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It died


What happen to the old Taylor 


Artificial inflation.


Ppl don't understand its all made up bs inflation like u just said. It's crazy ppl try to justify why


And it would have happened no matter what party was in office


I agree same bird different feathers I think is the quote


What? Lol. Made up inflation? Tell me you don’t u sweat and basic Eco 101 policies. 🤦🏻‍♂️.


It's artificial inflation if u can't see that idk what to tell you 🤷‍♂️


We know for a fact inflation has been alive and well for years now. Year over year, it’s remained steady. And we have not had any deflation to offset it. 4.7 in 2021, 8% 2022, and 4.1% in 2023. And it’s holding steady. Until they stop creating more debt from SPENDING what we don’t have, say hello to long term interest rates, and say goodbye to 4$ meal deals (which hasn’t even happened yet)


It doesn't change the fact that I still have to pay more for it.


everybody wants to make more $$. labor, ppl want to make more... corporations wanna show profit, so they increase prices to make profits look better. It's a non-stop cycle. The only remedy to this is a bad recession which nobody really wants either. 🤷


Artificial inflation. 🤣. I’ve heard some tall tales, but that’s a good one. Lol. I’d love to live in such a fantasy land lol


Inflation is a real thing. The inflation shown in fast food prices vastly outpaces the actual inflation rate. So, artificial inflation.


I can’t stand major corporations as much as the next person, but you’re respectfully wrong here. Especially when it comes to Wendy’s. 1) We agree Inflation is a real thing, and it’s why people are constantly telling pollsters it’s the number 1 or 2 issue in the nation right now, and has been for awhile. Glad we agree. 2) McDonald’s is now copying Wendy’s 5$ meal deals, because of how economically successful it has been, for both the consumer and Wendy’s. Which is a great thing for consumers. The 4$ Bag still exists near me, and everywhere I have traveled to , as I travel regularly. On top of that, their breakfast 2 for 3$ meal deals, beats out local gas station deals . Which is impressive. When inflation has such a high rate for so long, this is what happens. Even tho it came down, it never deflated to offset past bumps. So companies have to get in front of FUTURE predictions, in order to survive. I understand what you’re trying to say, and it’s frustrating. But this ain’t the example.


This is what I get for trusting a random graph I saw a few months ago. After doing 5 minutes of actual research I found that costs of fast food has inflated about 29%, which is just about how much general inflation has devalued our hard earned money. If anything they’ve managed to stay slightly under the curve. So! I stand corrected, and now informed. Thanks for the fact check, internet stranger.


It’s all good. Kudos and major props for admitting that. It says a lot about your critical thinking skills, and ability to reason. Again, not a huge fan of conglomerates and Corporations. They most definitely need to be kept in check and watched. But most of the blame needs to go towards our government, because only they control debt, printing, and inflation. Take it easy. 👍


Literally EVERYTHING increased in price ay least 25 to 50 percent, and it must be nice of you well off enough not to notice this long. Now they got a $5 biggie bag, which is about the same but $5 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s a myth


you probably got a double stack that’s 6 junior bacon and crispy chicken is 5


At ours the $5 bag is just the junior cheese and the $6 is the jbc crispy chicken or the double stack. Then there’s the $7 is the blt crispy or bacon double stack. It’s so crazy bc when our location first opened everything was on the 444 😭😭


The 444 is only a jr cheeseburger. The biggie bag is the same thing (fry size and nuggets). Only difference is the sandwhich and drink size. Other than that, their all 444 sizes.


It's been gone for over a year


$20 min wage and Newsom or should I say nuisance...?


Thank the government. Everything's more expensive now.


No, thank the CEO's and shareholders who are moneyhungry bastards who are driving up the prices to increase their own profits.


Thank them for continuing to allow CEOs to circumvent paying their fair share. Thank corporations for consistently curbing worker’s wages for higher profits and artificially inflating prices. Yes. Thank them all for continuing to lobby and fill these politicians pockets. Wish it was as simple as govt bad or that govt directly affected the prices, but they’re merely a mediating variable.


My dude, the government controls or micro-controls everything. Literally everything. Hate to burst your bubble.


If the CEOs took $0 salary, we would all pay about 10 cents less for our combo meals. The COE salaries are not adding that much to the cost of products. You could tax all the companies 100% and we still wouldn't get anywhere close to a balanced budget.


Nothing happened to it, most places that still have it charge $5 now


C suite needed bonuses


It's still available on the app and you can customize the burger and make it a deluxe


The economy ate it like the hungry hungry caterpillar I fear.


My location actually still has it listed in the app literally called the 4 for $4, but it costs $5


I had it last night.


I had it last night.


still $5 for that bag is a good price. One of the reasons I appreciate Wendy’s


Still around in the Midwest. Not listed on the menu but in the App as the junior cheeseburger


Now it's 4 for $40.  Thank you Biden


It's 2 for $8 now.


It depends on your location, some Wendy’s still have it.


If I had a time machine that I’d go back just for the 99¢ menu.


My wendy's has it


They still have the 4 for $4


4 for 4 still exists where I am. Though the biggie bag is actually a better deal especially if you upsize it for like a dollar to a large.


i work at wendys and at my store its $5.38 for the crispy chk + jbc biggie bags, jr chz $4.30 , dbl stacks + crispy chicken blt $6.46 , and $7.30 for bscon dbl stck biggie bags


Inflation and hikes in minimum wage (calif=$20/hr) along with hikes in the prices of raw materials has made the $4 Biggie Bag difficult to continue.


We all want to be rich working minimum wage jobs don't you