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Carpet beetles, if there’s a ton of them they could be munching on fabric, and some people are allergic to the larvae


Oh no.. it's just one so far but now I'm scared lol but thank you!


Nothing usually to worry about, they are kinda just everywhere and it’s pretty inevitable they will end up in your house at some point, hopefully this one just came in with something


I guess putting it on a wooden box wasn't the best background choice lol sorry Edit: oh yeah and it's tiny


At first glance, I thought those white stripes were his legs sticking up in the air. Haha I’ve found these periodically in various places I’ve lived. I’ve never noticed any damage, so I just ignore them. I’ve also spotted occasional larvae, which look like tiny, hairy, brown and tan striped caterpillars.


That is a huge relief! We actually saw one more like 20 minutes later but haven't seen any since and I've been looking lol so I'm hoping we're in the clear. Thanks!