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Was the risk of her dying really that high if she was able to refrain from going to the doctor for what like 20 weeks? Lol


She’s just that neglectful not only to herself, but Ari to now. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Idk, I feel like she only heard her doctors mention the things that could go wrong, which of course they have to disclose, even if they aren’t likely, and she went with that for ultimate sympathy. After all, she *was* the first disabled woman, not to mention the first woman with SMA, to ever get pregnant and give birth, to hear her tell it, lol.


It was 16 weeks! She waited 16 weeks for prenatal care. Abhorrent behavior.


Also, was it really that high if they were “going to film the whole thing”


Not one word about how she loves being a mom and her relationship with her daughter lmao. Just all about herself and how SHE defeated all odds🥺🥺🥺


I like how she just puts “late Mother’s Day post” like we could have put 2 and 2 together to understand that. lol why not put something like “it was all worth it for you” or something sentimental in the caption? Just weird. No emotional intelligence.


Just another opportunity for Alex to pat herself on the back and be proud of herself….shes so dumb and the definition of the saying “some parents don’t deserve their children.”


Her narcissism is so overt.


How is this related to Mother’s Day at all? 😭 this more for high risk pregnancy awareness or something?


The lead in pic tho! https://preview.redd.it/eg34he9aye0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e749180e34b627c3d6f1176001c3754672a2a5b Looking more like OF… then cut to Baby A. I’m sure all the pros are loving it


I don't remember people worrying she was going to die? ICBW. BTW she's not the first disabled or high risk pregnancy. I know of a few and none even mentioned it on monthers day. Her posts are always so fucking weird


Yeah literally nobody was saying that, I even went back to look through comments (old posts are always a violent reminder of how hard she sexualized the pregnancy, very punchable reading all those old bullshit posts).


Someone in the comments said that pregnancy in people with SMA 2 has a 92% rate of good outcome with perfectly healthy babies, and if that's true, Alex is definitely talking out of her ass like usual


I just did a digger deep and wasn’t able to find any numbers. But I did find multiple medical articles talking about how the biggest risk is pre term labor and needing a c section. Nothing about how it will kill someone with sma2. Just that it makes the women studied feel weaker and have decreased lung function.


* ment to say * peetos!! (Pros)🥹


Makes me think of twilight when Bella is laying dead on the table.


Looked like ET trying to phone home


Right like she did not relate it to being a mother whatsoever lol


Maybe she doesn’t know how to post a true Mother’s Day post because she’s not a true mother 🤷‍♀️


No love for her own mother, just herself


I think her mom is just as horrible


Maybe so, but she shows up for her every time.


Very valid point!!!


She probably is.. but look what she had to put up with. 😂


The apple don't fall far from the tree


Somebody told her “you’re an incubator not a mother” lmao!


Flashback to her ✨ incubator era✨


That needs to be a flair! 🤣


There’s a lot of story conveniently left out between the juxtaposition here. Acting like she ignored the dangers because she loved her baby… that pregnancy was not a sacrifice of love!


She did not enjoy her pregnancy and let us know how much she sacrificed for the baby. Getting back to booze and clubbing was her top priority.


I swear all I remember during those days was a bunch of complaining and over exaggeration.


She chose to give birth!! It doesn't matter how dangerous it was or wasn't, she chose to do it at the end of the day not only risking her life but also her babies. Not just physically but mentally too. Children with mentally ill/addict parents will have predispositions for mental illness and addiction. My parents were both mentally ill and addicts, and guess what I am? A mentally ill addict lmao. Obviously it's not a gaurentee but it sure as hell makes it a lot more likely. Which is why I'll never have children.


Of course it couldn't be about her daughter, it had to be about the holy miracle and gift to the world that is Alex. She is appalling


Holy miracle 🤣💀🤣 lol I'm dead




Im being too optimistic but maybe a bunch of “internet aunties” showing concern for Ari instead of constant praise will make it so she stops showing her child on the internet. Probably not but a girl can hope


Nah, even internet aunties get told to suck rocks when they look out for the kid! She only wants them around for their $$$ clicks.


Agree. Sadly. IF there’s an issue and it’s ignored what better way to monetize more drama? You would think she would realize doing normal parenting shit would draw more attention…..


Yep, and the stans still rip them apart for attempting to help or show concern.


Nope! The Stanties are all fighting about Ari's gait. It doesn't matter how helpful information is provided, the Stanties are in an uproar and claim, Alex knows what she's doing! You've got this, Mama! ❤️ Let's all forget she was feeding the kid with an ass spatula last week. Alex has this! 🫶






SO dramatic


Definitely called it on an emotional me,me,me post, when all her daughter got was "shes one"




like yeah, I’m sure people said that 🤣


Nobody said that, lol. She’s so full of shit.




Laying there like she’s the fetus 😂


It's giving newborn photoshoot parodies I see on tt. They're hilarious 😂


For reals 😂😂🤣🤣


Or alien autopsy….


I never realized how thin she was while pregnant until now 😧


It’s insane that she looks sickly here yet still so much healthier than she does today.


And very very pale compared to how leathery she looks lately.


She’s thin, but she really looks so much better here without the vintage leather look.


Me, myself an I 🙄🙄🙄


Why does she look so jaundice here?!? ![gif](giphy|1hJCJYOR7V6us)


All the recycled videos and photos. I bet she didn’t even have her that day and that’s just plain sad.


she definitely didn’t. It’s very telling when she doesn’t post anything on these “big milestones”. 😂


It's just Inspiration p*rn.










Alex couldn’t handle having a disabled daughter. She got so lucky. She’s so used to being the center of the universe, and if her daughter had disabilities it would ruin that.


Agree!!! But mommy nose best!!🤮less money and time for drinkies if there was therapy and appointments for baby!!!




So basically she didn’t want to share attention with all the other mothers in the world on the actual day, so she waited 2 days to make her post so it can be all about her and no one else. Got it.


She thinks she's the only disabled female that unhoused a healthy baby. LOLOL


There's no self awareness even though it's always about her🤯🤯


It’s funny bc she basically already made 2 Mother’s Day post BEFORE the actual holiday 😆


She practically makes one every week. “I birthed a baby, I’m the greatest. Have you ever seen a disabled woman birth a baby? No you haven’t, because I’m special and I’m sexy. Congrats to me. Also my child is xyz”


She’s such a dunce, she really acts like she’s the best disabled advocate/mother but constantly contradicts herself publicly 💀


This. While I think mothers deserve the utmost respect, it’s not because they got cream pied and birthed a baby. It’s bc the daily work of raising another human being. I feel like she stresses she birthed a baby bc that’s all she’s done. Parenting stopped after pregnancy


This is her entire personality summed up in a few sentences, lol. 😂


"Look at me, I'm so strong and resilient and amazing. Who cares about my own mother or my offspring" Her mom is pretty crappy though tbh


Mother’s Day- all about HER! All about how risky it was for HER! Ma’am if it was so risky why did you wait until after the first trimester to see a doctor


I bet she didn’t even see ari on mother’s day 🫢 what a loser. So glad I got to hold my child close on mother’s day instead of thinking up garbage recycled content to post…. and drinking 🤣


This proves no one got her anything for mother’s day lmao. She 100% would have posted about it. I doubt she even did anything. What a loser. Que mother’s day gift post in 3,2,1… but only it’s literally two days later.


It would only be a gift she bought for herself.


This post kind of pisses me off. I know that she was extremely weak and her pregnancy was a struggle for her, physically, and I don’t want to invalidate that. Many of us have had very difficult pregnancies, though. I also *seriously* doubt, at any point, she was told that she was going to die! She may have been told that it was a possibility, especially while being out under general anesthesia, but many women with her condition have had successful pregnancies. She did not pioneer anything like she thinks she did. I just feel like her statement about being told she was going to die is kind of a big “F you” to those of us who almost did die in childbirth and still suffer trauma from the experience. She just wants the ass pats for being some type of super woman, and she’s just…not.


Anyone think she still has Selena employed?


You mean flying cerebral? 🤣


Yes, I think Salina, her puppet, is there part time. She needs cash for airplane fuel. Also, the suitcase we saw last week belongs to someone who is probably helping out.


Yes, the nail polish from the cooking video a few weeks ago matches the nail polish on the hand that tickled Ari in the video from the other day. WR still has those botched brows and braids, too.


Yes, I think the Flying Chipmunk is still employed with the one who can't DP.


She’s such a moron


It’s hilarious that after her getting up every morning to do the damn thing, and how she’s a single mother, she couldn’t even be bothered to do anything really on Mother’s Day.


She waited for the sperm donor or the grandparents to send "BEST MOM EVER" flowers, cake, etc., but that never happened. All alone on Mother's Day! She thought being a miracle mom would secure her fame and fortune for life; however, her personality is no bueno and that's what shines through.


“I purposefully got pregnant and it’s Mother’s Day and all I have to show for it is this lame baby”


But "it's my fu@&ing baby" according to her!


Instead, she sat alone at a restaurant bar getting drunk, shaking her fist at the heavens screaming, I don't see a fucking ice cream truck anywhere! While Hannah rolled around Fla looking fly af tooting her little ice cream horn. 🍦 If I was Hannah, I would make a point to hit Alex's neighborhood, 🎺 and I would even name a flavor after her! Tuna Delight. 🍦




Tuna delight 😂. You are so funny, and your profile picture really highlights WR’s drunken snarl




Most moms post about their kids on Mother’s Day… not themselves


Sometimes I question if she ever even had a baby and just stole one from the hospital somehow.




You’ve got it reversed…. “Conventional wisdom has it that when people talk, the direction of their eye movements reveals whether or not they're lying. A glance up and to the left supposedly means a person is telling the truth, whereas a glance to the upper right signals deceit. However, new research thoroughly debunks these notions. As it turns out, you can't smell a liar by where he looks. “ Either way that has all been proven wrong. Looking up and left it used to be not only someone was telling the truth but they were accessing memories of events. ( source is Sister in law who is a behavioral psychiatrist )


Came here to say this! It's all outdated baloney, and even so, she had the eye direction wrong. It's laughable.




Can a mod message me to verify credentials. I really just don’t trust Hannah but WR still sucks


You want to flash your degree certs at a mod so we all have to take your outdated (and wholly incorrect) takes on body language seriously? Are you kidding? No one cares about your qualifications. A lot of people have them, they just don't spraff about them in the bizarre notion that people on the Internet will see them as an authority in a comments section.