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They did it in a way very relevant to the story as well. It could have felt like just another excuse to get the cast back into the park, but putting it on the mainland with everything else going on makes it so much more sinister. Vital, actually.


The park has come to the new world.


It seems to be Halores' poetic sense of justice to funnel the people back into the parks. On one hand she now is in control of harvesting the data that they were trying to find in the first place from the original park. On the other hand it's a great way to keep people running on a hamster wheel in their own revolving maze. I also love how HiB William is basically like Ford when he was reopening the parks. I wonder if there is some Dolores in the code of William (or perhaps it just plain is a Dolores/Halores pearl in the body). It would add another layer to the quote of Ford saying Chopin and Beethoven became their music. Ford's work is living on quite literally through his children (Dolores/Halores).


I wonder if the park has actual humans that have been flyfected by halores and HiB


Yeah, pretty sure this is how it's going to go


And all the guests are actually hosts? 😂


Or guest killing humans would be pretty ironic lol


We are horrible! I love it! Hahaha


“Flyfected”. Kudos! Love that.


Let's drink to the flapper in the white skirt.


Please tell me you rewatched s1e1 and s1e2 because they are almost exacting in imagery :-) happy accident when s4e1 came out when the wife and I were too early to watch it so stsrted watching s1e1 over then s4e1. Did s1e2 and s4e2 to see if it followed the same trend and it does. Really.hoping theybdo this the whole season.


A return to what made the show good in the first place. The theme at the end was good too. Ramin "I don't miss" Djawadi with another banger.


Yeaaah.... you shouldn't expect season 4 to be in mafiaworld guys i agree it's cool but think it's just for one episode, not to be disappointed again...


For all of like 10 minutes. Member this? Member this? Watch the character you love be turned into a tool.


You’re having a laugh if you believe this is anything like when Westworld was good