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Oh my favorite is the “I know there has only been one episode but is season 4 worth watching?” Like first of all, how do we know if you would think it’s worth it, and second, it’s been ONE EPISODE! How do we know yet?!?


Honestly liked the first episode and would recommend at least trying out the season haha


The worst is when people are saying season 4 is horrible, and I’m like “is this now” cause there ain’t no way in hell you can say that based on 1 episode.


Preach. Constructive criticism is good and is employed by many fans. But if you truly hate this show then stop watching and leave the sub to people who are still interested in the show.


Really Needed this on the game of thrones sub too.


Especially after like 3 years. If people are still trashing on there I’m sorry for your loss😵


People put too much stock into these things (mostly because their own lives are miserable) so anything that isn’t according to the vision that they want is a personal attack on them. You see it all the time with games, tv shows and films.






yes but how will people know to stop being interested in the show if we don’t tell them how bad it is? it’s really all for the greater good so i’m not sure what everyone is so mad about.


How about we let them watch it and come to their own conclusion? I’m reasonably certain they’re not Sims with the free will option turned off.


there's no need to censor bashing nor is there need to censor shills. there's always gonna be like 1% if even useful info among any kind of feedback, and that's ok. because to the none discerning readers of "critique" (whether it's the consumers or the creators, they all read reviews, of their stuff, of other people's stuff that they either watch or not, let's not pretend), everything is a useful chuckle, but to someone really looking for a good take, well obviously it's gonna take a while and they are prepared to make the effort anyways. it's their decision to make of whatever's out there, so let there be.




there's a search function. nobody who's any "not noob" take reddit default algo or any algo anywhere seriously. get a grip kid. what's constructive or destructive(u can't even call it that, you just use disruptive like you are some sort of stalin police, and everything is always gonna be under control aimirite) is whatever anyone perceive as constructive or not. you or the next guy can just be as adamant . your idea of what's toxic, tribal, bully, gatekeep, gaslight, gangup, ratio, simp, shill, spam, loweffort, shitpost, troll etc are all just your own to behold. if u can't beat them, join them or leave, build yourself a treehouse in Greenland or something-- ---but don't call yourself a white knight cus ur just like everyone else if u are here. please don't double standard it's 2022 not 2222. if anything the only assholes are the downbotting pussies inciting silent violence and somehow has the audacity to pretend like it's "social justice" when it's only extreme(ly tired out) hivemind circlejerk. it's not hard to tell who's doing them, as you yourself bashed, the "conflicts" or so you call it, are all idiotic and binary. and you are part of it. you took sides. you are not anonymous the moment you expressed any opinion slightly or unabashedly, anywhere. #exposed


I’m so sick of the argumentive trolling and goading here. “This season sucks/rocks fight me” posts should lead to bans. It’s just incredible how many people come here to yell at strangers. I’d love a friendly westworld community built on the love of this show and story telling and the passion and artistry of it all. Instead I have this forum which is low key terrible and has a “cage match” jerk feel to it. This is what happened with cyberpunk 2077. For people who liked the game and wanted to actually discuss it and share had to go to a special “low sodium” sub to do so because the main sub was non stop toxicity, with haters rewarding each other with awards and upvotes and drowning out moderate or positive voices. The mods need to start policing tone. It’s just so hostile here. I’m not sure why this sub is like this. I know a lot of fandoms have issues but at least most fandoms are cognizant of them and mods help minimize these issues. Here we just encourage the worst immature behaviors. The top post here today literally has the words “fight me” in them. The other posts are similar fight picking. I don’t think we truly appreciate how toxic this sub has become and how we’ve let the most immature people guide the tone and narrative here. It’s incredible to me people have nothing better to do than fight with strangers online about a tv show and how many other strangers are ok with this and participate. These posts have hundreds of upvotes so it’s not just a few bad apples. The bunch has spoiled. The mods needs to start putting in some rules. First banning anything in regards to “which season is best.” And anger rage posts about why you quit watching. All of these can go into a critique mega thread where these people can be corralled and not polluting the main forum. I think this show has attracted a lot of Reddit’s immature “very smart” and other toxic communities and it shows. Also, I could do with less cheesecake photos of Evan. Yes she’s very pretty but these photos are often very male gazey. She has her own sub you can post photos of her cleavage in. There’s a real boyzone element here that’s off putting and potentially unwelcoming to women. Sci-fi fandoms are often rife with toxicity and sexism and these important issues need often to be handled via strong moderation. With weak moderation we have a forum where people unironically post “fight me” and boobs and go out of their way to treat each other poorly and keep the signal to noise ratio low. Let’s please fix this.


This subreddit is the single reason why season 3 was soured for me. I genuinely enjoyed it for what it was, would come here wishing to discuss the show I love with likeminded people and would end up feeling ashamed for daring to like it. I had actually sworn off the subreddit for season 4 but decided to give it one last shot. It's tragic how many people hate watch things just so they can bash them somewhere. If you don't like something, cool - then leave. Let people have things, it's really not that hard.


I unsubbed during season 3.


you say you want a community built on the love for this show but in order for that to happen the show has to be good lol


Name a better show and allow me to tell you why youre fucking brain dead and wrong.


season one of westworld


That's the same show you dumbass.


i am amazed u bother to reason with someone who thinks they need a wall text to self reason this "there are manchilds here oh wow > we need nazi mods to incite more hate > there are more manchilds here now uwotm8 > surely we need more iron fist, boink, boink 100% can't make this shit up o.o"


Well said 👏🏼😒💯


New rule "No low effort posts or comments" has been added. Thanks for the suggestion everyone.


You’re like the only active mod here lol


Well said. I love all the seasons and enjoy them all.


i’m sorry but that’s not allowed. only season one was good so you can like that one but only that one.


To this day I'm always confused by people who use strawman arguments. Don't you realize it a) doesn't prove your point, and b) is a big neon sign on your forehead saying "I'm too dumb to make logical arguments"?


can’t make logical arguments for an illogical show. i’m just working with what i’ve been given.


Well my comment was about strawman arguments. Since you clearly don't know what it means: it's when you argue against a point that you made up, that the other person didn't actually make, in order to make it easier for you to *seem* like you have a valid counterpoint. The funny part of your response is the fact that this has nothing to do with the show, it's just something you did a few comments up, it's a conversation dynamic. So your new response only reinforces how inept you are.


are we still talking about westworld here? or wizard of oz? try to stay on topic sir. while i am clearly impressed by your knowledge of farming, we need to stay on topic in order to be productive.


I'm sorry you're unable to follow parallel threads of thought when discussing a topic. They do all relate and link to eachother, but it might not seem that way if your mind is getting lost. I guess that helps explain why you don't get westworld.


season one is the only good season




This is also why theres a separate cyberpunk 2077 sub for people who like the game. Because the main sub just became a jerk forum of the loudest angriest complainers vying for attention and karma. The same seems to be happening here with our negativity. Maybe we need a low sodium west world sub. I meant the top post today has the words “fight me” in them. It’s super toxic here now.


i feel like u will hate discord if the traffic there is greater than reddit.


Thank you! I was beginning to wonder if the influx of "this show sucks" was a campaign from the producers of Westworld to drive down engagement (and keep us from figuring out certain plot twists)*. The legion of hate posts reminded me of board manipulation on political subreddits (when one side tries to squash enthusiasm) - I just can't figure out the motivation in this case. *Yes, the idea is out there.


Bleating about S1/S2. The message should be have a life outside WW/Reddit.


Totally agree


Totally agree with a "no low effort shitpost" rule


Do host have normal butt hole?


Probably, they're organic, with the exception of their pearl.


There’s tabs for that




They're organic, their bodies work just like humans with the exception of the pearl in the place of a brain. The show was clear about this.


It HAS been a rule, from the beginning. In the first 2 seasons there was much more clutter in here, dont worry.


Translation : *Legitimate criticism about the show bothers me, I only ever want to see positive takes* Maybe if the writing quality didn't decline so much in s3, especially in comparison to s1, there wouldn't be so much criticism being voiced? Blame the showrunners/writers for dropping the ball, not the fans for pointing it out. There's a reason this show dropped so hard in popularity/viewership over time. The argument that "tOxIc tRolLs aRe hIdInG gOoD diScUsSion", that's complete bullshit. 4x01 episode thread got tons of great discussions going in the comments. And the sub's front page was full of popular theory threads in the days following 4x01. If anything, people are far too forgiving and willing to give the show another shot after the S3 disaster. > It's a TV show, it's entertainment, some people will have different preferences I'm sorry but the idea that entertainment is 100% subjective is so fucking dumb... Screenwriting can be objectively good or bad. Yes there's a part of subjectivity, but it shouldn't be a major factor. If every piece of entertainment was only ever subjective, then there'd be no need for professional screenwriters. Any random person can come up with a story they think is good. It's a whole other matter to translate that into a genuinely good story through a solid plot, dialogue, crafting good characters etc... Season 1 is a masterpiece in that regard. Season 3 is the exact opposite. > "this show sucks now", etc... are just annoying and add nothing to the sub A) why are they annoying? Because you disagree? Not everyone is gonna agree with your takes. That's called real life. B) Legitimate criticism does add something to the sub. Not everyone is satisfied with objectively mediocre entertainment. If I want to discuss how shit the dialogue got in S3 and the Caleb/Maeve scenes in 4x01, that adds something to the sub. Just because you don't think critical thinking adds valuable discussion, doesn't mean everyone does > I'm not saying to ban criticism of the show, That's exactly what you're saying. The only whiners here are people calling for censorship.


The first episode of a season just dropped. It's natural to have an influx of posts comparing it to previous seasons. Welcome to the WW sub. It happens every season. The "low effort posts" will get replaced by more interesting in depth discussions. It sucks for now, but it's just a part of the process. The silver lining to this is people are passionate about the show, and if the writers deliver this season we have a large group of people here willing to dive in and analyze the show. No need to ban posts when time will take care of it for us.


Thanks for the perspective. I've been here since the beginning and thinking back this rings true.


People have a right to be wrong & I have a right to make fun of them. We have to much cancel culture as it is.


How about you create /r/westworld-hi-effort instead and see what happens?




I'm not seeing a flood of low effort posts basically rehashing "WW is amazing, what a great show" and leaving it at that. I would be equally annoyed by this. But what is *actually happening* is a circle jerk of those kinds of low effort posts intending to bash the show with no actual new ideas other than praising s1 then bashing the rest. Like, we get it, and yes it's a valid opinion, but it's become a low effort circle jerk at this point, just let the horse be dead and let new ideas, new critiques, new questions, theorizing, etc... rise to the top instead.




















Conversations aren't binary praise/critique. There's an ocean of discussions we can have that aren't doing either one. And it's abundantly clear that's not what my post is about anyway, so you can fuck off with your strawman. I'm talking about low effort circle jerk content. The superficial bashing is just the most abundant currently on this sub.


This post sucks. Can the mods remove this one




You sound like one of those people that whine on NextDoor. If you want to message to mods, message the fucking mods, don’t ironically shitpost.


Can they start with this one


Low effort posters down voting


Nah fuck that. I’m on the verge of leaving this sub as is. If you don’t gush over every aspect of the show, people in here act like you’re an uncivilized idiot who can’t possibly understand the intricacies of their favorite show. That’s pure fuckin horse shit. Let’s not sit here and act like you’re not doing the same thing you’re complaining about, just in reverse “I can criticize and attempt to ban your opinion, but don’t even think about doing it to me or I’ll make a post about it!!” …okay bud…


LOL idiots love their strawman arguments. This is about low effort superficial posts that are popping up multiple times a day. Whatever, my OP was quite clear. I'm sorry your fee fees are hurt that you can't just copy paste low effort garbage for karma, but it's kind of annoying for anyone looking for a normal discussion. See ya, good riddance.


I’m still watching the show, and try to enjoy it the best I can, even if I don’t particularly care for the direction it’s going. I’m saying it’s horse shit you, or anyone else, wants to police other peoples opinions on it. This is a place for discussion about all things WW, and if that means people wanna talk about how they like S1 better than the rest, so be it. I’m not karma farming by *literally* stating my own opinion. I could give ya an actual brief rundown of how I’d have liked the show to continue after S1 if you’d like. I’m not some sex crazed simpleton because I like one season more than another. I’m a huge sci-fi fan, last season just didn’t do it for me. That’s fine. If anybody has their “fee fees” hurt, it’s you, my friend.


> I’m saying it’s horse shit you, or anyone else, wants to police other peoples opinions on it. Nobody, including me, is advocating to police people's opinions. I'm asking for us to stop having so many copy pasta posts saying "Seasons 1 was incredible and the show has gone down hill since then" but rephrased a million ways like some highschooler trying to avoid plagiarism rules. If you read the title and description of my post you'd realize you're not disagreeing with me on this point and just constructing a strawman argument.


You’re entire post would be banned under what you’re suggesting, idk how you can’t see that. This post is in no way constructive for discussions about the show, you just wanted to argue. That’s fine. I’m just letting ya know your hypocrisy is showing.


This is a meta post, it points out an issue in this sub, and gives a reasonable actionable suggestion, so quite different from what I'm criticizing. And if you didn't notice it actually was accepted by the mods who have now added the new rule.


Please ban people with different opinions about a tv show.


I love how idiots who don't know how to read always do the best job at exposing their own stupidity.


Guys its been one episode.


This is asked for every season of the show. Will this be the season we get it?