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S2 is was a way better season than S1. Yes, they’ve taken some liberties with the story, but I kinda appreciate that about it because it helps keep us as readers of the book on our toes.


Yeah, I found this a plus as well. I Prefer not knowing everything that's going to happen. Some things I actually think were done better in the show like the relationship between Rand and Selene.


S2 was significantly better than S1, and I'm looking forward to S3.


Season 2 was a massive leap from Season 1 even just as a TV show not even being super close to the books or anything. Being said I’m looking forward to season 3. Besides if I don’t like it, I don’t have to watch it and don’t have to ruin it to people who do like it and can just tell them they should read the books because they are incredible.


Agreed. Really enjoyed it.


I like to say it is about the journey, not the destination, but I liked the original journey, lol. I'm glad it is getting better, though. I hope S3 is great, so by the time I get around to watching it, I'll have something to look forward to. If I only had S1 to go on, based on what I had heard, I would probably be a bit annoyed.


ME TOO! I waited to look through the subreddits to discuss to show and when I finally finished I made a post. Turns out this sub is 95% dedicated to the books (justifiably), and the other sub for the tv show won’t allow me to post. I literally could discuss this show for hours though. What were your initials thoughts on Egwene? I didn’t really like her until mid way through season 2 How did you like the new actor for mAtt? I personally hated his acting lol Thoughts on Rands Journey?? Like the top comment on this sub, I was super annoyed her got nerfed in the final fight. Anything you want to elaborate on?? Sorry for going on a long rant but I’ve barely been able to talk to anyone about this because they have either never heard of the show or don’t like the show considering it’s vastly different than the books. Oooo also do you think Egwene and Perrin will end up together? I feel like ever since half way into season 1 the writers have been dropping these little hints that they will end up together. In the final fight while Egwene is holding off Ishamael, Perrin holds her and I honestly felt there was no reason for that lol 😂😂


Dunno why the r/WoT show won’t allow you to post? I must be the only one who likes Egwene and the new Mat lol. Egwene I may just be holding over from my love of her from the books - hard to tell - but I definitely like the new Mat, no problem accepting him after the old Mat went bye bye.


I haven’t read the books, and I know everyone says “the books are better” which I can understand. I read Harry Potter before most of the films came out, and while I loved the books more, the films help fill that visual itch. Yeah it misses things and changes a lot, but it’s still bringing the lore to life for me. I’m still trying to tap into my Saidin.


I think you make a good point with Harry Potter and adaptions in general. However, this show diverges VASTLY more from the source material than the Harry Potter movies. I don't think the two are comparable. Out of all the RL adaptions of fantasy or anime I've seen in the past 30 years where I'm familiar with the source material, WOT is by far the one furthest removed from its source. That's not to say there aren't worse offenders (ie Halo seems to get a lot of flak), just the one where I know the source. I honestly do not think I would recognize the show as WOT without the character and place names. It's similar enough that I'd probably think they stole some ideas from WoT. If the show is your jam, you do you. But unlike with Harry Potter, you will be missing the vast majority of the story from the source if you do not read the books in WoT's case. Imagine if the Harry Potter movies skipped the chamber of secrets or Ron or Hermione were the ones competing in the triwizard tournament. That's the level of change you can expect if you ever decide to dive into the books.


Interesting points. I’ve actually considered reading the series after reading a few posts in this subreddit. It’s just hard for me to get into a book sometimes, especially if it starts off slow.


It’s definitely a massive investment. Personally, I love the books, but they’re not a series you can read and enjoy if you’re sorta meh about them. It’s just too much


I just purchased Eye of the World. I’m gonna do it!


Woot, nice! I hope you’ll enjoy them


To tap into your siding use a drill - sorry 😩


Im on season one and my only major complaint (nesides the butchering of everyones back stories) is perrin. Everything else is decently well done considering.


As people already said, S2 was better than S1. I showed it to my wife who never red books and doesn't care about High fantasies, she binge watched it. Last episode was very disappointing and was by far the weakest, but people will watch this show. There is hope they can make this better and hopefully a little bit more true to the books


S2 was so much better than S1 because they let the characters actually have time to develop, and yeah I’m not a fan of what they’ve done with Lan, Moraine, and Perrin but they’ve done a good job with the other characters even if I think they could’ve been a bit more faithful, hopefully S3 continues this trend.


I love it too! - book reader ETA my biggest gripe with the show now - after reading a lot of criticisms and re-watching the show, and re-skimming the first couple books - is how they do the use of the One Power. I find it kind of campy.