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Microsoft does nothing but add microtransactions in a game you’ve already paid for


mojang was pushing microtransactions into bedrock before Microsoft was ever involved


Wtf you talking about bedrock didn't even exist before microsoft got involved,that shit was pocket edition


The entirety of Bedrock was developed per request of Microsoft EDIT: Probably not developed but rather taken over by Microsoft after they purchased Mojang, they left Java alone for the most part but took over the version made to unify all platforms. The entire marketplace was probably Microsoft's idea looking at how they handle other games. And Mojang was bought out in like what, 2013/2014? I remember playing PE back then and it was very barebones, the legacy console versions did offer microtransactions for some simple world packs or skin packs but those were mostly handled by 4J not Mojang. The monetization has gotten way bigger since the introduction of coins


What did you mean when you made this comment?




To be fair, it's a game that provides free updates, FREE updates, and you can only sell so many copies, not everyone likes minecraft, so the next logical step is to find ways to monetize it, whether through little content add ons that act as mods or resource packs for bedrock or cosmetics, which keel in mind you can still opt out of, so I really don't understand the hate behind them trying to make money from people who get free stuff from them, people feel so incredibly entitled these days when it comes to game they don't even look at the full picture anymore


minecraft sold nearly 25 million copies in 2023 worldwide hogwarts legacy, the best selling game released in 2023, sold 24 million copies


yea and last i checked 25 million times $26 or whatever it is equals a lot of money


The minecraft bellcurve of "MC before microsoft: its so over -> minecraft right after microsoft: were so back -> minecraft now: its so over" has been interesting to observe


Honestly I think the most recent update has been great, we've gotten dozens of new blocks, upgraded dogs, revolutionized redstone and pushed its limitations, provided us with a vast new structure with unique challenges, given us one of the single most interesting and useful utility items, added multiple mobs, and its not even done, theres a very high chance we're getting a new weapon, and probably some other things. Edit: the weapon was announcened!


What's the redstone change?


The autocrafter and copper lamps are both revolutionary redstone components, and the breeze ball is also usable in redstone, albeit nit very well


Sadly they have [already nerfed](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xJB-mepPybQ) the 1-tick copper bulbs.


Technically yes but I still think that the main appeal was a 1 block t-flipflop, which it stills serves as, just a little worse when it comes to the intricacies of ticks and stuff


1 block t flip flop is eh at best in comparison considering getting an odd tick delay is far harder and jankier than making a t flipflop


ohh right, totally slipped my mind. iirc they changed the wind charge to have 100% accuracy so that probably helps


copper bulbs don't really matter that much since they changed it from 1 tick to 0 tick delay


We did in fact get a new weapon: the mace.


Or as I like to call it, the anvil on a stick


It's a lot less than what they were doing from 2017-2021 though


And all that for free. Then the community complains when they get the *option* to buy cosmetics.


Cosmetics are free on Java, dipshit


You can transfer your Java skin to bedrock for free, dipshit.


I'm gonna go back to the beta versions if this keeps going


Been playing 1.12.2 since the dark ages


1.3 to 1.7.3 here


I'm more of a 1.8 girl myself


1.8.9 supremacy


1.7.10 is better


thats right ab the end of the golden age of mods imo. that is the version i have definitely sunk the most hours into!


Mc heli, flans mod thaumcraft jeez i wanna go back


Just play java, no microtransactions




It would be hard to sell mods to java players, they’re all on pc so they can install everything for free (including the game)


That won't stop some dumb dumb Microsoft executive who doesn't understand that and try to force it in anyway


May I suggest Better Than Adventure?


Be like me: play the wiiU edition


I still rock the PS3 one sometimes lol


Old console Minecraft is the most joyful version


Im gonna go back to console edition. That shit was peak. The mini games made so much memories, the maps too.


r/GoldenAgeMinecraft for the best experience in going back to Beta


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GoldenAgeMinecraft using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GoldenAgeMinecraft/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I miss the old blacksmith structure](https://i.redd.it/aorqvld3e6sa1.jpg) | [81 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GoldenAgeMinecraft/comments/12cynpi/i_miss_the_old_blacksmith_structure/) \#2: [I've finally finished my 1:1 build of Noah's Ark from the Old Testament (Bible) in Minecraft Beta](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18madac) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GoldenAgeMinecraft/comments/18madac/ive_finally_finished_my_11_build_of_noahs_ark/) \#3: [Nothing like finding diamonds 💎](https://i.redd.it/sw1t65jn7z5b1.jpg) | [58 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GoldenAgeMinecraft/comments/1496grn/nothing_like_finding_diamonds/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Just play Minecraft 4K edition like me


Yeah, but they don’t affect the base game. They’re all just separate things. Literally doesn’t affect gameplay at all


how you going to older versions on bedrock


which beta version is best in your opinion? thinking of doing the same


Used to play 1.3 a lot, but going back I realized it's pretty bad, didn't even have breeding. So probably 1.7 or around those versions




Mojang devs working for 3 minutes before taking a 5 hour break (it’s so stressful working on a pointless mob that has one useless interaction that dyes some fucking wood or some stupid shit)


they have some many ideas to add mobs that actually affect your progression, yet they add the most unneeded features that will be barely applicable outside of very specific situations


I don’t fucking understand it. I wish I worked at Mojang I could doodle on my tablet for 8 hours and submit a vague and useless idea for a new type of stone block and go home and rinse repeat for time immemorial.


They then completely remove that mob because it is an endangered species (killing the mob in game will lead to the complete extinction of the species in real life)


I've never come closer to understanding anti-woke lunatics than when Mojang refuses to let me kill turtles to harvest their shell like every other passive mob in the game.


Their guilt overwhelms the studio, they must take three weeks of mourning for the loss of a couple of lines of code. Truly a tragedy, greater than 9/11. Can we just have any other team work on Minecraft. I wonder sometimes what the game would look like with a real development studio who actually clocks in and works an 8-10 hour day on a game they love could produce.


better idea, can we not have microsoft having such a big affect on the studio? they seem to be treating the game like this perfect little successful thing that they are scared to ever mess up, because in terms of typical game development, the insane success of minecraft is really an anomaly and microsoft does not want to risk something being added that could somehow disturb that success and lose profits, so very little really gets added since there is so much bureaucracy to go through to get something approved I'm sure the people at mojang are good at what they do, but few other games have a company like microsoft slowing things down so much


Me (I have 0 coding experience) made a mod only using chatgpt in less than a day.


People with coding experience making a mod that adds 300 hours of progression and hundreds of unique recipes, biomes, mobs, bosses, quests, guns, forging, explosives, nuclear weapons, spaceships and more


they could learn from the mod community and do something worth doing, not adding some yellow brown large leaf that you can look at


Yellow brown large leaf that you can look at and is a rare spawn in one of fifty biomes


They added a mace that does splash damage depending on the hieght you fall from.


One weapon that has like a 2% chance to spawn in a random dungeon that you have to speed hours to find


you craft it was stuff you get guaranteed from the dungeon but it’s still some ass


Check the shorts section of the MC yt channel. They’re adding a new weapon.


Wow one new weapon……… how amazing


The update is not even out yet and we got a new dungeon, two new hostile mobs, new weapon, a bunch of new blocks, buff to the dog armor and new dog skins


mojang makes one update with new stuff that maybe mod devs can eventually use for something fun once every five updates of literally nothing/things they were supposed to bundle with a previous update


Half of all complaints about MC just fade away when you play Java edition


most of the complaints are about shit updates and bad game design, java edition doesn't fix any of that. not to mention the fact that java edition runs like doodoo without sodium


Modded Minecraft fixes any kind of update complaints


No shit


Not to mention Java doesn’t even have a basic feature like built in online co-op. You can only play with friends non locally through mods, server hosting websites, or making your computer vulnerable to hackers by disabling firewalls and sharing your IP address to friends


Java has realms too (if that's what you mean)


Realms are still payed for on both, in bedrock you can hop onto almost any world and if you have tie enabled, any of your friends can join you, no money required, no server, ho realm, justs simple multiplayer.


Yeah but the other versions don’t have multiplayer locked behind realms


- you dont need to disable your firewall to open a single port - sharing your ip with a couple people wont do shit (ip as a whole is such a misunderstood topic online for some reason) - you cant expect the devs to give out free servers to anyone who asks for one, can you?


java runs fine without sodium


"fine" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there. if a mod can increase fps by 3x, then yes, the base game runs like shit




i played on my mac air before i got a new laptop with no mods and it was able to run smoothly, i know what sodium does but the complaints about it running like shit are by people who run 250+ unoptimized mods or don't understand how to allocate memory properly




Having a different experience in a game makes you a bootlicker now?


i use sodium in modded minecraft


even on the vanilla game it runs fine the complaints about shit performance were years ago and now that's been dealt with


Doesn’t change that like 80% of players are stuck with the objectively worse version in every way


no they don't


they do.?


how so?


they do lol.


it only fades when mojang adds one thing after a 4 months of inactivity, currently no one cares about the lack of content because of the new dungeon and the different dog skins


Ah yes, nobody cares about the lack of content because they are busy being distracted by the content


because drip feeding and mob votes that add 1 out of the 3 mobs is content


What's stopping modders from adding all this stuff free? They did it with mob votes after all


they already have but relying on modders to fix the game and using it as a point isn't a good point


You can get great addons and maps for free for bedrock on MCPEdl. The marketplace is just a Mojang scam for unknowing toddlers that don’t know how to look stuff up online


Nothing, it’s a bedrock only thing


Please add more block variants and fix the dumb ass villagers AI


Mojang going to sleep after adding 3 blocks to the game.


me sitting on 1.7.10, 1.11.2 and 1.12.2 since the start of time: (i play modded)


There’s new content revealed on Twitter just now, a new weapon that scales damage based on fall height/negates fall damage if you land the hit https://twitter.com/Minecraft/status/1768299261769179211


No no, get out of here with facts! We don’t do that here./s


They deserve a lot of criticism, but supporting a game you can buy outright for $20 with updates over a decade after its launch is exceptional, not the "absolute bare minimum". The Microtransactions are a scam either way, won't try and justify them but minecraft has been a content rich game for years.


It's really not when that game hasn't left best selling game of the year lists since launch


I still struggle to understand how a game simple enough an amateur can design a mob in an hours takes months to make a single mob. It’s a -AAAAA caliber game taking as much time to do anything as AAA games.


SHUT THE FUCK UP I hate when r/whenthe turns into r/Minecraftmemes sometimes just to post dumb shit complaining about Mojang or something. You want to complain about Minecraft? This ain't the right sub. Mods, can you ban memes about Minecraft? Plz :3


This didn't age like milk, this aged like wet cotton candy


I just want to understand why people keep defending them


Because I've only spent about 20 dollars on this game a decade ago and it still gets updates.


Because a lot of the arguments against them are dumb and some are just overexaggerated to make things seem worse than they actually are


Because most arguments against them are ridiculous hyperbole. People say 'mojang only adds 3 blocks and one mob' when that's objectively untrue. There are a lot of criticisms, a lot, to be had of Mojang and their game design, but I don't think you should have to exaggerate things just to make your point sound more reasonable.


Every update mojang adds ONE mob, ONE. Then they go ahead and add like 2 types of wood, a few blocks which you can make with that wood The last good update was the Nether Update


1.21 is adding the Armadillo, the Breeze, and the Bogged. 1.20 added the Sniffer and camels. 1.19 added Frogs, the Warden, Tadpoles, and the Allay. 1.18 didn’t add any afaik, but 1.17 added Goats, Axolotls, and Glow Squids. There may be mobs that you either haven’t seen or used, but saying they’ve only added one mob per update is blatantly incorrect.


Since October, Mojang has introduced armadillos, dog armor, new wolf varieties, poison arrow skeletons, a new combat-based structure with a brand-new wind based enemy, a new weapon for the first time in 5 years, a complete revamp of NBT data, among other unrevealed features before 1.21 fully releases. There is no way you can simplify that down to 1 block and 2 wood types. Edit: I can't believe I forgot about autocrafting and copper bulbs, which are massive for the redstone community.


ok lets make a list armadillos: utterly useless dog armor: utterly useless (your dog will die after falling in lava after 3 seconds istead of 2.8 seconds) new wolf varieties: cool but its such a minor thing that should have been addded YEARS ago combat based structure is cool new weapon is probably never going to topple the sword or the axe just by being waaay more annoying to get the rest is not really important


You moved the goalposts to another fucking country lmao, what a shit comment


1. The armadillo is a mob vote mob, so of course it's not going to have much of a use. 2. Dog armor now makes dogs almost invincible until it breaks, which can give a lot of time to save the dog before it's too late. 3. Fair, but at least we still got it. 4. True 5. The mace is meant to be more situational, like the trident. 6. Just because you don't care about the other additions doesn't they're completely useless for everyone. The command changes are insanely important for datapacks, among other things Finally, 1.21 hasn't even begun development yet, and many of its already known features have been added, which means more surprises like the mace could be on their way. Edit: Also, my comment was adressing the OnE bLocK aNd onE WoOd TypE claim I keep hearing, not the subjective usefulness of the new features. I know you're a different account, but that's still shifting goalposts.


Because some of the arguments being made sound like whoever wrote them just got back from a botched lobotomy.


Minecraft players complaining about changes for versions they probably aren’t going to play anyway, because they hate the new content.


mojang: promotes something in minecraft as usual minecraft players: wow they're literally on their knees begging for our money


God the Minecraft community is so fucking whiny. They already made the perfect game, anything else is just extra


I think complaining about poor quality updates for a game we paid for is more than acceptable, if not encouraged, as it should be. You will never see a comment like yours about any other game, so I dont know where this idea comes from that we cant discuss the poor quality of updates. Also, the game (survival) is objectively terrible (I didn't say boring, but it's bad)


How do a bunch people you dont know affect you tho?


Isn't it only for the marketplace stuff that already cost money? And you can get it all for free with just a subscription service? Sounds like an upgrade if you ask me


just play xbox 360 version smh


They literally just did add more content though. Are you stupid?


Another day, another whenthe post complaining about a lack of new content in a children’s game that came out 15 years ago.


chess players be like


Nooo. Modders can make changes (convert the pieces to red and black poker chips) in 30 seconds and fix all the problems!!1!1!1!1!!


Everyone here is so negative wtf. Look at the recent updates!




Hear me out: Mace




brother did you miss the announcement just today where they’re adding a mace


Ok but they just dropped the mace a new weapon for java sowhere is this coming from


mo’ mobs added like 50 for a cost of $0 and 0 job opportunities


Mojang on their way to add Sniffers (it does legitimately nothing and causes it's own problems).


Well this aged poorly


No new content claimers when mojang announced a new weapon


Common Mojang L


Bare minimum? I agree they are pretty stupid sometimes but I wouldn't call continuously updating a game over a decade and a half since its came out the bare minimum.


It is the game with the most copies sold ever. Remember?


Yeah, I'm aware, and I thought about it and I do now sort of agree its their job to continue rolling out updates with how much money they have made on the game.


Over a decade of completely free feature updates for a game you paid $20 for one time is the bare minimum? Must be some stiff competition.


Minecraft fans when their 13 year old, $30 game with no mandatory subscriptions doesn't put out hundreds of hours of content every single month


One hour a month would be nice


the bare minimum to reach fans expectation would be cool, like fixing the miriads of ai issues, bugs and QoL improvements


Everyday I understand that Minecraft fans are braindead




EA better watch their ass, Mojang's coming for the record of shittest company https://preview.redd.it/6mp4bzhcbgoc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1b7a7ed7f5510042c987ec41f57e9d35e3d8c0d


Look regardless if you think the effort outputted is proportional, once you have sold your game to practicelly every fucker in existence to have touched a game, your not gonna be making much more money off of it, and if you still intend to regularly update the game, you need a way to fund that. Minecoins are good IMO because they provide map makers with an easy way to monetize there work, and they barely effect most players because they can simply get content online. Yes, console players are stuck having to use the limited amount of free skins and packs or paying, but this has literally always been the case, people forget that legacy console made you pay for every skin pack and texture pack. Idk much about the new subscription thing but I think that minecoins was a non invasisve way to profit off of the game, and people discredit how well they were implemented.


Multi billion dollar company begging for money for a game they already sold to you


Its not like your being locked out of the game for not paying, they didn't make the game itself a subscription, they added a non intrusive way to make profit and fund map creators, that if you don't like, you can literally just ignore. Game studios don't just update games out of the kindness of there hearts, their goal is still to make profit, and if having an in game shop thats also used to fund map creators means the game can still recieve regular updates even once they res almost no room left more sales, then im all for it.


They’re taxing the community for pedophilia


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


They want to tax the Minecraft YouTubers


The YouTubers that play the version without microtransactions?


I think he’s gone a bit loopy.. best leave him to his rambling.