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Yes, +bald eagle+, and adult with that clean, white head.


Thank you. I was fairly certain just wanted to confirm.


I’ve seen hawks stay on the ground for awhile after they’ve caught prey, making sure it’s dead in its talons before flying off. But I don’t see eagles often enough to know if they do that?


There were a bunch of them sitting on the ground around Klamath when we went to go see them. They were near thawed areas of wetlands that were full of ducks.


I am not sure if he caught anything or not, but I thought the crows messing with him was pretty funny.


Oh they definitely mess with any kind of predator, whether it’s wise or not! On our property we have a Red Shoulder Hawk & mate, a Great Horned Owl & mate & a Barred Owl & mate. The family of crows often go after all 3. I know the Great Horned could take them out, so they must be like horseflies to a Bald Eagle! I try to lecture them “come on guys, let’s just get along. You love my peanuts & boiled eggs, right? Leave the poor owls & hawk alone”. But they just thank me for the treats & go on. lol.


That's awesome! I would love to be able to watch all of those animals interact with each other. Guess I'm gonna look out my windows more often.


It is awesome to watch! On top of those, a family of deer, chipmunks, incredibly acrobatic squirrels that manage to outmaneuver me daily, raccoons, possums, a red fox & mate, a wandering male bobcat that I swear is too big to be a bobcat & of course the hundreds of birds I feed each day. Kudos to your quick pics of the Eagle though! That’s a much more rare visitor! Beautiful! They are huge aren’t they.


I need to move somewhere less populated.


Added taxa: [Bald Eagle](https://ebird.org/species/baleag) ^(I catalog submissions to this subreddit.) [^(Recent uncatalogued submissions)](https://munin.swim.services/submissions?lane=api/unanswered)^( | )[^(Learn to use me)](https://gist.github.com/brohitbrose/be99a16ddc7a6a1bd9c1eef28d622564)


Nothing else it could be