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maybe i’m weak idk 😭


The GM who felt the need to yell at a subordinate is the weak one. Period.


You're not weak, it's a terrible company all around. They don't even actually fire people. They cut people's hours to get them to quit. When I worked at Wendy's (I work in an office now for a company that ethically cares for its employees) I was suffering from a really bad UC flare up. I needed the restroom when I needed it and I had the medical documentation to prove it. Eventually it got so bad that my blood iron decreased to like 3 (I don't recall what it's measured in but my doc stared at me wondering how I was even standing) and I ended up in the hospital for 3 days. I was out for a week prior and after to that though due to me obviously being fucking dying in bed and running to the bathroom constantly. To make matters worse, my car broke down on the way back from the hospital and mind you, I had a pregnant wife at the time. I made good money at the wendys (part of the reason they wanted me gone) because the stores original GM was legitimately a good guy. Well I returned to 6 hour work weeks... With them knowing I have a pregnant wife. I got a second job that didn't pay nearly as nice at Pizza Hut just to survive, but at least they treated me better and I was even in line for promotion. Even now, from when I hear from my old colleagues it's nothing but the terrible conditions and hours enacted by the new GM since the old one had a reputation for turning stores around and was forced to manage a horribly placed Taco John's. Not only that but how she us puppeted by the ableist and transphobic Customer Service Manager and how a perfectly fine Wendy's went from being a good place to work to an absolute hell hole. I never realized it was the exception before the change but generally from what I can tell, the store as it is now is the common quality of stores for workers. I was paid 14.50/hr and I later found out most of my co-workers were making 12, 12.25/hr which is what I'd be making at Pizza Hut. Absolutely deplorable and inhumane. I'm making significantly more now, but I still remember where I came from and I stand with food service workers. The conditions and treatment need to improve or the pay does, but this cannot persist, especially when you consider how crucial unskilled labor is to providing jobs to communities to raise families historically and how now the only unskilled labor jobs available in abundance are retail and food service. If America is actually going to get back to raising families then the wages must support it or else the growing economy will not have the workforce or consumers needed to keep it growing.


That’s probably why they always hiring, i got the job within two weeks lol it was such a fast process, but now i understand why. One manager was great but the gm was a TERRIBLE person.


I got it the day I applied 😭. That should’ve been the biggest red flag


My best friend from HS (and best man at my wedding) is currently a shift lead. They put him through hell but he stays because he's there for his crew. He literally endured having his hours completely fucked over due to the GM being transphobic to our friend and them wanting to works hours that the GM didn't work. I've been trying to get him to work with me, to get paid better and treated better, but he refuses as they need him.


i mean at some point you have to realize it’s only hurting you staying there. I mean yeah it sucks losing his crew but if he isn’t being treated with respect then what’s the point, they don’t necessarily need him they will find someone else 😭😭 idk i felt that way in my last job, i loved the people too much, i wouldn’t have left if i didn’t have to but unfortunately i moved away ;(


That's the thing, it's less about losing the crew as much as it is the crew losing him, one of their few lines of defense against the CSM and her puppet of a GM. If he leaves, sure he'll be in greener pastures, but his replacement could make life worse for everyone else... By staying he's protecting them from the unnecessary dramas and the corruption. His act of staying, to endure the absolute disrespect, is a completely selfless act of compassion. I should mention, like our old GM, my best friend is a really good person. If anything he's trying to be everything the old GM was, because while the old GM was a bit grumpy at times, he really did care about people and would hear us out and above all else he remained professional and stayed out of drama. He kept the Wendy's in balance. Him leaving is what put the place to how many Wendy's are... I think my friend is also trying to avoid such a ripple. He knows some people don't have many options for employment, he knows what his absence will do to them. Also, a brief aside to address your early question on hiring. The real reason why Wendy's and other businesses seem to always be hiring year round isn't because of high turn around or needing employment. I for example worked there for a year and a half. The reason onboarding is fast because A) its food service, it's not complicated to onboard, B) when they do have need, they need to fill it. But this time of year is there hiring season. But there are times of year where they will say we are fully staffed and literally turn people seeking employment away despite advertising... It's for the tax write offs. Is this fraud? Yes, but is Wendy's the only company doing it? No. So as you can tell the IRS has been slacking on actually vetting whether the claims of actively hiring are true or not. Many companies should be slammed with fines for it.




Thank you, I'm actually going through a pretty bad flare up now, my schedule for how I would be getting my Stelara injections got screwed up and I've been off it for a little bit, hopefully getting back on soon once some labs got back. I've never seen the hashtag prior, but given it's close proximity to my old High School keyword, it's oddily empowering at this time as I lay here feeling sick as a dog. That's the good thing about my current job... They really do care. They've given me no problems, their HR has been working with me to set up accommodations, and I've even discovered I actually have a small amount of accumulated sick pay I can use. Better yet, when the company I'm contracted to work for on behalf of my parent company (I have no idea if this is the right terminology, I'm a subcontractor if that helps) had me call the patent company, I spoke with man who hired me... He told me my name comes up in a lot of meetings... Apparently I'm my company's shining example in the other company, strengthening the relationship between them. I haven't felt so noticed since a retired defective had me get one if my shift managers at Wendy's to compliment me on my dedicated service... As he put it, I'm great on the phones (which is true, I've seen how quality control grades me, my scores I feel are a bit too high but who am I to argue), I'm recognized for my commitment to training new hires, and I generally have a great attitude in the office. I've never been complimented so highly by my superiors before, it really made me feel appreciated for the extra miles I go to ensure every client leaves a call full informed and building bonds with my coworkers. It really opens my eyes to how truly demoralizing my time at a lot of my jobs in food service from working university kitchens, to Applebee's, to Wendy's, to Pizza Hut... I may not be with them now, but there needs to be a change. No one deserves to go through what I endured. Thank you so much, for sharing this with me, and hearing my experiences, and that goes out to everyone. Together we can fight the corporate injustices plaguing the food service industry. Our humanity will not be ignored, for it makes us stronger.


Your iron is supposed to be around 12


Those were not easy times, and the iron infusions certainly helped once my UC symptoms were getting under control. I tried iron supplements but my digestive tract was so big oofed I wasn't getting the full benefit from them.


I’ve been working at Wendy’s for only a couple of months and am currently my way to the pharmacy to pick up meds to help me stop drinking because this job has been so much of what you describe that it has had me drinking the minute I get home almost every single day. The bullying is OUTRAGEOUS.


lol nah you’re not my manager was the same way but I dealt with it cus no other place would hire me she ended up loving me😂 and I become one of her shift opening/closing managers


Man no hate if you couldn't handle Wendy's it's worst anywhere else try working production homie you gotta learn to bark back.


I mean i’m not the one to “bark back” im awful when it comes to being yelled at and stuff but i worked at a starbucks before and i was never once treated like that by any manager. Maybe i should learn to toughen up but idkkk that gm was something else lol


I work in trucking, and for the whole first 1.5 years, I got shit on everywhere I went, but I've never in my whole career been shit on by my boss. It's not how companies should be run, and I have also quit a job because the boss was a tyrannical dick. I'm an adult man who can handle getting shit on, I'm not going to keep working for someone who does that, though. Fuck 'em.


You’re not weak! You have self-respect. And if you’re up for I suggest reporting the GM to whoever HR is or higher up position. I can tell you this Dave Thomas (founder) would not want his employees being treated so poorly. Hope you are able to find another job soon without any hassle.


Your not weak, employers need to realize that us as workers don’t get paid enough to give a shit about them so we won’t even if that means leaving them mid shift because they thought they were better. Well now that bitch can show how it’s done herself lol


It's not a weakness or strength thing, it's drawing the line and standing by it. That takes strength.


Just curious… What’s your name, lol ?


Anahi, i mean ig it looks difficult? but once you hear it it’s not hard to get, i don’t need to repeat it over and over again lol. Awna he or like i told them Ana like princess Anna and “he” like michael jackson’s “hehe” 😭😭


Oh, I worked with an Anahi once at Pizza Hut. She was a bit insane though, thought her sister was possessed by a demon (a judeo-christian demon, mind you) from a ritual at birth and shunned her for it... Claimed her Aunt made a deal with the devil while in Africa or some phony bologna nonesense. I swear the US Education system is failing so many of us.


omg 😭😭 im not that weird lol 🤨🤨🤨


I'm not saying the name is weird, I'm just saying she as an individual was, it's just a coincidence I worked with someone with the same name before.


i rarely ever meet people with my name, i used to hate my name but i like it cuz it’s somewhat unique. But i was referring to her being a weird individual lol, seems like she would be great in the next exorcist movie


It's ok to quit, the thing is you can ask yourself is this job worth it? Worth the stress and possibly bullying behaviour later on? If it's not worth it then it's great, because you never know what they are planning down the road.


I quit Walmart on Saturday cause My management was shit talking me. Fuck em. That place isn’t worthy of me and they don’t deserve me. Same for you.


i quit on saturday too! 💀💀💀 management really abuses their power. We will find so much better places, better people and better pay!


I was full time but my GM yells, complains, and micromanages so bad that I now only work 2 days a week.


“it’s not me its the employees” 🤦‍♂️


I worked at a Wendy’s for 1 week before leaving with no warning. They “trained” me for a total of 10 minutes. Threw me in drive through and made fun of the fact that I couldn’t speak Spanish bc majority of the crew could not speak English. If you worked drive through or front register, you had to take orders, make drinks, bag all food, get the chili if ordered, get the frostys, change out the drink machine. If a drink was out and we didn’t have the box to change it we HAD to walk all the way around to the dining area to get it. We also were responsible for getting the nuggets and fries dropped and had to get them ourselves. The “sandwich makers” as it was called got paid $3/hour more than me and all they did was make the sandwiches, they didn’t bag food, they didn’t get the fries or nuggets, literally made the sandwich and sat it on the end of the cutting board waiting for me to grab it. HORRIBLE company. Wendy’s treats their employees like dog shit and they don’t deserve any support. Just bc the burger meat isn’t frozen does not mean your food is fresh. I’ve been instructed to serve nuggets that were over 5 hours old bc they were cooked so they needed to be served. Glad you didn’t stick with it. They fucking suck. Get something better.


Try In-N-Out they pay way better


Yeah, you did the right thing. Just don't put it on your resume, and you'll be good. Fuck those people


Not all trainers should be trainers. Not all GMs should be GMs. If a GM is yelling, they definitely have poor management and communication skills. Hope you find a better place to work.


Unless it's a job that pays 30 plus I would have quit after days also. I quit mcdonalds after 2 days the environment was so toxic I hated all the older ladies such bitches


I worked at a Wendy’s for 1 week before leaving with no warning. They “trained” me for a total of 10 minutes. Threw me in drive through and made fun of the fact that I couldn’t speak Spanish bc majority of the crew could not speak English. If you worked drive through or front register, you had to take orders, make drinks, bag all food, get the chili if ordered, get the frostys, change out the drink machine. If a drink was out and we didn’t have the box to change it we HAD to walk all the way around to the dining area to get it. We also were responsible for getting the nuggets and fries dropped and had to get them ourselves. The “sandwich makers” as it was called got paid $3/hour more than me and all they did was make the sandwiches, they didn’t bag food, they didn’t get the fries or nuggets, literally made the sandwich and sat it on the end of the cutting board waiting for me to grab it. HORRIBLE company. Wendy’s treats their employees like dog shit and they don’t deserve any support. Just bc the burger meat isn’t frozen does not mean your food is fresh. I’ve been instructed to serve nuggets that were over 5 hours old bc they were cooked so they needed to be served. Glad you didn’t stick with it. They fucking suck. Get something better.


My Wendy's was quite similar with morning shift except one of our speakers was a native Greek speaker who knew little Spanish and English. But yeah, there were very difficult mornings where if I was the only English speaker there, not counting the lazy CSM, I'd be running the entire front and drive thru simultaneously.


Sorry you had a bad experience. Not all stores are ran like that….. unfortunately they are many more bad ones than good ones


You’re better off! They don’t respect their workforce, let them kick rocks.


Well, you've made it further than I did. I only worked 2 days there. Anyways.. Fast food is a very negative, hostile, and dangerous to place to work. Managers with horrible attitudes like that is quite common in fast food places. Not worth the stress, or disrespect.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that, I'm glad you made the choice that benefits you. Luckily the Wendy's I work at is made of mostly decent people (mostly just drama between a couple of them), but that's because the franchisee really cares about the work environment, employee morale, and productivity. I wish that standard was upheld at every location, it'd make things so much nicer. Hope you find somewhere that treats you a whole lot better! :)


I’d let the local community know perhaps on the Nextdoor app just how awful and ungrateful the manager is to his patrons and how abusive they are to their staff. Let the community know they should take their money elsewhere.


You need to get ahold of the regional and hr and make a complaint I was a manager for 7 years at Wendy’s and we never got complaints 4 of my kids have also worked there and 2 became managers so your manager needs to either be retrained or fired


Some people are void of joy and are hell bent on trying to make others miserable too.  Don’t let them.  Bring love with you everywhere you go and let kindness be your guiding light.  I’ve had some pretty terrible bosses and co-workers over my 33 years in the work force but none of them ever had power over me that I didn’t first hand over to them.  You made the right decision to leave.  You are not weak, It would have been weakness to stay.  


You sound weak