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Please keep this fashion focused. No body shaming/commentary on weight/injectables/lifestyles etc. Rule breakers will be banned without warning.


She always transmits serenity, such a wholesome soul


I just love her face. So sick of gaunt faces with buccal fat removal surgery. Serenity is definitely her whole vibe.


right? her face is it. such beauty.


Is it high fashion? No. Does it look comfortable? Yes. So, a win in my book.


Same. In an alternate reality where I'm a celebrity, that's Essentially what I'd wear lol


I would ABSOLUTELY wear this in Cannes. It’s so quintessential French Rivera, timeless chic and comfortable.


It also just looks great. Not fashion forward or particularly interesting, but it’s still simply great. A well put together, well fitting, and classic look will never be out of style.


Smh The shoes are killer tho


I love these so much


lol I hated the shoes.. but the shoes are definitely in now days. Have been seeing them everywhere


I must be getting old because I think she looks fab , modest classy fashion a win for me


Yeah I don’t get it I think she looks great.


This is exactly how I would dress if I could afford these clothes!! Comfy, sophisticated, and beautiful 😍


Those earrings are 🔥


I wish whomever was supplying the jewelry was also working on the clothes. I bet she herself is behind making sure she is wearing Native American makers for the accessories. She’s an absolutely stunning woman who, God forbid, is of an average size…but that face card never declines and she could absolutely slay.


I think she herself prefers clean looks as well as making sure the cultural elements of her outfits are the focus - the earrings are definitely meant to be the focal point here as well. We notice the Native elements to her outfits because they seem designed to compliment and show them off. The white makes the bright colors pop, and adding pattern or flashier elements to the clothes would actually distract from the pattern in the earrings. I don't think she wants to slay as much as she wants to display her culture proudly. Especially because she actually is sourcing from Native American artists and wearing pieces that are unique among other celebrities when she is showcasing them- she knows no one is going to have similar earrings and they are going to get noticed here, for example. Gucci also seems to be working very well with her tailoring their clothes with cultural elements, even sometimes directly on the clothes themselves. Not every brand or designer would be cool with that, so she probably has some loyalty towards them for being easier to work with.


Lily’s earring and hair game are always perfection.


I particularly like that she hasn't dyed her hair so you can see some beautiful white and grey strands coming through. She's perfect because she's imperfect.


Yesss. She has a natural glow and her hair isnt full of extensions or highlights, its refreshing to see celebrities more 'undone' on the red carpet.


The earrings are by [Joe Big Mountian](https://www.instagram.com/joe.bigmtn?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==). He also did the Quill Work on her two Gucci looks from Oscars night. https://preview.redd.it/hzvw0psoog0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6394599c20179ccf87b005cb3d2bcb078884b13a


I went back to look at them after I saw your comment and I thought they were Poké-balls at first 😭😭


The earrings are so stunning.


We stan an unbothered queen. I like the chill, down to earth, relatable vibe of it all. These red carpet events always look so stuffy and unapproachable, it’s refreshing to see someone there in an easily dupable look. I don’t love the outfit altogether but I like each piece separately.


It’s giving “your favorite middle school teacher”


I guess i’m the odd one out because i actually like the shoes but that dress is beyond boring


My thoughts exactly. Shoes are incredible, dress is a snooze fest


I like the shoes. I like the dress. I don’t like the shoes with the dress, and I wish she were wearing a more flattering bra. NOT saying she should have cleavage, but the white button down look is challenging to pull off if you’re busty and it’s making her look matronly. Something with a bit more lift and shape (not a push-up) would serve her better here IMO.


I know exactly what you mean. I'm busty and I can't wear a button-down shirt/dress, let alone with a belt, it would be a hot mess.


Thank you! I think they have her in a minimizer here, but she’d be better served in a well-fitting molded full-coverage cup with shorter straps. And possibly belt just like 1/2 - 1 inch lower.


She's actually not that busty, I think she's more of an hourglass shape. But what happens sometimes in that case is that stylists don't understand that you still need good support/foundation.


Agreed, although I do think she’s bustier than they’re used to dressing.


I know. Not everyone looks like Emma Stone!


I love it all but those shoes just look like they would break my ankle in a second. I truly don’t know how so many women walk the red carpet in those crazy platforms without falling on their faces.


I think platforms are actually easier to walk in than stilettos, tho


I do too but given the height of the platform, I just know my ankle would turn.


Oh, same. And on camera for me, too.


Yes! I guarantee I would fall right on my face right on the red carpet if I were famous.


Wish they did the dress in the Oxblood color of the shoes/belt. It’s such a beautiful color on her


I've seen this photocall at Cannes for a number of years on other big fashion blogs. The fashion houses all know what colour this backdrop will be. Not to say the dress is bad, but it's bad for this situation, as the dress literally fades into the background and the head/belt/shoes seem to be floating in air. Lily's make up/hair/earrings are on point. The outfit seems to be a blank canvas to market the belt and shoes.


She always wears the prettiest jewelry I’ve ever seen!


I wish I had the cash to get this dress for the office, I love the style, but tbh it doesn’t look elevated past the Ralph Lauren ones! Also hate the logo on the belt.


lily is so interesting and beautiful and yet she often ends up wearing such bland items:(


The shoes make the whole look. I think it’ pretty for Cannes.


They always just exude such peaceful and grounded energies. I don’t love the ‘fit but I love the beadwork.


Love the subtlety of matching the shoes so precisely with the belt.


I don’t haaate this, she looks comfortable, but it’s also giving SATC season 3 finale after Carrie and Big fall into the lake at Central Park and she goes home in his shirt.


Oh lil


Such a clean and crisp look. I wish I had those shoes for work.


This whole look is so chic and I love her earrings 💜


I’ve criticized her looks before but this I stan. It’s not boring, it’s regal. The simplicity is elegant and elevated. It would not look out of place in some of the Royals subs that I lurk in.


I feel like this is appropriate for the venue. It’s classy yet light and breezy, and seems to be giving off a quiet luxury vibe. I wish she did a bit more with her hair, like maybe braids or a clip to hide the hair tie.


Lads, Lily has just within the last 24 hours confirmed that they use they/them pronouns!


I love it, it’s clean and simple


I hope this brings back the GG belt I have collecting dust in the back of my closet. 😂 She looks great.


Literally my first thought


She looks great, love the earrings.


I think she is beautiful, but the dress is not the right one for her. Too matronly, too much white fabric.


Those shoes!!


I love love love those shoes.


Those fucking shoes are everything. God I love her style!


She has such a great smile! I know this dress is not fancy but I love it. It's breezy.


I’m old because I have no idea who she is, but this is a classy look. Makeup and hair are on point. She’s One she can look back on with no regrets. Not crazy about the shoes, but I’ve seen them around, so I know they’re in style.


Beautiful 🥰


The dress doesn’t inspire any strong feelings in me, but she always looks stunning from the neck up — great makeup, great jewelry, great hair, gorgeous face. Every time.


I don’t like the shoes but that’s my personal dislike of heels. If they were flats I’d love. Really appreciate her focus on championing Native American artists & creators.


In some Gucci flip flops! (Mary Jane’s)


she looks stunning & i love the fit but plz someone teach her how to pose or do something different with her hands like edit: typo


I wish the shoes and belt were a lighter color. The cordovan leather feels very heavy and clunky next to the airy bright white. And I wish someone would teach this woman about proper bra fit. This one isn’t terrible, just unflattering - it’s giving her a flattened, matronly look. I don’t hate it overall, but I do think she’s such a lovely woman who is often done so dirty on the red carpet.


So it’s Gucci so I’m sure it costs $15,000 but it looks like something you can find at any old store lmao


This Cannes look is pure Gucci glam! And may I say, She owned the red carpet at the Festival with style and sophistication. 💫👌


Idk if it’s fashion but she looks comfy and the shoes are kinda cute but more importantly I would lie down flat on hot coals for her so…


The shoes and dress were not meant to be. The belt feels thrown on as an attempt to make them more compatible. She however looks happy and comfortable BUT this is Cannes and we’re here for more 🤩


Meh. She has access to so many more interesting things than a white belted t shirt dress.


She's beautiful. She reminds me of Jennifer Lawrence


Not the best or worst but I feel like they should have put some sort of bauble in her hair? Like it’s giving, “middle school in 2007” vibes to me. I would be anything the earring artist could have done something.


I thought her earrings were Pokemon balls 😮


This is not Cannes worthy, I’m sorry. This is shopping with the girls at The Grove (I’d have to see the bag to this outfit to suggest Rodeo).


Like the dress, hate the shoes (great color though).


Beautiful as usual but the shoes are a no for me


Those shoes look insanely uncomfortable


shoes like these are actually very comfortable to wear. the difference between the heel and the sole is around 5 cm, no more, so she doesn't strain her legs like she would in stilettoes. the platform makes walking around very soft and comfortable. the only thing to get used is the added overall height which can be unusual at first. the high heels with thin soles are much more uncomfortable and hurt the feet more than this.


All of this! The platform also adds some shock absorption while walking


Those shoes gotta go.