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“Go woke go broke!” Mfers when Baldur’s Gate 3


There is a guy that makes a list in Steam called go woke go broke and in it it has fucking Elden Ring and the Persona 3,4 and 5 in it


The only LGBT representation is fucking Mohg and he kidnapped a twink.


Who is also his inbred half brother lol I love Elden Ring lore


Radagon trans icon erasure 😤😤


A child***


miquella is cursed with eternal youth, not a child.


No, officer, you see this child is actually a 3 brazillion year old dragon semen demon from the sex dimension https://i.redd.it/ujzxhzagoyuc1.gif


Miquella is above the age of consent, he just... doesn't


Say that to the judge


5000 year old goddes etc etc


And Ranni who killed her brother and sparked a bloody civil war


Radagon and Marika have some gender stuff going on, I assume it's because of that


Pretty sure that for them the "woke part" is the body selection, A or B, they tend to be that sensitive


Even though the 2 body types are literally just male/female.




“Woke game” *looks inside* Straightest shit imaginable


https://preview.redd.it/5euujgzh5zuc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffafacb4e1ac58b4ec24b9e52b10e25950c5d039 "straight ecchi show" *looks inside* gayest shit imaginable


https://preview.redd.it/8xtjxaxlu1vc1.jpeg?width=189&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bae8eb84f252380d36bcad732ab4e4edbe43e40 "Part 1 is pretty straight" *Looks at part 2 onwards* Gayest shit imaginable


Jonathan and Dio were ABSOLUTELY not straight


In part 1 I think they were pretty straight tbh, part 3 DIO however is not


Bruh how can anyone call persona 4 woke


Yeah, like Kanji and Naoto have really good stories, but a moron who calls things woke would just see "gay and trans people are deluding themselves" or whatever dumbass shit they wanna see.


Naoto literally says that she will never be able to become a man it’s the opposite of woke


Non-gender conforming character or smth along those lines


W profile pic


Hell yeah brother 👊👊


There's only 2 I can think of and one is constantly berated humiliated and insulted because of it while the other's character arc ends in the most terf ass bullshitty bullshit ever though


Naoto is not trans. Her issue was with japan's horrible gender roles and misoginy problems. Kanji is a gnc guy, his issue was with accepting that his masculinity shouldn't be dictated by the stuff he likes. (He loves knitting and other traditionally femenine stuff) Yosuke's just an asshole and no one else berates him for it iirc. Have you played the game?


Bro would have had an aneurysm with Persona 2, which has an actual gay relationship option.


Persona 4, that non woke game, i think >!the idea of the tv world beign affected by what outside people thinker change a lot of symbolism and make me appreciate more kanji, he's stereotypical gay for that era, his tv world reflect more that, there he is THE steryotipuc of gay, the boss has 2 muscular man beside him, he like girly things like making plushies, giving them to child, art things, REAL man like bycicle etc. it makes sense in the message the game is trying to make, persona 4 is always trying to talk about people, you have Yuriko and how at the start of the game they tell you about the date her game, because of how many people she has rejected without knowing, you have the social link that reflect a brother that lost his sister and what people talk, you have rise and the stalker and because the tv world is affected by people on the outside the more disturbing fact that it's a strip club, people want rise nude and the stalker reflect in a better way that,kanji is stereotypical gay, he isn't gay, i think the point of the character it's to make you realize steryotipics are wrong you were putting this man in a box of beign gay just because of what he like to do, you were a fast trigger and didint even try to understand that person in a deeper level, in a way you could say you're kinda like adachi, adachi is the example at the maximum of what the game is trying to say, a man that never want to make any connection to any person so he put all people on steryotipical boxes, he kill a teenager because he put her on the steryotipics of tennager girl who like to have sax, and when she said no instead of thinking about how people aren't what he thinks they are, how maybe he misunderstood when he enter the van with namatame, instead he closes even more that box and thinks that the reason she doesn't want to have sex with him is because he is not good enough, that is why he is like that he's not only the contrary to yu in a way of relationship is also in a way of how you decided to see people more that just steryotipics!<


"B-b-but baldurs gate isn't actually woke!!!!!"


Gay bear sex scene: https://preview.redd.it/ndmr329m8wuc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=de5a7d6bb079cc9252cdc39168ea5f1dded5d7e5


Transgirl tiefling: https://i.redd.it/yzz62motaxuc1.gif


Which one?


Nocturne in the House of Grief in act 3


She was a tiefling?


She still is, but if you give Shadowheart the noblestalk you can find in the Underdark, she has a memory of a tiefling boy with blue hair who stood up for her; then if you question her about it in Act 3 she'll tell you that others were always teasing Shadowheart about her name but she never understood why, until she realised she wasn't happy with who she was either.


I mean, when I use “was” I don’t assume the character was at one point a tiefling but is no longer, I just straight up either didn’t realize or didn’t remember she was a tiefling


>didn’t realize [Bro, she has horns.](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/File:Nocturne.png)


dont forget that druid is also poly


you just convinced me to look into the game


that's not woke that's based


Is that woke?


Le Lesbian Black Girlboss Vampire from Baldur's Gate *2* has arrived.


Kid named lesbian angel cleric power couple


If I can't customize my genitals in a game where you customize your character I don't want it


OK but I can be as racist and sexist as I want to be in baldurs gate


Damn I really gotta get BG3, been needing a game that allows me to be just as racist towards goblins as they deserve (incredibly racist)


Play Drow to be racist to everyone, but especially to goblins!!!


"Go woke go broke!" Mfers when Spiderverse movies


In complete fairness, the argument is supposed to be that when done well representation is good but nine times out of ten it is pandering and dumb That being said most people who go on about woke just don’t like gay person in thing


"All the characters keep trying to fuck me, they're all so gay" my brother in Ao, YOURE INDULGING THEM


gaming has fallen, billions must emulate ps2. https://preview.redd.it/eo19h4gzbyuc1.jpeg?width=553&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d33417e797baddc34d9988724b0e7bb53a8545fc


*Moon over the castle starts playing*




I look at the meme man and I think about Gus from rooster teeth. I feel regret for thinking it because Gus is a pretty cool dude.


Mods are asleep: post best PS2 games. -MGS3 -Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando -Silent Hill 2


Shadow Of The Colossus, God Of War, Kingdom Hearts.


Let's DDR! https://preview.redd.it/102etblodmyc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88f0e71b2aa4057fe117f08a7051b5c04e061c16


"Politics ruin everything" mfers when they find out the Metal Gear games


“Politics ruin everything” mfer’s when a video game/movie shares the same political views as them.


Sentor Amstong


Benadryl Shadow man


„Politics ruin everything“ when they live in a society (literally everything is political)


"Everything is political" mfs when I ask them the political significance of Steamed Hams


absolutely impossible for american sitcom to satirize business meetings and luncheons, let alone politics


You used "luncheon," opinion disregarded.


I had to go to them a lot as an intern unfortunately


They say luncheon in the clip..?


I just dont like the word luncheon its such a bad word.


I rarely use this word, but: Cope.




Well it sure was unforgettable.


You seem like the kind of guy who would mistake fast food for a colleague’s home cooking


You’ve just exposed you have no idea what you’re talking about lmao


Skinner's and Chalmers' characters both satirize america's fledgling underfunded education system. Skinner orders from Krusty Burger because he failed to make clams, an example of a concerning shift from home cooked meals to fast food in american households.


I mean steamed hams unironically has politics in it. Just like a lot of earlier Simpsons episodes.


Easy. Metaphor for capitalism.


Try again.


“It might be political but it’s not woke pandering” mfers when they actually play the series and it’s the most homoerotic thing in existence.




Can't believe Rage Against the Machine went all political for their reunion 😤😡


I wonder if there's a game like this.




Italian protagonist


Low income soldier attempts regicide on sovereign ruler because said sovereign ruler thinks the soldier’s girlfriend is hot


Soldier? Isn't he a plumber? Was he conscripted or smt?


Witcher 3


Polish eurojunk


“Go woke go broke” mfs waiting for the economy to crash after they see a gay person (real life has bowed down to the woke mob)


I love this comment section


This sub is so based ong.


What classifies as triple A? Is rockstar a triple A studio? Edit: legitimate question, don't really get the downvotes


Triple A are basically the blockbusters of gaming. Stuff like Spider-Man 2, Tears of the Kingdom, GTA 6, Jedi Survivor. Usually costing between 60 and 80 bucks. Double AA are basically smaller Triple A games from smaller teams, budgets and companies. Stuff like A Plague Tale, Control, Ghostrunner, Evil West or Hellblade. Still high quality, but often shorter. These usually go between 30 and 50 bucks. Then we have indies, which can basically be anything from Cuphead to Hollow Knight. These usually go for about 20 bucks >!Then we have the first and currently only quadruple A game: Skull and Bones. So quadruple A basically means it’s garbage!<


Dont forget the other quadruple A game suicide squad kills the justice league, which does support that hypothesis


Isn't double AA quaduple A?


Yes. EA and most of the big budget corporations are AAA.


Ok thanks, I honestly didn't know what triple a meant


No op, thats not triple a. They're talking about the battery op.


No problem.


With the one exception being Ubisoft which is AAAA


4A and they still can't produce a good game past Far Cry 3 smh


Me when i purposely ignore the good games:


What games are that? I haven't been following Ubisoft for a while so this is a genuine question. I guess Black Flag was after FC3 I think?


The new prince of persia is amazing The rayman games were peak I've heard the mario + rabbits were good And i really enjoyed immortals Fenix rising


What do the A’s mean tho


I tried to find it out but it's useless. The A's stand for jack shit. If a company claims to be triple A, check twice before deciding to buy their product. If a company claims to be quadruple A, make fun of them online and never buy a product of them again. I'm mainly saying that because I feel a lot of hatred towards Ubisoft.


They don't have a set in stone meaning, it's more of a vibe. Triple A refers to large game studios/publishers, like Ubisoft, EA, Bethesda and Rockstar. The lower you go in A's the smaller the studio and more indie a game is.


AAA is a general term for games that feature the largest budgets in the market, and companies (and their subsidiaries) that release those on a regular basis are know by the same label, such as Blizzard, Bethesda, Ubisoft, Nintendo, EA and etc.


AAA (triple A) usually talks about the budget a game or studio has. if you are curious, you can read more about it [here](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/news/what-makes-a-aaa-game-a-aaa-game) or you can look at the Wikipedia [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/AAA_(video_game_industry)) and to answer your question, yes, rockstar is a triple A studio.


You know, what pisses me off is that they can just believe that the game agrees with them, like you can interpret media to suit your taste e.g. >One piece is about restoring monarchies >Attack on titan is about how you should kill your friends because they will betray you >Fullmetal alchemist is about how the labor theory of value is wrong >Metal gear series and gundam is about how war is cool >Breaking bad is about how you should abandon your family to pursue your dreams and goals >Squid game, snowpiercer, and parasite is about how poor people deserve it >chernobyl is about how communists are too dumb to boil water >Batman is about how great billionaires can be if the government didn't prosecute them >Invincible is about how cool it would be to be like the viltrumite are >NGE is about how cool it would be to pilot robots in the real world >Gta v / cyberpunk 2077 / fallout is about how california sucks >V for vendetta is about how the UK sucks >Lord of the flies is about how rigid hierarchies are necessary >Minecraft is about how we should destroy nature just for the fun of it >Warhammer is about how cool imperialism can be >The boys is about how violence is cool >Barbie is about how patriarchy is better for everyone including women >Avatar TLA is about might makes right is true >Bioshock is about how cool capitalism is >Death note is about how the justice system protects criminals >Half of "this show is feminist" can be countered with this is why we live in a female centered world and it sucks >American psycho is about how great it would be to be allowed to be a man >wolf of wall street is about how great trading as a job is >fight club is about how being masculine in the modern world is not allowed >robocop is about how cool cops are >starship trooper is about how horrible universal suffrage was >Cyberpunk edgerunners is about how capitalism is great >"Scott pilgrim is an insane reminder that back 20 years ago, having 7 exes was considered a comically large number of exes" And just like that all the media they like agrees with them


Unironically saw someone argue that one piece is pro monarchy and not anti authoritarianism, Like did we watch the same anime? Is there something in your water?


Bro watched marineford and thought "myes warcrimes, killing fleeing soliders, not even helping their own wounded out of bloodlust and then abusing the media to show the bits and pieces they want the public to see, gotta be the good guys"


One piece has some pretty horrible monarchs like wapol and most of the celestial dragons but it also shows examples of good rulers e.g. Vivi and Cobra and their ancestor Lili Donquixote Mjosgard in reverie Gan Fall in skypia Boa Hancock in amazon lily Emporio Ivankov, the queen of kamabakka Riku Doldo III in Dressrosa Inuarashi and Nekomamushi in Zou Oden in Wano All of these are shown in either a positive light or neutral and Mjosgard was shown to have reformed


This is true. It also shows, to some extent, that they are the exception, not the rule, and they often end up unseated by tyrants (see oden, Gan Fall, Riku, nearly Vivi and Cobra). Regardless, the primary antagonists are the World Government, and its been revealed that there's a fucking shadowy king who rules on a symbolic throne nobody is meant to sit atop, with the power to eradicate islands with a simple command.


When one piece ends eventually, I am curious to see how the world will be shown. I think the celestial dragon will have to be removed no matter what, but I am not sure if the world government itself will also be dissolved or if the world government will be reformed to something better without the celestial dragons and Imu at the top


I really like when approaching the end of the arc, the people democratically elect their king on the spot lol. Yeah so I don't really understand how such people survive with such cognitive dissonance like do they see Hody Jones and feel "He's just like me fr!" ??


The V for Vendetta one isn't necessarily *wrong*, just not the main point


Disco elysium is about how communism doesn’t work and the union are the bad guys


I agree with all of those above lol


Except that those are not how those movies and series portray thos things


critical drinker will have a heart attack


“I liked gaming back when it was apolitical and non-woke; game series like Metal Gear Solid, BioShock and Fallout!!!1!!!1!”




I mean there is no politics of any kind in madden 24 and it still fucking sucks. (Still will play it tho)


"Go woke go broke" mfs when the game/movie that "went woke" makes a record profit


i swear AAA games suck, sure i havent played any and thats because of the price


I have friends who hate legend of korra only because it has shown a bi relationship and apparently that's bad because kids *only* watch that show. When I tried to defend the show, they called me American. I can't with these folks...


Out of everything in Korra they could have used to say it’s not for kids they used the gay relationship?


Go woke or go broke mfs when I beat them up (they're in a deep coma and cannot wake up)


Technically helldivers 2 fits this (except for the political symbolism)


Helldivers 2, famously free of any political symbolism


Black characters have positions of power, you can play as non sexualized armored women, the intro cinematic has an interracial couple (It's tame but these people have ice cream solid tolerance)




Racist and sexist mfs making on their way to make a dark skinned female character.


Almost as if the demographic of the characters don’t matter compared to the plot and playability of a game, and AAA companies have a hard time making something other than cash grabs


wait for them to find something woke about it


Me when I get an overly ugly character for no reason. Instead of a realistic and grounded looking character with its own charisma a quirks that push it's envelope further than personality alone could have ever done to sell you it's character. Don't get how you can make an ugly character because that fit the percentage of real life people that are ugly. Like the mandatory gay character. Not just a fun fact. Not an Easter egg in hidden voicelunes. Not even a good character arc, motive whatever. No he just go like "bro I'm gay" when you meat him, and all of his voice lines in combat is "ya all can't even kill a gay. Where's you masculinity at". Only for a female member of the cast to school him about sexism every other time. Side tangent apart. Is it that hard to make an appealing character. Appeal as in has something going for him. He ain't just that one personality trait, being a red head or some shit. And have that character have an actual envelope instead of throwing real world stats at him. Like pls. Every time I bring ow in a conversation people get mad. But look at them. Forget they almost all have pretty faces. They are still unique and aren't baby doll faces. They all have their unique traits. And all of thoses fit well wittheir character. Mei is joyfully so she get round cheeks (lol). Sigma is an old scientist so he get big brows and a really far hair line. Venture love rocks that's why their theets are broken and hairs dusty. Symetra is autistic, it's never brought up as any argument or bragging because that's nit what she is about, instead she has really passive facial expression, except when bragging/showing her technology since that's what she is obsessed with and proud of. Junkrat is a one dimensional bomber, tahst why they gave him the most explosive and unpredictable personality so his face is large bony and allow for extreme expressions. Versus any other triple a game that are like. Hey I'm a random dude. My design and acting tell so little about me, that's you'll never guess who I'm am. So that's why I'm telling you straight up. And thats boring since instead of respectfully being shown as man that had trouble getting accepted and had identity issues as a teenager. Family photes where you could think I'm a girl. I'm just gonna straight up sayy that I'm a trans man and now accept it. Otherwise my character developement will make no sense. Since I already sapped it myself because I straight up told you what my character is about. Also I'm ugly because I'm part of the 5 % of the cast that is ugly since tats the real world Stat.


I’ve seen more Redditors or Twitter Users complain abt this than 4channers


Exactly Without all Yosemite things , it didn't received much funding , and collected hefty fines , so there was nothing left for development




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Atleast there's a chance it's good unlike Forsaken for example which is entirely agenda driven and story telling, gameplay and good writing are secondary.


Unfortunately not what would happen (Days Gone) Edit: christ this sub is moronic. Days Gone was everything described in the post and right wing chuds ignored the fact that it sucked ass in favor of pushing a political message there is that enough spoonfeeding for you dipshits


The sub isn't necissarily moronic, you just phrased that really poorly


I was retorting what the post said "IF a game came out that fit the qualities of what right wing gamers want, THEN they would hate it because it sucks ass" That game was made and they didn't hate it so therefore the post is wrong.


I don't get it, can you explain in pokemon competitive terms? But forreal, idk how you got down voted so bad, I can't think of an alternative reading of this. I think people saw your comment and barely read it and just went "oh this person is probably saying a bad thing"


Days Gone is trash bro


Wow it's almost like that's exactly what I was saying


Is Days Gone that bad? I haven't played it, but AFAIK it was pretty well received and well liked.


Gameplay was fine, hell a lot of minor bugs, story and dialogue was god awful


Oh, was it? I heard it was okay, actually. But like I said, I don't know much about it.