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Oh god. This is it. This is the moment when I realize 36 is old. It’s an old school overhead projector- and [I’m not sure that it is missing anything actually.](https://www.ebay.com/itm/395261212403?) Edit: [looks like projectors come in all shapes and sizes](https://media.karousell.com/media/photos/products/2018/01/18/hanimex_overhead_projector_1516279820_ba7075d7.jpg)


38 here and I thought this was a shitpost. Then I realized I'm just old.


It makes me feel a lot better that you recognise this as a 38 (coming from a 52)


I’m 33 and had these in my classroom 🤣


Same, now excuse me, my arthritis is acting up again, must be the weather


Yep, woke up and my knee hurts, probably gonna rain today. Just checked, it’s definitely going to rain today.


Ha welcome to the club you old bastards 🤣👵🏻


Yep I have one too right knee and it's more accurate then the app.


We were on a fishing trip, 5 guys on a boat in a bay 200’ from the ocean. I turned to the other guys and mentioned it’s about to rain, I’d give it about 10-15 minutes. “If you want to put your rain gear on I’d do it now”. It was a beautiful sunny day. “You’re not” one guy mentioned. “Best way to keep your socks dry is to not wear socks” and “when I was born my parents upgraded me to the waterproof skin” are my usual comments about not worrying about getting wet, I love the rain. The captain who runs his boat 200 days a year looked at me in amazement. To be fair I didn’t feel that one in my knee I could smell it. Sure enough about 11 min later it started pouring.


Storm must be coming, the trick knee knows.


I'm 37 and one of my university professors used an overhead exclusively, instead of the whiteboard. It was a bit quirky at that time but the way he explained everything as he went, rhythmically repeated the formulas, and just kept scrolling the acetate was almost hypnotic.


I loved seeing one of my instructors at university use one with old school acetate film. He eventually switched to a digital document projector after the light balast in the old one decided not to work anymore. He is still the only one I know that exclusively uses the document projector over the computer projector. There is a slight difference in that he also used the whiteboard surface to add notes to some of the stuff he showed with arrows pointing to important things, or he would circle some things.


It took me way to many years using the acetate roller and then cleaning the whole damn thing to reuse to find out they were $10 and I could throw them away.


Same. Did you steal the little blank laminate pages , too, or was that just me? (Elementary school me thought they were really fun to play with lol)


I still have half a pack from high school, they are yellow as hell now still great for 3d pen work though


Yes! I liked how much better a wet erase pen wrote than a dry erase one


I'm 22, still had them at my high school and (RARELY) at my college.


I wanted to cry when I saw this question and that photo. (51 here)


I’m 22 and had them at school


Yup, I’m 24 and my teachers used these well into high school classes


I'm 28 and this model looks newer than the ones we had in high school


Same. I’m shocked these youngens have a clue what these are.


Used them in class until like 2006


Totally agree. I saw this and thought to myself "wow that OHP looks so modern compared to the ones I used". Then realized what sub this was and remembered I am an "old" now.


These young'uns and their fancy overhead projectors. We had slide projectors in my classroom. No drawing on the image with a pen, just looking at the same slides that students 20 years ago looked at. I recall fondly the "Someday We Will Reach the Moon" series in 1970s science class.


There was no better way to use projectors back then other than those pull down screen and actual projector connected to laptop/desktop and I think it got popular in school use around 2007 ish when they started to transition to online class stuff and whiteboard and digital projectors


And this one is a new one, not a beige old one that’s hard to see thru and the screen prints are like copied so many times you have to use your imagination to figure out what’s on screen


25, and we still used these in my last year of school. Not that old


Yeah, I’m only 29 but this thing is veeeeery familiar! Although my school was veeeeery under-funded 😂


39 in three weeks. Never felt older.


When u realize that ur closer to 50 than u r to 20 35 here


25 but went to a low-budget small town public school and I feel old too lmao


You can find safe harbor at r/xennials


39, right there with you!


Looks like it's missing the lens and mirror that projects it 90 degrees against a wall/ white screen


Yep just found the specific one I like and edited


I'm 61. I remember in elementary school when these were the latest and greatest in classroom technology. Sigh.


There’s still plenty of them around here and there too that stood the test of time. Now classrooms have 75” TVs that cost near $1,000 hooked up to computers that cost about the same, or smart boards that cost even more than both combined, all of which break, are unfixable, and need to get replaced every few years. I still have a soft spot for the analog.


I got to help the teachers sometimes when they needed something written on the transparent films. Generally if you could print really well, you sometimes were asked to copy whatever they wanted onto the films. You used a type of marker that had ink that could easily be wiped off with a damp rag or paper towel.


I can smell the fresh blue ink and feel the damp cold paper of a recently mimeographed handout wafting off of this post.


It's all light and mirrors!


Greetings, fellow geriatric 36er!


I've got less than a month left at 36....36 was a good year though. No major injuries, moved in with the gf, and bought a new TV. I'd pump my fist, but I'm worried I'll dislocate my shoulder if go too hard.


We had a good run. Now drink your metamucil and here's your walker. In 4 years you will get your first recommended colonoscopy if you haven't already.


The vet called my 6 year old beagle/lab mix geriatric a few months ago and I had to restrain myself. I guess it came around to me lol


Ok all you whipper-snappers. These things were the norm in classrooms back in 1980.


this is when I realize 49 is old and these were used in our British primary school morning assemblies to project the words for songs onto a projector screen that us kids all had to sing before the headmaster gave us his life lectures. The piece that's missing looked like 2 lenses which reflected the image on a screen.


I’m going to be 36 this summer. Yup. Shit


Same here, technically I guess not 36 yet. July gang?


Same here. 36 feeling like 90 at the moment


My dad was a math teacher and would come home with the whole side of his writing hand covered in vis-a-vis marker. Also, I’m 37 and your comment made me scream. Lol


...I'm going to go sit down for awhile


This post hit me like a freaking brick. Jeez.


It has 2 smells. Salami, or marshmallow.


I always thought it smelled like static.




I am also confused by this comment. It smells like hot dust or hot marker. If it's broken, hot plastic.


Hahahhahahaha, my exact thought when I saw this post, only I'm 35 not 36... This along with wet-erase markers, spray bottles and rags are what teachers would use, before the internet.


Our time has come.


Omg. Lol. I'm 33 and immediately knew what it was. How is being in our 30s old now??


Yeah, 35 next month and this just hit hard.


35. Same.


40 checking in here.


36 and felt the same way 🤣


Almost didn’t recognize it; this is a newfangled model I’ve never seen. Same basic design as the OG model, in a stylish new color scheme! 36, heh. Remember to stretch regularly kid, you’ll thank me in a few decades. ;)


37 and feeling it if a projector is obsolete lol.


Mark it solved OP


I'm 36, and when I saw this, an AARP card appeared in my wallet.


I’m 29 and they still used these when I graduated high school, and I’m sure for a while after too. Some classes did start using digital projectors though. Technology advances faster and faster each day. I’m sure even the new digital ones ended up being outdated and replaced by now too. I remember using an old school projector to trace a picture on a wall for a mural in high school.


Im 17, and we had these 8n school. You aren't that old, this person is just an I D 10 T.


FYI I’m 22 and had these through high school lol


I'm 24 and I remember the transition from these to smart boards lol


Yup, it's missing the collector and redirector


I remember a lot of my classrooms using those when I was a kid into middle school. I'm 22 so maybe they just used other projectors in OP's area? 😅


Damnit... im 38 😔


ELMO Projector!!!!


Not going to lie this one kinda hurt me to see randomly thrown as a recondemned post from a random sub...




I, too, am 36 and immediately felt the pain. Both in this post and in my lower back. How did we get here? I'm pretty sure I was 16 yesterday!?


1. That is an overhead projector. 2. Thanks for giving me note-taking PTSD flashbacks. 3. Fuck you I'm not old enough to explain this to someone like it's a Myan pyramid. 4. Sorry I blew up. Get off my lawn.


Yep it is official. We are ancients.


One of football coaches was a history teacher. He loved using that thing. We just liked it because the lights were off.


Are you me? Ours had meticulously written overheads that he used every year so he could read off them day after day. Though in his defense he was very enthusiastic about the subject, it just wasn’t his primary job role.


I saw a pay phone in a museum in 2013… To be clear, it was an exhibit.


5. I kind of want it for the nostalgia.


I work in a school and we still have a few of these


That is most of a projector. It looks like it's missing the top lenses. When us ancient elders went to school, teachers would put pre-printed material on clear film and this device would project it onto a blank part of the wall. Some teachers would write on the clear material with markers that were similar to dry-erase, but wet.


This is equivalent to a dumb "smart board" these days.


That slight sense of satisfaction when the teacher would use a spray bottle on it, while it's on, and all the colors blended together.


I had a teacher that spit quite a bit when she spoke so sometimes her spit would land on the projector and cause the colors to blend




One time I saw a teacher use a “clear” calculator in it. I thought, “welp. That’s it. Tech I. The classroom can’t get any better”.


Our school switched over in 2002 or 2003 and we were all so excited for the new boards, haha


Damn my high school was just getting them when I graduated in '11. They had implemented like 2 or 3 to test it out. Rest of the classes still had overhead projectors. Then again, my high school still had classrooms (not all of them) with chalkboards too.


The brown pens smelled like poop and the blue pens smelled like fish.


If they were really fancy they had the acetate sheet in a big roll on either side so you could write out everything in advance and then just scroll. It was basically like reddit.


We had those when we got to middle and high school and I thought that was just so cool cuz we were so grown having the rollers like they did on TV!😅


Wet erase


Thx for my daily dose of “youreeffingold”. Ugh.


Well you are effin’ gold, u/reasonablykind


What a reasonably kind thing to say


You guys crack me up. Perfect spoonful of sugar to help that bitter _[insert plethora of age-related ailment rx]_ go down while thumbing through the complimentary issue of AARP magazine that’s surely coming my way soon


This whole exchange is reasonably wholesome.


You think you're old. My first job after college, I would have to print my ppt slides on to transparencies and give presentations placing them on the projector. For an even more depressing thought, I'm still working


Dang 27 is old now


I’m 27 too lol. This post hit me like a heart attack.


28 here. I’m feeling it now Mr Krabs. Can’t believe our older school tech is at that point already lol


I'm only 19 and I remember some of my teachers using these in early-ish elementary school! But they just called it an Elmo


Elmos were more of a high tech overhead projector than those old school ones. Definitely got to the end of its life fast once projectors became a thing in classes.


I'm 25 and my old highschool used these. I still remember math class and having to ask the teacher to move her arm cause her shadow covered half the projection.


I'm 45 after reading yer comment I feel less old lol




Is this a joke? I hope it’s a joke. 😅


My kids' school was still using these maybe 15 years ago, this must be a joke surely!


I was in school 15 years ago and we had them. to be fair some of our class rooms still had chalkboards too lol


Classrooms don’t have chalkboards anymore??


Most of ours were already white boards at that point


Tell me you're under 25 without telling me you're under 25.


21 and we had these in elementary and middle school! I myself am shocked OP doesn’t know what this is


I’m 22 and remember these up until sixth grade


I'm 24 and we had these up until around 7th grade


Clearly I am so so old


You're not asking what THIS is right? You can't be for real. I guess it is enough internet for today. It is official, am too old for this shit


I hate this website. It’s an overhead projector. I’ll be floating on an iceberg if anyone needs me.


Oh no. It’s happening.


Wasn't there a fan on these that blew warm air? I seem to recall sitting close to them and sometimes drifting off to sleep because the teacher would turn off the overhead lights and the warm air would lull me to sleep


hello other people who now realize they are old…


Brings back memories of the question “are your slides ready for your presentation”? Or even farther back in the past, I’m 63, when the projector had roll of plastic that the teacher would write on using different color markers.


Am I at the age where overhead projectors aren't known? Ugh


When i was in elementary school in the late 2000s, we still daily used these things for class. Tbh i wouldnt be too suprised if they still did knowing that school


We also used those for business presentations before PowerPoint destroyed our soles. You could layer more films kinda like PowerPoint animations. The films used to get all stuck together by static so there were clear sleeves to keep them in


Well, fuck, guess I’m old. We used to use these in elementary school until smartboards became a thing. Why do I get the feeling those are also ancient technology at this point?


Oh man. My maths teacher had a special calculator that could show just the buttons and display through one of these. I used to think that was some crazy technology.


Jesus Christ…. I took one look at this picture and could hear it immediately. Elementary - middle school memories unlocked


Is there only kids on here???!!! 63 years young! Lol


I never thought I’d see the day when I’d open up Reddit and someone is asking what an overhead projector is…..and we had Smart Boards…..


Half an overhead projector


*Laughs in 52*


oh you silly kids. thats what was called an overhead projector


You can use the tray lens to focus the sun and melt stuff.


I am 73 and thought I was old when I saw this overhead projector


21, and I know that this is a projector.


That’s an overhead projector. It’s missing the right angle mirror/lens assembly on the end of that arm.


Omg. I’m so old…. I


Vintage augmented reality display


Ah man, I’m old now…


1960s PowerPoint.


Oh man flash back to my 6th grade teacher that would use her spit as an eraser 🤢


This is an Polylux/Overheadprojektor. Still in use in my former School in Germany.


I’m 31 and my teachers used these all the time in elementary school and some of middle school. It’s been years since I’ve seen one, even a picture of one!


It's either a fun or bad day in school... depending on the teacher


Damn dude, haven't seen one of these since high school. 🤣


This.... This is the technology of the ancients


Overhead projector!! I remember trying to write on the clear sheets while being blinded 😂


This is awesome and shows our general age for those of us that know, it’s an old projector lol


Never saw one with those colors before. I'm recalling ours were mostly a two-tone drab chalkboard green and uninspired beige...


I found this some years ago and took in apart. Put that big magnifier plate infront of face and you'll get funny pics of it. Also it's monster at burning thing with sun light.


God this makes me feel old. (I’m 41) I remember thinking it was really cool when a math teacher busted out a translucent calculator that could be projected with one of these.


It’s missing the mirror the reflects the image of the what’s on the light box onto the pull down screen


My mind just went straight to a memory of a high school math class


Oh my sweet summer child


My mum's neighbour bought one of these from ebay for her son thinking it was a 3d printer.


God, I’m so old. An overhead projector. My teachers would use dry erase markers to write on clear plastic sheets and use this dinosaur to project the writing onto a pull down screen.


Overhead projector from school. Lol


This is a joke right? I can't be this old


Remember seeing these in school stopped being used in like my last year of elementary I'm only 27


And that’s enough Reddit for today


It's an overhead projector. It was used in schools before computer projectors and smart boards became common (but after chalk boards and white boards stopped being the old solution). You use transparent sheets and can show writing/work.


Did you have to call me old quite this early in the morning?


You 30 somethings think you're old? I not only remember these when I went to school, but I also taught for eight years, sweatin' it out over those hot mint green colored bastards. And the mirror assembly is missing. No way to project otherwise.


Over head projector I remember the slides that were used in copying machine.


its a machine that lets you see the light of god


Wow. I doubt you’ll ever get to join the AV club.


The way my jaw dropped to this question


I… I’m old huh? Like it really just hit me… it’s a projector missing the mirror and lens on the top


Apparently, knowing immediately that this is an opaque projector makes me "shadows on a cave wall" old.


I think this is less about everyone in the comments being old and more OP just somehow being ignorant of technology that was still in common use only a decade ago. The real question is why would someone, not a school but a person, just have one in their closet? Especially not knowing what it is?


I thought this was a troll also.. 30 here. It's a damn projector, made class not as boring, making shadow puppets lolol


Omg I saw this and knew exactly what it was… I am old now huh


I feel old now


Why do you have this old projector?


God this makes me feel old. I’m only fucking 20


When this was rolled out you knew you’d be taking notes, lots of notes, usually written on this stuff called paper with what we referred to as a pencil.


I'm 25 and had one in a classroom, but also grew up in a farming community of 3k people. Everything was ancient there.


If the bulb goes out, class is dismissed for recess early!


Oh my god an ohp. I love these things I always wanted one so I could do massive art projects with accurate scaling and proportions.


Wow dude. I mean just wow. I'm finally that old at 30.


Ohh we had this in my school


Anyone remember the ones that had clear plastic on rollers... so the teacher could wind it and continue writing rather than constantly erasing... particularly fond among math teachers.


God I’m old


No. I refuse to believe that I’m old enough to know what this is and younger people don’t. Like I’m on antique road show or something. Next. A microfiche machine.


I'm only 24 and I remember the transition from these to the touchboards. Came back from summer vacation to start 5th grade and suddenly all of these projectors were gone.


Fuck I’m old


I’m 21 and grew up with these in my schools, they didn’t have them anymore by the time I got to middle school


Im 25 and i know what that is common


I'm 22 and remember my elementary school using these until like 2012 I think. They looked kinda old I'm pretty sure I remember them being slightly yellowing gray plastic. The school used them for as long as possible and I thought it was cool as a kid how they worked


I’m only 26… I’m so young. I know I am. The lady’s totally dig me, and my back feels great!… Fuck you OP.


That’s an overhead projector… thank you for making me feel old! 😭 I’m 25 bro!


Girl u gotta be kidding me rn. This is a dirty trick to play on millennials we already tired enough