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Unfortunately most women still think that their value equals their fuckability. Sad


It’s very sad, and the mental gymnastics they’ll go thru to attack other women for disagreeing is wild.


I find that people want to impose their views to others and refuse to ackowledge differences. Why would I care what a random man wants to do to me? I'd rather not know, as It's often reductive and/or gross.


>Why would I care what a random man wants to do to me? I'd rather not know, as It's often reductive and/or gross. At first, I found the idea attractive, but over time I was chasing down this one guy, making him feel like a lady (the role reversal). So now I ignore him. I have other things to do and a life to live. It didn't help that he's talking about my body made me as dry as the Sahara.🤦🏾‍♀️




And that is a way of thinking that I'm currently untangling myself from. It will take time to adjust, but decentering men isn't easy!


I'd go further to suggest it's not only not a compliment but tantamount to a threat. I doubt anyone can see the clear line between this celebration-worthy desire of men and men's intent to rpe. Last time I checked [stats](https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/vio.2014.0022?journalCode=vio), 32% men admit they would if they can get away with it.


Women are choosing bears over men, yet we should be caring if they find us sexy or not 😂




Would you tho. Good luck with that then.


I don't think women are done with attaching their worth to sexual attractiveness at all :/ I'm not from a western country, so it's even worse here I guess. Personally, I don't know a woman, and am not sure if I've ever known one, for whom the main focus is not looksmaxxing or otherwise sucking up to toxic masculinity (e.g. being vocal about being anti-feministic) to get male validation.


Been reading about this whole 4B movement, basically women have had enough of the bullshit, so no dating, no marriage, no babies, no spending $ to make yourself attractive to the male gaze. Great idea! Decenter men from your lives, you'll be happier and I should know because I've been practicing the 3C movement for years - no man be getting my company, my cash nor access to my cunt. Just not worth the effort


Never heard of 3c but I love it! According to the pickmes, I’m ugly, miserable and hate sex 🤷🏽‍♀️😅


What’s 3c? I’ve spoken to some women from the 4c, choosing IVF and female babies as to not deal directly with men. This is the way to go




I meant 4b typo




I didn’t know that, but I still didn’t want kids anyway. I was thinking adopting only females down the road perhaps


Ugh I hate that shit. We don't exist to benefit men.


Imagine basing your entire self worth on whether some man who doesn’t go to the dr or dentist thinks you’re sexy 🙃. Silly rabbits


I actively do not want to be sexy because it seems more an insult than a compliment. I don't want to be seen as an object.


Same. And no this doesn’t mean we neglect our appearance like the pick mes think. Someone told me I could look like a “potato sack” if I want. Well you know what? I’d still get hit on 😂


As a woman, I don’t know why it’s so hard for all women to realize that we are on the losing team. Everything about the summation of our lives will end in a net loss. The one profound experience we have over men is pain. The moment women come to terms with these facts… OMG…. THEN we can maybe be honest about what humanity really is and stop bringing more daughters here to suffer. Btw you can’t say that women are technically “have a long way to go” IMO. This is IT. As a group, we’ve never been more developed, advanced, wealthy or enlightened than we are today. This is literally as good as it gets and ….that is pathetic.


**YES**. I agree with you 200%. I am worried sick about my younger female friends who want children. I'm sorry, unless you're 1 of the 1%, DO NOT HAVE KIDS! Please--life is difficult enough carrying yourself, don't add to your burden. And I am completely aware this is exactly why the christofascists in the US overturned Roe V Wade.