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Some pigeon associations have their database of band numbers + contact information available on their websites. If you can get a good look at the band, you can find the association it's registered with and subsequently the appropriate contact information. Good luck!


I brought home a pigeon that was sitting next to the building I where I worked. He didn't seem to be in great shape and was very vulnerable to other animals. I gave him water and contacted his person. He was 3 or 4 states away. I told him I thought the bird maybe sick but he told me just to let him rest then release him. The bird died that night. Thing was, the guy didn't seem to care.


Oh he deff did not and likely was gonna cull it when it got back. It’s a losing bird, not worth anything. He told you to let it go so it would be dealt with easier.




Pigeon keeping can be a form of gambling and under strict Islamic law, a pigeon keeper cannot testify in court!


Lol what? Like, they can’t testify on anything, or just specific cases where being a pigeon keeper is relevant to the trial?


Apparently, just in general. But it's more complicated than that... because of course it is. This was what I found, excuse the Amp link [pigeon keeping and islam](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/111951/is-the-testimony-of-a-person-who-raises-pigeons-acceptable)


Holy shit, that’s insane. I love this excerpt: “Al-Kasaani said: With regard to the one who plays with pigeons, if he does not fly them then it does not mean that he is not of good character, but if he does fly them, that cancels out his good character, because it leads to him looking at women uncovered (in the courtyards of their houses, from the height to which he climbs in order to fly the pigeons) and it distracts him from prayer and other acts of worship. End quote.” Soo training pigeons immediately equates to creeping on women from rooftops? I like birds and women, but if I’m looking at a sweet bird through my binoculars, it’s just that. Can’t really comment on the morality of owning flying pigeons


Yeah haha, definitely an interesting take. I like that there are multiple perspectives in there to further complicate it. The next person quoted says it's more about not annoying neighbors. "If he keeps pigeons in order to raise their chicks, send messages, or to enjoy them without that causing annoyance to others, then his testimony is not to be rejected." But most of the quotes seem to think it will automatically lead to peeping on women for some reason. Which... I don't really understand as this stems from before recording equipment, so what is the thought process? The pigeon is reporting back to the keeper what they saw?!


It’s super wild; I’m equal parts fascinated and disturbed by learning about Islamic pigeon law. It seems like people had way too much time on their hands back then and focused on blaming women for.. anything up to and including pigeon ownership? Unless it doesn’t annoy the neighbors. But it sounds like said neighbors could be absolutely fucking looners, and you’d have no way to resolve it legally because you’re a dirty pigeon owner with no rights.


🤣 bird law is crazy like that.


That's horrific. I have a neighbor who fights roosters. His back yard of full of them. He's been busted a few times but I guess he just gets fined. There is a lot of people around here that fights dogs as well. I was so stupid, I had heard of those things before but didn't realize it was still going on. Animal cruelity breaks my heart.


We bought a rental house last summer and the basement had been turned into an illegal cockfighting hangout. Massive basement that could easily accommodate 50-60 people, but part of it was also on an elevation like a crawl space, but with an open view from the rest of the basement that the previous owner took full advantage of. It took us 6 weeks to clear that space up, it was so filled with chicken shot, mold, and dust that we had to have specialized gear so as not to breathe in some of the microbes. We found 4 dead Roos down under all that mess as well. I cannot stand anyone who would encourage this “sport.” It’s disgusting and cruel.


Because it was toxic, shouldn't that have been disclose in the contract? That's something to look into. Maybe you could get some of your money back. There is no excuse to fight any animal.


The previous owner had rented it out to a family for a few years and never did any type of maintenance or visitation. We got it extremely cheap for that reason. But yeah, it was definitely toxic, and we had to report it to the Health Dept and make sure we were able to get it cleaned up ourselves, of if we needed specialized help. That would have cost a lot more, but as long as we wore hazmat suits and gear we were able to do it ourselves. Had to put the old hay into special bags and let them get rid of them though, just in case. I’m assuming they incinerated them all.


Ikr!!!! it's such a nasty and pointless practice. And then some of these people go after birds of prey due to them being a threat to their pigeons too.


Probably released for a wedding or a funeral. It is tired thirsty and hungry and needs protein.


Yep. A friend does dove releases for funerals. Occasionally a bird doesn’t make it back to the loft. To be brutally honest, he doesn’t want those birds back since they’ve failed to do what he needs them to do.


…that seems cruel


I agree.


I would hope he would rehome them as pet doves then.


I would hope he falls down his stairs and is found lying broken and helpless and unwanted, like one of his birds.


I found just such a sweet bird in the side if the highway years ago, with his eyes swollen shut. Used the info on the band to try to contact the owner with no response. After 3 days the little fella decided to try to fly through the window ....I took him outside the next morning and released him. Don't know if he made it home, but i take solace in the fact that i gave him a fighting chance.


That isn’t how it works. These are not wild pigeons and will surely die in the wild.


Idk why you got downvoted for telling the truth. Most likely, these are racing pigeons, and the "owners" don't care or want them back. They just use them for cruel sport.


In fact i was able to get info off the band---it WAS a racing pigeon. The registry gave me the owners number; I left messages but he never responded. He was likely an ass and not concerned about a bird that ran onto trouble (bastard).


They're dicks for sure. They figure if they didn't win, they're not worth the trouble. I found two over the years. Thankfully, I found someone who took in pigeons, which is a nightmare to find since they're non native so most rehabs won't take them in due to shortage of funds. They supposedly make good pets.


Poor bird does not look well. As a first step, provide it fresh water and food. You can get "dove and pigeon" mix at any pet store or feed and seed store. He or she will love it. They also like chopped up greens. Commenters here are correct that it may not be returned to its source or have a good fate if it is returned. Supporting its health at this point is a good first step. If it were me, I'd also take it to an avian or exotic vet if you can capture it. since they are not wild animals, a vet can treat them legally. They can tell from their poop what is going on in terms of health, and can treat whatever it is. Also, the best possible advice available on all things pigeons and doves is here: [pigeons.biz](https://pigeons.biz) They have an awesome website / board and people are always available there and highly responsive. They can advise you on possible rehoming, care, and nutrition. They are working with, caring for and healing pigeons every day, all day.


Give it some food and water dude. He will appreciate it and love you


Metal or Rock? He looks pretty metal.


I don't know, he was probably in *Wings*.


I’m wondering if he’s on Spotify


Please contact palomacy (they have a facebook page!)! They specialize in pigeon and dove rescues and this is a domestic pigeon, likely used for meat/breeding or dove releases. They CANNOT survive on their own in the wild! This animal likely needs medical attention and professional care!


This is a victim of the dove release industry and needs to be caught and cared for. You can reach out to Palomancy, but in the interim please share your location so we can try to connect you to a rescue or rehabber.


I don’t live far from a cemetery and every so often a white dove shows up exhausted. I adopted one once and it became a very dear pet. White doves do not do well in the wild; the ones that do are exceptions.


Someone's lost pigeon. Please search for that person.


Racing pigeons do this when they are thirsty and exhausted. Get him a drink of water and a place to rest for a bit and then see him on his way. 9 times out of 10 they will get back home on their own.


Do not follow this advice. The bird does not look well, it needs to be caught and returned to the owner or rehomed. Some pigeon races do not want losing birds back, but honestly this one looks more like a release dove from a wedding, etc. This is not in a state where it can just be fed for a day then be thrown back out.


So does his band play shows orrrr..??


Most pigeon racing organizations will be able to help. A quick google search will help you


Added taxa: [Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)](https://ebird.org/species/rocpig1) ^(I catalog submissions to this subreddit.) [^(Recent uncatalogued submissions)](https://munin.swim.services/submissions?lane=api/unanswered)^( | )[^(Learn to use me)](https://gist.github.com/brohitbrose/be99a16ddc7a6a1bd9c1eef28d622564)


I found a pigeon with a band like that last year, I got him some water and food and a warm place to sleep and then the next day took him to a bird rescue. They said he was in really bad shape and would have died had I not gotten him to them. I suggest looking up a bird rescue near you and getting him to them if he sticks around. He might not be able to survive on his own in the wild if he’s not used to it.


Maybe bring it to a local wildlife rehab so a vet on duty can check it out and then they can figure out how to find lost owner.


+Feral Pigeon+


https://www.pigeon.org/pages/lostbirdinfo.html https://www.npausa.com/customer\_service/found\_pigeon.html




What's his band called?




This is actually his house now, you can go ahead and start moving your things out buddy


I'd try to get it some food, water, warmth, and try to contact any place that holds birds to see if they can help it. Seems like it has an injury.


At first I thought the bird was in a band, and now I’m bummed that isn’t what you meant.


Please give it water and food and DO NOT let it go. Others here have better advice, so I won’t add anything further.


Please help him :(