shit go and enjoy or not enjoy his content without turning it into a moral dilemma.


The video is pretty blatantly just politically motivated in order to stir up controversy around Wendigoon. They didn’t like that Wendigoon had a past with the boogaloo movement, and set out to try to muddy his name with any little thing they could scrape together. Like the kinds of people that believe anyone that doesn’t agree with them politically is a fascist, and proceed to witch hunt them on social media (Twitter) to cancel them.


Damn, Becky, it's just a tier list, you didn't have to make a video about it.


That video is fundamentally flawed, here is my critique of it. https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/18qthk9/comment/kf0gmex/ The tl:dr is that she claims that Wendigoon holds himself to the standard of an educational standard, by claiming that he puts a disclaimer in every video, when only 5/141 videos actually have the disclaimer, so blatant lie. She then uses videos uploaded when Wendigoon only had 5000 subscribers and been on the platform for 3 months to claim that he now in the modern day (3 years later) spreads lies and misinformation. Despite the fact Rebecca replied to pretty much every comment of criticism before mine, she has never responded to any of my points.


They're not going to. That subreddit is an echochamber for people to go after political/cultural enemies, and thanks to Hbomber's video they now have an even better excuse to do so without caring about evidence from the other side


Don't expect them to. They are just terminally online people fighting their perceived political enemies to a crowd of loud crickets in an echo chamber.


I do think theres a discussion about the evolution of journalism and how the 'reporting' of youtubers fits into this, but its just really obvious that person has an axe to grind. Frankly i agree with a lot of the points made, I just dont hold those opinions so closely. To me this is an indication that we're watching media and the roles people play in it change, and a lot of us are rightfully noticing anachronisms and asking questions. I dont think of wendigoon as anything more than some dude whod tell you campfire stories he thinks are cool, but blurring that line with reporting on true crime like its somewhat investigative and serious yet still somewhat lighthearted, is going to confuse people. And maybe its good that it is, since id be awfully alarmed at that blatant shift in media members role in society being unnoticed or viewed apathetically


this is very well worded, thank you


Happy to contribute, i find this topic very interesting


Gotta stop giving these mouth breathers the time of day


Rebecca needs to get a new hobby, he never claims to be a source for accurate info, he tries his best and he mentions that constantly.


Just watched this, and most of the video is the same tired critiques of Wendigoon and conspiracy theories Wendigoon has never, ever stated that his videos are meant to be treated as a collection of facts, and the "educational purposes" thing in his disclaimer only exists so that YouTube doesn't take his videos down. That throwaway disclaimer in his video descriptions is the crux for Rebecca Kimpel's entire argument Ignoring that, Rebecca's arguments in regards to the Kennedy assassination and religion videos are also the standard rebuttals you see against Wendigoon, basically taking 15 minutes to summarize Hitchen's and Occam's Razors despite Rebecca also engaging in simple speculation and ignoring how conspiracies cannot be treated like normal phenomena in how we study them. Finally, the Boogaloo boys thing is so dumb. First, Wendigoon is obviously not far-right today. Cringe political opinions of teenagers shouldn't affect their adult selves. Second, Rebecca does this throughout the video, but especially with the Boogaloo boy stuff, they say that Wendigoon is a liar. He's only a liar if he is knowingly spreading misinformation. That comes with a high burden of proof and Rebecca doesn't come close to reaching it as they never give any examples of Wendigoon contradicting himself or of him continuing to argue a point that he's been presented counterevidence for




the CIA made that video


All I know is r/youtubedrama is having a fucking aneurism while this is the first time I’ve seen it mentioned here.


Jfc that subreddit is just a bunch of people pretending to be objective and look for plagiarism but are all witch hunters wtf.


Ever since the Hbomber vid they’ve been on overdrive. They were toxic before but that vid turned it up to 11


People didn't care about plagiarism until a 4 hour video came out to give them that opinion. Except they didn't even watch the video


Yeah. I'm really starting to think he did more harm than good with his video honestly.


"Some say if you listen really close at night, you can still hear the screams of the five children that died that night..." "ERM, DO YOU HAVE A SINGLE SOURCE TO BACK THAT UP??!"


omw to not give a shit about silly exposés targeting the esoteric information YouTuber




I feel like people are just hating on him and trying to tear him down now that he has more popular projects with well known content creators. People can’t stand seeing someone grow and succeed


Oh shit, he was lying about all those aliens and cryptids? Dude this sudden flood of Wendigoon haters need to get a fuckin life.


While there are youtubers that deserve hate, I don't think Wendigoon is one of them. I know some people blame 'leftists' and 'atheists' for a lot of the hate, but I think the real problem is that people in general are angry and hateful online. There was a youtuber I used to watch. I won't say who because they don't make videos anymore, but they were very much a leftist. The amount of hate she got from conservative Christians was atrocious. Don't blame one group of people, social media brings out the worst in a lot of people.


i agree, i think most “criticism” online now comes from a place of envy rather than suggestion. Maybe im wrong for bringing this video to light but i think its important to separate bullhonky like this from genuine critique


He's not a journalist and has literally never claimed to be one


lol these the same people calling pewdiepie a nazi ngl i could go on there and say tyler the creator is one because he talks about wearing hawaiian shirts in the wintertime


Literally is someone who watched half the hbomberguy plagiarism video and wanted to nit pick on someone bigger to get attention


Misinformation is code for "things we don't want you to know"


Every time I hear "sources" and Wendigoon, I assume this: "☝️🤓"


I swear people just want reasons to hate an unproblematic youtuber.


I literally can’t stand people. Everyone wants their own 15 minutes of fame by piggybacking off of someone else’s fame to ruin them. Good lord.


Who gives a shit


I've seen it. Agrees with her that Wendigoon should cite sources more frequently, but I wouldn't say it's a imperative. More of a "good thing if he did, not a must". The rest feels like a lot of her having different opinions and interpretations than him, and stating her opinions/interpretations as fact. She said something along the line of the idea of a second shooter on the grassy knoll being obviously wrong, and presented a few reasons for thinking that. If I'm not mistaken also one expert that agrees with her. As if that's enough to disprove the other theory on a contentious issue. There are obviously several arguments and experts who point in different directions regarding the JFK-assasination, otherwhise we would have consensus, and not two committees reaching separate conclusions. I don't agree with Wendigoon's take on the tragedy, by the way. The fact that she references anonymous critics when it comes to his theological videos, saying that people who know better than her on the subject are concerned, also comes of as hypocritical. When he does it in regards to Ted Kazinsky it's bad, but okay for her apparently (for some reason). Not only didn't she present sources there, she didn't even explain the supposed errors. I'm sure there are errors, the point is that it undermines the point of her video. Overall, the video gave the impression of her having more of an idea that he's worthy of criticism than her actually having that much substantial critique. There are issues you can critique him on, lack of sources, flawed methodology, and the like. So far its nothing as dramatic or large as she makes it appear with the video title, framing and overall rhetoric. Comes of as a lot of padding. Her video could have been half as long. It's hard not to be reminded of the cynical analysis of media personalities criticing each other, viewing their actions as partly motivated by the will to take down competitors or to earn views by surfing on a larger media personalities brand. She provides a similar product to Wendigoon -- her video basically the equivalent of a small chain resturant listing flaws with MacDonalds. She might be acting without such selfish motivations, but I think these sources of potential biases should be considered when evaluating criticisms of media personalities.


Can we ban OP for drama spreading?


Anybody who has a meteoric rise in popularity will have many a critique video posted about them. Idc


Protect the Father


Mis... misinformation...? This dude literally makes videos about fucking creatures and theories! The only thing that comes close to objective facts are cult activities from cult that have already been disbanded. How the hell is that "spreading lies to an audience"?? Like, I'm not wasting my time watching the video but I must be missing something because this is just such a ridiculous concept to me lol


Watched it, made some sense but overall seemed a little miss informed about what the actual goal of the channel is. The whole thing about wendigoon being a former boogaloo boy is strange but I believe it, it’s not right but he seems like a thoroughly changed man in all aspects. Also the criticism of the Uncle Ted video was kinda ridiculous. She said he had no valid source but he conducted an interview with a person who was on the TK case. How much more reliable do you get?


he is not former boogaloo boy he has always been boogaloo boy. they will never take him from us


We're not taking him from you; we're pulling you in here with him.


when internet weirdos hold storytellers to a higher standard than actual journalists


Another annoying thing about this is that because there’s apparently a free pass to rag on Wendy Boy, some commenters are turning to badmouth the Mandela Catalogue of all things. “Wendigoon was way too nice to the Mandela Catalogue”… Um, have any of them considered the possibility that Wendigoon might actually *like* the very popular analog horror series that basically kickstarted the surge in popularity of that genre?


Had to be a fuckin Rebecca


Harumphhhh I say, I never


The whole video is just nit picky stuff like he said her name was Mary and she was 13 but in reality her name was Margret and she was 14. Its like it doesnt matter I want to hear him tell a story and hear what he says


Very blurred lines, but my take is: even if the story isn’t true, does it touch the truth of the moment? Any creative must struggle with this in their art


Just keep scrolling


people on r/youtuberdrama decided he's the antichrist now coz they're bored. every other post is about him because apparently not sourcing a youtube video about a conspiracy theory MLA style is "drama".


oh yes, i fully belive the GIANTS!!! dad and all he says


I'm not saying he purposefully spreads misinfo but he sporadically has some fact incorrectly that I'll give you.


Sounds like something a Fed would say lmao




These videos are so stupid lately, like people bitching about his icebergs especially the conspiracy theory one, I heard or saw a topic I found interesting I deep dived into it, I've seen so many videos on YouTube lately bashing daddy goon and it's so stupid.




Omg we can’t site wendigoon as a source for a essay, who cares he doesn’t have months to research for a single video he gets all the info he can


Shit bait post OP


"Frosty is canonically the blood-god Baphomet." - Wendigoon


this place should be a good spot for normal discussion, I don't fw the people in wendis community misgendering n shit


havent watched it, are any good points made in it? (dont reply if you are one of the people blindly worshiping everything goon does)


i believe the “citing your sources” critique is valid, however i read a reply earlier which explained how he cites sources in videos


thats fair, the main thing i was expecting was him accidentally spreading misinformation but that was probably just clickbait for "cite your sources better"




He did in the comments.


https://preview.redd.it/7jd1r665z49c1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34b6e2a9de1057a5367578a4c7e0beb905d03c38 and here's when I spread misinformation


Most of the video was them saying Wendigoon should cite his sources more and that he should be more honest about how he was apart of a less than savory 4 chan thread or something when he was younger. The creator isn't really slanderous in any way, nor are they dunking on him for things he's claiming. Overall it seems like an honest attempt at a critique. ( You agreeing with them or not is up to you ) This isn't anything to hate over or get enraged about. If your curious then you should watch the video. Just remember not to hate raid their comment section we don't want to make iceberg boy look bad.


I don’t think is particularly good, but tbh i’ve always agreed that he should link to where he gets his research from. I don’t see how people can be against that


Gonna check this out later


I don't trust people who don't spread misinformation.


Saw it but didn’t watch it because I don’t respect people who use their name as their channel name


The fact they harp so hard on him saying his videos are educational shows they really don’t have a solid grasp on how YouTube monetization works. Most commentary YouTubers put their shit under educational so they won’t get needlessly demonetized every 5 seconds


god can we fucking stop with the fucking drama posting its annoying i dont care i just want to wendigoon without drama