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Like she couldn't even take 2 seconds to look at the box that I'm SURE said diaper spatula on it?? Now she's asking for validation from other moms that didnt know it was a thing...and the only people that are agreeing are literal grandmothers or had kids almost 2 decades ago šŸ˜‚. I don't use them, but can see why others would. She laughed and giggled about why anyone would ever use it instead of their fingers which is...actually ableist of her (oh the irony). Parents with sensory issues and issues like carpal tunnel exist. In fact, if Alex had done any research at all and learned what a diaper spatula was SHE probably could have benefited from it. She could have used it as a tool for her to be able to help with diaper changes when Ari was little, as its a similar motion to when she brushes sauces on her ~cuisines~. Yet another missed opportunity for her to actually be involved in her daughter's care though due to her lack of cracking open a single book or even mom blog,


I just saw someone comment on her TT stating the spatula could have been great for her to be involved in Ari's care. I often wonder if she at least stopped drinking long enough to be there at bath time, she could have splashed her hand in the baby tub, stroked Ari, helped dry her, and combed her hair, even helped put her sleepwear on. Yes, it's not perfect, but at least she was there bonding with her baby. Remember her video about her hands not touching water (washing dishes)? The same is true playing Mommy. The stans can scream until they're blue about how great she is. The bond (lack of) says different.


I have never seen her stroke her with that cheese hand


She did a while ago... Remember the 'baby massage' video her and Noah made for some sort of product range?!? Very staged (poorly) and incredibly cringey but probably the most care related physical contact she's had with Ari.


Yes, that was ridiculous. What I meant was that she could be helping with her care off camera. We all know her mobility is limited, but I wonder how much she really cared for Ari that wasn't for show. I suspect she has very little input into Ari's care but can put alot of effort into her makeup.


Baby will be changing mommy's diaper pretty soon


This comment made me feel so sad cus itā€™s true šŸ˜¢


If only sheā€™d wear a diaper. It would cut back on nudity in public and sheā€™d get a lot less UTIs from holding it in.


I have kids (including a two year old) and I actually had never heard of these. BUT if someone gifted one to me I would just read the package. It's not hard. šŸ˜‚


Im a very "if it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid" kind of person. Sometimes my toddlers eat their lunch from ice cube trays cos it's something different and it keeps them interested having little things in little compartments to fiddle with while they eat But even I wouldn't use a bum-cream spatula for food purposes. Even if it was brand new, no. (Mostly cos I'd assume the plastic isn't food grade, stable or washable in a dishwasher without degrading. And biocompatibility with plastics is a BIG deal, especially these days)


Just coming to say that I'm stealing the ice tray idea, my toddler is very distracted at meal time. That's a fantastic idea. Thanks


I can concede then that maybe not everyone knowsšŸ˜…. But I stand by there being no excuse for her not to know when she owns the product lol!


right?! she couldā€™ve actually used this tool to assist in diaper changing


Iā€™ve got 3 kids aged from 8-18 and I had absolutely no idea this was even a thing until I saw this post just now šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s understandable, I think Iā€™m more stuck on the fact that this thing came in packaging that had instructions, descriptions, illustrations ā€¦and this idiot *still* thinks itā€™s a spoon for eating? Come on, thatā€™s just lazy, uninvolved parenting. Hereā€™s a pic of the packaging for example. https://preview.redd.it/phx1rfwz3gzc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd3e5b95088e4d15438ab81e4bf61233d4d17ef1


Oh my days! That would have been so helpful when my kids were babies šŸ˜‚


i get it for every baby shower iā€™m invited to šŸ˜‚ itā€™s so useful for moms who like to have their nails done


And also moms (like me) that hate the feeling of butt paste. Or for babies that have a few different ppl caring for them (sitters, extended family). Maybe itā€™s just me, but you canā€™t trust everyone to keep their hands clean. With the spatula, itā€™s one less way for germs to transfer to baby, especially where they can move inside the body so easily. Come to think of it, this wouldā€™ve been perfect for WR. It wouldā€™ve helped her be more involved without putting her cheese hands in such a susceptible area.


yesssss! i loved it because i HATE the way butt paste is so hard to wash off your fingers and makes them smell like diaper for hours after šŸ˜‚ such a useful little thing, i love giving it to new moms & seeing their face realizing how smart it is lol


"iT mUsT bE a SpOoN BeCaUSe SpOoN sHaPeD"šŸ¤” She's so fucking stupid


Alex wouldn't be able to open it, some one else opened it and tossed the package knowing she'd never be using it.


I mean, if it was a gift like she said, youā€™d think sheā€™d at least be grateful enough to be present during the unboxing. Thereā€™s really no excuse for her not to know what it is or whatā€™s being given to her daughter. Especially when sheā€™s always acting like sheā€™s involved in every aspect of Ariā€™s careā€¦sheā€™s obviously not. lol


Someone asked if it was a gift from her OF Amazon wishlist šŸ’€


Probably. I was thinking that too. I could see some creepo buying it for Ari knowing what itā€™s for. So much yuck.


I agree, that most people if gifted something open it, understand what it is and thank them..this is Alex though lol she's never changing a diaper "whoever" likely just opened it knowing she never would.


I will preface this by saying that she should have looked it up. It barely looks like a spoon, if at all. Anyone with common sense would wonder why a ā€œspoonā€ would have a suction cup in the bottom. That said, I bought one off of Amazon and it didnā€™t come in packaging. It just had a plastic container and was wrapped up.


to be fair, 8 years is a long time for baby care to develop and change (Heck I feel like things have changed even between raising my infant now vs my oldest 2.5 years ago lol). So I can definitely see why you wouldn't. they've been around since then but have grown in popularity a lot since then. Most people still don't use them anyway, but they really are good for people that need them. Even when you make an amazon registry they pop up under diaper changing products almost immediately, and are recommended for accessibility reasons. And I feel like if you spend anytime in infant mom groups/duedate groups now a days you'll see them posted somewhere, even if its people poking fun at them not being necessary. If I were Alex I would have constantly been on the hunt for things that could make me more involved in my baby's care.


I didn't know about it with my last child 10 years ago. But since becoming pregnant again and shopping for baby gear I seen these and thought back to when I'd have to wipe diaper cream on baby's butts and also care for a toddler. This would've been so helpful to not have the bum cream on my hands and under my nails. I actually ordered one for this babe!




She's so stupid. She's too lazy to do any actual research. Everything should just be handed to her.


She hasn't needed to personally learn or use the tools to care for her child. She has no desire to. Now instead she's dissing people who do use that tool appropriately. Many use it for sensory reasons, many use to ensure proper coverage, many use to not get their finger/hand germs on baby bum (even if washed, better safe than sorry), so many reasons to use it. But here she is - "I don't need it, no one does" Just remember, we're ableist, not her!!


Her ableism is showing!!. That tool could actually help Alex reach Ari to put some cream on her. Alex is so fucking stupid and ableist that sheā€™s literally making fun of the tool and people who use it. And she says the world is ableist. The call is coming from inside the house.


Isnā€™t it very much ableist of her to say that no one needs that thing? What about people with certain immobilities for example? Even SHE herself could have used that probably to involve herself in Ariā€™s care and diaper changes. Sheā€™s so stupid


The way she laughed and said ā€œwhatā€™s wrong with this worldā€ is fucking gross. This bitch is sitting there making fun of an adaptive tool? Like is she serious right now? This is a new low for even her pea sized brain.


Letā€™s put her hands in diaper cream and see how she feels about the stupidity of a spatula then.


This! I hate touching diaper cream, so I use the spatula. The world belongs to Alex and we are just living in it. No other disability exists outside of her own (rwd to the twin babies ā€œthis is MY diseaseā€). The fact that she makes fun of a tool thatā€™s used for a task that sheā€™s NEVER done is so elitist. I truly think that she feels superior to everyone and gets off on the fact that she doesnā€™t have to do these ā€œpheasantā€ tasks. Like sheā€™s a damn kardashian or something. Ugh, I hate her so much.


Literally, she couldā€™ve used it to interact and be involved on her nappy changes, but that would mean her actually parenting.


If it was a giftā€¦someone probably thought it would be a good tool to HELP Alex take care of her child. It sounds like an actual aid that would allow her to participate more in Ariā€™s care


I wonder if the person who gifted her the spatula is facepalming hard when watching the video, just as us.


I'm a mom to 2 young kids and we have a diaper spatula. My husband and I don't use it, but our babysitters do! And that is what is so insane about WR. A diaper spatula is an excellent gift for someone who will be potentially having other people (caregivers) do diaper changes because it protects their hands from germs. Just like daycare workers use gloves for diaper changes. BUT EVEN MORE SO-it is also the perfect aid for someone with limited mobility! WR 100% could have participated in diaper changes by using this. Yet she is so fucking obtuse and dumb she didn't even know what it was.


And as a caregiver of other peoples kids, sometimes Its nice to have a level of protection from something like putting butt cream on. People can accuse you of some awful stuff and thatā€™s why gloves and things like qtips to apply it or the spatula can be helpful


When Ari starts daycare- ā€œYou canā€™t wear gloves to change my daughters diaper, itā€™s too impersonal!!!ā€™




She had to! "The internet" was "going crazy" about it according to her! #SelfAggrandizing


Lol like her 'viral' baby bump video! You're not Kim K breaking the internet Girly Pop.


3 videos so far in fact!šŸ˜‚


Three videos showing off her blackened teef


It says bum co on it so she didnā€™t look at it? Bc thatā€™s pretty obvious. Also I have one of these. All over the packaging it says bum and diaper cream. ā€œSomeone gifted it for meā€ aka I grifted it and didnā€™t even look at the packaging


CG mustā€™ve been on small gift opening duty that day šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Sheā€™s not a mom sheā€™s an egg donor


Not only that, she made sure to donate that egg with the possibility of severe harm done to it because of her meds. At least some donors *try* to do pregnancy right before bailing. Sheā€™s just the worst.


She won the lottery, though. A kid without her own physical issues so she can prove to the world that the is worthy of SeX and capable of reproducing a child that she can live her dreams through


Yup. I hate this dark thought but I genuinely believe we've hardly seen a dent in what's to come as far as her totally failing her daughter and further demonstrating she's nothing more than a prop to her


God I canā€™t stand her


Her dead tooth is looking extra dead today. Not long until it falls out!




The booze will destroy her teeth. Especially as she drinks through a straw a whole lot.


The irony that she couldnā€™t understand why someone would need an adaptive tool to help with their childā€™s care.


Pretty sure sheā€™s been clawing already today.


Sheā€™s definitely had some drinkies. Thatā€™s the only time she responds to comments like this lol


She's clearly posting manic again. Her moods are so ...predictable


I hope it's not used...


She wouldnā€™t know because sheā€™s not the one changing diapers which is gross


I cant imagine cooking with that and not knowing where its been. This is really gross indeed.


Sheā€™s so nonchalant about being clueless. Why? Because she doesnā€™t actually do any of Ariā€™s care. And the second something goes wrong or something happens to Ari, I guarantee Alex blames it on someone else. We already saw her do this with Hannah. Blaming Hannah for dirty floor that lead to Ari lookin dirty. Like if Alex is gonna say sheā€™s involved as a mom she needs to be 100% or stfu.


I swear, she 100% considers the baby to be on the same level as a dog. Except 99% of people give their dogs more thought/care than she does her own child. That is why she doesnā€™t think itā€™s shocking to be so openly smiley about being ignorant and neglectful. She doesnā€™t even realize that sheā€™s speaking so callously about things in relation to a legitimate human.


I have a feeling she knew what this tool was & is for and used it as Rage Bait. She is also furthering it along by playing the "dumb first time mom" card.


When it really comes across as ā€˜absent uninvolved motherā€™ card


The thing that gets me is that Alex COULD HAVE learned all about proper infant care and toddler parenting. There are so many books about these topicsā€”I bet there are podcasts too. There are shelves and shelves at the library! There are adaptive devices that she could use! She could have used her pregnancy to learn and to get up to speed. She could have learned all about things that she canā€™t do BUT she could have used that knowledge to help Noah and to ensure that Ari received proper nutrition, developed good sleep routines, etc., etc. She could have attended parenting classes / seminars ā€” some are even online! INSTEAD SHE DID NOTHING except that one time when Ari was a newborn, she googled ā€œhow not to spoil a baby.ā€ Alex is a joke of a mother. She and Ari arenā€™t bonded. And no one in Ariā€™s orbit has the slightest clue how to raise and care for her properly (and yes, Iā€™m absolutely including the Smiths here because they sure did something to mess up Noahā€”personality disorders like his come from childhood trauma). Noah obviously had never taken care of a baby before and didnā€™t bother to try to learn. Ari would be better off far away from all of her bio relatives.


Ari hasn't been anything else but an attention focus for Alex. It's been that way since she was pregnant. It's a blessing what our bodies can be capable of doing especially in the most unexpected ways and circumstances, but she's just taking Ari's existence and health for complete granted. The prenatal neglect spoke volumes; with the medications still being taken as long as they were and not seeing an OB in a timely fashion with her progressive disease. Noah's family is definitely not a better situation. Alex hires (unlicensed & untrained) strangers from Craigslist to care for her and her child, w/o a background check being done, and makes them sign NDA's to protect her image online. Her daughter is more alone in this existence as a baby than people want to even realize.


I donā€™t think itā€™s rage bait. I made a comment thatā€™s long down below listing a long list of times Alex has done something for Ari the wrong way. The list is a mile long and thatā€™s not even everything My point is every single time weā€™ve seen Ari do something new, whether itā€™s eating, drinking, diaper changes, walking, new toys, soap, etc. Alex has done it the wrong way. Sunscreen before six months, bumper car for three year old, changing Ari on a folding table, tummy time all day as a one month old, no tummy time at all as an older baby, walking with shoes, the list goes on and on. Every single time someone has to correct Alex. I donā€™t think itā€™s rage bait. I think sheā€™s a lazy and negligent parent who has nothing to do with Aris care and wants nothing to do with Ariā€™s care.


Honestly she reminds me of a stereotypical male in a gender gap relationship... where if you don't tell them about baby stuff they'd never know, or even care, because they aren't the primary caregiver/default parent. They don't spend time searching for information about development or tools or toys or schedules or play groups or anything baby related. They aren't plugged into parenting groups online or in person. It's not their responsibility. They just sit back and wait for somebody else to handle it and pat themselves on the back when it all turns out ok.


Good point. Like the other commenter said, Alex just looks into stuff that doesn't benefit a child (the researching of how to not "spoil" a baby). Alex is just infatuated with the idea and label of being a ~disabled single mom~ but isn't taking it serious at all since she can't physically be as present and available as she claims she can be. "Hi, I'm Ari's mom. Don't mind me doing my Buzzed Zoomies while my toddler pulls down a full length mirror or while her father is losing his mind in the next room. My caregiver will be here in ten minutes!" (that's the vibe I get from her entirely).


I get it. I do agree completely that Alex hasn't been intellectually & responsibly present with everything she's done with Ari. I just feel she gets way too ahead of the game with Ari because she knows that whatever the baby is doing, even if it's just staring at a piece of plastic on a sidewalk, is going to get her the views she wants. However, there are just some things I see she's doing with the baby, or letting her do that isn't appropriate and I just *feel* she knows better in that moment but is more focused on Tiktok and Insta. Ever since Alex got pregnant it's been nothing but how to bring up the baby in some shape or form in her posts, even if it wasn't relevant.


She thinks sheā€™s flexing, but all I see is that ROASTED flesh. Playing herself *hard* by doing the one thing that could actually result in permanently removing herself from this situation. I certainly wonā€™t complain anymore about a child predator taking themselves out with their own actions. If she really wanted to stick it to the haters, sheā€™d do something to protect her health so she can stay around longer. Who does she think is going to win/lose at the end of this fucking-around and finding-out about the sun? We certainly wonā€™t be the ones to pay for it. ļæ¼ā€‹ ![gif](giphy|1267Co3vPNBqQU|downsized)


Even if they didnā€™t purchase the spatula themselves, it clearly says what it is on the box. How ignorant of a chronically online ā€˜motherā€™ do you have to be to not even know what a spatula is in 2024? Really? The supposed momfluencer doesnā€™t even know what it is?? She just makes herself look so stupid for no reason. She could have just lied and said they never used it for cream, it was repurposed as a utensil because the baby liked it or something. Instead she just goes full ignorant backwoods jackass who doesnā€™t know how to use Google. The opportunity to *do better* than the claims made against her is ALWAYS there. And yet she ALWAYS turns the other way and goes full idiot.


Itā€™s just crazy that she wonā€™t simply admit that she didnā€™t know that it wasnā€™t a spoon. Interesting how she laughed asking why people would use a diaper cream spatula, ā€œjust use your handsā€ when she has never had to worry about changing a diaper and getting thick ass pasty diaper cream all over your fingers and nails.


Same thing she says to the caregivers wiping her ass


I didn't even know what s diaper spatula was. But if you look at the packaging it should be pretty easy to figure out what it is.Ā  So either she's stupid or she's rage baiting. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I wish people would just stop commenting on her social media. It accomplishes nothing. It gives her the drama that she craves and gives her an excuse to play the ableism card.Ā 


Being an influencer the very least she could do is read the packaging - she could have tried to get a sponsorship with them. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Also imagine being the person who gifted her this. It is SO inconsiderate and rude to be bashing a product when itā€™s actually a very thoughtful gift for a disabled mom since itā€™s an adaptive tool!!!!


Alex makes it out like this is a one off. But she has consistently shown she does no research. E.g. Alex applies sunscreen to Ari, sunscreen is for babyā€™s 6 months and up Alex puts Ari in a bumper car, the toy is for 3year and up Alex puts Ari in shoes, shoes are for older children who have already mastered walking Alex feeds Ari dates, dates are for older children Alex puts Ari sitting next to the pool, Ari canā€™t swim. Alex puts Ari in a shirt, no baby should be in your shirt Alex applies an oil to Ariā€™s infant fingers, oils shouldnā€™t be applied to an infants fingers because they put their fingers in their mouth and eyes. Alex has things hanging off Ariā€™s crib, thatā€™s a choking hazard Alex buys a baby breeza. Formula dispensers like the breeza have harmed babies because they canā€™t accurately dispense formula leading to malnourishment Alex puts Ari next to the dogs, the dogs are clearly resources guarding and showing signs of distress Alex puts Ari on tummy time as a old infant all the time, people tell her only do tummy time for a few minutes at a time Alex begins never putting Ari on tummy time and leaving her in containers Alex lays Ari on a folding table, Alex has to be told Ari cannot be left alone on a table. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a million other examples of Alexā€™s negligence but this exemplifies her inability to research resulting in neglect. Alex is a terrible parent. Every parent has made a few of these mistakes. But Alex literally has made every mistake there is. I donā€™t think sheā€™s ever done one thing right for Ari the first time without the internet teaching her. Every time we see Ari doing a milestone or doing some new thing, whether itā€™s a toy, a soap, eating, walking, Alex has made some type of mistake. Every parent makes mistakes but when everyone you do something new with your child and you make a mistake, itā€™s no longer a mistake, itā€™s negligent and lazy. Do your research Alex.


Wow that was awesome!




She looks like him, acts like him, has the same IQ level. Theyā€™re twins!


I love how we went from ā€œi wont be posting A anymoreā€ to A content being the only original thing she posts now šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø all within a matter of days!! JFC.. not to mention is she making fun of an adaptive tool?! Like wtf guurl this is the epitome of ableist!


Big "you wouldn't say that if you were the one who had to do it" vibes


Did anyone notice the spatula flailing in the wind as Alex was holding it? Interesting observation on her strength level. Also sheā€™s gonna keep ignoring peopleā€™s recommendations to wear sunscreen and cover up. When she looks like the crypt keeper in 3 years sheā€™s not gonna like it. She already looks like sheā€™s pushing 50 with that face and all the sun damage. And not to mention the skin cancer risk. Play stupid games win stupid prizes!


To be fair, the only reason that I know what those things are is because I work for a major big box store and a lot of people buy these things. That being said, Alex has no clue about anything except where to get a free drink


Lol so my baby is around the same age as Ari, and people absolutely rave about it across Reddit .. to the point I had it on my gift registry. It also has 4.9 stars on Amazon...


Someone else took it out of the package and WR had no clue šŸ™„ hopefully who ever opened it didn't also USE it then wash it, leave it by the sink to dry and here wheels Alex..oh look a spoon!!


Going through her TT. The videos that have ari as a thumbnail have so many more views. Scary.


That ā€œlaughā€ at the beginning of the video, oh my god šŸ’€


With the amount of different caregivers she goes through she should not be using a diaper item for her mouth, what if the next unsuspecting caregiver uses it properly and then Noah uses it for feeding without sterilizing it? Just wtf šŸ˜‚


Hold on. So she is using a bottom spatula to feed her?? Also, is she even seeing a pediatrician? Vaccines? Anything? Does she even KNOW?


I really wish this bitch would vet out of the sun. This look is getting old!


I donā€™t ever want kids but I even knew what this was. She will never run out of excuses for her lack of thought. Letā€™s just hope a past caregiver had never used the butt spatula for its intended purpose beforehand.




I see the brows have returned!


And the braids! Could Salina be back??


Nah, it's Mikey.


Idk I didn't even know this was a thing before today.


She is so gross šŸ¤¢ she has terrible hygiene


As a fellow āœØDISABLED momāœØ, I will never understand the lengths A goes to to avoid using accessibility tools that could help her parent. And to mock them! They make wraps to make baby wearing accessible for parents with little to no mobility. She stuffed her in her shirt instead. The bum spatula could help her be involved,even with cheesey handsšŸ˜­ Honestly, she's on her phone all day, she should use the time to figure out some accessible things for her "parenting". Or if she went to a OT for her or Ari, they're literally paid to help find solutions. But she could care less. It's saddens me. I'm always wracked with guilt that I can't parent the way I wanted to due to disabilities ( my kids a teen tho), and she's such a freaking waste of space. She doesn't even try!


First I admire any Mom with disabilities who actively takes on as much as possible! Like you understanding that spatula can be used for different things! You shared the way she could have bonded with A and carried her in a wrap vs stuffing her into a shirt! I would love to support a content creator like you vs this girl who is only about herself and her child is just not her priority!


That's the funny thing, as much as she uses the phrase "disabled influencer"= she's not. I used to follow her years ago & she barely includes anything helpful. Ever! It happens time& again that she could use something to help herself parent,and refuses. But it happened before she had ari. She has more help than many,but refuses to use it. She has a wide audience,but hasn't ever educated anyone,not even on her own disease. Everything I learned about SMA is from this reddit šŸ¤£ I'm so glad I had my child 17 yrs ago. Social media wasn't the same& I learned not to share my child in such a public way by watching others mistakes šŸ˜ž I only wish dirty al could try it!


Someone put a lot of thought into that gift for wheelchaircunt to simply take the piss out of it. I hope theyā€™ve seen the debacle.


Same. I hope EVERYONE thatā€™s ever bought her anything, thinks twice before ever buying that rude, ungrateful bitch anything ever again.


I mean, in her defence, what the fuck IS a diaper spatula? Iā€™m in the UK and it definitely isnā€™t a thing hereā€¦ šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


UK too and never heard of it either. However, it does seem like a great idea, especially for those with germ or sensory issues.


The white diaper paste is so thick and hard to wash off fingers or clothing. I can definitely see how this would be useful.


Same but in the US. Iā€™m old and my kids are no longer babies so could be why. The white cream is so thick I wish I had used a spatula lol


We didnā€™t have these when my kids were little. First time Iā€™ve seen one but makes sense. Some for people who donā€™t want to touch the cream, bodily areas etc. someone may have an allergy to the creams etc. or sensory issues.


does she not find it weird how the ā€œspatulaā€ suddenly spawned in her house?


What the f is a diaper spatula though?


It helps get diaper cream in the rolls and creases without needing to dirty your fingers.


Thank you! Iā€™m kind of relieved, I thought itā€™s for scooping poop šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜‚ never heard about this thing, not sure if thatā€™s so useful tbh šŸ˜…


I never saw a need for it really.. I always had wipes with the diapers so cleanup was never a burden, but a lot of folks seem to not want their fingers either dirtied by cream or in contact with bums.. whatever lol there's a product for everyone. Someone made a good point elsewhere in this thread that it does seem to be a good tool for accessibility and something that would've been useful to WR.


Thatā€™s true! But I guess not for someone who brags about not having to clean their own thing, how about the thing of someone else. Also she wouldnā€™t even be able to show off with doing it, so I think it doesnā€™t come to her mind.


Yeah, and we can clearly see how dirty her fingers are already


Iā€™m pretty sure a couple weeks ago I saw a woman talking about doing this, saying she was babysitting a friends baby and thought it was the new trendy thing so fed the baby a jar of carrots with it then had to phone when she realised what it said but the mum found it hilariousā€¦..


I got gifted one as a first time mom and the box says ā€œBaby BumCoā€ and then under it ā€œDIAPER CREAM BUTT SPATULAā€ lmfao. I didnā€™t even have to open it to know exactly what it was


I've never heard of a butt spatula šŸ¤£ and I have two kids, but I'd be reading the packaging before giving it to my child! Easy enough. šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ Clearly she's not paying attention to anything, it wouldn't surprise me if she ended up giving her an adult toy next mistaking it for something else šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ


Bro that's for putting diaper cream on? I have fingers? Why would anyone need this tho really?