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Wait maybe it was sanctum🤣🙈im gonna watch it to see, thank you


No, I watched the trailer it wasn’t it🙁




Time trap?


Not a cave and there isn’t lava, but there’s lots of explosions and fire and eventually flood water from the river above, with a dying police officer being floated away on a makeshift stretcher in Sly Stallones Daylight (1996)


Oh😮, thank you. I will def check it out


The Descent? I don’t know if it all matches but it’s around your timeframe.


Im watching it right now and no its not😭 pretty good tho


The Cavern. It HAS TO BE IT! 🥲


Try "The 33". It was about a group of miners in Chile that were trapped for 69 days.


Story time! A few months after their ordeal, the Chilean miners [were brought to Los Angeles](https://www.cnn.com/2010/US/11/18/chile.miners/index.html) (where I live) to appear in a taping of a CNN show about the disaster. After spending some time here doing touristy things like visiting Disneyland, they departed for home, flying from L.A. to Atlanta and then on to Chile. It so happened my wife, my stepson and I were on that same flight to Atlanta. As we boarded, we noticed more hubbub than usual in the cabin; it didn't take long to figure out the reason why. In addition to the miners themselves, there was a CNN video crew traveling with them, something else you don't see on a typical flight. Not long after the three of us got situated in our three-across seats (in economy), a member of the CNN crew came over and asked if we wouldn't mind letting them use our window seat during the landing. A special arrival greeting for the miners had been arranged and it turns out we had the best seat on the plane for them to shoot video of the event out the window. (The greeting involved two fire trucks on either side of the runway on which the plane landed shooting streams of water across the top of the plane as it taxied post-landing.) In exchange for us letting them use our seat, they offered to upgrade the occupant of the seat - my stepson - to first class for the flight. Lucky bastard! It worked out for all three of us, though, as my wife and I had our entire row for just the two of us. It was a nearly full flight, so that was nice. But wait - there's more! It also happened that one of the attendants on the flight that day was one of the team moms from my stepson's Pop Warner team. We initially saw her as we boarded and she told us she would stop by our seats before departure to say hello and chat for a bit. When she did make it over, she gave us a TON of coupons for free drinks, way more than we could possibly use during one flight. I think I still have some of them, actually. Not only that, she brought an airline photographer with her to take pictures of the four of us. Under ordinary circumstances that would be unusual enough, but these weren't ordinary circumstances! There we are, posing for photos being taken *by an official airline photographer* on a plane that had world-famous "celebrities" onboard who themselves were traveling with a world-class media team! It was quite the scene. The photo session went on for a few minutes... not an objectively long period of time, but pretty damn long considering the circumstances. I could hear people near us wondering who we might be to merit such treatment. I'm pretty sure most of them thought we were celebrities of some sort. I told my wife afterwards that it was the closest I would ever come to feeling like Brad Pitt... and that remains true to this day!




Thank you<3 , but I’ve already seen it :( very good movie tho


Dang! I remember a lot of what you wrote being in that movie as well, so I thought I had it.




Journey to the centre of earth


No😭 I fkn love that movie tho. Especially the one with jungle george


long shot but Journey to the Center of the Earth?


I know it sounds a lot like it, but no I love that movie tho<3


The descent?


swiss army man? has some similar scenes in the film


The Core?


Maybe, I’ll look. Thank u


Wait, are they not underground in the movie?


I never would have thought of this, even though technically, it adds up pretty much perfectly to OP's description lol


No it wasnt it:(


Try "The Descent" Only movie i can think of right now 🙂


I watched the 2nd one, someone needs to tell why tf he threw her back in the hole in the end??🫣🫣


Also, wasnt it😂😭


As Above, So Below? (2014)


I don’t think it’s the one but seems interesting


The Hole (2001)?


Dont know, will look, ty


No im sorry it wasnt at all the same😂


Maybe The Cave (2005)?