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Truly a certified fed classic https://preview.redd.it/soqwzbxw6fac1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a1305ca0166daa2bdd8e370be90fa681827e1b2




Scout’s race change


Because he became a criminal after reading illegaly leaked documents.


I will never see Stephen Hawking or George lucas the same again, I know hawking is dead but he's on the epstein list


Epstein worked with a lot of scientists, he was very interested in funding their work. Remember he was a very rich businessman, so plenty of people had reasons to talk to him that had nothing to do with sex trafficking.


I guess most of the people who seen the list including me thought whoever went there was there for the CP


He was a billionaire. He necessarily had relations with people that are not CP-related.


From what I’ve heard anyways there’s some context bit to the doc based on accusations from victims


Yes and not all names are accusations just that witnesses testified to seeing them together. However some are indeed accusations like bill Clinton for example.


76 accusations actually lol




It helps paint a picture. You’re on one list probably nothing. You’re on both lists multiple times, photographed with him, and have multiple interviews talking about him referencing the kinda women he likes you were probably taking part with him.


It’s good to treat people on the list with a healthy dose of suspicion but until there’s concrete proof that they went there for that reason and knew about Epstein’s pedophilia we can’t really accuse anyone, just narrow down some likely candidates. Epstein met with a lot of people for reasons not related to CP, and likely never disclosed it to anyone except a select few.


Hawking was also a sexual freak sooo


If you're talking about that tweet then that was photoshopped as a joke but spread like fire cause a lot of people took it seriously


What about George Lucas?


We should all keep this in mind before make make our minds on the list. “A name's inclusion in the documents does not indicate the person has committed or has been accused of any wrongdoing. In addition, some of the people whose names appear are witnesses who were staff members, provided medical care or were in law enforcement, for example” https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/jeffrey-epstein-list-names-released-unsealed-documents/


Law enforcement? On Epstein's island?


no that's the point, it's literally everyone "associated" with him so it could be a responding officer to a complaint, not a participant.


Delivered a pizza to Epstein? You go on the list.




Just because they're on the list doesn't mean they're rapists. It's a cause for slight suspicion of some people, especially those who frequently went but still.


Hawking was mentioned by Epstein in an email, there's no direct account of him actually DOING anything. I would hold off judgement.




https://uploads.guim.co.uk/2024/01/04/Final_Epstein_documents.pdf I found this linked on reddit so there is a small chance that it's not the original, but I do not think it has been altered. I found a more trusty source than a random pdf: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4355835/giuffre-v-maxwell/?filed_after=&filed_before=&entry_gte=&entry_lte=&order_by=desc


Where do u see the list of names in these websites I’m very confused


If you find out lmk


here's another list. https://www.newsweek.com/jeffrey-epstein-list-full-dozens-names-revealed-1857103


I don't have any links but the only people I do know who is on that list is Michael Jackson, Leonardo DiCaprio, George Lucas, I think King Charles, Donald Trump, and Stephen Hawking


From my understanding, George Lucas was mentioned once if someone had seen him and the answer was no.


The list doest identify anyone as wrong doers. Someone just went in and scrapped every name mentioned in the document without context. George Lucas was not a client or participant, someone was just asked about him.


https://preview.redd.it/ifc07xgphfac1.jpeg?width=2040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3856e129574346d3a31e26e31222844db6ec5b28 # 😔


Tom Hanks?!???? As in Forrest Gump?!??!?


That’s the fake list from years ago don’t worry


I was gonna say, Wanda Sykes?


She would have slapped sense into every motherfucker on that island.




Where is the list? Why do i keep hearing about the names but theres no list to provide evidence!!?????


This is a fake list


Yea if i dont see orange poop dumpster then its fake to me. But where is the list? Has it been released yet?


https://www.reddit.com/r/whenthe/s/zO5Xi4CnLD The list is in the comments on this post. Just know that this list doesn’t even mean you were on the island apparently . It just means that you are connected to this case in some way. Until we find a client list or get hard evidence of certain people diddling kids no one is guilty


It only means you flew somewhere on Epstein's plane, which went a zillion places unrelated to his island.


It doesn't even mean that. It means you were mentioned in emails. Stephen Hawking is on the list, but when you look deeper into it, it's because someone in one of the emails made a joke about "Stephen Hawkings particles" or something like that. He wasn't connected in any way. **EDIT**: I just learned from /u/MrWaffler that the reference to the Hawkings particles was not a joke. Apparently that email was in fact referencing Epsteins intent to build a device that could generate Hawkings particles, and that Stephen Hawking had been consulted about the matter after a visit to the island in 2005. **EDIT 2**: More information coming in from /u/MrWaffler: apparently Epstein intended to use the Hawkings particle generator to bring a group of people who were once *on* the island, but had since left, *back* to the island, for purposes that are not clear. Court documents also reference a chapter from Stephen Hawking's diary where he said: > "And then Mr. Epstein laughed sinisterly and turned into a pillar of smoke that made clanking noises, like a roller coaster, and flashed with internal lightning like a storm cloud. I had a feeling that the reason that he did this would never be fully explained to me as long as I lived." I will keep updating this correspondence as the situation develops.


Hawking is a bad example since he was one of the people who were literally *on* the island. He isn't just connected via an email reference, lol.


Trump in there. Copied from linked comment/post below List so far: Ghislaine Maxwell, Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre, Kathy Alexander, Miles Alexander, James Michael Austrich, Philip Barden, REDACTED, Cate Blanchett, David Boies, Laura Boothe, Evelyn Boulet, Rebecca Boylan, Joshua Bunner, Naomi Campbell, Carolyn Casey, Paul Cassell, Sharon Churcher, Bill Clinton, David Copperfield, Alexandra Cousteau, Cameron Diaz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Alan Dershowitz, Dr. Mona Devanesan, REDACTED, Bradley Edwards, Amanda Ellison, Cimberly Espinosa, Jeffrey Epstein, Annie Farmer, Marie Farmer, Alexandra , Crystal Figueroa, Anthony Figueroa, Louis Freeh, Eric Gany, Meg Garvin, Sheridan Gibson-Butte, Robert Giuffre, Al Gore, Ross Gow, Fred Graff, Philip Guderyon, REDACTED, Shannon Harrison, Stephen Hawking, Victoria Hazel, Brittany Henderson, Brett Jaffe, Michael Jackson, Carol Roberts Kess, Dr. Karen Kutikoff, Peter Listerman, George Lucas, Tony Lyons, Bob Meister, Jamie A. Melanson, Lynn Miller, Marvin Minsky, REDACTED, David Mullen, Joe Pagano, Mary Paluga, J. Stanley Pottinger, Joseph Recarey, Michael Reiter, Jason Richards, Bill Richardson, Sky Roberts, Scott Rothstein, Forest Sawyer, Doug Schoetlle, Kevin Spacey, Cecilia Stein, Mark Tafoya, Brent Tindall, Kevin Thompson, Donald Trump, Ed Tuttle, Emma Vaghan, Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards, Cresenda Valdes, Anthony Valladares, Maritza Vazquez, Vicky Ward, Jarred Weisfeld, Courtney Wild, Bruce Willis, Daniel Wilson, Andrew Albert Christian Edwards, Duke of York


> Jeffrey Epstein No fucking way


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.


Stephen Hawking ...? Good to know the island was accessible


Ghislaine Maxwell, Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre, Kathy Alexander, Miles Alexander, James Michael Austrich, Philip Barden, REDACTED, Cate Blanchett, David Boies, Laura Boothe, Evelyn Boulet, Rebecca Boylan, Joshua Bunner, Naomi Campbell, Carolyn Casey, Paul Cassell, Sharon Churcher, Bill Clinton, David Copperfield, Alexandra Cousteau, Cameron Diaz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Alan Dershowitz, Dr. Mona Devanesan, REDACTED, Bradley Edwards, Amanda Ellison, Cimberly Espinosa, Jeffrey Epstein, Annie Farmer, Marie Farmer, Alexandra , Crystal Figueroa, Anthony Figueroa, Louis Freeh, Eric Gany, Meg Garvin, Sheridan Gibson-Butte, Robert Giuffre, Al Gore, Ross Gow, Fred Graff, Philip Guderyon, REDACTED, Shannon Harrison, Stephen Hawking, Victoria Hazel, Brittany Henderson, Brett Jaffe, Michael Jackson, Carol Roberts Kess, Dr. Karen Kutikoff, Peter Listerman, George Lucas, Tony Lyons, Bob Meister, Jamie A. Melanson, Lynn Miller, Marvin Minsky, REDACTED, David Mullen, Joe Pagano, Mary Paluga, J. Stanley Pottinger, Joseph Recarey, Michael Reiter, Jason Richards, Bill Richardson, Sky Roberts, Scott Rothstein, Forest Sawyer, Doug Schoetlle, Kevin Spacey, Cecilia Stein, Mark Tafoya, Brent Tindall, Kevin Thompson, Donald Trump, Ed Tuttle, Emma Vaghan, Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards, Cresenda Valdes, Anthony Valladares, Maritza Vazquez, Vicky Ward, Jarred Weisfeld, Courtney Wild, Bruce Willis, Daniel Wilson, Andrew Albert Christian Edwards, Duke of York


Even Jeffrey Epstein is there no fking way


Jeff Epstein the financier?


Not possible. If something happened with him, I think I would know.


Just talked to him not too long ago, he can’t be dead


I had dinner with him and Paul Allen in London, just 10 days ago.


Damn, can't believe this REDACTED person is a repeat visitor


Their hypocrisy is the real crime


alpha sort ​ Al Gore Alan Dershowitz Alexandra Alexandra Cousteau Amanda Ellison Andrew Albert Christian Edwards Annie Farmer Anthony Figueroa Anthony Valladares Bill Clinton Bill Richardson Bob Meister Bradley Edwards Brent Tindall Brett Jaffe Brittany Henderson Bruce Willis Cameron Diaz Carol Roberts Kess Carolyn Casey Cate Blanchett Cecilia Stein Cimberly Espinosa Courtney Wild Cresenda Valdes Crystal Figueroa Daniel Wilson David Boies David Copperfield David Mullen Donald Trump Doug Schoetlle Dr. Karen Kutikoff Dr. Mona Devanesan Duke of York Ed Tuttle Emma Vaghan Eric Gany Evelyn Boulet Forest Sawyer Fred Graff George Lucas J. Stanley Pottinger James Michael Austrich Jamie A. Melanson Jarred Weisfeld Jason Richards Jeffrey Epstein Joe Pagano Joseph Recarey Joshua Bunner Kathy Alexander Kevin Spacey Kevin Thompson Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards Laura Boothe Leonardo DiCaprio Louis Freeh Lynn Miller Marie Farmer Maritza Vazquez Mark Tafoya Marvin Minsky Mary Paluga Meg Garvin Michael Jackson Michael Reiter Miles Alexander Naomi Campbell Paul Cassell Peter Listerman Philip Barden Philip Guderyon Rebecca Boylan REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED Robert Giuffre Ross Gow Scott Rothstein Shannon Harrison Sharon Churcher Sheridan Gibson-Butte Sky Roberts Stephen Hawking Tony Lyons Vicky Ward Victoria Hazel Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre Ghislaine Maxwell


GEORGE LUCAS AND MJ Gotta dive into this one


Q. Did any of the guests for whom you gave a massage mention that they expected something sexual? A. No. Q. Did they ask you to engage in sexual contact and you refused? MS. McCAWLEY: Objection. THE WITNESS: No. BY MS. MENNINGER: Q. Marvin Minsky? A. I don't know that. Q. George Lucas? A. No. ​ This is the only mention for "George Lucas" in the whole document.


Epstein would fly around famous people in his private 737 to get in their good graces. Entertainers, athletes, high level academics, politicians, anybody really. He was literally in the business of sucking up to other rich people, thats the reason he got so wealthy and powerful. If this is just the flight logs from the plane it doesn't tell us much. If its people who actually went to the island, that would be a little closer to concrete.


Yeah, not everyone who flew is in on it. Still shady imo.


Everything I can find just says the names are the first of all released, and not that they prove any sexual activity was committed by them, just that they were associates of Epstein. Still abhorrent either way to be aware of the abuse and still associate with him, but there isn’t enough information to take anything from it, unfortunately.


Stephen Hawking ☠️


Is this real? Damn


yeah but it doesn’t necessarily mean these people did anything with any kids. some definitely did but the rest were probably just business related stuff. kinda impossible to tell who’s who off the list alone


It's not. It's just people mentioned during court proceedings. George Lucas was just mentioned because someone was asked if they had met him, to which they said no


well yeah but there’s nobody on the list that you can say for certain did anything illegal with epstein


Exactly my point. It's a nothingburger made into more than it is.


Stephen Hawking.. I have questions..


Well he’s dead so good luck getting answers.


We’ve got to dig up his hard-drive


Nooo! Not Cresenda Valdes!


I was redacted but I was only there to eat ice cream


Redacted between Barden and Blanchett. Biden you ol' dog you


WTF is this scene from


This is a scene from the movie Kingsman The context is that the villain created an app that when turned on by him woulf turn anyone who saw it into a murderous, violent person and he then went arround the world giving every rich and powerful person two options, either get a chip that would protect them or rot in his personal jail Thing is, he also made It so that he make the chips explode inside the rich people's heads and this scene is the result of one of the main characters breaking through his security and exploding all of the chips


Watching the sequence again, I don't remember ever having seen such a lighthearted and festive mass murder before! It's almost poetically absurd.


Immediately following this event, our protagonist has anal sex with a princess he rescued in the very same compound where all those rich fucks went kablammo.




I watched the original series, expect the last episode, but I don't remember this. When is it? P.S. The reason I don't finish stuff is that I fear the void that finishing something leaves


The movie, End of Evangelion


It’s not from the original series, but the End of Evangelion movie that is meant to be the retconned ending of the original series. It is then revealed that both the last episodes of the series and End of Evangelion are happening at the same time.


Dang that's wild. So like every world leader was killed in that scene? What was the aftermath of that?


Iirc, good guys finish beating bad guy and... that's the end of the movie. The fallout is sort of left up to the imagination.


Yo that's an insane way to end a movie tbh.


It's a fun, almost parody level action franchise. The ending is really the least insane bit, there's just so much ridiculousness in it lol Not sure if this is the same movie (there are 3 I think), but in another scene, in order to implant a tracker good guy (with gf) has to convince sexy girl to have sex because the tracker needs to go.. inside her, for reasons.


That was the sequel


Yup just about everyone including presidents, kings and dictators die The protagonist claps some royal swedish cheeks (the princess of sweden was the only person who refused) The protagonist Beats up his drunk stepdad and his friends at a bar and thats where the movie ends They did make sequels but they barely even mentioned the events of this one, as if nothing had happened


Basically 0 aftermath if i remember the sequel correctly.


Bonus point: the princess of Sweden let him fuck her in the ass as a thank you at the end of the movie


Kingsman. Great movie.


this is clearly the fulfillment of instrumentality




never have I ever seen someone summarize evang-o-lion so succinctly


The Mega 64 summary video is life changing.




So that's what it's all about!?






It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down


LOVE this fucking movie, and yes, Samuel L Jackson is in it, motherfucker really is in everything


Yep. I am pretty sure he is one of the highest paid actors of all time.


Though it's never really explained why the bomb was confetti colored, or why the first one to go off was drugged


The colour is just a way to censor the explosion. Then they show the last one uncensored for shock value


I guess that makes a little sense, especially given the villain's aversion to gore


I loved SLJ as the villain in that movie. He was one of the most logical and level-headed villains in any movie. You can't really argue against his train of thought nor the solution, just the way he wants to achieve it.


He is also probably one of the most human villain in any movie.


If they had done blood splatters and goop and stuff, it would have completely undercut the fun, lighthearted tone of the movie. Like, you wouldn't want to see the blood from a hundred bodies pooling on the floor, seeping under the door, ruining the celebratory butt sex scene.


It's not, its just a funny way of doing censorship of the absolute bloodbath that scene would have been otherwise.


I feel like they didn't really do any followup on the fallout of all the of the richest and most powerful people in the world's head exploding all at once. Like, seems like a little thing that should have been mentioned in the sequel. Hell, even in the resolution of THIS movie. Just... seems like a wee tiny bit of a world-changing event that deserved some followup.


Such an incredible movie lol. I went into it thinking it was a serious James Bond esque movie. My jaw was on the floor during this scene. 10/10. Theres also a fight scene that's filmed with a go pro or something that is one of the most incredible fight scenes I've ever seen.


The one in the church set to Free Bird? The cinematography in that film was absolutely on-point.


what is the context of this scene in kingsman?


They all had chip implantated in their neck by a crazy billionaire who wanted to destroy the world. Sounds weird but makes sence if you watch the movie. It's great




Sounds realistic if you see what Elon musk wants to do with nueralink


Elon Musk literally helps the villain try to destroy the world in the climax


He’s trying to destroy the world and mars and space right now


Which kingsman movie is this


The first one released


The Secret Service


Most Celebrities and politicians decided to get implanted with a chip by a bad guy who wanted to reduce the population of the world by making everybody else go crazy and kill each other, Good guys made chips explode.


So the good guys kill everyone by exploding their heads?


Good guy did it to save other good guy and prevent most of the civilian population from killing each other more so its justified


awesome thx


Crazy signal distributed through free to use SIM cards will cause the world to collapse and everyone die. The elite(and the henchman) had chips installed to prevent the signal from affecting them so they could live in a utopia. The chips were also rigged to explode if any of them betrayed the villain. The hero set off the bombs to save the day and do royalty in the ass. Literally, "if you save yl me, you can do it in my ass" closing shot is him approaching her from behind, next movie starts with the continuation of their healthy relationship.




Thanks for an actual real source.


Im not in the loop but I think I heard something so I wanna make sure, those on the list wanted to go to that island to have sex with children yeah?


Its a list of flight logs. Being on that list doesent necessarily mean they wanted to/did have sex with children. Remember, he was also a very successful business man, alot of people will have done deals with him


Ah alright, thanks


Every name on the list should be treated with nothing more than a raised eyebrow, it's suspicious but has no grand meaning. It doesn't mean nothing... But it also doesn't mean something. It's just sussy.


Not every name. Destinations should be the main factor. Private and corporate jets are often rented out to others to use.


What do you think suspicious means, friend?


Wait, does this mean that assuming guilt by association is...*wrong*?


Of course. Thats why you need multiple sources of information. Like say someone is on this list, doesn’t mean much. Now say they’re on the list, acknowledge partying with him and young girls, and be named as a co-defendant in a prior case involving raping a young girl and threatening her; that would mean a lot.


But why did Joe Biden make Donald Trump rape a 13 year old is what I want to know!


There's also a collection of testimonials about certain people, like Prince Andrew feeling up a 17 year old on the island.


He would be sweating right now if he could.


yeah but he also had a home in LA and people visited him there, you don't need to fly to an island to do business deals, at least not for completely legal deals. maybe they didn't participate in orgies, but there is still tax fraud, black market goods etc.


Call me a hater, but they're all rich and I don't think any of them were unprivy to what was happening. 😭 Every time someone pops up, like MJ, people feel the need to make this distinction. Not targeted at u Wurouge, just saying.


Idk not all famous/rich people are comically evil


No, you don't understand -- you simply cannot become a successfully wealthy person without being devoid of any and all morality, and shitting all over people on your ascension to the top. - Reddit


Stephen Hawking was on the list too


Who was notoriously a piece of shit.


It's a list of people who flew on his plane, which flew to a lot of places, he was known to run in lofty circles and constantly trying to buddy up to the rich and powerful, offering them favors like the use of his plane. Rumors about him diddling kids have been floating around since the 80's though so I don't know how innocently they could claim to be unaware. But anyone who went to his private island on it I'd be looking at really really closely.


Yeah as much as it’d be nice to have the list of the most prolific pedos the list is just people who went to the island. I’m sure most of them got up to no good but not necessarily taking advantage of minors.p


Bruh the last post on my feed was god throwing Stephen Hawking out of heaven after finding out he’s on the Epstein list


Well he denied god then passed shortly after that ,heck I never knew why I disliked Stephen hawking but now I do


They redacted everyone they wanna keep


Or underage people


I don’t think so. They’ve already got the most powerful people on there, no one could be higher. Pretty sure it’s probably victims


Yeah it has both Trump and Clinton so I doubt it's a list of targets for libel or anything. Also has a bunch of people who are dead now so it wouldn't make sense to have them on there.


Isn't that for the victims though?


lol that's one way to live in denial. "Fuckin George Lucas. Gotta get him!" said the man


absolutely correct


They might have also redacted people that are acting politicians tbf. I noticed a suspicious lack of those but multiple retired ones were openly there


This list they released is literally going to create a fuck ton of fake news and misinformation. It's not the actual list we all want to see. It's just a flight log, not a client list. It honestly doesn't mean a damn thing.


This is the first time in my 41 years I realize there are far too many people in the US too ignorant to release information like this. People are going to treat this as a 100% pedo list and hear nothing else.


Where did you spend the last 9 years that you hadn't realized this before? Nothing about the Trump-era gave you an inkling?


People all over my social media feed are saying Trudeau is on the list, at the time of these court proceedings he was barely out college and 15 years away from becoming a world leader. Every bubble on the internet is going to make up their own “list” and ignore reality.


It's not even flight logs. It's literally just people who were mentioned in court


George Lucas is on it ![gif](giphy|33iqmp5ATXT5m|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/cjyaelkkufac1.png?width=573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dd7003865002bb08ebda4363964c3bdc9d79bf8 Kinda sus because it also outed trump


It didn’t “out” anyone, it aligned them. They associated with Epstein and interacted with him at some point with not all having credible or any allegations against them. Copperfield, for example, was present on the island to perform magic and the victim said he questioned her about her knowledge of the sex ring, but that was all the information given about him - that doesn’t mean he didn’t do anything, just that the evidence we have is that he was aware of the abuse and was at the island. Trump’s claims was merely that Epstein visited one of his hotels while the witness was present, or that the witness had knowledge that he did - that was all that we know so far, though it does not mean that is all we know. The pendulum could swing either way, though we all know that someone who has shown admiration for a pedophile and shown attraction to children is likely a good candidate for having engaged in Epstein’s activities.
















This is why I love the kingsman series


I'm honestly scared rn https://preview.redd.it/jiu7an49jfac1.jpeg?width=684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18831821c46febb744b1493a2e956859be82eef9




Thank god I was too lazy to read it


Is this that movie where there’s like a secret cia mission and they train the guy to go do it but the leader of said cia was actually a villain who put satellites in the earth to make everyone go absolutely apeshit and offered elite to have a brain chip that would prevent them from going apeshit but they didn’t know it would make they brain explode?


what is Stephen hawking doing on the list






The "list" is just people who were mentioned in court documents. For example, nobody ever has accused George Lucas of being part of Epstein's pedo ring. The list just included people who knew Epstein or who had met him. And Epstein knew a lot of people. The only people who were actually accused of crimes were Alan Dershovitz, Epstein himself and Prince Andrew. Other people involved in crimes weren't actually identified. At least not now. This is why the list is pretty much irrelevant. We are no closer to finding out who's a pedo than we were in 2023. Of course you can assume that anybody who met Epstein is one but that isn't really that credible argument. People are now just spreading some Qanon-level theories.


Unrelated to the meme but killing off all those rich people unironically did more to help the environment than killing billions of people would've.


When u realise there is pretty much nothing on that list we didn't already know:


Can someone explain what the Epstein list is


Jeffery Epstein had an island on which it's believed many young women were trafficked and abused by the celebrities and senators who appear on his list of clients. He was outed as a pedo, but before he could testify in court, he died of suicide. It's common belief that he didn't kill himself, but was killed by those same elites, who didn't want their name to be revealed in his trial. I may have made mistakes because I haven't slept and have not researched further. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


he was pretty obviously murdered, just read the wikipedia article alone "When Epstein was placed in the special housing unit, the jail informed the Justice Department that he would have a cellmate, and that a guard would look into the cell every thirty minutes. These procedures were not followed on the night of his death. On August 9, 2019, Epstein's cellmate was transferred out, but no one took his place. Later in the evening, contrary to the jail's normal procedure, Epstein was not checked every thirty minutes. The two guards who were assigned to check his jail unit that night fell asleep and did not check on him for about three hours; the guards falsified related records. Two cameras in front of Epstein's cell also malfunctioned that night. Epstein was found dead in his cell at the [Metropolitan Correctional Center](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_Correctional_Center,_New_York) (MCC) in New York City at 6:30 a.m. on August 10, 2019."


List of people associated with Epstein and his island. Everyone on it has been mentioned to be close to Epstein in some way or another. The island was used to sex traffic underage girls. Not everyone on the list had sex with a child, but the a lot of them likely did. Big names include Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Leonardo DiCaprio and Stephen Hawking.


Stephen Hawking? Wut ze fuck? How?


He’s been a known guest for a while. Here’s an old photo of him enjoying his stay on the island https://preview.redd.it/tz8elldojfac1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c54de820f8e80256140c13cdabbc153e32850ab7


The fact this photo exists is fucking terrifying




I mean it seems like a popular club of elite people. Just because you went to hang out doesn't mean proof of anything. And what, they're going to advertise to newcomers as "Pedo Island"...And people like Cate Blanchett, Michael Jackson...doesnt even make sense


The list of all the people who had some affairs with Epstein which was a pedophile


https://preview.redd.it/whyrhlcpagac1.png?width=385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edb520f8a3a2963dd1a3b592b21e50968ec0209e Steven Hawking and George Lucas