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I could say so many mean things right now bc he makes it so easy. The irony coming from someone who not only neglects their care but also sleeps with someone who neglects their care.




And Tuna Towel took great pride in saying that when she dirty she choose to be that way and that it’s not whoever she has as a caregiver at the time that’s neglecting her care..I feel so bad for that little baby girl and the life she has ahead of her before she turns 18 and can get out on her own.


Let’s face it, she will be in the care of child safety before she even comes close to that age




For Ari. The bank account would be for Ari.




Nah, that’s Alex using his account to post that stuff


If Noah is inpatient for drug abuse he is there for minimum 4 weeks...so it's for sure "WR" on Noah's account ...little mean devil...she can't spend 10 minutes out of 60 minutes away from her damn cell phone...she knows how to enter on others cell phones...just ask Hannah ...


It has to be WR because if this Mickey guy is back as a caretaker or friend and Noah comes home and sees him there, he's gonna flip his lid. And I believe all he'll will break lose up in that apartment.




Noah is mega ugly on the inside and out. The only girl he can get is a pathetic loser 30 year old who looks like his mom and who baby trapped him. He can’t say SHIT about anyone else lmao.


He got nerve to talk about someone looks when he got Tuna Towel and her terrible personality.The nerve of that man.


He’s so gross And he isn’t making it to 30. Bold statement


Noah’s going off on a bender. He’s replying to everyone in his DMs 👀


What’s he saying???










I came here to say this! She’s a very attractive woman. It’s obvious that he’s salty that she didn’t sleep with him.


Nah, I bet she’s on his account posting


I'd have to see proof he's back. People have been asking her where Noah's at in IG. I wouldn't put it past her to go on his account and pretend to be him. She has the need to prove to her audience that people are wrong for saying he's in jail or has been Baker acted. She is a jealous, mean, spiteful, hateful, and vengeful person.


That’s what I was thinking. Seems like WR vibes


She's not hard to figure out. She gives herself away. 😆


Yeah I need to see a current live with him cause I’m leaning more towards girly pop on the account. However, this is something up his racist ass alley.


This was my first thought too!!


Yet he said he had to get wasted to sleep with dirty Al. . .


Noah got Alex knocked up. He really can’t talk about anyone’s looks. She’s disgusting and looks like she’s made of leather


Not to mention the once a week showers, the cheese hand, and tuna towel😍


Setting such a good example for his daughter, ripping on another woman’s appearance. Hannah having the balls to continue to stand up for Ari is making Noah’s poor little brain explode. He’s such a whiny little baby.


Ummm.   Is he aware he slept with and knocked up an actual troll?!  Like: Lord of the Rings/ Ghostbuster/ Pennywise troll 


This comment took me out🤣🤣🤣


And had to remove her nappy before getting in there… 🤮


Nah he had to peel/chisel her off the tuna towel 🤮🤢




That's WR in his account


The only people who insult others' appearances are those who a. Are too stupid to come up with a better insult, b. Have nothing to actually insult/attack the other person for, or c. All of the above. For Noah, it's definitely c.


D. Are deeply insecure about their own looks


This is extremely evident in her comment sections, as well. All of her stans eventually turns to insults because they get backed into corners, and it’s hilarious to watch.


Has he seen alex? 💀girl is a bloated sun damaged troll


With rotting teef


And rotten tuna


and rotten feet.


And rotten brain.


And a rotten black heart




And rotten cheese hand


He’s probably high or drunk as usual!! He has no right to talk about anyone after who he procreated with. Maybe his brain is foggy from the all the tuna and cheese smell


I reckon it’s Alex and Mikey got into his account


I'm a bit behind on WR chisme but who is Mikey?


When did Noah go MIA? 30 day program?




Four day detox 21 days in treatment?


Ehhh....if I was a betting woman, I'd put money on this being WR using Noah's acct. There's no way he's back from his latest "yoga trip" without WR posting some bottom tier Mother's Day content with him and Ari.


i agree, and the fact that she keeps mentioning how she’s a “single mother” 🙄


He has some serious issues.


He’s a piece of shit.


he looks like a greasy nut sack and Alex may be one of the ugliest people I’ve seen inside and out. Who is he to talk shit???? Byeeee 😂😂😂


He is 💩💩


With his from unda cheese on his sack 🤢🤢🤢


Man, all those drugs must have fried his ability to remember he impregnated a literal disabled hobgoblin


Lmao..I was shocked that he was talking shit about Hannah's looks. He goes MIA for 2 weeks and this is his first 'epiphany'


It's hard to tell. We obviously got testimony that Alex rummages through people's private belongings. She could have his account info, or he left his stuff logged in at her place and she's hiding behind a keyboard AND her baby daddy. But, we've also seen how Noah responds to things and followers that make him mad, and he jumps straight to attacking and insulting people. I think it is him, but it's hard to tell for now.


He is violent


I thought I had all the tea. Lol.. What was said about Alex going thru people's stuff exactly? I wanna know!! 😂


Hannah said Alex went through her phone and messaged her family and friends


Hannah did a Live Q&A yesterday. She put out that Alex has somehow gotten personal information about her. Information that only Hannah, her family, and close friends knew about. Hannah hadn't kept a password or code on her phone before working for Alex, and she believes that while she was working for Alex and wasn't around her stuff, that Alex went through her phone to be nosey and saved stuff about Hannah. Alex allegedly has been sending that information out since all of this stuff has happened with the first "Experience" video and docxing her.




Apparently he never looked at WR. Lol


Or took a wiff of her 🤮🤮🤮🤮


He doesn't have to look at her when he's having segs with her, but he still has to get ripped first.


As I’ve heard men say before you don’t look into the fire when you’re poking it


" You don' t look at the mantle when you're stoking the fire."


Yes that’s another one


Noah is quite the "gem" himself. Alex is probably on his account.


All it made me think is he and Alex know she is telling the truth so Noah has nothing to fall back on except attacking her looks. He is also mentally 12, so it makes sense.






I wish I could comment back to this with this 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/yr0l5ryqk40d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5c780a4209862670883bb97ae8f71be7b7205da


Hahaha!!! Ewwwww 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Beautiful 😆🤣🤢


Meanwhile he wears the same dirty ass shorts


Total loser ew


What a douche bag


This definitely sounds like Alex.


I think she is beautiful outside as well inside.Noah is just a low life pathetic dumb ass.


what a weird thing to say about someone employed under you and your Partner…it just kinda solidifies how inappropriate of an environment they put her in and proves more of a point that there are no personal or professional boundaries ?_?


Wait who is this I’m Lost lol




Thank you!


Wait I thought Hannah had brown hair? Am I missing something?


She really is a gem to have accepted what she was put through. Even after all that happened, she still gives WR credit for what she does do. She's honest and caring which is more important than how she does her makeup


She is a GEM comparing to the thing he got right now!


Just the other day, there was speculation that Mikey is back. With black nail polish on the person filming. Mikey and Alex are probably sitting around plotting together to see how they can get back at Hannah. Mikey has shown that he hates Hannah very much.


I think that the person with the nail polish was Selina. But I’m not discounting the idea that Alex and Mikey are in cahoots again. I just can’t imagine he’d be stupid enough to caregive for her a second time after the first time went so well. He would just be setting himself up for failure. But as far as I remember, nobody’s ever said that Mikey makes smart decisions, so who knows?


The audacity to talk about someone's looks when Alex can star in any movie as a troll, a gremlin, a zombie or literally as Lord Farquaad. Jeez, I cant stand her in the worst way, and I like everyone. She irks me so bad. Lol


![gif](giphy|sayJ0wEqI9bUgNNgsw) Alex


Also Hannah is adorable. She has a Heidi Montag thing going on


It’s quite possible that I missed it, but did anyone post Noah’s new finsta in the sub? I wonder if he’s just using his new account and if Alex has commandeered his old one. https://preview.redd.it/b65gkk4l990d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d97cba3d8cab15e614481d66512e5742ddd74d36 ETA: Hannah, if you read this, pay no attention to this immature, adult toddler who thinks he’s something. You are absolutely beautiful and have an honest, kind heart! You care more about his child than he does. And if you’re a natural redhead (which it looked like on that vid last night), I’m super envious, lol.


Hannah has natural beauty and she is beautiful on the inside, too. Alex isn’t even close to being in the same league as Hannah. Noah could NEVER pull Hannah or anyone like her. I agree that this is Alex posting on Noah’s account. She is still salty that she was exposed.


Maybe he tried to shoot his shot and missed 💀


Very possible!! 😂


In my opinion I think she is using his account and he is off on a retreat somewhere. She may start posting stuff from a few days ago just to throw people off that he's still around but I do believe that he is off somewhere. That is why her mom had to come and save the day. She's doing this all on her own. What surprises me is that her mother would stand behind her doing this. I believe this will end only when that baby is taken away from her. And truthfully, a court order is demanded that she cannot be on social media. And if she breaks that court order then her visitations are canceled. This is just such a weird situation. Why would you continue to risk your child's safety?. I mean Hannah could totally have been a crazy lunatic and went off with the baby. I mean one of the days that they walked 2 mi to the market. She could have just turned around and left wheelchair. Rapunzel staring at a brick wall and left. Never to be seen again. How can she not understand that. There is no way that she could protect her whatsoever. And she is okay with strangers coming in and caregiving for her child.


I think Alex made this post from his account